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Please, do note that while our Developers are actively working on PvP updates and fixes, you may still encounter some bugs during battles.

Keep an eye on our PRO Official Discord and our Update Logs to stay updated about any rule change and in general any game announcement/update.

As a reminder, PvP reports should be filed in our Report Center. Please make sure to provide enough evidence to support your claim. Failure in doing so will result in the dismissal of your report.



PVP Rules

  1. Every match should be played out in a timely manner. Time-, PP-, Switch- or any type of stalling beyond reasonable usage is not allowed. Video evidence is required and without it we will not take actions. Video evidence may be deemed insufficient at Moderators discretion.
    • PP-stalling: Using moves to unnecessarily extend a match's duration with no proper reasoning such as using healing moves instead of attacking
    • Switch-stalling: Switching your Pokemon around with no proper reasoning instead of attacking.
    • Time-stalling: Waiting until the last few seconds to make your move on every single turn, prolonging the match more necessary.
  2. Boosting in any form in Ranked PvP, random ranked included, is forbidden. Action will be taken if caught or attempted. | Rule explanation
    • Playing against someone under the same network connection is considered boosting as staff is unable to verify if it's actually two different people playing.
  3. Intentionally queuing against a user to aid yourself or another user in the form of Rating, PvP Coins, etc will be considered as Ranked Boosting and will be punished accordingly.
  4. You can use only 2 of your own accounts to PvP within each season. Using any account you do not independently own, or using more than 2 accounts, will result in severe punishment.
    • Each account may only PvP on one server.
    • You may only have one account in the Top 25 at any point in the season.
      • This means one account across both servers – you cannot have one account in the Top 25 on Silver and another in the Top 25 on Gold.

  5. Using false information or offering compensation to incite players to disconnect or draw in a Ranked Battle is prohibited and considered Illegitimate Rank Boosting. Please refer to Rule Explanation for more information.

  6. Violating any of our specific PvP Clauses will result in sanctions.


PVP Clauses


  1. Species Clause: The same two Pokemon should not be on the same team.
    • This includes the use of more than one Rotom form or a Pokemon together with its Alolan counterpart.
  2. Sleep Clause: If you have already put a Pokemon on your opponent's side to sleep, and it is still sleeping, you cannot put another one to sleep.

    This rules is not induced by self-sleep inducing moves, such as Rest. Video evidence is required.

    • Natural Cure - Two Pokemon can be put to sleep if, and only if, the first Pokemon has Natural Cure (The reverse order would violate the clause as the Natural Cure Pokemon would be on the field asleep with an additional Pokemon being asleep in the party).

    • Pokemon that use U-turn/Volt Switch on the turn that they wake up will show as asleep until they are back on the field

  3. Endless Battle Clause: Any moveset that is capable of intentionally cause an endless battle is banned. More specifically:
    • Recycle + Leppa Berry.
    • Harvest + Leppa Berry.
    • Trace + Leppa Berry.
    • Role Play + Leppa Berry.


Banned Moves / Abilities / Pokemon / Items / Combination

The following moves are banned from the Ranked PVP Battles. The system is developed in a way where you cannot queue with them.

  • Banned Moves 
    • Belch - (Even without eating a berry, this move still can be used).
    • Doom Desire - (Doesn't have charge up turns).
    • Razor wind - (No charge up round).
    • Stockpile - (Can be used more than 3 times).
    • Phantom Force - (Not coded, Phantom Force attacks in the same turn instead of becoming invulnerable and attacking the next turn).
    • Ice Ball - Move is coded improperly
    • Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, and Sheer Cold OHKO Moves
    • Baton Pass - Possess a threat to the health of the meta / PVP Council approval
    • Last Resort - (Wrongly coded) Can be spammed because the usual penalties that should apply for it aren't coded. Such as using at least once each Move of the Pokémon's Moveset before being able to use Last Resort.
    • Swagger
    • All moves with a chance to reduce accuracy or raise evasion
      • Acupressure
      • Double Team
      • Flash
      • Kinesis
      • Leaf Tornado
      • Minimize
      • Mirror Shot
      • Mud Bomb
      • Mud-Slap
      • Muddy Water
      • Night Daze
      • Octazooka
      • Sand Attack
      • Secret Power
      • Smokescreen
  • Banned Abilities 

    • Shadow Tag and Arena Trap
    • Fly + Gale Wings - (Fly gets priority in its first phase and looses this priority in its second phase).
    • Battle Bond - (Voted by the council)
    • Moody - (Voted by council for its noncompetitive nature)
  • Banned Pokemon
    • Shaymin-Sky - (The normal Shaymin version is allowed)

    • Unobtainable Pokemon - (This refers to staff spawned Pokemon)

    • Aegislash

    • Arceus

    • Darkrai

    • Deoxys

    • Dialga

    • Genesect

    • Giratina

    • Groudon

    • Ho-Oh

    • Kyogre
    • Kyurem-White
    • Lugia

    • Lunala

    • Mewtwo

    • Palkia

    • Rayquaza

    • Reshiram

    • Solgaleo

    • Baby XD001

    • Xerneas

    • Yveltal

    • Zekrom

    • Zacian

    • Zamazenta

  • Banned Items

    • Metronome - Banned temporarily due to bug caught by Developers.
    • Gengarite - Mega Gengar possesses the ability "Shadow Tag".
    • Blazikenite - Mega Blaziken possess a threat to the health of the meta.
    • Salamencite - Mega Salamence possess a threat to the health of the meta.
    • Lucarionite - Mega Lucario possess a threat to the health of the meta.
  • Banned Combinations 

    • Natural Cure/Serene Grace Chansey or Blissey with Psywave, are banned from ranked play. Chansey or Blissey must have its Hidden Ability in order to be played with Psywave.
    • Technician/Swarm Scizor with Curse, are banned from ranked play. Scizor must have its Hidden Ability in order to be played with Curse.
    • Lycanroc-Midnight with Accelerock, are banned from ranked play. It's not possible for Lycanroc-Midnight to learn Accelerock as its a move exclusive to Lycanroc-Midday and Lycanroc-Dusk.
    • Pikachu or Raichu with Surf & a pre-evolution move from Pichu or any egg move or its Hidden Ability, are banned from ranked play. This is due to an illegal move combination.
    • Spoiler

      Egg moves/Breeding moves
      Lucky Chant
      Fake Out
      Electric Terrain
      Double Slap
      Disarming Voice
      Pre-Evolution moves
      Sweet Kiss
      Nasty Plot


    • Sheer Force Landorus-Incarnate is banned from ranked play.
    • Speed Boost Blaziken is banned from ranked play.
    • Protean Greninja is banned from ranked play.
    • Shedinja with Focus Sash is banned from ranked play.
    • Sun/Moon/USUM Celebrate Pokemon Center event Pokemon with Generational Transfer moves.
    • Spoiler



      Shaymin (land and sky)




      Alolan Exeggutor


      Vulpix alolan








Credits to:

Singham & Flik - Established the first PvP Rules thread.

Windypuff, Kagawa & Alaris- Updating thread.

Letrix - Revamped and updating thread.

Qeight - Revamped and keeping thread updated.

Shinohara - Revamped and keeping thread updated


  • Like 34
  • Checked/Done 8



Please do not contact staff members for private support

Share your questions on the forums as they could be useful to others

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  • Administrator




February 20th, 2025:
- Updated Rule 4. Players may now only PvP on one server at a time. Players may now only have one account in the Top 25 at any time, updated from "at the end of season".

September 9th, 2024:
-Removed Sablenite + mawilite from the Banned item lists.

March 17th, 2022:

- Added Shedinja + the item Focus Sash to the banned combination list.


March 3rd 2022:
- Added Baby XD001 to the banned pokemon list.

February 20th 2022:
- Added Moody to the Banned abilities.

January 29th, 2022:

- Added Lucarionite and Kyurem-White to the list of banned items/pokemon.

January 23th, 2021:

- The combinations Lycanroc-Midnight + the move Accelerock is now banned from Ranked PvP.


December 22nd, 2020:

- The move "Phatom Force" is now banned from Ranked PvP.


November 16th, 2020:

- The item "Blazikenite" is now banned from Ranked PvP.


November 1st, 2020

- The ability "Battle Bond" is now banned from Ranked PvP


October 26th, 2020

- Reworded Sleep Clause, removed Time stalling due to the rework on timer.


October 19th, 2020

- The combination "Pokémon with Mega Evolutions + Eviolite" is now unbanned from Ranked PvP


October 17th, 2020

- The combination "Pokémon with Mega Evolutions + Eviolite" is temporarely banned from Ranked PvP


October 6th, 2020

- The item "Gengarite" is banned in Ranked PvP


August 31st, 2020

- The move "King's Shield" is banned in Ranked PvP


August 19th, 2020

- The combination Swarm/Technician Scizor + Curse is banned in Ranked PvP 

August 11th, 2020

- The combination Wonder Guard + Focus Sash is unbanned in Ranked PvP

- The move "Endure" is unbanned in Ranked PvP


February 17th, 2020
- The item "Metronome" has been banned temporarily due to bug
February 15th, 2020
- Some clear clarification and hard emphasis regarding Attempted/Illegitimate Rank Boosting
January 9th, 2020
- Rule 2. has been updated
January 6th, 2020
- Burnup has been removed from banned moves
December 24th, 2019
- Kyurem has been unbanned
November 19th, 2019
- removed Last Resort from bannable moves
November 15th, 2019
- removed Memento + Focus Sash from banned moves
November 13th, 2019
- Defeatist now works correctly and is therefore unbanned
August 25th, 2019
- updated wording of our time stalling rule
July 18th, 2019
- Clefable with Unware and Soft-Boiled been removed from Rule 1 as the issue has been fixed
July 11th, 2019
- Unburden now can be used and has been removed from Rule 1
June 30th, 2019
- Shell Bell has been removed from the Banned Items
June 27th, 2019
- Updated the entire thread
- Changed order of the PvP Rules, removed non bannable things from this thread
- Removed Thread Rules and Report format
- Combined banned Abilities/Moves/Items
- Formerly Rule 10 regarding Rotoms has been clarified under the species clause
- Formerly Rule 9 regarding Clefable has been mixed in with Rule 1
- Formerly Rule 11 regarding Pikachu/Raichu + Surf has been mixed in with Rule 1
- Formerly Rule 6 regarding Shadowtag and Arena Trap has been mixed in with Rule 1
- Rule 8 has been added regarding breaking PvP Clauses
- Natural Cure / Serene Grace Chansey or Blissey with Psywave has been banned
June 4th, 2019
- Edited Rule 5
June 1st, 2019

  • Removed Rule 11
  • Changed Rule 12 into Rule 11
  • Changed Rule 11: Added Hidden Ability to its banned combination


May 19th, 2019

- Added Rule 12, Case specific Pikachu/Raichu move combination ban


May 2nd, 2019

- Added Rule 11, Shaymin is banned in ranked PvP


April 29th, 2019

- Shaymin-Sky is banned in ranked PvP


January 31st, 2019

- Changed the Alternative account rule, more here.


December 12th, 2018

- Memento + Focus Sash added to Bugged and Bannable


September 11th,2018

  • Baton Pass added back to Bugged and Not Bannable.
  • Trace added back to Bugged and Not Bannable.
  • Trick + Choice Item added to Bugged and Not Bannable.
  • Stored Power added back to Not Yet Coded moves.
  • Tailwind added back to Not Yet Coded moves.

[*][*]This is due to the update coding them being rollbacked since it caused servers' instability.


August 17th,2018

- Unburden added back to Bugged and Bannable.


August 13th, 2018

- Unburden removed from Bugged/Bannable.


August 12th, 2018

  • Removed Video evidence required from Baton-Pass Clause.
  • Removed Unburden from banned abilities.
  • Removed Tailwind from not coded moves.


August 8th, 2018

  • Unburden added to Bugged and Bannable
  • Blaze Blaziken is now unbanned, since Speed Boost has a chat message displaying now. Speed Boost Blaziken remains banned.


July 24th, 2018

  • Wonder Guard + Focus Sash added to "Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Bannable"
  • Baton-Pass removed from "Bugged but Not-Bannable"
  • Sketch removed from "Not Yet Coded - Not-Bannable"
  • Encore removed from "Not Yet Coded - Not-Bannable"
  • Freeze-Dry removed from "Not Yet Coded - Not-Bannable"
  • Analytic removed from "Not Yet Coded - Not-Bannable"
  • Magic Room removed from "Not Yet Coded - Not-Bannable"
  • Trick Room removed from "Not Yet Coded - Not-Bannable"
  • Wonder Room removed from "Not Yet Coded - Not-Bannable"


July 15th, 2018

  • Unburden removed from "Bugged but Not-Bannable"
  • Pursuit removed from "Bugged but Not-Bannable"
  • Mold Breaker from "Bugged but Not-Bannable"


July 12th, 2018

  • Hidden Power removed from "Bugged but Not-Bannable"
  • Taunt removed from "Bugged but Not-Bannable"
  • Sleep clause no longer requires evidence to report as it's impossible to break Sleep Clause.


  • Drain Punch removed from "Bugged and Bannable"
  • Whirlpool removed from "Bugged and Bannable"
  • Mean Look removed from "Bugged and Bannable"
  • Fire Spin removed from "Bugged and Bannable"
  • Sand Tomb removed from "Bugged but Not-Bannable"


July 11th, 2018

  • Choice Scarf removed from "Bugged and Bannable"
  • U-turn removed from "Bugged but Not-Bannable"
  • Flare Blitz removed from "Bugged but Not-Bannable"
  • Several bugged abilities from "Bugged but Not-Bannable" were removed
  • Protect + Rapid Spin fixed.
  • Protect + Mummy Ability removed from "Bugged and Bannable"
  • Unaware removed from "Bugged and Bannable"



April 26th, 2018

- Added the move Burn up to "Bugged and Bannable"


April 21st, 2018

- Reworded Rules 5. and 7. to hopefully make them clearer; from:

5. Using another account, or logging onto someone else's account, to intentionally boost the rating of another account is forbidden, and action will be taken if caught.

7. You can use only 1 of your accounts to PvP with each season. Using more than 1 accounts will result in heavy punishment.


5. Intentionally boost the rating of another account, in any way, is forbidden, and action will be taken if caught.

7. You can use only 1 of your own accounts to PvP within each season. Using any account you do not rightfully own, or using more than 1 account, will result in heavy punishment.


April 16th, 2018

- Epurated and slightly improved formatting, fixed some outdated statements and change logs' order and discontinuities.


3rd April, 2018

- Added Effect Spore condition to Sleep Clause- Evidence of the opponent putting your pokemon to sleep is now required, alongside the usual movesets of your slept pokemon whilst in active battle.


March 30th, 2018

- Forcing players to disconnect from a Ranked Battle with false information will lead to punishment.


March 14th, 2018

-Revoked the poison heal + defog gliscor ban due to generation 7 updates.


January 16th, 2018

- Added Protect(Move) + Mummy(Ability) in 'Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items Bannable'.


December 19th, 2017

- Added Shed Bell + Recoil Moves to Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Bannable.


November 25th, 2017

  • Added Fire Spin to Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Bannable.
  • Rewrote Rule 1 to be clearer.


November 17th, 2017

- Removed Aqua Ring, Dark Void and Bad Dreams from Not Yet Coded Moves/ Abilities - Not Bannable.


November 16th, 2017

- Added Magma Storm to Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Bannable.


October 16th, 2017

- Added Simple to Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Not Bannable


October 11th, 2017

- Added Unaware to Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Bannable.


September 30th, 2017

- Added Rule 9 (Unaware+Softboiled ban) after this vote.


September 27th, 2017

  • Edited Baton Pass Clause and Evasion Clause phrasing to reduce confusion.
  • Added Hidden Power to Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Not Bannable.
  • Removed Unaware from Uncoded Abilities.
  • Removed Final Gambit from Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Bannable.
  • Removed Download from Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Not Bannable.


September 19th, 2017

  • Added Mean Look to Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items Bannable.
  • Fixed typos.


August 22nd, 2017

  • Updated all categories by adding/ removing moves.
  • Alphabeticised all categories.


August 19th, 2017

- Added Defeatist to Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items Bannable.


August 18th, 2017

  • Added Final Gambit to Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items Bannable.
  • Added Explosion to Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items Not Bannable.


July 23rd, 2017

- Added the move Whirlpool to Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Bannable


July 20th, 2017

  • Removed Whirlpool from Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items Not Bannable.
  • Added Whirlpool from Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items Bannable.


July 13th, 2017

- Updated Rule 7 from;

Having multiple accounts linked to one person (Alternate accounts) on the end-of-season Top 25 will result in the permanent suspension of said accounts.


Alternate accounts are banned from the Ranked Ladder. Use of alternate accounts in the ranked ladder, no matter the reason, will result in harsh punishment. Additionally, should a player have multiple accounts linked to them (Alternate accounts) on the end-of-season Top 25, they will receive permanent suspension on said accounts.


June 1st, 2017

- Added PvP Rule 7.

Having multiple accounts linked to one person (Alternate accounts) on the end of season ladder will result in the permanent suspension of said accounts.


May 16th, 2017

- Updated PvP Rule 5.


April 13th, 2017

- Added Endure to Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Bannable


April 12th, 2017

  • Added Mummy to Abilities that have been coded or changed recently.
  • Added Arena Trap to Abilities that have been coded or changed recently.
  • Added ban to the Shadow Tag ability.
  • Added Hex to Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Not Bannable.
  • Added Choice Scarf to Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Not Bannable.
  • Removed Choice Items, Eviolite and Assault Vest from Not Yet Coded Moves/ Abilities/ Items Not Bannable.


Mar 26th, 2017

  • Added Sand Tomb to Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items Not Bannable.
  • Added Synchronize to Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items Not Bannable.


March 22nd, 2017

- Added sub-text to the Evasion Clause due to widespread confusion.


March 19th, 2017

- Original Posted changed from Alaris to Letrix.


March 18th, 2017

- Main thread updated.


January 10th, 2017

  • When a Pokemon dies from a Entry Hazard, it should not replay the messages twice and do silly things.
  • Poison types that have levitate can no longer absorb toxic spikes.
  • Pokemon using Sleep Talk & Snore can now be affected by Confusion.
  • Brave Bird will no longer Recoil if the move has been protected/detected.
  • Lum Berry will now activate before the half damage effect of burn so this bug will no longer happen.


January 8th, 2017

The following items are now coded and can be found in the PvP Coin Master in Mauville.


  • Muscle Band
  • Wise Glasses
  • Weakness Policy
  • Quick Claw
  • Lagging Tail
  • Life Orb
  • Health Bars are now easier to see in battle, and change colours based on health.


January 3rd, 2017

  • Oblivious Ability should now work.
  • Magic Guard Ability should now work.
  • Magic Bounce Ability should now work.
  • Rough Skin Ability should now work.
  • Iron Barbs Ability should now work.
  • Toxic Boost Ability should now work.
  • Mega Launcher Ability should now work.
  • Contrary Ability should now work.
  • Defiant ability should now work.
  • Toxic should not miss when used by a Poison Pokemon.
  • No more magic guard message when leech seed is used.


November 15th, 2016

-When providing PvP-related reports, don't forget to make sure the evidence shows you battling inside a Pokecenter! (as these rules do not apply to non-ranked)


November 12th, 2016

-Added the ability "Compound Eyes" to Not Yet Coded Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Not Bannable


November 5th, 2016

- Added Swagger Clause


November 4th, 2016

-The status, sleep, caused by effect spore, is not included as sleep clause. If you report someone for sleep clause, and is later found out that the sleep is due to effect spore, you will get yourself into trouble instead.

-Using your alternative account to boost the ranking of your main account (or vice versa) is forbidden, and action will be taken if caught.


October 12th, 2016

- Added Doom Desire to the Not "Yet Coded Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Bannable"


Sept 18th, 2016

- Added Fly + Gale Wings to "Bugged and Bannable" section


September 05th, 2016

- Added the new rules:

8. Do not place status condition upon your Pokemon prior to entering the battle. Example: Poisoned Gliscor before entering the battle.

(special for this report, video proof needed as evidence)


August 28th, 2016

- Added Bide and Rollout to "Not Yet Coded / Not Bannable" section


August 27th, 2016

- Added Drain Punch (visually bugged)


August 23rd, 2016

  • Fixed Dragonite with Outrage (priority after first usage)
  • Added Sleep Talk while Pokemon using it is awake


August 21st, 2016

  • Fixed Speed Boost (boosts when you switch in, which shouldn't happen)
  • Fixed Sturdy (Pokemon can be OHKO-ed by absorb move even with full HP, e.g. Giga Drain)
  • Skill Swap ability is coded
  • Hydration ability is coded
  • Added Burn + Lum Berry interaction in "Bugged / Not Bannable" section


July 04th, 2016

- Disconnects from ranked PvP will not be able to do another ranked battle for 45 minutes to stop abuse, it will not let them queue up until the 45 minutes is over.

If someone disconnects from Ranked PvP, the other player will automatically win & receive coins.




  • Checked/Done 1



Please do not contact staff members for private support

Share your questions on the forums as they could be useful to others

Glad to have a clear post since the other one was a bit confusing, also happy to see that pvp is taking care of.

I guess what we need the most for an other steps are sweeper items, and some other to bulky ones, but stall already has a huge place in game... :devil:

200311 Focus Punch (do damage in the first turn)

if i can permit, that move is supposed to work like that isn't it?


the move has a negative priority and only hits when the poke using it isn't hit in the same turn :


A -> poke using focus punch ; B -> opposite poke


A is focusing, B hits with anything, A doesn't launch focus punch

A is focusing, B use a statut move, or switch, A launch focus punch


all is happening in the same turn.


i made a few test (sadly i don't have any records software, but someone else could do it) with pokes who outspeed the focus punch user and pokes with less speed, and the move seems to works properly.




200311 Focus Punch (do damage in the first turn)

if i can permit, that move is supposed to work like that isn't it?


the move has a negative priority and only hits when the poke using it isn't hit in the same turn :


A -> poke using focus punch ; B -> opposite poke


A is focusing, B hits with anything, A doesn't launch focus punch

A is focusing, B use a statut move, or switch, A launch focus punch


all is happening in the same turn.


i made a few test (sadly i don't have any records software, but someone else could do it) with pokes who outspeed the focus punch user and pokes with less speed, and the move seems to works properly.




We'll check this one further, thank you for the report. :)

200343 Nice rules, but i did not see sleep clauses

And i guess i saw a mistake





Destiny bond doesn't do anything so it belongs to not bannable.


ok, i'm sorry, I always thought destiny bond was a OHKO move.


it is, but it being bugged right now makes it not bannable hence why it's in the 'not yet coded, non bannable' list.

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