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@UncleDeo @Agree The auction was not handled correctly, i have reversed the trade. The auction will continue with the 2.6M offer from @Char59 as this was the last valid offer. To give everyone who offered the chance to read this and re-offer if they want to, the auction will run for 3 more hours from the moment i post this. @UncleDeo in the meantime please make sure you read the trade rules to avoid any problems like this in the future. Have a nice day and good luck on the auction. Sincerely Hawluchaa6 points
Hello, I had a discussion with few peoples about legendaries on PRO and it appears that many people are "afraid" or "annoyed" to rerolls their legendaries cause it's really not worth looking at the price of rerolls tickets. More than that, i'm legit tilted when someone get a godly hp ice heatran/zapdos without even using reroll while it's impossible for me with 30+ rerolls on the same pokemon. I think we should give more chance to people to get the legendaries they want if they use more rerolls. That's "Fair" This idea is not "Absolute", it is a first step and can improved of course so every feedback are appreciated. What would happen if the game increased the chance of getting +10/+15/+20 ivs on our legendaries if we use more than 5/10/20/30 rerolls on the same legendaries, we could think of something like : - from 5 to 10 rerolls used : 10% chance to get +12 ivs - from 10 to 20 rerolls : 10% chance to get 15+ - 20+ rerolls : 20% chance to get 15+ ivs Which mean that if you use a 21th reroll, you have 20% chance that your legendary IV'S will be randomized between 15 and 31. I don't want to make rerolls too op since it's a MMO, luck always have to be a big part but it would be really nice to find a balanced advantage of using more and more rerolls. Not just pure randomness.3 points
@Avengar @BeerusGoD @Napolion22n i will investigate the auction today, please hold on to the Pokemon and money until further notice. Have a nice day, Sincerely Hawluchaa2 points
2 points
Agree. All the 'hardcore' players wanting the most harsh experience clearly never played any other MMO ever, or never bothered to study the mechanics. There are always bad luck protection mechanics in RnG-based MMOs. From World of Warcraft's extra coin roll on bosses/PvP for an additional chance of loot, to the more linear enhancing system on BDO where failing an upgrade increases the % chance on the next one. Two very different games, one casual with gear resets and the other quite hardcore grinding game with linear progress; the fundamental is still the same! It is RNG, it is still hard, but eventually you get it. Right now PRO does not feel rewarding at all. I worked very hard to get the evolutions required, which was no joke back then, just to see my Latios being 100% useless. Not even decent for friends battles. Even worse feeling considering in original games legendary pokemons come with 3x31 stats guaranteed, indeed because harder to unlock/catch and to prevent people from feeling like crap receiving a useless thing for their hard work. I had to drop about 20 millions to 'fix' my Latios, without the guarantee I'd have ever had one. Horrible game design and leads people to quit, as many of my friends sadly did. The suggested change in % seems more than reasonable to me; it is not 'game-breaking' (whatever you might even mean by it) and makes it so people are more inclined on rerolling their legendaries, rather than just gamble it sometimes. It adds a subtle linear progression to the game and increases pokemon's availability in PvP matches, many of which are heavily underrepresented right now due to IV limitations. On top of it all, we are talking about non-tradeable Pokemons, so economy isn't hurt by it in the slightest if not by an indirect effect of having more 'checks & counters' available in the long term, lowering the need and price of certain pokemons that currently walk over teams because 'Latios is really hard to get'. All in all, very healthy change to the game. +1 TLDR: +1. Rerolls remain a Pokedollar sink (or $ ). Linear progression being added means fewer people feel like quitting after catching/rerolling a bad legendary. Hunters aren't hurt, they aren't tradeable. More rewarding game experience for consistent grinders. Easier long-term Pokemon availability for PvP, to enrichen the Pokemon usage %s and teams variety.2 points
Be one of an elite PRO guild which consists of members with high dedication to be the best. And most importantly we want to build a family, something that is more than just in game. Dex Service Kanto: completed Johto: completed Hoenn: completed Sinnoh: completed Story Pokemon Story pokemon to rush Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and/or Sinnoh. We currently have more than 30 story pokemon! Discord Bot A Discord bot specially for PRO! Read more Guild Shop The Discord bot manages our guild shop via discord commands! ● Be at least 18 years old. ● Be able to use discord. ● Follow PRO ToS and Guild Rules! ● Do not be rude or offensive, but banter is welcomed. ● 200 hours play time! You'll have to give us some informations about yourself: ● What's your Name/IGN? ● How old are you? ● Are you active in Discord? ● Where are you from? ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? ● What's your goal in PRO? ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? ● What's your favorite animal and why? Also, feel free to give us a short introduction of yourself. ^_^ We are really active in discord and everyone will be able to find their place, if they want to. We hope to see you around soon!1 point
Muy buenos días he estado viendo que no hay una guía en español de Johto solo de Kanto traducida, por lo cual voy a dar mi versión de una guía que hay en el foro en Inglés junto con algunas notas personales de como fui haciendo algunas cosas para que entre todos nos ayudemos. En el juego he visto a varios perdidos por algunas quest en especial las de Goldenroad y el Gimnasio de tipo fantasma, sin mas que añadir dejaré el link de la guía original en inglés por aquí. Y empezamos con este recorrido :0 Inicio NEW BARK TOWN Nada más al llegar iremos al laboratorio del profesor Elm, el cual se encuentra en la parte izquierda superior, justo al lado de nuestra casa en Johto, aquí no debemos hacer más que elegir a nuestro nuevo inicial. Cyndaquill de tipo fuego, Totodile de tipo agua o Chikorita de tipo planta. Ahora bien esta elección es a gusto personal, aunque si quieres tener una estadía fácil en Johto la mejor opción es Cyndaquill ofrece resistencia a la mayoría de gimnasios además de ser efectivo contra los gimnasios que pueden ser más complicados como son los tres finales. Si en cambio prefieres la ruta díficil Chikorita es vulnerable al primer gimnasio e incluso no tiene un gimnasio en el que sea eficaz de forma natural en esta región. Route 29 No hay mucho que destacar en esta ruta, simplemente sigue el camino hacia la izquierda hasta llegar a la otra ciudad, aquí puedes atrapar un Ratata el cual a niveles bajos puede ser útil al saber Quick Attack cuyo daño suele destrozar y además es un ataque de prioridad por lo cual siempre atacará primero. Otro interesante de esta ruta es Hoothoot que a niveles altos aprenderá ataques de tipo Psiquico. Cherry Grove City Lo más importante es ir al centro pokémon donde un anciano te detendrá y te dará pokeballs, pokeyenes y pociones sin tener que hacer nada ni pagar por todo esto. Ahora con la billetera llena y más pokeballs para seguir fortaleciendo a nuestro equipo debemos seguir a la izquierda y doblar hacia arriba. Route 30 y 31 Simplemente seguimos hacia el norte donde habrá varios entrenadores para ganar experiencia ya sea con nuestro inicial o los recién incorporados, hay un pequeño atajo que es salir del camino principal e ir por la hierba haciendo que uno de nuestros pokemon aprenda Cut para cortar el árbol que hay al final de esta y saldremos a la cueva que está justo al lado de una escalera. Tras bajar por esta escalera una anciana nos retará y siguiendo hacia la izquierda cortaremos el arbol para no tener que enfrentarnos a los entrenadores de abajo y así llegaremos a Violet City. Violet City Llegando al centro pokémon podremos hablar con un montañero que nos dará Smooth Rock que nos permite aumentar la duración de las tormentas de arena si la equipamos a un pokémon que sepa usar Sand Storm o tenga como habilidad chorro de arena. No podremos entrar al gimnasio por lo que debemos ir al norte hasta llegar a la Bellsprout Tower en donde nada más al entrar al costado izquierdo obtendremos un gastly completamente gratis (pokeball azul). Subir la torre es sencillo, si haz escogido a Cyndaquill será un paseo de xp ya que los monjes usarán a Bellsprout o Ratatas, si en cambio escogiste a Totodile o Chikorita será mucho más tedioso poder vencerles. Recomiendo ir con Pokémon de nivel 10-13 en especial voladores como Pidgey o Hoothoot ya que fácilmente podrás vencerles. El maestro tendrá un Raticate y un Weepinbell. Gimnasio de Violet City Tras derrotar al maestro de los sabios podrás entrar al gimnasio, recomiendo levear un poco en las afueras del pueblo hasta que nuestros pokemon alcancen el nivel 15-17 el líder usará pokémon de tipo volador por lo cual los pokémon de Tipo Bicho y Planta serán básicamente eliminados de un solo golpe. Lo recomendable es combatir con pokémon de tipo Volador o Roca (que puedes atrapar en la cueva oscura de la ruta 31). El equipo del líder consistirá de Pidgey, Spearow y Pidgeotto, tras ganarle nos dará la primer medalla y el hombre de la entrada nos venderá Tailwind por 10,000. Route 32 Seguimos avanzando al salir del gimnasio nos dirigiremos al sur hasta que veamos un centro pokémon, cabe destacar que aquí podremos capturar un Mareep que nos vendrá bien contra el entrenador que bloquea el camino a la cueva ya que este usará los mismos pokémon que el líder de gimnasio pero bastante más fuertes. Union Cave La cueva es bastante sencilla, simplemente debemos ir hacia el sur para encontrar la salida sorteado a los entrenadores que encontremos. Route 33 Nada interesante más que algunos entrenadores para levear, simplemente seguimos a la izquierda hasta llegar a Azalea Town. Azalea Town El gimnasio estará bloqueado por un Slowpoke, por lo cual debemos ir hasta la entrada del pueblo donde habrá un pozo con una escalera, al entrar nos enfrentaremos a varios Rockets que usarán pokémon de tipo Veneno y Volador por lo que un pokémon tipo roca nos facilitará la tarea. Al llegar al final nos enfrentaremos a Christina que tendrá un Lapras, un Golbat y un Ariados por lo que un pokémon de tipo electrico podrá hacer una tarea bastante sencilla en su contra. Gimnasio de Azalea Town El gimnasio es de tipo bicho por lo cual Cyndaquill vuelve a ser de mucha utilidad, también los pokémon de tipo volador o roca. Bugsy tendrá en su equipo a Pinsir, Parasect y Scyther, es recomendable rondar el nivel 25 o 27 para este gimnasio aunque si tienes a Cyndaquill podrás pasarlo al nivel 24 incluso. Tras derrotarle tendremos una nueva medalla. Accediendo a Ilex Forest Tras salir del gimnasio hablamos con la chica rubia que bloquea el camino hacia la parte izquierda donde nos desafiará a una batalla sus pokémon rondarán el nivel 24 pero con un pokémon tipo roca para su Doduo y nuestro inicial bien entrenado no tendremos problemas. Ilex Forest Tras ingresar iremos hacia el norte donde un hombre nos pedirá que encontremos a su pokémon, simplemente vamos hacia la derecha hasta llegar al Farfetch'd en la parte superior derecha del mismo bosque, debemos derrotarle para continuar, este pequeño boss puede ser algo complicado a un nivel bajo por lo cual recomiendo que todo tu equipo ronde el nivel 20 a este punto usando un pokémon de tipo electrico o roca para debilitarlo rápidamente. Tras derrotarle el pokémon volverá con su dueño, simplemente debemos regresar y hablarle para que se corra del camino, utilizamos corte en el arbusto que bloqueaba el paso y tras ver a Celebi seguiremos hacia el norte bordeando el lago por la derecha y yendo siempre al norte hasta poder solamente doblar a la izquierda donde llegaremos al final de este bosque. Route 34 Una ruta sencilla en la que iremos hacia el norte hasta llegar a la ciudad, no hay mucho de importancia simplemente algunos entrenadores que derrotar. Este lugar puede ser buena fuente de leveo para las quest de Goldenroad. Goldenroad City Al ingresar cerca del centro pokémon hay un motero que nos cambiará su Machop por un Drownzee un cambio conveniente debido a que el próximo gimnasio es tipo normal, además este Machop tiene el Macho Brace que permite subir los EV del pokémon más rápido. Seguiremos hasta la torre de radio donde comenzará la Quest principal, debemos decirle al guardia que le ayudaremos. Acto seguido nos enviará al subterraneo donde debemos hablar con el npc viejo que bloquea la puerta del mismo, tras esto hablaremos con el guardia que nos encomendó la misión. Debemos ir a la pequeña casa que queda a la derecha del centro comercial y hablar con Michael, tras esto es muy importante tener un butterfree, bellsprout (a nivel 13 y con sleep pownder) o un paras (nivel 20 con spore). Vamos al centro comercial y bajamos al piso BF1 donde hablaremos con el policia.1 point
Welcome to the third version of my shop. A few rules : Free delivery. Every auction last 48h after your post. I will add the minimum bid after you start the auction. If a poke doesn't have an insta, it means I will add it later during the auction. If a poke has an insta, it might change during the auction If a poke doesn't have a starting offer but only an insta, it means the price is fixed CC = 370k NRR = 375k IVRR et ARR = 750k RC = 7k Silver players can start/take place in auctions of 2m and above. The only condition is to pay for the account transfer. Keep in mind market is kinda weird right now so prices might change pretty quickly, in both directions. [spoiler=POKEMON THAT CAN MEGA EVOLVE] NEW MEGA SALAMENCE S.O : 3.5m MEGA ALTARIE S.O : 5m 2.5m MEGA AGGRON S.O : 5m 2m MEGA LOPUNNY S.O : 5m 4m MEGA GARCHOMP S.O : 4m 3m MEGA ALAKAZAM (hp ice) S.O : 4m 2m MEGA SCEPTILE (hp fire) S.O : 3.5m 3m MEGA AERODACTYL S.O : 3.5m 2m NEW MEGA ABSOL S.O : 2m MEGA ABSOL S.O : 3m 1.5m MEGA BEEDRILL S.O : 3m 1.5m MEGA MEDICHAM S.O : 3m 1m MEGA LUCARIO S.O : 3m 1.5m MEGA GALLADE S.O : 3m 1m MEGA LUCARIO S.O : 2.5m 1m MEGA SCEPTILE S.O : 2.5m MEGA GARCHOMP S.O : 2.5m 2m MEGA LUCARIO S.O : 2.5m 800k MEGA ALAKAZAM S.O : 2.5m 1m MEGA SCIZOR S.O : 2m 1m MEGA LUCARIO S.O : 2m 1.2m MEGA HERACROSS S.O : 2m 1m MEGA CHARIZARD S.O : 2m 1.4m MEGA AERODACTYL S.O : 2m 1m NEW MEGA TYRANITAR (dragon dance set) S.O : 1m MEGA AERODACTYL S.O : 1.5m 800k MEGA GYARADOS S.O : 1.5m 1m NEW MEGA LOPUNNY S.O : 800k MEGA METAGROSS S.O : 1m 600k NEW MEGA MEDICHAM S.O : 500K MEGA CHARIZARD S.O : 750k 400k [spoiler=NON MEGAS > 1m] NEW WEAVILE S.O : 3m GRENINJA (hp fire) S.O : 2.5m 2.2m TOGEKISS S.O : 2m 1.7m INFERNAPE S.O : 2m 1.6m GOODRA S.O : 1.5m NEW CLEFABLE S.O : 1.3m MILOTIC S.O : 1.3m NEW ROTOM (hp ice) S.O : 1.2m OMASTAR S.O : 1m NEW Gengar S.O : 900k INSTA : 1.5m STOUTLAND S.O : 1m 800k EASTER AZUMARILL S.O : 1m 750k BISHARP S.O : 1m AZUMARILL S.O : 1m KOMMO-O S.O : 1m 700k [spoiler=1m < 500k] UMBREON S.O : 900k 800k INSTA : 1.5m RAIN DRAGONITE S.O : 800k NEW STALL XATU S.O : 800k INSTA : 1.2m SNORLAX S.O : 700k 600k INSTA : 1.1m SERPERIOR S.O : 700k 650k INSTA : 1.2m NEW TOXICROAC S.O : 600k INSTA : 1m NEW JOLTEON (hp ice and outspeeds gengar) S.O : 600k UMBREON S.O : 600k 500k INSTA : 1.1m DIGGERSBY S.O : 600k 450k INSTA : 1.1m 800k BISHARP S.O : 600k 500k INSTA : 1.m XATU S.O : 600k 500k NEW REUNICLUS S.O : 500k NEW CRADILY S.O : 500k NEW MEGANIUM S.O : 500k VOLCARONA (hp ground) S.O : 500k 450k INSTA : 1m TANGROWTH (hp ice) S.O : 500k 450k SNORLAX S.O : 500k INSTA : 1m MANTINE S.O : 500k INFERNAPE S.O : 500k 350k INSTA : 1m 700k GOLURK S.O : 500k EXCADRILL S.O : 500k 400k EMPOLEON S.O : 500k INSTA : 1m BRELOOM S.O : 500k INSTA : 1m BELLOSSOM (hp fire) S.O : 500k 400k AZUMARILL S.O : 500k DUSCLOPS S.O : 500k DURANT S.O : 500k [spoiler=500k > 250k] NEW CORSOLA S.O : 400k INSTA : 800k NEW ROTOM (hp ice) S.O : 400k NEW SCOLIPEDE S.O : 400k INSTA : 700k SIMISAGE (hp ice) S.O : 400k KLEFKI S.O : 400k INSTA : 900k HITMONLEE S.O : 400k 300k INSTA : 800k BISHARP S.O : 400k AMBIPOM S.O : 400k INSTA : 800k WHIMSICOTT S.O : 350k INSTA : 700k TORTERRA S.O : 350k 300k INSTA : 700k MANDIBUZZ S.O : 350k 250k INSTA : 700k KROOKODILE S.O : 350k INSTA : 700k DARMANITAN S.O : 350k INSTA : 650k TENTACRUEL S.O : 300k INSTA : 650k PORYGON-Z S.O : 300k 200k INSTA : 650k 400k NOIVERN S.O : 300k INSTA : 800k MUNCHLAX S.O : 300k 250k INSTA : 600k MACHAMP S.O : 300k INSTA : 700k JYNX S.O : 300k 250k JOLTEON S.O : 300k 200k INSTA : 600k 400k JELLICENT S.O : 300k INSTA : 600k EMPOLEON S.O : 300k INSTA : 600k CHANSEY S.O : 300k 200k INSTA : 700k 500k TOGEKISS INSTA : 300k 265k DRAGONITE INSTA : 300k 250k STARAPTOR S.O : 250k INSTA : 600k NINETALES S.O : 250k INSTA : 550k LUDICOLO S.O : 250k INSTA : 500k CROBAT S.O : 250k INSTA : 600k CLAYDOL S.O : 250k BRELOOM S.O : 250k INSTA : 600k AURORUS S.O : 250k SLOWKING INSTA : 250k LEAFEON INSTA : 250k FERROTHORN INSTA : 250k [spoiler=< 250k] STARMIE S.O : 200k INSTA : 450k SLAKING S.O : 200k MAMOSWINE S.O : 200k INSTA : 450k SHIFTRY INSTA : 200k 150k SCRAFTY INSTA : 200k 175k PANGORO INSTA : 200k KINGDRA INSTA : 200k 150k DUSKNOIR INSTA : 200k DARMANITAN INSTA : 200k 140k AZUMARILL INSTA : 200k NEW HARIYAMA INSTA : 150K WEEZING INSTA : 150k MAMOSWINE INSTA : 150k HITMONLEE INSTA : 150k 100k DARMANITAN INSTA : 150k CLEFABLE INSTA : 150k BLASTOISE INSTA : 150k MR.MIME INSTA : 100k 75k Enjoy your stay1 point
Welcome to my shop Rules : price are negociable. No auction all insta price. I accept cc as 390k. Fake buyers will be reported. When you buy poke, you can't cancel it. You can pm me on discord (killerbee04/ commotion1#7582) or in game commotion1. [spoiler=Arcanine] 150k 220k 250k 100k 250k [spoiler=Cacturne] 200k 300k [spoiler=Chandelure] 350k [spoiler=chesnaught] 350k [spoiler=Cofagrigus] 200k [spoiler=Conkeldurr] 450k 200k [spoiler=crobat] 200k [spoiler=dusknoir] 350k [spoiler=Empoleon] 100k [spoiler=Espeon] [spoiler=Espeon] 350k [spoiler=Excadrill] 175k [spoiler=Fearow] 250k [spoiler=Ferrothorn] 300k [spoiler=Floatzel] 100k [spoiler=goodra] 200k [spoiler=Grumpig] 300k [spoiler=Hariyama] 250k [spoiler=Honchkrow] 120k 120k [spoiler=Huntail] 200k [spoiler=Hypno] 100k [spoiler=Linoone] 120k 250k 250k [spoiler=Lucario] 300k [spoiler=Ludicolo] 300k [spoiler=Mamoswine] 300k 300k [spoiler=Mantine] 250K [spoiler=Marowak] 250k 200k [spoiler=Musharna] 150k [spoiler=Ninetales] 200k [spoiler=Pelipper] 350k [spoiler=Raticate] 300k [spoiler=Rhyperior] 150k [spoiler=Scizor] 180k [spoiler=Shiftry] 150k [spoiler=Simipour] 150k 300k [spoiler=Simisage] 150k [spoiler=Simisear] 150k 200k [spoiler=Snorlax] 100k [spoiler=Swampert] 300k [spoiler=Torterra] 300k [spoiler=Volcarona] 300k 250k1 point
Since the most recent change just a few days ago (hours, even), the quest to access Sinnoh has been completely replaced. If you were in the middle of the quest, about to start it or had beaten Hannah but not talked to her and teleported to Sinnoh, you'll have to start the new one from scratch. Good luck, trainer! VERY BIG WARNING: ONCE YOU ENTER ROUTE 101 TO FIGHT THE GRUNTS, DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT GO BACK TO LITTLEROOT TOWN. IF THE NPCS DISAPPEAR AND YOU CANNOT PROGRESS, POST HERE: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/871-url . THERE SEEMS TO BE A BUG WHERE, IF YOU GO BACK TO THE TOWN AND THEN REENTER ROUTE 101, THE GRUNTS COMPLETELY DISAPPEAR AND YOU CANNOT CONTINUE THE QUEST UNTIL YOU ARE HELPED BY PRO STAFF. WELCOME TO THE SINNOH ACCESS QUEST GUIDE! The quest will start once you speak to the NPC Paul in Lilycove City (Hoenn). You need to have 6 pokemon in your team that are at the very least level 80 or above. This can be acheived by training them in Mount Silver or in Cerulean Cave as the NPC says. However, getting access to Cerulean Cave is painful, so we can also borrow a friend's team. The pokemon do not have to be ours to be valid for the quest, so we can borrow 6 pokemon at level 80 from a friend or train them ourselves. He will then teleport us back to Littleroot Town. Once you exit your house, you'll find unwanted visitors: Team Galaxy Grunts! The villagers need help! You will then approach Stan, who stares at you, menacingly (yes, this is a Jojo's reference). He will fight you with strong pokemon. He has a level 70 Exploud, Hariyama, Crobat and Purugly. They will then Teleport and escape. Go north to route 101. More grunts will appear. The next one has a level 70 Mightyena, Dustox, Masquerain and Luxray. Grunt Bernie is next. He has a level 70 Mawile, Aggron, Electrode and Skuntank. Grunt Jack comes afterwards. this will take long... He has a level 70 Cacturne, Altaria, Whiscash and Bronzong. Grunt Mario has a level 70 Whiscash, Claydol, Banette, and Drapion. There's still more! Grunt Karina has a level 70 Medicham, Dusclops, Glalie and Toxicroak. The last Grunt, Vincent, has a level 70 Absol, Tropius, Flygon and Weavile. You will then reach Oldale Town. Heal up and try to go to Route 102. Stan will block the way and fight you with his level 100 Alakazam. When he's defeated, he will teleport you to Route 103. You'll see Mars, Saturn, Pluton and Birch. However, you'll hear a mysterious voice: Maxie and Archie will take care of two of them, while you'll fight Pluton. He is a tough one. Pluton has a level 100 Slowking who will spam Scald, a Rotom-Wash, a Porygon-Z, a Blaziken, a Sceptile and Swampert (the pokemon they forced to evolve, it seems). Since many people asked for help on this step, I will give you an example strategy of how you can beat this boss easily: 1.- Geodude with Sturdy + Stealth Rock (or any evolution, you can capture one in Mt Silver with the moveset ready as Graveler) 2.- Electrode with Eerie Impulse (you can get one at a high level already in Cerulean Cave) 3.- 1 Pokemon with a good setup move. Examples: Gyarados with Dragon Dance, Clefable with Cosmic Power, Slowbro with Calm Mind and Iron Defense, etc. For this boss, I recommend you either unlock the Mega Slowbro Stone or you use a Clefable, easy to farm and use. You begin by using Stealth Rock with Graveler and letting it faint. Then you Eerie Impulse multiple times against the Slowking and faint your Electrode. After this, switch in your pokemon with a setup move equipped with leftovers, set up until your stats are maxed and you will be able to sweep. Example: Clefable - Cosmic Power, Toxic, Softboiled, Moonblast Gyarados - Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Waterfall, Ice Fang Slowbro - Iron Defense, Calm Mind, Slack Off, Surf However, they will escape after you defeat him. You will talk to Birch and he'll actually tell you that the three Hoenn starters are lost in Route 101 and 102. Mudkip can be found just below Birch in the Route 103. You need Surf to pick him up here. Torchic will be hiding in the spot in front of me in Route 101. Interact with it to rescue the lost pokémon. Treecko will be hidden in front of me in this spot in Route 102. Interact with it as you did before. Once you have picked up the three Pokemon, talk with Birch. He will tell you to go and talk to Alakazam. He can be found in the Docks in Lilycove City (same place you can go and get the boat to go back to Vermillion and Olivine. Congratulations, you've now completed the new Sinnoh Quest! VERY BIG WARNING: ONCE YOU ENTER SINNOH, THERE IS NO GOING BACK. YOU MUST DEFEAT THE ELITE FOUR IF YOU WANT TO GO BACK TO THE PREVIOUS REGIONS. Special thanks to: @WhiteBaron (mr corsi handsome french boy) for helping me out and fixing the variables that bugged while I was doing the quest. @Donuts02 for lending me his level 100s so I could rush Hoenn to do a guide of the quest for forums. @jimmicha for rushing my account story in Silver so I could do more guides for forums.1 point
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Hello @Bhimoso, I apologize for the late response. Whether this is intended or not, I'm unsure of. I do know that if the map is small enough in conjunction with the use of a low enough game zoom, it is possible to see beyond the boundaries of a map. If I have misunderstood anything, please let me know. Additionally, I will pass your suggestion onto the mapper team but I cannot guarantee anything as they are very busy with future projects.1 point
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I just saw that ur post is in "buying pokes" section i didnt see it the first time cause i just opened the link u sent me, ask a mod to move it maybe.1 point
Hello @Madtrainer, I locked the Threads for you :-) Have a great day, M3ru3m1 point
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@Hawluchaa could you have a look on that auction here? Something clearly went wrong here.1 point
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I also suggested this awhile back would also been good if you could hover it and it would tell you what poke the route and time left i can imagine there is alot of players who dont use discord and would love this.1 point
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+1 this is the only dig spot I don't do it's just not worth going there and is a pain to get there1 point
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Bonjour je suis intéressé et motivé pour rejoindre la FrenchConnexion. Pseudo dans le jeu: Biloutas Temps de jeu: 52h Age: 17 ans Quelques mots sur moi : Je suis un garçon et une connaissance de Sympatoche Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? : J'ai actuellement fini l'aventure;) Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? : Mes objectifs sont le PVP ce qui veut dire farmer aussi également. Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? : Vous devez me choisir car je suis actif et motivé; Pseudo Discord : michonnet#69971 point
Pseudo dans le jeu : Monsterbeatx Temps de jeu : 100h Âge : 25 ans Quelques mots sur vous : j'adore le farm pendant plusieurs heures, crée de nouvelle équipe strat Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? : Fini hoenn, farm les pokemon pour aller a sinnoh Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? : Parce que je suis actif dans le jeu, et que pokemon est toute ma vie XD Pseudo Discord : TheChild1 point
I heard this argument a lot about "multimillionaire buying infinite reroll tickets". we are talking about 700-750k for each rerolls tickets, without any guarantee that you'll get something correct. I consider myself as someone who has a good budget, and someone who wasted about +80 rerolls probably and i can tell it doesn't work like that at all. I'll never be able to reroll until i get a godly one, that's out of reality. I hardly believe that someone who spammed reroll may have this opinion, i'm afraid the topic will just go -1 from every PVE player and +1 from every PVP player, maybe a waste we'll see1 point
-1 I understand what Kb is trying to say however, I disagree with the suggestion of adding insta in the beginning because not everyone knows how much exactly their Pokemon is worth. Therefore, adding insta later gives the seller an idea about how much would be a reasonable insta to set based on the current offers.1 point
I disagree. The timing problem of when an insta is given is the same whenever you must give it. If you're not online for the start of the auction and it's insta'd straight away how is this different to now, those offline still missed out, they are just less aware of it(mabye). Yes insta negotiation happens, we all know it. But personally I don't think it's a bad thing. It still needs to be announced, allowing for snipes. And also you know if you have two people trying to negotiate instas with you, you can set the price higher. I also think plenty of people struggle to put a price on the Pokémon they are selling, and providing starting instas will lead to less money overall for the sellers(either through underpricing the insta, or through putting the insta too high so it's irrelevant). Basically in any trade a buyer should never be sad, they always know what they are buying. But a seller often doesn't know what they are selling(ppl buying dirt cheap shinies off newbies ect). I don't think this should be removed from a seller's arsonal. Opinion given as someone who 99.9% of the time gives instas at the start of auctions1 point
Changelog 11.08.2020: Bumped Unity to newest version. Ball animations show the ball while summoning and catching a Pokemon now. We save the balls you caught Pokemon with from now on. All previously caught Pokemon were set to Pokeball. The ball used to catch a Pokemon is displayed in the Pokemon card now. [*]Reworked swaping move positions in pokecards from arrows to drag and drop. BEFORE, AFTER [*]Reworked the client options menu. Added Show D-Pad and Relative Touch Control options. Keybindings can be removed with Escape now. [*]Reworked code parts in the Windows client patcher to make verifying a lot faster. [*]Fixed a bug where changing your Pokemon resulted in changing enemies Pokemon. [*]Super/Not very effective sound parsing which resulted in playing the wrong sound sometimes works correctly now. [*]Fixed Ferroseeds abilities, it can no longer become Anticipation. [*]Struggle no longer gets the priority from the selected move. [*]Fixed/Improves EXP mathematics. [*]Poison Touch works properly with Protect now. [*]Contrary works correctly with Intimidate now. [*]Outrage and Protect work correctly together now. [*]Outrage can only hit three times now. [*]Life Orb and Water Shuriken work properly with Water Absorb now. [*]Pressure works as intended now. [*]White Herb gets consumed now. [*]Encore and Disable work as intended now. [*]U-Turn works properly now. [*]Volt Switch works properly now. [*]Baton Pass works properly now. Baton Pass passes SPATK now. Baton Pass has priority with Prankster now. [*]Healing Wish works now. [*]Lunar Dance works now. [*]Substitute works now. [*]Protect works correctly after enemy's switch out now. [*]Foul Play ignores enemies ability and holding item now. [*]Choice items do not lock you anymore when the move does not go off due to paralyze, flinch etc. [*]Minimize now raises the user's evasion by two stages, instead of one. [*]Simple Beam works now. [*]Leech Life heals correctly now. For some reason it healed 50% of the attackers life. [*]A few moves still had Gen5-6 Base Powers and Accuracies. They were updated to Gen7. Base Power: Assurance, Chatter, Draco Meteor, Energy Ball, Hydro Pump, Lick, Magma Storm, Overheat, Power Gem, Smog, Surf, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Vine Whip, Meteor Mash and Leaf Storm. Accuracy: Gunk Shot, Poison Gas, Psycho Shift, Will-O-Wisp, Meteor Mash, Roar, Topsy-Turvy and Whirlwind. [*]Trick Room and Wonder Room will now be used if the opponent switches in a Pokemon that dies to Stealth Rock. [*]Battle Bond works now. Water Shuriken gets 20 BP and always hits 3 times with activated Battle Bond. Greninja with Battle Bond is not yet catchable. [*]Stance Change works now. [*]King's Shield works now. [*]Mega Evolutions are implemented now. Megastones cannot be removed in battles (via Knock Off, Trick or Thief f.e.). NPCs can mega evolve their Pokemon correctly now. Pokemon can hold Megastones but Pokemon holding Megastones and Megastones are not tradable. More and more Megastones will be available in-game with new content over time. [*]If a Pokemon dies before the opponent used a move the move will be used and fail now. This is the correct behaviour, triggers choice items lock and reveals a possible new move. [*]Fixed a bug where Destiny Bond killed the wrong Pokemon. [*]Fake Out and Truant work correctly with U-Turn, Volt Switch and Baton Pass now. They used to fail if used after getting switched in via one of these moves. [*]Tailwind works correctly with Prankster now. Prankster should be fully fixed with that. [*]Filter works now. [*]Endure may fail if used in succession now. [*]White Herb gets consumed correctly now. [*]Reworked Encore and Disable, Struggle works correctly with that now. [*]Focus Sash works correctly with Hazards, Stealth Rock, Spikes and Poison now. Shedinja with Focus Sash is no longer banned in Ranked PvP. [*]Added [iCODE]/surrender[/iCODE] command and button in battles. [iCODE]/surrender[/iCODE] works in all battles, counts as a loss and has a five minutes cooldown in Ranked PvP battles. The five minutes cooldown is only for the command and has nothing to do with the battles. [iCODE]/surrender[/iCODE] does not add a ten minutes cooldown to enter the Ranked PvP Queue again. [*]Added [iCODE]/draw[/iCODE] command in Ranked PvP battles. [iCODE]/draw[/iCODE] only works in PvP battles and ends without a winner or loser. Draw requests can only be sent alternately to avoid spam requests. The draw requests expire after 30 seconds. [*]Technician works properly now. It didn't use the base power before. [*]Expert Belt works properly for physical moves now. [*]Fixed three bugs that possibly made your PvP battles go stuck. The first bug happened when both Pokemon died with Weather Effects involved. The second bug happened when you went in Queue with a dead Pokemon. That's the bug where you summoned a Pokemon and it instantly died and made your battle stuck. [*]The third bug was a combination of switching moves and Choice lock items. [*]Fixed an urgent bug in received and sent mails. [*]Removed Xanascript shops entirely from the server code. [*]Added user.gender in Python. [*]Changed quite a bit of the client-server API. We use the UID instead of the index in many cases now. [*]Pokemon instantly get an UID now. [*]Fixed a bug with the max visible users. The code was simply wrong and caused that users stopped moving, disappeared or took too long to appear. Reworked NPC LoS with the same code. [*]Fixed a bug where Xanascript NPCs returned the wrong Hidden Power. [*]Client battle code completely reworked and battle animations slightly changed. This does not include attack animations. [*]Catch rate was adjusted to the handhelds and every shake has a chance to break out now. [*]Added many cosmetics (mounts, headgears) and tiles for future content. [*]Reworked PvP timer. Everyone has a 180 seconds overall timer that gets +15 seconds every round. Infinite time stalling should not be possible anymore. [*]Improved layer handling. The Pokedex and other stuff don't flicker anymore. [*]The catch rate chance has been reworked based on gen7 and works as intend now. It should be easier to catch pokemon like Beldum. [*]Many, many, many code optimizations, clean-ups, small reworks and bug fixes. Known Issues in Mega Edition These are no new bugs but affect this update Multi-hits do not heal absorb abilities (escept Water Absorb). Multi-hits do not have Independent calculations.1 point
Helllow My ign is supertrainers I will like to join your guild But due to exams I can't come online in discord currently Thank you Looking for reply;;1 point
1 point
Pseudo dans le jeu : Parneus Temps de jeu : 135h Âge : 38 ans Quelques mots sur vous : De la région Compiègne, responsable-adjoint de magasin, et gamer dans l'âme. Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? : Je viens de terminer le conseil des 4 de Hoenn. Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? : Farm, collection de pokemon, et a voir le PVP quand je m'en sentirais pret. Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? Je suis habitué a jouer en équipe sur différent jeux (12 ans de wow, 3500 heures sur Ark, team sur overwatch et j'en passe), si je veux rejoindre une guilde c'est pour apporter mon aide et en recevoir car a plusieurs le jeux serra bien plus cool ^^ Pseudo Discord : Parneus1 point