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Ign: BloodEmperor

server : silver

Description: I evolved a male hallo ralts to gardevoir by mistake while I wanted a gallade please restore it to a ralts or change it to a gallade.




Unfortunately we do not offer de-evolution services. I hope you understand and I hope you have a nice day regardless. - Noxious


Hello I released my Cyndaquil Nov 19 22:07:11 and it's 52124801 . I accidentally released it and hope can recover it. I don't have the screenshot and the ID and the Time is the only details I have . I hope you will help me:) Also it contains a item will I get it back?


Ign:- AlphaSupreme

Pokemon I'd :- 52124801

Server :- Silver



Restored, have a nice day. - Noxious


Sup guys, I accidentaly deleted my sharpedo lvl 100 😕 Could you guys help me restoring him? His ID is : 40544576 

PS: Im from Gold server and my nick in game is: Ashausen, I Uploaded the release message too :3 




Restored, have a nice day. - Noxious


Mistakely released Pokemon

Lvl: 100

Poke Name: Metagross

Poke Id: 50707417

Region: Hoenn

Ability: clear body

Nature: Adament

Please restore my Pokemon.

Thank you!



Your pokemon has been restored. It should be placed at the last slot of your PC. Have a nice day - HappyMango



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