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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/21 in all areas

  1. Hello, I don't mind adding them if he sends me all needed files. Edit: I'd also need an effect for Halloween Pokemon summoned on your field.
    4 points
  2. Shinies and Xmas forms are the only ones who have effect animation when they spawn or enter battle. Why aren't there effects for the other forms? Halloween, Easter and Summer deserve them too. Check this cool effect made by BlackFawkes https://youtu.be/lEDsXm5eHrY
    3 points
  3. I can confirm I have seen 2 better. But URS is still op. Gl Selling
    2 points
  4. I think you posted the wrong link haha, here's a link to my video. Also thanks a lot for sharing it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lEDsXm5eHrY&feature=youtu.be
    2 points
  5. Just an idea I whipped up. I think that the sparkle effect when shinies appear are sweet, so it made me think what could you do when a specific form appears? Here's my effect concept for a Halloween effect when a form appears. https://youtu.be/lEDsXm5eHrY
    2 points
  6. Hello, we plan to show more information with a player/social tab rework in the future. It's low prioritized right now.
    2 points
  7. hi it would be good to add expire time for membership in game. Change its color depend what membership u used mini MS , small 15d MS , BIG ms 60 days, *add small coin capsule in store (50c) *add mini MS to store (3days )
    1 point
  8. Wtb 2 pokes from you (charmender timid and ferroseed careful), add me discord - Hunttyy#2225
    1 point
  9. New highest bid by Sanidhya 1.4 mil 29 hrs remaining
    1 point
  10. Player name: picachuFOREVER Showdown name: picachuFOREVER Server: Silver Timezone: -3 Rank on ladder: 4
    1 point
  11. I'm tired of seeing minor updates who doesn't change nothing during those years. Stop focusing on trying to do more regions and shit, just fix all things that already exist and don't work well, 5 years passed and the game has the same problems as before, damn, just try to fix all things that don't work properly instead of doing more regions and stories who anyways gonna look as being made by some amateurs. Have you ever listened 'quality over quantity'? There's no life in the server, just make only 1 server, we're not in the 2000+ players days anymore, youre not gonna attract new players if they see that the game is dead. Make things to people interact with each other, stop focusing on non-sense things that not gonna attract new players. Doesn't matter if a player at first sight will be attracted by those 4 regions if then he starts playing and he isn't having fun. Improve the damn PVP, 5 years later and you still making the same mistakes. We are still without the move substitute coded, without megaevos, without z-moves.. and many more. And what happens? We have a meta who benefits Stall, and if you're smart enough PRO staff, you'll know that the vast majority of players came here to have a good time, not to have 40 minute battles where a couple of 15yo kids who have all the time in the world try to exploit the system to be the best of their bedrooms. Just fix the timer, put a forfeit button without penalties, improve the existing stories, improve that crappy box system, make events to awake the server like tournaments or things like that where players interact with each other, find competent mods who know how to handle situations (because muting someone for saying 'shit' when is already censored or showing your shiny Greninja with 32x6 ivs isn't doing your job right, it only makes the game look amateurish). if you put the same interest in improving the game than in chasing those who try to sell their accounts... even that you're doing it wrong and scarying new players. I can say a lot more things but I'm gonna stop here because honestly, at this point, I don't expect nothing about a staff who ran out of ideas and try to create another game like pokeone, who's gonna fail for the same thing that this game gonna die, staff doesn't understand that's better do a couple things very good than a thousand mediocrish.
    1 point
  12. Player name: Deusvult43 Shawdown name: Psyduck43 Server: Silver Timezone: GMT-3 Rank on ladder: 23
    1 point
  13. Player name: Mattyholt95 Showdown name: Mattyholt Server: silver Timezone: gmt +1 Rank on ladder: 17
    1 point
  14. Player name: Maui Showdown name: MauiPRO Server: silver Timezone: gmt -5 Rank on ladder: 8
    1 point
  15. Player name: Dugtrio Showdown name: Petrosjan Server: Silver Timezone: gmt +1 Rank on ladder: 12
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Player name: Thomaseltren Showdown name: Juasjuasjuas08 Server: silver Timezone: Gmt -5 Rank on ladder: 24
    1 point
  18. Player name: Blaggy1212 Showdown name: Blaggy Server: GOLD Timezone: GMT +1 Rank on ladder: 16
    1 point
  19. Player name: SalemZeroo Showdown name: SalemZeroo Server: silver Timezone: gmt +2 Rank on ladder: 13
    1 point
  20. I've been thinking about this for a while, do you guys remember about the Doctor Pokemon Quest By doing this quest, we have the possibility to healing pokemons, and catch them in the meantime. As the excavations, we also have a Rank by doing these missions. You can catch rare pokemons if you got a high Rank. Why am I doing this post ? Some players are still doing this quest, but in my opinion, it's probably the less popular one with the Celadon one. was thinking about giving our Pokemons to the old couple in the Daycare, to get our pokemons EV trained. Here some ideas of how to make this functional, and also restrict this way to not be the only way to train your pokemons : - The pokemon should be OT - Each doctor's rank would limit the number of EVs that the couple could train on your pokemons. It would encourage the players to do the quest to increase their rank. - Also it would avoid a lot of current problems as hacks, unwanted evolutions and so on. Thanks for reading this suggestion, this idea was brought during the last Q/A of Walross. Feel free to react with a +1 or -1. Kind regards. Maitripoulpi.
    1 point
  21. i think doctor quest need a rework with new spawn and rewards, i never doing this quest because is so boring and no worth the time. +1
    1 point
  22. Gold vs Silver Which really is the best? Bring out your best Flexes up to three. Let's find out which server has the best Pokémon ,and settle it once ,and for all! Start Date: 5/14/2021 - End Date: 5/31/2021 6 P.M EST (Puns are welcome as well) What is this post? A declaration of challenge to silver! Let's compare our Pokémon in an all out flexing competition the likes of PRO has never seen ,and settle the battle once ,and for all! How do I participate? State which server your from ,and Flex your top three Pokémon in the forum below ,and show the strength of your server! Then like people's posts from your server! Like= Feel Free to tell your story with your Pokémon How do we know who wins? The top 10 posts of flexes that are liked (Blue hearts) will count as a point. The point is awarded to the server of the flexer. The end post breakdown will announce the top flexers ,and over-all winners. (If there is a 5/5 Split on the very top posts the 11th top post will decide the winner) Is there a prize? 15 CC will be given out to the (Winning servers) top 15 posts. 1 Per top 15. (I will transfer to silver ,and concede if Gold miraculously loses ugh..Silver. More will be given out if we reach the post goals) The top posts MUST be a post that flexes one of there Pokémon in order to be eligible for rewards. Banter ,and off comments is what drives the passion for this war, but in order to win a prize you must participate in the flex war with your own submission! Rules Only one post per person will count towards the ranks. If you have multiple posts in top ten it wont count. Please submit one to three pokes for the competition. Feel free to talk about Gold/ Silver Loyalty ,and excitement in this thread you can say other things besides just posting the all-mighty flexes. (Likes are the Blue hearts) Have Fun. (All rewards will be given out after the competition is over.) Discord is Gin#3234 (Only the Poke Flex posts that are liked will count towards the Top 10 posts to decide the over-all winner if someone reaches into the top 10 with a comment like Nice. It wont count for the competition) Note: My Flex does not count towards the gold team (so my likes aren't counted) ,but be prepared for our all-mighty GOLD standard SILVER! NOTE: IF WE GO OVER A CERTAIN POST LIMIT REWARDS WILL BE RAISED. (If there is only 18 posts for example on gold ,and if gold wins ,and there's 22 ccs that need to be given out the CCS roll over to the top of the leaderboard down to the bottom. So the first four would get 2) 100 POSTS- 18 CCS FOR TOP 18 200 POSTS - 22 CCS FOR TOP 22 300 POSTS - 25 CCS FOR TOP 25 400 POSTS - 30 CCS FOR TOP 30 500 POSTS- 32 CCS FOR TOP 32 600 POSTS- 34 CCS FOR TOP 34 700 POSTS- 36 CCS FOR TOP 36 800 POSTS 38 CCS FOR TOP 38 900 POSTS 40 CCS FOR TOP 40 1K POSTS 45 CCS FOR TOP 45
    1 point
  23. +1 because i dont do this quest and if we can ev our pokemons maybe i will do it
    1 point
  24. Hello everyone! We're currently holding open recruitment for new Discord Moderators. If you wish to become a part of our Discord Staff Team, this is your chance. PRO's Discord Staff is the collective group of Discord-oriented staff who provide support for players and ensure that PRO's Discord is kept in order. The Discord Team makes sure that users follow PRO's Discord Rules and support players with their questions and problems about the game. For more specific descriptions of each role, see below: Discord Leader - The leaders of the motley crew of Discord Moderators. They oversee all content within the Official PRO Discord. Discord Moderator - They preside over the Official PRO Discord as its moderation and general-support personnel. Junior Discord Moderator - Trainees that will become full-fledged Discord Moderators... The following requirements must be met in order to apply. At least 50 hours of in-game playtime. At least Discord Member role. 16 or older. Fluency in the English language. A positive attitude and willingness to help others. The application form is below. Please fill it in and submit it as a new topic HERE. The application review will be ongoing as it is open recruitment. This means that it will take time to be selected. Keep in mind that your past and current behavior will be taken into account when you submit your survey answers. Note that all staff work is voluntary! This is not a career but a hobby instead.
    1 point
  25. 0 points
  26. If you lower s.o of Reuniclus....i can start with 250k
    0 points
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