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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/22 in all areas

  1. Hi @MinakoChan Unfortunately the bid from Jesterishere was false and therefore invalid, and will be dealt with appropriately. In addition to this for your own knowledge in future - be aware that as per the Trade & Auction Rules, if someone doesn't have the means to honour their bid at the time of making it on the account they are making it from, their bid is not valid.: As @Vermilionz started the auction, they are the winner for the starting offer of 2M. I have forced this trade for the Rotom Lvl. 20 UID: 69867098 GID: 94737888 and sent you both a login notification. Just to offer some further clarity, as @Lavkush did make a starting bid in the same minute. This start offer was made after Vermilionz's, and since you cannot have two starting offers, the first one is the one that is valid. @Lavkush If this happens to you in future, be aware that you can edit your bid on the forum, as long it's not lower than your initial bid: This thread will be locked, but if you have any questions feel free to DM me or use the report button at the bottom of this post.
    2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Medicham - Jolly 27/31 S.O. 1.6m Min bid 200k Insta - 3.6m Time - 2 day Accept CC - 400k, IV RR - 680k, Nature RR - 340k Tyranitar - 1 S.O. 500k Min bid 100k Insta - 1.6m Time - 3day Accept CC - 400k, IV RR - 680k, Nature RR - 340k Tyranitar - 2 S.O. 400k Min bid 100k Insta - 1m Time - 3day Accept CC - 400k, IV RR - 680k, Nature RR - 340k Tyranitar - 3 S.O. 600k Min bid 100k Insta - 1.2m Time - 3day Accept CC - 400k, IV RR - 680k, Nature RR - 340k Magnezone(HP - Fire) S.O. 600k Min bid 100k Insta - 2.4m Time - 3day Accept CC - 400k, IV RR - 680k, Nature RR - 340k Torkoal - 1 S.O. 300k Min bid 100k Insta - 1m Time - 3day Accept CC - 400k, IV RR - 680k, Nature RR - 340k SOLD GOOD LUCK!!
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Hi all and apologies for the delay. This auction started with Epoch6304's original post made on Friday March 25th 12:57AM GMT+1 - lasting for 24hrs, meaning it ended Saturday 26th at 12:57AM GMT+1: @KierM - your bid was made during the auction, but is invalid and void as this is a Silver Server auction, and not a Cross-Server auction. Please see the following and be mindful of this in future: This means that the winner of the auction was @Bangjago with their starting offer of 500K. @Epoch6304 the confusion came from your edit to your original post to change the end time of your auction - we have spoken about this ingame, but for clarity here is what I mean: I have spoken to both @Epoch6304 and @Bangjago - the trade has been completed, this thread will be locked.
    1 point
  6. Bump! This months pvp rating looking good! Getting better every month.
    1 point
  7. Hello everyone, I'm Machao753. Since the Official PRO Ladder Tournament is moving onto PRO, many players feel like this is a premature process. Therefore, we have come together and created the PRO Ladder Invitational which will be held on showdown over the month of April. To enter this tournament you would have to be top 25 during the season. The rewards are as follows: For players who forgo their participation in the main PRO Ladder Tournament held next month: $20 USD + 1 cc for 1st place, $10 USD + 1cc for 2nd place For players who participate in this tournament AND the main PRO Ladder Tournament: $10 USD +1 cc for 1st place, $5 USD + 1 cc for 2nd place In additional, for the best played match in the tournament (which will be voted by the players/spectators), the two players who play the match will receive 1 cc each. Feel free to join if you want to participate or if you simply want to spectate. The tournament will only start with a minimum of 16 people and will not have a max participant. Additional rules in the server. Tournament Server: https://discord.gg/PCVmVbNB87 Thank you for reading, hope to see you in the tournament and have a nice day.
    1 point
  8. This is a huge +1 from me. The reroll system is currently so bad its a shame. The pvp meta on PRO suffers GREATLY from this. I've tried to explain this multiple times to no avail. This point is stressed even more by new players, how are they supposed to build a variety of teams with a variety of legendary pvpable pokemon. This discourages new players to pvp, further stagnating the pvp scene and meta.
    1 point
  9. U have caught 80 shinies in 3 months and i have caught 2 shinies(1 ratatta included) in 3 years.
    1 point
  10. Hi @PokemonKING44 & @Cattybandit I have forced this trade. PokemonKING44, the 300K has been added to your account and left you a login notification. Cattybandit, I have taken the 300K from your account and transferred the Charmander UID: 46770562 to you. You will find this in the last spot in your PC. I'll lock this thread as the Pokemon is sold.
    0 points
  11. @Simodelmaz, Consider this an official warning. I have locked all your open auction threads. You can recreate them one at a time after you read our Forum rules or you may place them all in our shop section. You can have 1 post per subforum. I have also locked all your shiny threads as well Be aware shiny/event forms can not be in the same shop as a non event form. If you continue to ignore our forum rules you will receive a harsher punishment. Regards, Polteageist
    0 points
  12. Hi @PokemonKING44 Please read the Trade and Auction Rules - bids made on DIscord are not valid or accepted, this is because it is not always possible for us to verify the individual's identify, their means to pay, server, and identifies on Discord are easily spoofed: A formal warning has been applied to your account, however no restrictions have been applied as this warning is verbal only. Please ensure that you understand the rules for any auctions that you run in future. This thread will be locked as your auction is complete.
    0 points
  13. marowak 1.1 million
    0 points
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