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Everything posted by Brainsforbrunch

  1. I was training it in ev area with macho brace.. couldn't save the clip as I'm out of memory, but made some space in case it happens again. Think it happened by clicking on the 0pp move over and over while mindlessly training it. Either way, I'll be sure to add a video next time it occurs. Thanks anyways.
  2. So, I've been having this glitch happen to me where my pokemon will randomly struggle when I have no pp in the first move slot, but still have playable moves. Today it costed me a surrender as if I lost the match, even though I clearly did not lose. I would like the money returned to my account (50k) or whatever the max was that they took. Please look into the bug as it's been happening a lot to me. Thanks.
  3. same as this, im online right now "brainsforbrunch"
  4. if you go on official discord, and click on the general thread, then click on "pinned messages" you'll find the new forms.
  5. Hello, I've been thinking there should be a button somewhere in the pokedex to show the pokemon's cry. I find myself hunting a lot and often go by the sound it makes as I'm mindlessly hunting while watching tv or something. I'd be a nice addition to add a button where you could preview the sound a poke makes in the pokedex before going in to hunt, and become a bit more aware when it actually shows up. Thank you
  6. interested in buying all the super mario sets. mario/luigi/wario/waluigi how much for all?
  7. Hello, I've noticed that for the past couple of months fishing contest has not been alternating to an "afternoon" time for (EST) players. Everytime I wanna do fishing contest I have to be up at ungodly hours in order to participate. Before at the very least it used to alternate or randomize times, but for the past couple of months it has been consistently at "6am EST"... whatever that is in gmt+2. I suggest that it alternates between 6am-6pm, one week being 6am, the next being 6pm for fairness. It's definitely unfair to some of the player base, to be excluded in such a way.
  8. +1 (if you work hard for the items you should be able to trade and sell them, at least monthly like pve does)
  9. Hello, Just wanted to suggest that when the train pass is active it should have a symbol on the top left like when MS, BMS, WQ, etc are active. I find my train pass running out all the time and having to pay the fees simply on the fact that I didn't notice since I'm used to just clicking to use the train or boat without reading. Would be nice if there was a visual cue to let us know it ended. - Thank you
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