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Everything posted by Geomine

  1. Hello i talked to the man that i usually talk to get in safari for 2k he offers me an option to buy pass for 50k i did it but every time i talk to him he dont let me have an option to enty Safari zone for 2k each instead he is still trying sell me a safari pass and if i press yes he is showing thst message so can y tell me how j supposed to get in ev zone?
  2. Hope you like my new video with shiny friendly battles
  3. Any price you are looking for? You want do auction or just look for offers
  4. I start the jolly anorith 1m and i bid 1m on Armaldo
  5. If its hp ground maybe 8,5-10m if not around 2
  6. In game name geomine Server gold Delevel to 98 pls :3
  7. -1 i understand that sometimes is frustrating when is all perfect expect nature cause sync fail and a lot of times i wished was an item i can change the nature but if the items is like the nature reroll of legendary pokemons that you can choose the nature you want will be very op and eventually will ruin the economy
  8. You maybe reading wrong thread cause we dont talk here about helping new players getting ms/mount or Shiny we talking about a possible output of an addition of an membership that will increase the chances to encounter shinys in the wild and how this could break the economy of shinys they reason prices flew up on coin items was demand if there is a lot of demand and not supply prices will be high if there is a lot supply but not demand price will fall is like roller coaster in 2018 there was a moment that cc was 600k and at early 2019 cc was worth 200-250k now is back at 400-450k you see is just a roller coaster of demand and supply
  9. Its just your opinion about that but a lot of people whould pay 40+m for some Shiny my point wasn't to tell you how much money you will make or you will need to catch one shiny ferroseed my point was that as the time will pass after this addition the shiny prices will be dropped so hard and rare shiny collections will be something normal and thats not nice rare shinys must be remain rare and not something common and also it will lead to destruction of the shiny economy that a lot of people making money on it
  10. Is a waste of time trying explain you what's the funny thing collect shinys and event pokemons as i dont think you will understand it doesn't matter if you have catch any rare shiny to starr collect them personally in 1,6k hours inside the game i havent catch any shiny hier that tier 2 but still i got a nice collection of shinys and event so i cant understand your point there and also i cant understand how black ms is unfair is not breaking the economy of the game since he only gives you 20% more chance that the poke will be h.a y already have 5% without him so total of 25% that means 1/4 pokes normally will be h.a now lets say that work perfectly and you hunting dratini the time you will get to catch one with repel is 20-30min that mean you get 2 on average per hour so in 2 hour you have catch at least 1 h.a now that h.a is also need to have the right nature that if you run synchronize is 50% and be lucky to have good ivs and especially at tue important stats. So tell me how is breaking the economy when you need so Much thing else to work and not only bms.. The medalion that decrease the possibility to get you shiny poke buy 60% hell yeah will destroy the economy of the server and let me give you an example With the shiny medalion you have 1/2000 chances to encounter shiny pokemon in the wild So you and 10 more guys go to hunt ferroseed (shiny ferroseed trash goes for average 35-40m+) so lets see how much time will take you catch one If you encounter 2 per hour you hunt for 10h a day so 20 ferro per day 600 per month so if you are not lucky you will have catch one Shiny ferroseed in 3-4m but since the chance's are lowered the price of a shiny ferroseed will be lowered to since is very common so he will worth lets say 10-20m. In case you haven't understand yet in 4months the price of shiny ferroseed one of the rarest and most expensive in the game got down in the half and as the month's will pass he will go down more and more, also and the others rare shinys to. This is how you destroy shiny economy
  11. Totally disagree i recorded the full run and with my current team i do 30min exactly to finish all 11 bosses so for 15k and 30min job 25pve coins seems very well the only thing they could fix is when server crash not lose the run cause it happened to me a lot of times the server crash in the final boss or somewhere in the middle of the run :/
  12. Totally agree but the solution i have find on that is just increase the size of chat the bad thing on that is sometimes is annoying when you play from Android
  13. When you finish every boss he heals you automatically your pokemons (its true that not refill the pp used) and also about the first point lets take for example the diglett cave you just have to change the klefki in second slot and bring one other poke in first slot then if you forgot to change the pokes just press no when the boss will ask you if you are sure you want to face him or just simply use repels till you get there xd
  14. I know is not very important additional but i totally agree with you and i whould love to see something like that in game
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