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Everything posted by Riyubas453

  1. -1 i got $598 from wild poke
  2. Mew still can not learn Rock Polish
  3. still not fixed
  4. Yes, i hope we can get Xmas Arceus this year
  5. bump my bug, i hope it fixed on xmas client.
  6. start drapion 5m
  7. SERVER: SILVER i have 2 xmas beard before (from reward xmas event 2016 & 2017) but now is gone. but now i have 4 xmas hat (left & right) haha
  8. Summer Gabite, found by accident at Sinnoh. it trash btw with quiet nature.
  9. yes, because they are Staff
  10. Weavile & Ninjask Hat Maniac Hat Eeveelution Hat Wings Pikachu Headgear & Tail Eaty Hair :v
  11. RIP. no more Reporter abuse. and also, i will delete this Reporter Poke
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