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Everything posted by Kary0plasma
Icicle Spear is not a priority move. Additionally, all 3 pokemon you mentioned are naturally faster than Cloyster. Cloyster has a base speed of 70, Dragonite has 80, Mega-Garchomp 92 and Tyranitar 71.
Favourite Anime opening song or OST
Kary0plasma replied to Waleed1301's topic in Music & Video Corner
I like Opening 13 more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJgJTTIbMDI -
You need the 8th Johto badge (Blackthorn) to use the train station.
Hard -1 for different spawns. Availability of all the pokemon without the hassle of switching servers every month is a big boon to this game. I always hated the exclusive spawns in the handheld games as well, it was a dumb cash grab concept that has no place in a fan-made MMO. That said, the idea of having an exclusive legendary based on the server as some other user suggested would be fine and a time difference would be ok as well. Gold and Silver are already different when outbreaks and WQs happen. Doesn't need to be forced more.
Newbie Guide: How to beat Kanto - Guide in progress
Kary0plasma replied to Bhimoso's topic in Work In Progress
Get a Sturdy Magnemite and let it use Thunderwave on the Mewtwo. Or even better: train a Sturdy Magnemite and evo it to Magnezone, go to the relearner to teach it Mirror Coat and let Mewtwo oneshot itself. -
You need to complete all 3 areas (Forest, Mountain, Underwater) and collect the orbs. Then speak with the Elder in Matsuki Village again before going to the temple.
[Tool] PRO BetterHunt - Enhanced Hunting Statistic
Kary0plasma replied to Aquacry's topic in Tech Corner
OCR is the only way to get this information without hooking into the the client which would probably trigger a ban pretty quickly. -
Normally, the mission starts despite the error.
denied Enable the usage of upper case letters on the in-game chat
Kary0plasma replied to Kaasfondue's topic in Suggestions
-1 I agree with Prehax here, it would serve no function other than making the chat even more unreadable. Also it's a good idea to only allow staff members to type in caps because that makes their role so much harder to fake. I can already smell the scam attempts if this is changed. -
I said it once, I said it a thousand times: this argument is flawed and additionally, the rework did nothing to prevent the core issue you are seeing in this. Yes, some players did not understand that the tiers that make up the spawns in the map are the most important factor for the spot and not just the tier of the target. The number of times I had to convince people to farm Shuppet in Mt. Pyre 1-3F (T5) instead of outside (T4) has more ciphers than 22 divided by 7. Anyway, now people are forced to look at the other spawns on the map, so all should be good, right? Wrong. The encounters that waste most of your hunting time are the ones in the now bundled "common" tier, since naturally those are the ones you are running away most from. But here lies the issue: Former T1 pokemon are about 3 times as often encountered than former T2 pokemon. The chasm between T2 and T3 is not that enormous, but still noticeable. Just to give you an idea how skewed the "common" category is: it would be more fitting to reality to split common/uncommon/rare like this: Common - T1 Uncommon - T2-5 Rare - T6-9 That's how bad T1 encounters are. As an example, look at Route 1 at daytime, it has 3 commons (Rat, Pidgey, Sentret), 1 uncommon (Furret) and 1 rare (Shinx). If you ever tried to farm Shinx on Route 1, you will probably know that you are better off investing your time watching paint dry because it will be close to impossible to encounter. Now take a look at Evergreen Waterway and imagine farming Magby: 3 commons (Sandshew, Sandslash, Sentret), 2 uncommon (Vulpix, Skitty) 2 rare (Munchlax, Magby). This spot looks much, much worse on paper than hunting Shinx on Route 1. But the opposite is true, because the commons on Route 1 are 2 T1s and a T2, the uncommon is T4. On Evergreen, the commons are 1 T1, 1 T2, 1 T3 and the uncommons are both T5, which makes it much, much better. So what exactly did this update do, apart from shifting from "Oh my target is 1 tier lower somewhere else" to "Oh there are 3 commons in that route with my target, this must be terrible"? Exactly, absolutely nothing. People will not go and "try out the spawn" as it was glorified in the update sentiment (I'm not even calling it patch notes or explanation, that would be a disgrace), they will go to Evergreen Waterways, encounter 3 Sandshrews, 3 Sandslashes and 3 Sentrets by an unlucky random distribution and go like "This spot is trash, put it on the shitlist" and go to a different one. Thinking that people who didn't even take their time to understand the old tier system, as flawed as it was, will now thoroughly explore the new hunting spots, is illogical and nonsensical, wishful thinking. The conclusion you have drawn that players want to be lied to is absurd and insulting. Players hate the new system because it fixes nothing and obscures reality even more. That is the reason people were so up in arms, not because they "hate Prehax" or don't appreciate his work.
Disobedience does not exist in PRO. Also since this Pikachu is your OT, it would have been obedient even in the original games. Disobedience only ever applied to outsider (basically means traded) pokemon. The only exception to that were Mew and Deoxys, who additionally needed to be met in a fateful encounter.
Let's see if I can get 3 legendaries! :O
Kary0plasma replied to Thatkid's topic in General Game Talk
2 out of 3 is pretty good! I got Hydreigon, Regirock and Solgaleo (even a good roll on the last one =D). -
Nasty Plot is an event move on Pika.
Where is the best place and way to get mudkip ?
Kary0plasma replied to Bilytkdi's topic in General Support
Correction here, the X-mas event map where Mudkip spawns is called "Burring Straight Under Water", with 2 r and under water are 2 words, while there is a map called "Buring Straight Underwater" which replaces the X-mas version for now and is accessible. Mudkip doesn't spawn there, but it's the source of some confusion since the map names are so close. -
Did that. On 2 accounts. Do I feel my time is wasted? Nope. Do I feel like it was the community's fault that the WQ failed? Absolutely.
Bump since I'm wondering about that as well.
Blaming the devs depite the Bidoof WQs literally being free tickets encapsulates how bad and lazy this community is. First off, I hope you don't really complain about 200 pokeballs that you have to use in order to get this quest done. It's literally one boss fight worth of pokeballs, so if you complain about that you might as well complain about having to buy a bike to access bike road in Kanto to have a shortcut to Fuchsia during the story playthrough. Secondly, the Bidoof WQ was super easy. You just went farming some Croagunk (212 South) or Riolu (203) while catching all the Bidoof you encounter. Took maybe 3 hours for the 3.5m and 2 hours for the 2.5m one. If you were literally only looking for Bidoof, there is not much anyone can do to help you, sorry. The quest was as free as it can get. Thirdly, the low-tier WQs are way better looking at the consistency of time invested vs reward. Hunting an unrepellable T8 like Charmander is just based on luck, it can take 2 hours to complete or it can take 2 hours to just get a single encounter that then happens to have 40IVs total in which case, even tho the user put in the effort to participate in the WQ, RNG simply said "nope". Funnily enough, I don't hear any complaints about that happening. But damned be the world and the WQ is a repellable high tier. People literally repel-trick to get a ticket and lemme get this clear as day: the cost of repelling a single high-tier is higher than the cost of catching 180 Bidoof. The WQ failed because of the abysmal and sodden crying and bitching of the community. "Don't waste your time, WQ gonna fail anyway", "Boohoo my pokeyballz", "It's useless to hunt Bidoof, so I am not doing it.", "LOL as a compensation we have to do this [heck] and it will fail lmao". Great job, self-fulfilling prophets, sorry that Walross expected a baseline of effort and not just magically teleported a ticket into your bags. Must be really rough being you if you have to complain about that. The Bidoof extermination was a fun break from the usual monotony in the game and I enjoyed it a lot. Did both quests on 2 accounts and haven't felt my time was wasted at all. Got a kick-[butt] Croagunk in the process, so thanks for nudging me into farming one. I probably wouldn't have done it without the WQ. The only issue with the WQs were that it was such a hassle to run between the cultist and the PC a million times to sacrifice a shipment of Bidoof. There should be made some work in that department since this is pretty much the only valid complaint. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Lets talk together about Staff & Player relationship !
Kary0plasma replied to Shinohara's topic in General Game Talk
Depends entirely on where you live and what kind of age verification you circumvent. For example, it's not illegal for EU citizens to lie to Google (and therefore YouTube) when they are being asked about their age when making an account as it's just volunteered information. But it would be illegal to forge a document to proof your age should Google require you to do so to access content. -
Lets talk together about Staff & Player relationship !
Kary0plasma replied to Shinohara's topic in General Game Talk
I hope you don't think that the "survey" that you posted in your YouTube channel is even slightly representative or should even be commented at, so I am going to forgo that you brought it up and address the other points from the view of a by-stander. You're right that you cannot stop people from fake reporting you that's just how people are like when they crave attention, however I am confused as to why you bring it up. You made it very clear in your posts that you think your ban is justified and that you accept it. So what is the point of telling people how the ban changed you and how you dropped the toxic behavior you were exhibiting? That just means you are feeling remorse and that you matured, congratulations. As I said, some of the things should probably have been discussed in private, but I really don't think it was done to discredit you. Calling it "the most immature thing [you've] ever seen from an admin" is just a mindless hyperbole. In general, I found his answers in this thread rather conclusive so far and I don't understand why you have the feeling of not being heard. Keita probably heard you a bit too well. Being toxic in response to toxicity is still being toxic and should be punished. So if someone reports such an altercation, both parties will get punished, or neither party, as I have experienced in the past. Naturally, that means that you have to hold your tongue more than others, but that is the price of fame, so to speak. Requesting leniency because of that is not the answer, it just extrapolates the problem. If a mod in chat sees [heck] like in your screenshots, I am sure they will punish the idiots accordingly, but of course they are not always around, not much you can do about that if you don't want to report. Then ignoring them is the next best thing you can do. Another point: Why are you so adamant that PreHax didn't get punished just because staff didn't oust him? Or do you feel that removal from the staff team is the only valid way of changing something? I mean, looking at it realistically, PreHax stopped with the sarcastic emoji reactions in this thread even tho he has been active in the forum. Just that my intentions are clear: I understand your problem and I don't want to convince you, I just feel that your view on the matter is a bit one-sided. -
Lets talk together about Staff & Player relationship !
Kary0plasma replied to Shinohara's topic in General Game Talk
Aight, gotta say what I gotta say about things like this. Keita merely replied to you when you were asking for answers. The only thing you can really accuse him of is that it could have been discussed in private and that he could have asked beforehand if it was OK to publicly divulge that drama. But you really cannot blame him for answering a direct question in a thread about transparency, come the heck on. I still agree that PreHax acted poorly and I still think he should at least publicly acknowledge that his behavior was straight from the gutter, but I have no reason to distrust Keita when he says that staff does handle it internally which implies PreHax got the instruction to shut up and concentrate on his staff duties for the time being. The one trying to make this thread about yourself is you and only you. I don't think anyone else here would answer the question what this thread is about with "That Belzebel is a bad girl." Look, I'm very sorry that people heckle you about your Patreon, but you should honestly have had the foresight to see that coming. If it pisses you off so much, you should just report the offenders and put them on ignore. Complaining about it in a thread like this is out-of-place and adds nothing of value. It only makes it look like you are salty that you got banned and want some form of absolution. -
Lets talk together about Staff & Player relationship !
Kary0plasma replied to Shinohara's topic in General Game Talk
I disagree. I dislike Christiano Ronaldo but I like Headphones. -
31/31 HP fire is impossible to obtain. HP Fire requires even IVs in both SPATK and SPEED. You could search for one with HP Ice tho.