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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/21 in all areas

  1. Belz, I am going to be quite honest here. You might not like this, and you know that's okay. It is not an attack, I am being honest, maybe brutal as well, but honest. After getting the full story, it changed my perspective on this quite a bit. And, being a chronic over thinker, I thought about it. Then came to this conclusion. You and Felix made similar mistakes. When Belzebel messes up, it's all "Oh my god, I will not do it again." "Please forgive me". For like what, the 1000th time? You have had more chances than cats have lives. I am actually surprised you are not banned by now. When Felix does the same thing, instead of trying to see the shoe on the other foot and giving him the chance you want people to give you, instantly you launch some kind of crusade against him. You want people to respect and give you chances? Then be the change you wish to see. I am not defending his actions, I think what has transpired should have never happened personally. And that is my hot take. But, we will never know if he will change or not unless he is given a chance. He is human just like me and you. And humans are bound to mess up. Me and him do not have the best history, some here already know, for which I take most of the blame for this and my actions. But anyways he is a very good staff, and quite frankly Belz, you of all people have no right to say who should be staff or not given how you acted as a staff member. You act like you were not warned about your behavior. You were warned, we had followed the policy, and had given you chances to reform, and escalating with each offense before you were removed from the staff team. We had to remove you. Given we had to remove you for your behavior, do you think it is valid that you can even say if someone deserves to be staff or not? You started off by being incredibly rude and inappropriate as a staff member. You also had posts in the Official Discord that were not okay, if I had more time I would totally go dig them up. No matter who or how many times we talked to you, it is like you did not understand a word we said or even read the numerous forum posts about professionalism, staff rules, and standards. A huge slap in the face to the team and player base we served. Then you kept getting into fights and arguments with your fellow staffers. You were a hard worker yes, but it does not excuse your terrible attitude and how you treated people. It got so bad between this and your behavior we had to remove you, incase you forgot. It is pure hypocrisy you want to be given chances and such, but do not want to give someone a chance. Staff after staff has tried to give you a chance to reform, and has been more than super nice to you, including myself. To see you on the forums making such claims about staff is quite disgusting given the amount of special treatment you have gotten over the years. Being nice with you does not work, and you do not seem to appreciate it with how you squander what has been given to you and lash out when people treat you like everyone else. As like what happened to you, if he were to continue to mess up, the policy would be followed. Keita spilled the tea, so to speak already in a previous post that basically he followed the policy. So it is not like they are not doing anything about it. So, uh: https://i.imgur.com/WFEqRhb.png https://i.imgur.com/cxUU8MM.png You are not supposed to solicit staff in private messages. You are breaking a rule and his privacy. He does not have to answer you, and just because people did answer you does not mean he is supposed to or required too like you think. Yeah, people give you special treatment in private messages, but he does not have too. He could of been a bit nicer about it, yeah. However, why are you trying to solicit information from a staff member in private messages? That is not good. At this point you come across as a young child who got upset, because they are not getting any special treatment. Literally digging and scraping for anything to try to prove you are right. But you are wrong with this. He doesn't have to respect you here, especially after you broke the rule about soliciting him in private messages and disrespecting his free time. You disrespected him first when you broke that rule and approaching him because you are paranoid. People probably knew you reported them because you make a big deal about it and tell everyone and their grandmother. No one is taunting you, you take everything extremely personally. He is being quite honest, which a lot of people are not with you. You actually taunted him in the screenshot above, and several times in your post. Don't even get me started on the other posts in this thread. You can taunt, but he can not? C'mon that is a double standard and pathetic. If you are going to instigate, expect what you started to come back at you. "Oh but he is staff", well yeah, but you are literally provoking him much like you claim people provoke you. You are no better than what you claim him to be at this point. You literally went around calling people apes for the longest. Just doing a simple search in the Official Discord I easily can find you insulting people's intelligence and talking about inappropriate topics. Do you think that is a good quality for a youtuber of your stature? No, it is in fact quite terrible. Calling people out for things you do all the time is incredibly hypocritical and makes it next to impossible for people to even consider taking you seriously. Belz, being totally honest, your behavior is still terrible. This is a wake up call. People are tired of the same old, same old and putting their feet down. Read between the lines, stop being so prideful. You are literally on the line and you just keep breaking rules. You always promise reformation, and then go back to the same stuff after a while. Repeating cycle. No one is going to get you banned, you are going to get yourself banned. Stop blaming others, and boss up. Take responsibility and break your cycle. "He is taunting me oh my god", maybe just don't reply? There is a an option to block people. People mess with you to get a reaction from you. And because you are so prideful, you give them exactly what they want. Belzebel going off the deep end, the sitcom, silver server tonight at 9pm. Being the bigger person requires minimal effort, and you do not have to waste your time with comebacks or revenge. And if you become a good egg, you really do not have to interact with staff or deal with them. Weird thought, eh? Now, you do have every right to be angry and express yourself, yes he did a bad thing, we get it. No need to beat a dead horse. But making false claims such as "staff are sexist", calling people power abusers with out evidence or context, witch hunting, and the like are not okay. It is incredibly hard for anyone who knows your full history to ever really take you seriously because of how you continue to act and have acted. Unless you change your rhythm, it will remain this way. Legit this thread is going in circles about him just because people are unable to wrap their heads around something other than BAD THING, and instead have a constructive dialogue. The criticism has already been taken, he seems willing to change, and Keita has taken the steps according to policy. That is the resolution. There is not much more that can or will happen, unless another incident occurs, and it is the community that is the judge of whether he has grown or not later down the line. Beating the BAD THING horse at this point is just redundant and silences other dialogue that could be had in the meanwhile. Some other users in this thread actually had some thoughtful insights and suggestions. Anyways I told myself I was not going to say anything because I just lurk, if you can call tagging Luke everyday in the Official Server that. However, hopefully this opens your eyes. tl;dr #FreeFelix give him a chance to prove you wrong, he proved me wrong. And you want change? Start by setting and example and being the change you wish to see.
    11 points
  2. Hi, I don't play anymore so I'd like to sell these Pokemons so I can give away the money instead to people in-game. Azumarill: 2.25m Luxray: 4m Attitude
    3 points
  3. +1. Week end is nice
    3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. I would like to suggest to push wq to the first saturday / sunday of the month. Especially if you plan on giving the world quest better rewards than all the events from the last 3 years combined, it would make sense to give more people the opportunity to participate. I know some people also work on weekends but i think the number of people working then is less than on weekdays and I think i speak for many players that simply dont have 3 hours of spare time on a weekday with work etc. Usually it doesnt matter that much cause the Mysterious Ticket is nice to have but not that big of a deal, but 7 IV-locked Rerolls is literally by far more than ever before, probably more than every single reward ever given out in an event all combined. Greetings
    2 points
  6. +1 i support the idea !
    2 points
  7. +1 everything is said here
    2 points
  8. Hello, I understand the various problems linked to the summer tournament 2020, in particular due to the delay in the release of the mega for the various reasons you mentioned. But I think it would have been better to do a summer tournament in the state where the game is at this time, rather than not. It would have allowed new and some old players to discover this tournament and have fun. You spoke of confusion, but we were also in confusion from the moment we thought that the tournament was going to be done since the registrations had been opened and that no information was given to us. I think it would be better to tell people that the summer tournament could potentially be understood, without necessarily being certain. For example, I think you should have set yourself a deadline to find out if you were able to get the tournament out or not. Once this one-month delay, for example, we must abandon the idea of organizing a summer tournament with megas. In view of what you told me, I think that this deadline has not been fixed. When you have a project, I think you need to set a deadline. If it is a project that directly concerns the players, it is necessary to communicate once the deadline has passed so that they do not remain in the dark and speculate. Regarding the guild tournament, I totally disagree with you. Being a participant in this tournament I saw that there were problems. I remember perfectly the moment when the matches of the winner and the loser bracket were not launched at the same time. I remember that the deadline for making the matches was not respected. I think when there are a lot of people, you have to apply the rules strictly. When players enter a tournament, they commit to play. If they can't play it is up to them, it's their problem. In this regard, two replacements were planned per team. If the players don't have time, too bad for them. We're not going to wait for a solar eclipse so that they can play their game. Regarding the teams to send, a team leader is appointed, he must take his responsibilities and choose the list of players for his team, without waiting forever. You've had personal issues, I'm sorry, you don't need to justify yourself. All of us have serious personal issues. I sincerely believe that your 3-day unavailability did not disrupt and delay the tournament for several months. Knowing that Zeskyr had taken over during your downtime. When I talk about conflict, it seemed obvious to me and I don't have to be in the staff to see it. You were in a sticky situation where you had the pissed off players who wanted the tournament to end and on the other hand you asked Walross to provide you with a solution to the crash servers, either by ending the tournament on Showdown, or by other solutions, to which they gave you no answers to the problems. You had to respond to the players without having any real solutions provided by Walross, this was clearly seen as a participant in the tournament. Although I am not the event organizer, I nevertheless observed these dysfunctions. I'm not saying this is your fault, I hope you haven't taken it for yourself. If so, that was not my intention. s participants, we remained in the dark for several months. It ended up pissing people off, and speculating, knowing that we had no solution, and that's a shame. To deny the idea that the tournament ends on Showdown is a big mistake. To refuse it is totally nonsense for the players. One more reason to annoy the players. I WOULD REALLY WANT TO EMPHASIZE THIS. I gave the different examples (guild tournament, summer tournament, respect, surfs mounts) not with the aim of going deeper into them but to arrive at a more general conclusion. If people don't understand or find meaning in your decisions, they will get upset and it taints the relationship between players and staff. I've been playing for a little over 3 years, and it's been a little over a year now that I have seen bad decisions multiply in my opinion, despite there being a few good decisions. Forced to note that it's been about a year that the relationship between staff and players has deteriorated considerably and exponentially. Bidoof WQs are perfect examples. Why so many ivs? Also, for most gamers, farming bidoof isn't really fun. Why repeat the quest several times, especially after several failures, but especially with more ivs, from 2m5 to 3m6? I imagine people are pissed off and you must have received a lot of complaints. I don't want to go into details about this subject. As I said earlier, nonsense provokes nervousness. This nervousness can be accentuated especially when Walross allows himself to disrespect his community with the Bidoof system links. It's pretty borderline, especially as a developer. Best regards,
    2 points
  9. I expected to be quoted for something relevant. But again, my expectations superestimating you is my fault. Here you just said your irrelevant opinion about me and a prediction of my permaban. You didn't say anything about "yea, I taunt you and other players and I should stop", instead you just quoted me to say "I won't waste my time on you". Then you quote Teerav to finally say what you wanted to say about me. Are you always that scared of being direct when its not to call people idiot/stupid? I think it's a bad quality for a GM. haha I know you quoted Teerav in here and not me, but I will just let you know he won't respond. He said that after Wally's reply he realized no one is actually trying to understand anything and he decided to stop wasting time. However, I have some hope, for some reason. Maybe I'm truly stupid. So... when I was staff, I couldn't say everything in my mind, even if I find people stupid. You being allowed to behave like this just makes me think how selective they are. I wasn't allowed to be an [inappropriate term], but somehow you are. You didn't lose your role.... Now here you start taunting me while, in the same post, said you didn't want to waste time on me. You have @g3n3r4lcomplex? So, congrats for doing your job. Congrats for banning people for harassing a player. But, it still doesn't change the fact you taunt me and want to see me banned. Not only you, but apparently the majority, if not all the staff team. I guess it's not necessary to talk about Keita's recent DMs. I didn't understand your second paragraph. You were/are insulting people. Just search in PRO's discord: from: Felix (whatever your name there is) and the word "idiot". I know you probably find idiot to think idiot is an insult or considered disrespectful. But hey, I remember a staff being suspended from staff for a similar reason haha. Apparently, you are immune to that. About your last paragraph. I asked you a genuine question and you responded with: I don't know man.. this was the reason I made that video on "how to get unbanned". You were banning a lot of people, they were all complaining to me about you and I don't know why they were coming to me. You responded that way and finally blocked me as I told you to. Good boy! I'm sorry if all the hate you getting is my fault. I don't think I have the power to influence people that much, but... yea, it wasn't my intention. It is just really hard to like you and this is a terrible attitude for a GM. As a spawn editor, I think you are doing great. I can see you are either passionate about it or you just like the status of being superior. But both reasons doesn't matter if you are doing a good job. I'm just being honest, you don't deserve to be a GM.
    2 points
  10. Well this thread was in the middle of the praising ehkoe arch... I guess we now jump right into the final arch, the truth, finally. Its sad to see that those who should be the most thankfull for staffs work are the ones with the loudest voice against them, they keep calling the staff bias and banning for personal reasons, but I get more and more the vibe that its those players who are biased because they got banned and cant understand that its not the staffs fault, but only their own fault the ban happened. Think again before posting; was my ban really unjustified? Or am I just mad that it happened in general? Are staff the ones I should be mad at? Or maybe myself for cheating. Use your head before you all embarress yourself more.. for your own good.
    2 points
  11. Hello! Welcome to the shop! Feel free to browse and check around! Aside from the in-game currency, I accept the following for payments: CC = 400k IV Reroll = 700k Nature Reroll = 300k Message me for inquiries! You can contact me in-game at xdagz or via Discord xdagz#8523. A - B - C - D - E F - G - H - I - J K - L - M - N - O - P Q - R - S - T - U V - W - X - Y - Z leave a like if you liked the shop, glhf! *if by any chance a player from Silver server is interested in some of the listed PKMNs, he/she has to transfer to Gold given the player would like to get the PKMN/s he/she wants* xoxo
    1 point
  12. Amount +100 Pokemons ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ Contact In-Game : Lux ← Main Account , Activity Clone : Rickystar ← Contains All Shop Pokemon Discord : Lux#0446 ← Activity 24/7 ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ Payment ¥ PokeDollar Reroll IVs : 700k Coin Capsule : 400k Assault Vest : 120k Rocky Helmet : 120k Choice Scarf : 100k Master Ball : 40k Rare Candies : 7k ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ Useful Tips : New Updated Pokemons Use Ctrl + F to easily search Name , Role or Price of Pokemon Check Hidden Power of Pokemon at <HERE> If i don't write its HP , it means it has a bad HP ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ Thank You For Visiting My Shop Enjoy Shopping
    1 point
  13. Closed, the pokemon went back to gold and are no longer for sale. Hey, I just went to silver with one of my alts and brought 2 high tier shinies with me that a friend (Wangzii) wants me to sell for him. We only accept Pokedollar or Rerolls (375k Nature, 750k IV). Wangzii is also interested in trading vs other high tier shinies, in this case contact him directly via the contact info below. Scizor: 15m 14m 13,5m Gliscor: 4m 3,5m 3,2m All pokemon will be avaible for one Month until I transfer back. The seller will be either Capriflexacc (my alt I went over with) or CapriFame, depending on where I am in story I will switch the accounts that hold them to not region lock them. Contact: Post in this thread I check daily or Discord: Paddie#5240 Wangzii#7249 Thank you.
    1 point
  14. Start Bid : 2m Min raise : 100k Auction ends 48 hrs after the Start offer is met. I accept Pokedollars CC/nature rr (350k) and rr iv (730k)
    1 point
  15. And yet just one year before that it would have seemed perfectly natural. This place is weird.
    1 point
  16. Your statement doesnt target the suggestion. My point is not about this WQ in specific. Neither does my suggestion have anything to do with how rewards were teasered. My point is to generally push WQ on weekends to make it possible to participate for people who work on weekdays, which should be the majority of the playerbase.
    1 point
  17. I don't want to get involved in this, but i feel like now this Episode of Drama between my former sun queen Belzebel and some staff people Felix Qeight thing and some other players here that responded her message must put to Rest forever. this has gone way too far now and i thought this should be safe space here in forum to share some Appropiate relationship between staffs and Pro players. If Belzebel is ready to make another spill out againts the staffs, then she will be aware of her concequences someday. however i don't mean to disrespect her as she reads this message or you all who quoted her message to speak againts her, and also as i have to say this that i'm not picking or being anyone's sides here. Oh jesus, I just want this Drama Belzebel and Qeight war end. -_-
    1 point
  18. In 2017 I would have never imagined Sugar defending Felix publicly, after all that has happened. It's good to see that, it makes me smile
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Start price : 5M Min bid : 100K Insta buy : 25M Time : 72 hours after first bid Accepted payment : only money Bid here or in game (pm Dewo98) Countdown : Clock (countingdownto.com)
    1 point
  21. @frshavocado Your title has been adjusted, please do not use misleading titles to attract players for your sale. Keep them accurate and valid. Have a nice day and good luck on your sale, Sincerely Hawluchaa
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Player Name: Ryxnmarc Showdown Name: Ryxnmarc Server: gold Rank on Ladder: 16 Timezone: GMT +10
    1 point
  24. Big shoutout to @Ehkoe, i love how she treat us players, how cheerful she is and set an example of good relationship between players and staff, many can say this is a "simp", but heck it, is a simp, cause she is adorable and i love her.
    1 point
  25. Please speak for yourself and not "the players". I for example do not want Felix to go. And I doubt that the majority of the player base wants that, its just a small group that doesnt like him, so state ur opinion, but dont say "the players" cause we might not share ur opinion.
    1 point
  26. Playername : Amanpokemontrai Showdown name: Noob.boo Server: gold Timezone : GMT+ 5:30 Rank on ladder :15
    1 point
  27. Playername: leehyunwoo showdowname: gusdn09 Sever: silver Timezone: GMT +9 rank on ladder: 21
    1 point
  28. I thought I will give my two cents here as a former Staff and quite the old player (some people might know me as Chris) as well, especially since this is just a unnecessary witchhunt at this point. Before I start a few words to @Belzebel: You are promoting 18+ content on your social media, including your Discord (Guild Discord!) based around a Pokemon game with a usually rather young audience for your own personal gain. In that case, money and attention. Feel free to deny that, but we both know the truth, I have known you for years. Here is the issue though. As soon as somebody does not agree with your opinion or dislikes you for named reasons, he is a hater, jealous of you or whatnot and you genuinely believe that you are doing nothing wrong. You also genuinely believe that Staff is targetting you, but the truth is, you break rules all the time and usually get away with a warning. Maybe you should start to reflect whether or not everyone else is the problem, or maybe you and work on it? Now, a few words directly towards the team. Staff in general has huge problems and did so for many years. Sadly, they did not get resolved and just got worse. Probably 2/3 of the team swapped entirely during my time and most of the people I actually liked to work with got so fed up that they left, me included. So, what exactly was going on? I will explain my experience and view, so this is subjective. Every decision has to go through @Walrosskastanie, if he does not like the idea, it will usually get denied. It is irrelevant whether the entire team proposes that it would benefit the game or not. In my case, that was CS stuff (basically everything you interact with, aka press spacebar), but it is not limited to that specifically. Some quality check is totally fine and needed, but you usually do not get through that easily. Most of the time, many pings and dm's were necessary to even get a response. Wally, I talked to you so often about that and it was an issue when I joined and when I left. You are massively overloaded and need to distribute some work/decision making to others not named @Cames who is busy enough as well. Somebody has to be trustworthy enough at this point. Next major issue: The team itself. Basically, the people. I am very sorry if i hurt somebody in this paragraph, but I always prefered telling the truth over being liked and pretending like all of you do great work and are there for good reason. Basically, half the team has the complete wrong intentions and the personalities you find there, showing especially when some got promoted to "higher" positions is just disgusting. For example, powertripping (which is rather common inside a specific role :d) ala God complex, threatening people to make sure they get banned ingame and from Staff for literally no reason other than them being mad at you. I got enough screenshots, but I wont publish that. Next up, a good amount joining as testers (sorry its just most common there than elsewhere) just for the rewards while not even trying to find a bug, reading the dialogue or anything else other than spamming through our scripts and saying its all working. On top of that, many new people completely unqualified for the position, in fact so much in our CS team that we had to introduce a new role called "Story Writer", because half of the CS team suddenly didn't speak even decent english. We started to break our own recruitment rules, accepted a bunch of people very, very immature, incapable of speaking understandable English in roles where exactly that is a necessity. It got to the point where we went from usually quite bugless scripts with barely bug reports, to the bug reports channel having hundreds of just grammar corrections for even the simplest sentences. This doesn't even include the huge amount of the dumbest bugs just showing that the CS didn't even check his script once for himself. Also, a bunch of people tried to force their opinion on in game decisions including certain PvP decisions for their own advantage. Somebody really needed a Excadrill, so has to argue that we have to add Exca to 3 bosses, Excavations and headbutt. On top of that, we also improve the tier of the spawn and give some reasoning, which doesnt even makes sense, but that is okay. (This example did not happen, but stuff like this sadly happened all the time and I talked multiple times with @Keita about it, it improved slightly) About the Staff - Player relation: If you actually think there is a very mature discussion inside Staff, you are wrong. Players are being made fun of, are being treated differently depending on how liked they are etc. Always was like this and never changed. For example, @Waleed1301 was the most active and one of the nicest people with a little bad backstory (not even close to being as bad as mine who exploited the game once) but was stamped by half the team as immature and annoying. @Keita wanted to give him a shot, but many threatened to leave the team or started insulting each other and him if he ever dares to join the team. And guess what, he got declined even though he would have been probably the best out of all the CC's right now. Fun fact, if you searched "waleed" in the general chat, it was so bad that they wanted to clear the entire chat when he almost joined. Another thing are all the empty promises. I get it, you work on something and get excited and make an announcement that it will come to the game soon. But it often takes months and in some cases years for it to happen, lack of communication and organisation in the team and the constant leaving/recruiting DUE TO all the issues. Did anyone ever wonder where Astrella is? I can promise you, this could have been finished a year ago, easily. People get the lead on the project, do nothing for months and then leave with no progress. Over and over. Talking about organisation, the events do not have to be delayed all the time, the team just got lazy and unorganized with last minute submissions. We often didn't even see the requested art before the event started. If you really care about improving any relation, you would have to kick half of the Staff team including many in higher positions, which will never happen, might even be impossible and therefore results in good people leaving and the ones with bad intentions staying. Its rather funny that everyone I knew with a good education, that I considered as smart, left one after another. I could name some impressive people I got to known there, but I will keep that private as well, they probably know. A good chunk of Staff also needs to be disrespectful and even insulting in public chats. Guys, you represent the game? If nobody knows you are Staff, then go ahead and act all monkey, but not as representatives. This is the actual witchhunt in this channel right now, but @Qeight isn't even the biggest problem there. Felix, personal message again, I told you to relax and be atleast a bit more reputable in public, you really have to work on this since the work you are doing is awesome. Funny enough, I was the black sheep for being especially disrespectful inside Staff for above named reasons all the time as well. But at the end, we are like this because we want to improve and work on the game, other than the people we get so mad at for getting in our way with their ego and stupidity. There is actually way more, but this is more than enough insight for people who want to know the current Staff situation and for Staff to hopefully realize why the community dislikes you so much. We have had such a good team back then and it all went more and more downhill in almost no time, but I told you almost all of it already. PS: Not proofreading this one, sorry for mistakes.
    1 point
  29. Charizard sold to Emmanorman12 in-game. Thanks man!
    1 point
  30. Flygon sold to Xsethurx in-game. Thank you for your purchase!
    1 point
  31. Blastoise sold to Delux in-game. Thank you for your purchase!
    1 point
  32. Slowbro sold to Risingking34 in-game. Thank you for your purchase!
    1 point
  33. Gengar (A2) and Alakazam (A1) sold to Antonioteperce9 in-game. Thank you for your purchase!
    1 point
  34. Gengar (A1) sold to Adiel99 in-game. Thank you for your purchase!
    1 point
  35. Torterra sold to Ugoishere in-game. Thank you for your purchase!
    1 point
  36. Pyroar sold to Emanuelebenve in-game. Thank you for your purchase!
    1 point
  37. Meganium sold to Vivekmishra. Thank you for your purchase!
    1 point
  38. Pelipper sold to Masterassasin04. Thank you for your purchase!
    1 point
  39. Mamoswine and Talonflame sold to Kochamcie112. Thank you for your purchase!
    1 point
  40. Metagross (A2) sold to Prapaspol0102 in-game. Thank you for your purchase!
    1 point
  41. Swampert sold to Sedona in-game. Thank you for your purchase!
    1 point
  42. Blaziken sold to Prapaspol0102 in-game. Thank you for your purchase!
    1 point
  43. Ursaring sold to Topcon in-game. Thank you for your purchase!
    1 point
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