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Everything posted by Riyubas453

  1. i play on both server
  2. +1 Disable/Enable Animation
  3. +1 [spoiler=PRO 2017 Xmas Event]
  4. Just make Wailmer mount Faster! Its cute mount!
  5. I miss the old days. Anniversary Event Hallowen Event X-mas Event Valentine Event Easter Egg Event Bonus Exp Event
  6. So, sync 100% work right now?
  7. closed.
  8. Can you Remove Goodra, Hydreigon, Lucario, Metagross, Rotom, Salamence, Tyranitar, Volcarona, Zoroark and Change to Greninja, Scolipede, Excadrill, Dragalge, Braviary, Serperior, Slurpuff, Sandslash-Alolan, Ninetales-Alolan. (All H.A)
  9. closed.
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