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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/22 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone I’m auction my shiny porygon. Since I’m buying other stuff. It’s for sure an incredible and unique shiny!! START OFFER: 10m MIN BID: 500k INSTA: 50m END: 5 days after first bid accept cc:400k, iv rerolls: 700k Good luck everyone
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Heads up!!! Syndicate are now recruiting PvP players for Syndicate. Syndicate are now recruiting PvE players for Syndicate II. The Goal is to keep competing and dominating in the PvP Section of PRO! What better place for a pvper to be in than here? Let me explain! With a start after the Servers Merge Syndicate will have a monthly PvP Tournament where Real Money together with In-Game Money & Pokes will be the reward. 15€-30€ + Pokedollars , Pokes & Items will be in the Prizepool every single season! Syndicate II: To keep our Guild very interested we have launched a secondary Guild aswell! This to have a bigger community and more fun together! Syndicate II will focus on PVE. Many new Events are planned on a weekly or monthly basis! Weekly Hunting Event! Monthly PvP Tournament! Many other Events from time to time! Stay tuned for many more things and feel free to apply for our lovely Guild! Here: (no flex..) Be a part of the future!! Welcome to Syndicate!! // GP, Proud Guildleader & Founder of Syndicate!
    2 points
  4. Hi guys i want to Acution my max spd hp fire magnemite ik timid better but naive also +spd So its good for pvp S.o 200k min bid 50k insta N/A End in 2day after start Accepted payment - cc(400k) , rr (700k) , rc(7k)
    2 points
  5. I just got up with a new idea for a new item- "nat bms or GMS (Green medallion; i created this short form on my own as nature (not referring to pokemon's nat) is mostly green) So, how this works? price?— As we know about sync, it helps to get required nat of the respective poke by 50%. But GMS won't work like that, when activated, we can know what is the nature of the poke encountered like- " A wild rotom(gentle) appeared!! " This would be really helpful to those who are hunting pokes like beldum as an example, you encountered a beldum with having jolly sync and when you catch it by struggling hard or catch it by master ball, you see it's gentle nat, how depressing it would be and not only beldum there are many pokemons that are annoying to catch like absol, larvesta, scyther,etc. So thats why I want GMS in PRO... About pricing, it will cost less than BMS(40c) with the difference of 15c i.e 25c and with the same 72hr time, the free GMS will be added to 30 days ms only* I hope this suggestion will implement in game; Sorry if I wrote wrong grammer...
    1 point
  6. 8m Start, 15m Insta 100k Raise 48 Hrs CC = 400k, RR = 700k
    1 point
  7. Sold to Xaizen Ty for Bidding
    1 point
  8. Start: 20m Min. raise : 1m Instant: 50m 48 hours auction after first bid Accept cc as 400k reroll 700k
    1 point
  9. S.o : 2m Insta : no time 48 hours auction after first bid min rise bid 200k Accept : cc(400k),rr iv(700k), rr nat(340k)
    1 point
  10. Ohh, i see it would be OP but we can balance it by reducing time or increasing price like Price: 30c Duration: 5hrs or something You also talked about that having +15% would make it less OP and balanced and i agree to that but people won't purchase it, they would rather stay with that 50% and that GMS would be useless...
    1 point
  11. I like the idea simply because I could not rage about epic iv's while having a bad nature. Maybe it would double my motivation to hunt and I would hunt twice a year.
    1 point
  12. I like the idea, its original and creative. But doesn't it sound a bit too OP? I personally feel that it will ultimately decrease the money sink for Pokeballs, but how and why? Let's put this in a realistic scenario where a player buys that Nature MS. Then goes on their usual sync hunting and ends up just using 30 ultra balls instead of 100 because they can safely ignore all other Pokemon spawns that don't have the correct nature. Whereas right now, people have to catch them first, waste a few Pokeballs in the process and then get the preview that rewards them with either a good or bad nature, as it should be IMO. If I was to change anything with this suggestion, it would be to perhaps just have it bump up the original synchronize ability success rate and add an additional 15% chance to the success rate, bumping it from 50% to 65%, this won't make it too overpowered, but not relatively useless either. Similiar to what Black Medallion does towards finding a Pokemon with H.A.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. +1 if player's name is not visible. Then it would be interesting to see what kind of rare shinies are caught
    1 point
  15. What's your Player name (IGN)? Number of hours played? What's your favourite Pokemon? What country are you from? How old are you? Which server do you play on? 1. empn 2. 11 hours 3. Larvitar 4. The UK 5. 24 6. Gold Thanks = D
    1 point
  16. Defiants are currently looking for other PvP guilds that are interested to merge into our guild sometime either in May or June in order to secure a spot within Top 3.
    1 point
  17. I got some epic PvP event contact me if u interested in some^^ Araragikun#6874 - discord
    1 point
  18. wtb 700k impish Scizor Bizasel#8686 on discord already wrote you
    0 points
  19. 0 points
  20. 0 points
  21. 0 points
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