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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/19 in all areas

  1. BLOODNIGHT!! Ciao Ragazzi! Siamo una nuova gilda italiana del Silver Server. Lo scopo di BloodNight è quello di portare tutti gli italiani di questo server a giocare insieme per puro divertimento, sperando, poi, di poter crescere tutti insieme per provare a raggiungere traguardi sempre più alti. Anche se siamo operativi da poco abbiamo già costruito un bel legame e un buon gruppo di gioco. Per rendere il tutto più divertente e coinvolgente, ogni settimana verrà organizzato un evento di caccia che ci permetterà di giocare tutti insieme e di cacciare alcuni pokemon importanti per PVP o BOSS. Questi eventi non avranno fine, infatti verranno ripetuti settimanalmente e a questi verranno affiancati alcuni eventi particolari, per ora però non voglio farvi alcuno spoiler, venite a scoprirli da noi :P Bisogna tener conto di questi punti per vivere appieno l'esperienza di gilda: Seguire il regolamento di PRO. Utilizzare Discord, elemento molto importante per una gilda basata sugli eventi (per info vedere in basso). Non essere un membro tossico, perchè nessuno nasce imparato, quindi dobbiamo dare a tutti la possibilità di imparare. Essere attivi. Aiutare i tuoi compagni nel momento del bisogno. Parlare italiano o avere voglia di imparare italiano :D REQUISITI: 1 Avere un account Discord 2 Avere completato tutte le regioni del gioco 3 Fare pvp Questi requisiti sono stati inseriti in quanto la gilda risulta essere ormai molto competitiva per la Guild Ladder e quindi ciò ha stimolato molti players ad aggiungersi a noi. Spesso e volentieri la gilda risulta essere piena e contiene dei membri tutti attivi. Per entrare a far parte della gilda sarà necessario avere l'account Discord più uno dei due requisiti che seguono. Ma detto ciò non ti abbattere, l'obiettivo della gilda rimane sempre quello di aiutare la comunità italiana a crescere collaborando tutti insieme. Se non possiedi questi requisiti verrai comunque aggiunto sul gruppo Discord con un ruolo denominato "Applicant", questo ti permetterà di partecipare a tutti gli eventi della gilda come se fossi un membro effettivo e verrai aiutato nel momento del bisogno. Nel momento in cui raggiungerai i requisiti sarai aggiunto alla gilda (Conquistati i requisiti necessari, sarà necessario presentare uno screen della scheda allenatore per una conferma). Anche se non sei un italiano e ti piacerebbe unirti fai pure, in gilda tutti riusciamo a parlare l'inglese quindi cercheremo di semplificarti le cose in maniera tale da rendere questa gilda divertente anche per te. Questa è una breve introduzione della gilda, per sapere tutto quello che ci riguarda ti basterà entrare. Per entrare basta contattare su discordo o su PRO me o i miei officers. L'invito alla gilda o al gruppo discord sarà fatto subito dopo! Leader: Luminetor = Luminetor77#8258 Officers: CrazyCatLord2 = Assenking#8038 Therionbloodeye = Therion Bloodeye#0277 JackDecoy = JackDecoy#4652 Samu94 = Samu#3558 KasperKato = KasperKato#4275 Qasar = Qasar#3913 Cherumander = Cherumander#3194 Se non avete ancora a disposizione discord, vi consiglio di iscrivervi (https://discordapp.com) o di contattarci direttamente in game con il comando /pm nomedelgiocatore. Se avete alcuni problemi a contattarci prova a seguire i players con questo logo: Affrettatevi a contattarci, i posti si riempiono velocemente! Grazie per averci scelto.^^ AGGIORNAMENTO: La gilda ha avuto un merge con due gilde non italiane per arrivare in top3 della guildladder (ci sono dei premi per le prime 3 posizioni). La gilda rimane aperta per quei players che vogliono imparare e il tutto verrà gestito su discord. Per chi fa pvp può direttamente avvisare me o fare l'applicazione nella pagina della nuova gilda https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/146067-url Grazie a tutti! Albo d'oro [spoiler=Guild Ladder 2018] 8° Posto in Guild Ladder November 2018 8° Posto in Guild Ladder Dicember 2018 [spoiler=Guild Ladder 2019] 7° Posto in Guild Ladder January 2019 9° Posto in Guild Ladder February 2019 6° Posto in Guild Ladder March 2019 7° Posto in Guild Ladder April 2019 4° posto in Guild Ladder May 2019 4° posto in Guild Ladder June 2019 6° posto in Guild Ladder July 2019 8° posto in Guild Ladder August 2019 8° posto in Guild Ladder September 2019 8° posto in Guild Ladder October 2019 8° posto Guild Ladder November 2019 7° posto Guild Ladder Dicember 2019 [spoiler=Guild Ladder 2020] 6° Posto Guild Ladder January 2020 6° Posto Guild Ladder February 2019
    1 point
  2. Yaaaaay it's done! Notes: - All the berries found in the Viridian Maze are EV-reducing berries. - The free Pokemon found at the end is either Growlithe, Bellsprout(?) or Horsea(?). - Headbutt costs 2k to learn. - Erika Boss - Refer to link here.
    1 point
  3. Hallo alle Zusammen, die frisch Erstellte Gilde "Mythic" sucht neue Mitstreiter. Wir sind eine kleine Gruppe aus Spielern und Offen für Jedermann. Bei Interesse meldet euch in diesem Post oder schreibt "CHRiTiXzZ oder iReload" ingame. Bei jeglichen Fragen und ähnlichem meldet euch bitte bei mir - CHRiTiXzZ. Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt besitzen wir keine Aufnahme Anforderungen, sollte sich dies in der Zukunft ändern werde diese dem Beitrag beigefügt. Derzeitige Aufstellung: Gildenleader - CHRiTiXzZ Offiziere - IReload und Schlweing92 Wir freuen uns auf eure Nachrichten!
    1 point
  4. Hi guys Pinkmew here :D !Im somehow new player!I used to play like 2 years ago and i came back :) i wanted to make a fresh start so im right here from the beginning :D my ex account is somewhere in Johto but i wanna feel the freshness again you know haha xD see ya in game :3
    1 point
  5. Hey everyone! As you have read in the title I am opening my lending shop. Rules and Prices: - Click on the link below to open the gallery of all available Pokes. - Lendings can be of 2 weeks (15 days) OR 1 month (30 days), nothing else. - Trades happen exclusively in Lavender Town. - The lending price depends on the letter written under the picture of every Poke as follows: A = 60k for 2 weeks || 100k for 1 month B = 40k for 2 weeks || 75k for 1 month - Post here, send me a message or (best option) send me a PM on Discord -> Beni-sama#6250 - Keep in mind that I am not too active right now, so take it easy if I am not instantly getting back at you, I will answer. LINK: Click Thanks to everyone and cheers!
    1 point
  6. Welcome! https://discord.gg/XSnSJf
    1 point
  7. Hey PinkMew and welcome back to PRO! ^^ Here a small introduction in the general parts of PRO as refreshmentif you need one. :P If you seek for some assistance in the story mode, check out our Guide sub-forum. You can find there walkthroughs to any region but also for any kind of quests and much more useful information. We also have a PRO Wiki, it is not in a shape we could call it finished and you should not trust the mentioned spawns there, but there is much information. Usually stuff is described a bit more detailed there if you are a fan of knowing every detail of your subject. For community interaction besides the forums, feel free to join our Official Discord Server. If you should need any help in future or should have any questions you can ask them there. Depending on the question, the helpful people there might lead you to our General Support sub-forum. You can also ask here any kind of question and ask for help in case you should have any problem with the game. (But before you open a topic there, it would be great if you could take a look in the "Read this topic before you post a support topic" thread :P 80% of all issues and their fixes are mentioned there :P). So far so good. I let the rest for you to explore. If you have any questions, feel always free to ask. :)
    1 point
  8. hayme, s.o rotom: 23 def seems s.o 450k insta 900k
    1 point
  9. Pseudo dans le jeu : Shiroe77 Temps de jeu : 2h a tout casser Âge : 29 Quelques mots sur vous : je suis un clown j'amuse la galerie avec mes blagues en tout genre ( amis a pokancoon ) Avez-vous Discord (obligatoire) ? : oui sinon comment pourrais je raconter mes blagues xD Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? : au tout début pour le moment Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? : être le meilleur biensure Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? et pourquoi pas , il faut bien un boulet dans chaque équipe xD
    1 point
  10. Pseudo dans le jeu : mataros Temps de jeu : 9h Âge : 32 Quelques mots sur vous : j'aime bien rigoler. Et je connais pokancoon depuis plus de 15 ans irl (pssss j'ai des photos dossier) Avez-vous Discord (obligatoire) ? : oui Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? : 2 badges... Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? : tout Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? catch me i'm famous
    1 point
  11. I was in pvp battle while server crashed. After I log in in next day I had unhealty pokemons (like they were at the point of the server crash), couldn't heal it, couldn't change their order in party. I moved to grass and die vs wild pokemon, my party was cured. Still I can't talk with any NPC. Wanted to try NPC battle, one walked to me and battle doesn't starts. Each time I relog now, the NPC is comming to me and nothing happens, so in general I stuck now completely. PLZ fix me :) ign: luohan, silver
    1 point
  12. This must be the most disrespectful Topic I have ever seen. You should be thankful instead for the hard job of keeping pro economy healty and more reward are deserved. I pray. Edit: oh, the post disappeared, you learned your lesson. :)
    1 point
  13. If you are able to log into the dashboard you should be able to log into the game. Maybe wait 5 minutes and try after resetting the PW. I know sometimes there is a small delay in it registering. Good luck!
    1 point
  14. Greetings, @kaduG. First of all welcome back to the game, and sorry for the inconvenience. Im glad to inform you that you didnt lose anything. You just need to merge your account from the DASHBOARD. Once again sorry for the inconvenience, you have to merge your account because Blue and Red server was merged in to Silver Server, and Yellow renamed in to Gold Server. To help you a little more using our tools i could see your main server before the merge was Red Server. So please before merge the account check you have selected the right server. If you would like further information about merge please check this THREAD. If you havent updated the client yet i would like suggest you to DOWNLOAD the game to have the lastest version of the game. Please, do not hesitate if you have more doubts, i will be glad to help you. Have a great day. Nezuko
    1 point
  15. Greetings, @Zedian. Sorry for the inconvenience. It is possible that bug was occasioned because one of the files of your game has been damaged and then makes that visual bug. To try to solve this bug i would like suggest you delete the currently game you have installed and DOWNLOAD the game again. I know it can be a bother so beforehand i would like apologize for this bug. Please do not hesitate if you have more doubts, i will be glad to help you. Have a great day. Nezuko
    1 point
  16. Altrough you're not sure what server started, i'd recommend you to try to merge your old blue and red account on dashboard since they becomed silver now, and that's a neccesary procedure in case you had red or blue account. Anyway gold, more known as yellow years ago wasn't touched beside the name change of it, that gives more clues that your acc was or blue or red. Hope i helped you. Good luck ~ Dashboard link: https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard/
    1 point
  17. Ah yes im sorry I did not know about that. I have fixed ut in my thread. Once again thank you!
    1 point
  18. I am Viperx the one Kajuan25 is referring. I aggree that we were not able to distinguish that it will be region locked. Sorry for the inconvenience i hope that it will be resolved asap. Thank you.
    1 point
  19. Hi good day! I let my classmate/friend "Viperx" (his ign) to use my pokemon for us to have a battle. I forgot that my 2 pokemons Garchomp and Heliolisk is not yet available for him because of region lock. I was not able to realize that he will not be able to use it and it will be region locked for he is only at Kanto with 4th badge. I hope that my 2 pokemons will be back for i will need it asap. I asked him to take screenshot of the pokemons and he gave it to me. Thank you for your understanding. IGN: Kajuan25 Server: Silver Friend's IGN: Viperx Here are the pokemons:
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Hello Randomopkid, Your thread has been moved to comply with the forum trade rules. This was due to your shop selling less than 6+ pokemon (as needed to be in the Shops subforum) (https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/29538-url) If at any time you put 6+ pokemon into your post please let me know, and I will more than happily move the thread back. Very Respectfully, Larfleeze
    1 point
  22. I heard about you move your account to the new server, but the same happened to me, I moved, but looks like I need to start from zero with just 2 vip medalions! =/
    1 point
  23. The auction ended and the pokemon was sold to a random bidder not participating on this auction, 24hours before the auction ends. The insta of this auction is 25m and the user only offered 6m in cash without saying trades would be accepted. As a result, the trade will be reversed and proper action will be taken. The auction will be handled by me, for another 24hours and the pokemon will be given to the rightful winner after the end. The auctioneer will receive all amount of the final winning offer. Users are free to bid once again with Current Offer being 10m from Goldensperow
    1 point
  24. Pseudo dans le jeu : ZenJah Temps de jeu : 38 heures (j'ai commencé y a moins d'une semaine). Âge : 19 ans. Quelques mots sur vous : Bac +2, j'ai un chat et des planches de surf. Avez-vous Discord (obligatoire) ? : Bien suuur. Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? : 8 badges à Kanto. Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? : Pour le moment, avancer dans l'histoire, farm une équipe correcte, trouver des pokémons avec de bonnes stats et les train pour le PVP. Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? J'suis marrant et actif.
    1 point
  25. Hi @Dilipjat229 I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Unfortunantely, we are unable to de-evolve pokemon due to technical restraints. The only thing we can do is delevelling them or recover if they have been released due to a mistake. Quoting our EVOLUTION & DELEVELING MEGATHREAD: Also, unfortunately i cannot give you another Pokémon as this would be unfair towards all the other players that experienced a similar issue and accepted the fact we do not de-evolve or gift pokemon. I'm really sorry to disappoint you, but I hope you can understand. Let me know if you have any further questions, have a wonderful day !
    1 point
  26. Nice shop ma bro !
    1 point
  27. Nice shop, gl bro
    1 point
  28. Hi there To check your happiness, type /happy 1 in the chatbox. The happiness level of the Pokemon in your first slot will appear in the chat. Hope this helps, and with this said, I wish you a good day! Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team
    1 point
  29. With the merge between the Red Server and the Blue Server coming sometime next week, with a tentative possibility of it happening this upcoming weekend. We made this post to inform you of everything you need to know about the merge. This post will be updated with more information over time as well. You can choose to merge both accounts, or keep them, as shown below on this screenshot. Do note, if you decide to merge, then the story progress on one account will be deleted, but you get to keep all Pokemon, items, etc. [spoiler=How things will look] Now if you select option 1 you can do this in the screenshot below: That being said, here is a FAQ to help answer your questions and concerns about the merge. (Do note that more information will be added over time.): Q: What is the ETA? A: Looks like this upcoming weekend. Progress is 100% done and just needs to be tested. It takes less than a second to merge an account. Q: What happens if my Pokemon and Items are over the limit allowed and I don't want to make a new account and merge everything into one? A: Items will cap at 999, the rest will be cut. And as for Pokemon, you will be forced to keep both accounts if the combined total is over the 1000 Pokemon limit. Q: I want to be able to choose which progress I use! How do I do it? A: Just as shown in the screenshot above, you will be able to select your progress from the server that you want. Q: I have legendaries on both servers. What will happen to them? A: If you have the same species of legendaries on both accounts, you'll have the option to keep both accounts, or to choose one of the two to keep. Q: What about my playtime? A: Playtime will be merged. Q: There is a guild on with the same name as mine on the other server! What will happen to my guild? A: All Guilds will be deleted and leaders will get reimbursed 400k. This is to prevent any collisions that may occur. Important: Guilds have one week to recreate their guilds if they have a guild post that's older than a week. Q: What about the pvp season?!?!? A: The new pvp season will not start until the merge is complete. Q: What will the new server name be? A: Gold and Silver! Q: What about the current event?! A: Will be extended based off of how long things take and when the merge drops. Q: Does it take long to merge? A: Absolutely not. It's easy and quickly done. Q: I play PRO on my phone, can I do the merge with it? A: Yes, the website is phone compatible. Q: My account is banned, can I still merge it? A: You can't. If you are only banned on one server then you can keep both accounts, but you have to rename the account that's not banned. Important: If you are currently appealing then it might be better to wait for the final outcome and decide afterwards. Q: What happens to my mails? A: They will be merged. The sender will be changed to Eaty, but the original sender will be added to the title. Q: I need a list of all my guildies, is this possible? A: Yes, you will automatically get mails with a list of all your old guildies. Q: Do I lose something with the merge? A: Pretty much everything will be merged except the clothes you wear. The clothes you wear on the server you didn't choose as main server will be deleted. To prevent this you should take them off before you merge your account! Q: Not related to the merge, but when does Eaty recover my legendary? A: Good question and related to the merge! Legendaries won't be recovered anymore. If you want your legendary back you can do this: Choose the server you didn't catch it yet as main server. Merge your accounts. Fulfill the requirements for the legendary. Catch it again! If you deleted your legendary recently then they can still be recovered. How to merge: Step 1: Login in your dashboard and click on Merge is required! Step 2: Done!
    1 point
  30. i love the itachi one . whats your price?
    1 point
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