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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/19 in all areas

  1. Contract Us Down Below or Via Discord or In-Game: Discord Tag: FjAbio#6079 Bashiny#2731 furylemon97#2194 In-Game Name: Fjabio Bashiny furylemon97 Rules: 1.) Fake offer = Report 2.) First player with the money available will receive the pokemon 3.) Follow the Trade Rule of PRO 4.) All prices are negotiable Sweeper Untrained
    2 points
  2. Player name: Coup Showdown name: Coup0d0boule Server: Silver Rank: 17
    2 points
  3. Player name: S4mlerYT Showdown name: SamlerYT Server: Gold Rank on ladder: 10
    2 points
  4. Hi! I sent my Hoenn Breloom to my alt account to try to use as a false swiper but the account has not completed Hoenn yet. Both accounts are mine. The main account is Robzoch and my alt region locked account is Rawbski. Accounts are on Silver server. I wish to return the Breloom to the Robzoch account please. Thank you for you time.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. Hey i asked for help to evolve my huanter into a gengar in my guilds discord someone offered to help but i didnt realize that he hadnt completaed kanto to be able to trade the pokmeon back to me after i had trade it to him cuz its a johto pokemon and he is still in kanto. Discord names are same and in game names we are both on silver server. i dont have a pic of the trade but i do of that chat.
    2 points
  7. Made a different post that can be taken down but, traded someone willing to help in help chat in evolving my gurrdur. He didnt realize he was region locked until after the trade, and gave me two of his pokes to hold on to in the time it takes to get mine back. Gurrdurr is lvl 96 my ot, id ont have trade screenshots but have sc of chat logs. Server Silver waytooedgy other player: Danny12361 Gurdurr 96 my ot his 2 in exchange for messing up trade 100 venusaur 61 garchomp attached are the chat logs and his 2 pokes, i couldnt screenshot mine or the transaction because i thought it was going to take 5 seconds not all this...
    2 points
  8. Hello everyone! We're currently holding open recruitment for new Discord Moderators. If you wish to become a part of our Discord Staff Team, this is your chance. PRO's Discord Staff is the collective group of Discord-oriented staff who provide support for players and ensure that PRO's Discord is kept in order. The Discord Team makes sure that users follow PRO's Discord Rules and support players with their questions and problems about the game. For more specific descriptions of each role, see below: Discord Leader - The leaders of the motley crew of Discord Moderators. They oversee all content within the Official PRO Discord. Discord Moderator - They preside over the Official PRO Discord as its moderation and general-support personnel. Junior Discord Moderator - Trainees that will become full-fledged Discord Moderators... The following requirements must be met in order to apply. At least 50 hours of in-game playtime. At least Discord Member role. 16 or older. Fluency in the English language. A positive attitude and willingness to help others. The application form is below. Please fill it in and submit it as a new topic HERE. The application review will be ongoing as it is open recruitment. This means that it will take time to be selected. Keep in mind that your past and current behavior will be taken into account when you submit your survey answers. Note that all staff work is voluntary! This is not a career but a hobby instead.
    2 points
  9. You wanna be part of a guild? Well now is your chance! Team Magma is recruiting active and friendly players! Team Magma strives first and foremost to provide a friendly environment for its members. We are relatively casual, with an emphasis on community rather than PvP. Our guild chat and Discord are also both very active, and we do our best to address any questions or concerns you might have. In order to bring members closer we hold several different types of events including guild hunts, tournaments, and hide and seeks. We do our best to make the events fun for all who wish to participate and also provide worthwhile rewards. On top of having an active guild chat we also have a Discord, though joining it is not mandatory! If for some reason you are not able to get help in guild chat, you are free to ask there. We often use voice chat, and even now and then have music sessions or play something together that isn't PRO. 1- BE ACTIVE! We take activity very seriously, be sure to tell when you will be inactive so that you won't get kicked! 2- Be nice and friendly! This should be obvious, but we aim for a nice community of friends so it is something we stress. 3- Have a good sense of humor but know when to be mature. We want everyone to have fun but you need to know when things are going too far. If you would like to join, please apply through the thread by filling in the questions at the end of this post or if online in game, please send a pm to anyone listed below Iriztha MEBzerg, Invar, idkup, Maemae, Fairview, Char59, Ailis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ APPLYING TO THE GUILD Please answer the following mandatory questions when applying through the thread: What is your in game name? The following questions are optional to the application and are just for us to know a little bit more about you How old are you? How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? Do you use discord? What is your ingame hobby(farming, selling, pvp, collecting etc)? Why would you like to be in team magma? ~~
    1 point
  10. Muy buenos días he estado viendo que no hay una guía en español de Johto solo de Kanto traducida, por lo cual voy a dar mi versión de una guía que hay en el foro en Inglés junto con algunas notas personales de como fui haciendo algunas cosas para que entre todos nos ayudemos. En el juego he visto a varios perdidos por algunas quest en especial las de Goldenroad y el Gimnasio de tipo fantasma, sin mas que añadir dejaré el link de la guía original en inglés por aquí. Y empezamos con este recorrido :0 Inicio NEW BARK TOWN Nada más al llegar iremos al laboratorio del profesor Elm, el cual se encuentra en la parte izquierda superior, justo al lado de nuestra casa en Johto, aquí no debemos hacer más que elegir a nuestro nuevo inicial. Cyndaquill de tipo fuego, Totodile de tipo agua o Chikorita de tipo planta. Ahora bien esta elección es a gusto personal, aunque si quieres tener una estadía fácil en Johto la mejor opción es Cyndaquill ofrece resistencia a la mayoría de gimnasios además de ser efectivo contra los gimnasios que pueden ser más complicados como son los tres finales. Si en cambio prefieres la ruta díficil Chikorita es vulnerable al primer gimnasio e incluso no tiene un gimnasio en el que sea eficaz de forma natural en esta región. Route 29 No hay mucho que destacar en esta ruta, simplemente sigue el camino hacia la izquierda hasta llegar a la otra ciudad, aquí puedes atrapar un Ratata el cual a niveles bajos puede ser útil al saber Quick Attack cuyo daño suele destrozar y además es un ataque de prioridad por lo cual siempre atacará primero. Otro interesante de esta ruta es Hoothoot que a niveles altos aprenderá ataques de tipo Psiquico. Cherry Grove City Lo más importante es ir al centro pokémon donde un anciano te detendrá y te dará pokeballs, pokeyenes y pociones sin tener que hacer nada ni pagar por todo esto. Ahora con la billetera llena y más pokeballs para seguir fortaleciendo a nuestro equipo debemos seguir a la izquierda y doblar hacia arriba. Route 30 y 31 Simplemente seguimos hacia el norte donde habrá varios entrenadores para ganar experiencia ya sea con nuestro inicial o los recién incorporados, hay un pequeño atajo que es salir del camino principal e ir por la hierba haciendo que uno de nuestros pokemon aprenda Cut para cortar el árbol que hay al final de esta y saldremos a la cueva que está justo al lado de una escalera. Tras bajar por esta escalera una anciana nos retará y siguiendo hacia la izquierda cortaremos el arbol para no tener que enfrentarnos a los entrenadores de abajo y así llegaremos a Violet City. Violet City Llegando al centro pokémon podremos hablar con un montañero que nos dará Smooth Rock que nos permite aumentar la duración de las tormentas de arena si la equipamos a un pokémon que sepa usar Sand Storm o tenga como habilidad chorro de arena. No podremos entrar al gimnasio por lo que debemos ir al norte hasta llegar a la Bellsprout Tower en donde nada más al entrar al costado izquierdo obtendremos un gastly completamente gratis (pokeball azul). Subir la torre es sencillo, si haz escogido a Cyndaquill será un paseo de xp ya que los monjes usarán a Bellsprout o Ratatas, si en cambio escogiste a Totodile o Chikorita será mucho más tedioso poder vencerles. Recomiendo ir con Pokémon de nivel 10-13 en especial voladores como Pidgey o Hoothoot ya que fácilmente podrás vencerles. El maestro tendrá un Raticate y un Weepinbell. Gimnasio de Violet City Tras derrotar al maestro de los sabios podrás entrar al gimnasio, recomiendo levear un poco en las afueras del pueblo hasta que nuestros pokemon alcancen el nivel 15-17 el líder usará pokémon de tipo volador por lo cual los pokémon de Tipo Bicho y Planta serán básicamente eliminados de un solo golpe. Lo recomendable es combatir con pokémon de tipo Volador o Roca (que puedes atrapar en la cueva oscura de la ruta 31). El equipo del líder consistirá de Pidgey, Spearow y Pidgeotto, tras ganarle nos dará la primer medalla y el hombre de la entrada nos venderá Tailwind por 10,000. Route 32 Seguimos avanzando al salir del gimnasio nos dirigiremos al sur hasta que veamos un centro pokémon, cabe destacar que aquí podremos capturar un Mareep que nos vendrá bien contra el entrenador que bloquea el camino a la cueva ya que este usará los mismos pokémon que el líder de gimnasio pero bastante más fuertes. Union Cave La cueva es bastante sencilla, simplemente debemos ir hacia el sur para encontrar la salida sorteado a los entrenadores que encontremos. Route 33 Nada interesante más que algunos entrenadores para levear, simplemente seguimos a la izquierda hasta llegar a Azalea Town. Azalea Town El gimnasio estará bloqueado por un Slowpoke, por lo cual debemos ir hasta la entrada del pueblo donde habrá un pozo con una escalera, al entrar nos enfrentaremos a varios Rockets que usarán pokémon de tipo Veneno y Volador por lo que un pokémon tipo roca nos facilitará la tarea. Al llegar al final nos enfrentaremos a Christina que tendrá un Lapras, un Golbat y un Ariados por lo que un pokémon de tipo electrico podrá hacer una tarea bastante sencilla en su contra. Gimnasio de Azalea Town El gimnasio es de tipo bicho por lo cual Cyndaquill vuelve a ser de mucha utilidad, también los pokémon de tipo volador o roca. Bugsy tendrá en su equipo a Pinsir, Parasect y Scyther, es recomendable rondar el nivel 25 o 27 para este gimnasio aunque si tienes a Cyndaquill podrás pasarlo al nivel 24 incluso. Tras derrotarle tendremos una nueva medalla. Accediendo a Ilex Forest Tras salir del gimnasio hablamos con la chica rubia que bloquea el camino hacia la parte izquierda donde nos desafiará a una batalla sus pokémon rondarán el nivel 24 pero con un pokémon tipo roca para su Doduo y nuestro inicial bien entrenado no tendremos problemas. Ilex Forest Tras ingresar iremos hacia el norte donde un hombre nos pedirá que encontremos a su pokémon, simplemente vamos hacia la derecha hasta llegar al Farfetch'd en la parte superior derecha del mismo bosque, debemos derrotarle para continuar, este pequeño boss puede ser algo complicado a un nivel bajo por lo cual recomiendo que todo tu equipo ronde el nivel 20 a este punto usando un pokémon de tipo electrico o roca para debilitarlo rápidamente. Tras derrotarle el pokémon volverá con su dueño, simplemente debemos regresar y hablarle para que se corra del camino, utilizamos corte en el arbusto que bloqueaba el paso y tras ver a Celebi seguiremos hacia el norte bordeando el lago por la derecha y yendo siempre al norte hasta poder solamente doblar a la izquierda donde llegaremos al final de este bosque. Route 34 Una ruta sencilla en la que iremos hacia el norte hasta llegar a la ciudad, no hay mucho de importancia simplemente algunos entrenadores que derrotar. Este lugar puede ser buena fuente de leveo para las quest de Goldenroad. Goldenroad City Al ingresar cerca del centro pokémon hay un motero que nos cambiará su Machop por un Drownzee un cambio conveniente debido a que el próximo gimnasio es tipo normal, además este Machop tiene el Macho Brace que permite subir los EV del pokémon más rápido. Seguiremos hasta la torre de radio donde comenzará la Quest principal, debemos decirle al guardia que le ayudaremos. Acto seguido nos enviará al subterraneo donde debemos hablar con el npc viejo que bloquea la puerta del mismo, tras esto hablaremos con el guardia que nos encomendó la misión. Debemos ir a la pequeña casa que queda a la derecha del centro comercial y hablar con Michael, tras esto es muy importante tener un butterfree, bellsprout (a nivel 13 y con sleep pownder) o un paras (nivel 20 con spore). Vamos al centro comercial y bajamos al piso BF1 donde hablaremos con el policia.
    1 point
  11. Have you ever wanted to go on a boss run but don't have a team for it? You're too lazy to hunt for epic pokemon, therefore you cannot pvp with good pokemon? Maybe you're saying tomorrow's finally going to be the day to hunt, but always end up procrastinating? Well you came to the right place as this shop will be perfect for you! We offer plenty of pvp and pve pokemon, prices may vary and pokemon will constantly be updated. To lend a pokemon, one must simply pm me on discord or in-game. Discord : Raika#5230 PRO ign : Raika After a pokemon has been lended, I will update the post below to notify others the pokemon has been taken, by who and for how many days. You may be able to book a pokemon you've already borrowed a day before the lend ends, but will still have to wait in line if there are others who have booked it. Coming soon : 6 sturdy donphans for bosses Sun team Rain team More miscellaneous pokemon. False swipers Syncs [spoiler=Pve pokemon] [spoiler=2 mementos, clefable setup : 10k for however long you need. (Maximum of 5 days)] [spoiler=6 sturdy donphans with ice shard. 10k for 5 days. (Coming soon)] [spoiler=Pvp pokemon] [spoiler=Sand team starter. 5k for 1 day] [spoiler=Pvp pokemon][spoiler=Sand team starter set. Both 5k for 1 day (Max of 7 days)] [spoiler=Miscellaneous pokemon. (3k lends/day, max of 5 days)] Also feel free to visit my good friend Kennybme's daycare. Totally recommend it! https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/127768-url/?do=findComment&comment=704729
    1 point
  12. Player name: buyshinynair Showdown name: buyshinynair Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 19
    1 point
  13. Player name: Ngiannas Showdown name: Ngiannas Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 14
    1 point
  14. Player name: CarlosV7 Showdown name: CarlosV17 Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 13
    1 point
  15. Fix should be implemented. Let me know if anything goes wrong.
    1 point
  16. I will definitely make a character in Gold Server and would love an invite from you then :3 Could you tell me a little about your guild? <3 How's the population and activity and is it friendly? ^_^ I'm a friendly person and need to be surrounded by friendly people xD :3 Also, how's the Gold Server's activity and economy? :o Sorry for the many questionssss >.< I'm just trying to make sure I've chosen the right place to be so I can be a long-term and dedicated PRO player, like you! <3
    1 point
  17. Player name: sadness04 Showdown name: lone5 Server: Gold Rank on ladder: 2
    1 point
  18. Player name: Aviciii Showdown: Aviciii Sever: Gold Rank on ladder: 4
    1 point
  19. Player name: Scream60 Showdown name: Scream60 Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 12
    1 point
  20. Player Name: ZetLocrito95 Showdown name: Locrito1995 Server: Gold Rank on Ladder: 18
    1 point
  21. Player name: HeroOfTheStreet Showdown name: HeroOfTheStreet Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 5
    1 point
  22. Player name: Renan2k Showdown name: RenanSantos2000 Server: Gold Rank on ladder: 5
    1 point
  23. Player name: dcp19 Showdown name: dcp20 Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 16
    1 point
  24. Player name: MrH110887 Showdown name: MrH110887 Server: Gold Rank on ladder: 7
    1 point
  25. Player name: 53n7ry Showdown name: SentryPercy Server: Gold Rank on ladder: 12
    1 point
  26. Player name: Nakofum Showdown name: Nakofum Server: Gold Rank on ladder: 3
    1 point
  27. Player name: 0danobunaga Showdown name: ilovekillhunter Server:Silver Rank on ladder: 15
    1 point
  28. Hello all of them except the two adamant flash fire are worth 0-10k each now about the adamant flash fire with 30att i whould say 20-25k and the 22 att 20-30k
    1 point
  29. kasbarinoo i sent u a friend req in disc pls accept it so we can talk
    1 point
  30. I thank you for an answer. But I'm almost done with Jotho now. Especially since I just wanted to tell the Pro Team that in Safarie Park the spawn = 0 is currently for Sneasel.
    1 point
  31. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQmYwqqxl_3qSjcgfBZZwu-s7QWy3-XgSEBIESslIQq50ifHGhpKTXDlPwyJNXJ3A/pubhtml i made this doc to classify mons based on their locations, abilities, spawns and so on
    1 point
  32. Hi! I will start 400k for Greninja! Thanks
    1 point
  33. If that jolly.chomp.is still available I'd like to buy
    1 point
  34. The grass is greener on my side, come join (≧∇≦) if not dead grass is okay too ^_^ kidding good luck senpai
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Hi @hayme I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Unfortunately we are unable to move your PVE/PVP coins and PVP Cosmetics from one of your account to another because it is intended to being able to trade them as they are untradeable. If we would move them for you it would be unfair to all the other players that requested the same during their PRO adventure and their request have been rejected for the same exact reason. I'm sorry to disappoint you but I hope you can understand. I hope the information given provided some clarification, please let me know if something is unclear and if you have any further questions. Have a wonderful day !
    1 point
  37. Hello guys, so I traded my clamperl to a guy who hasnt finished hoenn yet and its now locked. I need it to go to sinnoh. I asked him for a screenshot of my pokemon and our chat and here it is. My ingame name is "Panonis" and Im on silver server, his name is "Pratham02".
    1 point
  38. Welcome back! I hope you enjoy PRO!
    1 point
  39. Hello I asked player demasque to help me evolve my machine but when he tried to trade it back it said he wasn't in hoeen region yet. Please help me get this Pokemon back
    1 point
  40. well you don't give a price on a non epic wrong abi porygonZ wich is already hard to price check. at least don't get mad when people offers lol
    1 point
  41. Bien le bonjour ! Pseudo dans le jeu : Eyrisios. Temps de jeu : Une trentaine d'heures. Âge : 27 ans. Quelques mots sur vous : Sympathique, sociable, bavard, sans gluten & sans lactose. Avez-vous Discord (obligatoire) ? : Nope ! (Je l'installerai probablement sous peu.) Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? : Ligue de Kanto (Je prends mon temps.) Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? : Remplir mon pokédex & faire du PVP (plus des évents etc.) Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? Eh bien, c'est une très bonne question ! Une communauté est faite pour se développer et agrandir son réseau, ça me ferait plaisir d'être un des éléments de son évolution !
    1 point
  42. Traded my pokemon to Tusharkant for a dayscare service. https://gyazo.com/9873ccef64befc99c3ff73a89870b967 He didnt have access to Sinnoh now its stuck on his PC. Can i get it back :)? Edit : i really need the pokemon fast i can't play without it right now :x
    1 point
  43. I gave my fully trained clamperl to my frnd for trade evol .Then I started to realize it's from sinnoh and he just started johto .So please help me to get it back.I am from silver server.Ty
    1 point
  44. I couldn't send a picture in my last post so here it is
    1 point
  45. An admin told me that there is a notification bug to be resolved in the next update. I traded a milotic mount at a great price and now it's stuck on a lvl 4 starly from sinnoh. As a new player I didn't know I couldn't just take it from pc. I never got the notification that could have prevented me to make this mistake either. Obviously playing until sinnoh will ruin the purpose of this mount so if you send me a milotic surf mount I will release the starly and everything will be fixed. No need to change the starly's region (either one is faster or easier for the admins I will go along with it) Please help me it'd make my day. Here is also the proof that I have a stuck milotic mount on a sinnoh starly. I play on silver and my username is ItekYourMoney
    1 point
  46. I gave my friend a clamperl to evolve but they were in kanto and didn't beat hoenn yet, so they cant evolve it. She sent me the pictures Playing on gold
    1 point
  47. Hello trainers! There are several major projects for content in doing that I feel you should know about. I will note some of them down before someone leaks it the wrong way. - New Region New region is a custom approach. We call it a mini-region. But it's actually very huge. It is called Astrella, and it's done mapping wise. Region will feature a variety of spawns (gen 7 area), new content, quests, events, trade city and much more. It will be ready once script-work is done for it and once gen 7+ is fully operational, will not release it before that. Reason for a custom area is a simple one. We are unable to map anything past Unova graphic wise without having it improvised 99% and waste much time into art. The MMO setting commands a new region, so it's being delivered. With it, we will have whole game spawned with old and new Pokemon, closer to being complete. The region is currently in hands of scripters. Once they are done, I will spawn it, so you can catch some of the new Pokemon when we receive a full gen 7 update. - Unova Unova is planned and is slowly being mapped. Once it is done and ready, the whole game will be respawned from scratch due to distribution of the Pokemon around PRO world. We are also looking for mapping manpower to complete the task so that mapping side is done and ready for people to script on. - Orange Islands The Orange Islands are also being mapped and planned. Not much to say about this one. ** Note that plans may change any time. But what I said above is a current plan and it's being worked on. I want to have all mapping done before the schedule so that people can start working on the maps script wise etc. Thank you
    1 point
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