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Everything posted by Riyubas453

  1. Pika headband
  2. shiny victini is not enough for you? you want more?
  3. It has been more than 2 years that there is no bonus exp event 5%. what happen? and why you removed it? Valentine Event Easter Egg Event Anniversary Event Hallowen Event Xmas Event
  4. Bring back bicycle to coin shop and add more colors like black, white, etc. I already had red blue and green bicycle, and i need more colors.
  5. -1 because it is in the building +1 because we can't running on this game
  6. I prefer Hairstyle from Pokemon Characters Bonus
  7. All good. but you forget to add Chrismast Cracker to Coin Shop and Bonus Exp. Event 5%
  8. it will take 20min until they struggle
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