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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/22 in all areas

  1. start offer: 1m (accept cc= 400k , rr=700k, nrr= 350k) minbid: 200k insta: 5m 24h after first bid
    5 points
  2. The winner of this auction is @Ssolo with the 2m offer, made on 17/04 1:58PM GMT+0. @Eunia your offer was made on 20/04 4:29AM GMT+0 which was after the ending point. @ArieSlinger Please arrange a meeting with the winner and post the screenshot of the trade window when completing it. Be attentive in the future, as trading to an illegitimate winner is punishable. If you are having trouble meeting, use the Report button so we can assist in forcing. Take care.
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. @SarmsF @Cyanirl @araragiKun You're all experienced players that should know how commenting on trade threads works. Sellers may sell at the price they wish, within reason (trolling obviously not allowed). If you feel it's too high, you can private message the seller, respectfully, as an advise. It's also not your place to find titles inappropriate. Report and let Trade Moderators handle it. Community defined terminology (godly, epic, etc.) is not enforced due to its subjectivity. What's godly to some, isn't to others. There isn't an IV table that defines these. To stay out of trouble, in order to keep trade threads clean, either keep the comments to yourselves or use the appropriate channels to report your concern so it can be addressed. @Strelitzia02 Please use the Report button to bring these situations to our attention in the future and do not reply to them. It's easier for everyone that way. Will be locking the thread as the Pokemon has already been traded, so it no longer serves purpose. Take care.
    2 points
  5. Definitely new to this so eh Hey everyone , I´m wondering if there has been ever the idea around of implementing Sunshine Cherrim? Also I´d be thankful for people versed in rating Cherrims to do so. I really am appreciating any topic related answers. =] Thanks a lot. And I´ll be seeing you around.
    1 point
  6. Sold by @Karsh12 Thx For All Offer^^
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. @Lavkush If from now on any offer doesn't include specifically the value, it won't be valid. This applies for anyone that partakes. We're not about to have pages of +minimum raise posts and having bidders, auctioneer and Trade Moderators count them. Counting is hard. Hope was clear. Current offer is 2.1m. Good luck.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. @rinoc You were punished for a Poorly Handled Auction. Offers must be acknowledged in order to be valid. The trade with @Choxx has been reversed, which received the 200k back. The outcome has been forced to the rightful winner - @isildurr2x - who received the Pokemon, 150k were removed and added to the auctioneer. Apologies to every party for the inconvenience caused. Will be locking the thread as it's served its purpose and there's no further action to take. Take care.
    1 point
  13. Greetings @Calithz. Apologies for the inconvenience experienced. Unfortunately the problem does not arise from the merge itself but rather from a server wipe that was made a long time ago. Those who had under 10 hours in the red server have had their data erased, which is why you are currently experiencing this issue. I'm afraid that there is nothing that can be done to recover what was lost in this character, the 3 hours in your case. We can offer you an account reset, in order to fix the issue. That would let you restart with the name name and as if the account was fresh new. You would keep any item you might have purchased in the coin shop if that is the case. Let me know if that options works for you.
    1 point
  14. Bump for my friend ^^
    1 point
  15. @KierM Your account is on Gold, so any agreement is void since these are to be sold in Silver. @Hisoka007 As spoken in-game, you no longer were interested in purchasing these Pokemon. Apologies for the delayed support. @Sp00py The trades have been forced. Those Pokemon should be in the last slots of your PC and 145k have been removed from your account. @Xytreh 145k have been added to your account while the aforementioned Pokemon are no longer in it. Will be locking the thread due to inactivity. If you wish it to be reopen, use the Report button to let the Trade Moderator team know so we can oblige. Take care.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. @Gatling Your thread will be locked as it breaks the Cross Server trade/auction ruling. Feel free to create a new one where you are willing to transfer to meet the buyer. Or set the auction on your current server. You can also wait for the merge to go through and sell it then. There's no telling the merge will happen on May 1st. It might be delayed due to the enormous process that it implies. Making the buyer wait for something out of his control isn't fair and could bring future avoidable issues. Take care.
    1 point
  19. Hey blitz. Thanks buddy. I hope you enjoy your hunts too.
    1 point
  20. The automatic update doesnt always work. There was some issue with the last update and some people werent able to auto-update and had to re-download instead.
    1 point
  21. Please read the explanation in the post, no comments possible! The vote is only for me to see what the community would like to get implemented the most. The vote most likely doesn't affect the actual order but I am very interested! Part 2 of WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE US TO PRIORITIZE FOR THE NEXT BIG UPDATE? Box rework //A general box rework to add more filters, split the boxes, add mass delete and so on. Auction House //If - and only if - we implement an Auction then most likely only for Pokemon, not for items. Visual for environment moves //Probably just a new background as long as the rooms are active, Artists where are you?! Visual for active stat changes //Not sure how to do that yet, might be a space-related problem. Show the Pokemon instead of a Pokeball in PvP battles //Replace the Pokeball icons with the Pokemon icons. I already looked into it and found a few problems with Android. It's really hard to identify the Pokemon. PvP elo system //Easy to say, hard to do. Team Builder //Create teams with your Pokemon and replace your whole team with a single click instead of looking for every Pokemon in your box. Player/Social window rework //Similar rework as PvP window but for the social tab. We could possibly add following features: Weekly Boss Limit Counter, Boss Cooldowns Page: NPC sprite, Name, Location, Current Win-Streak, Cooldown timer, Friendlist: Status Message, Friendlist: Last Online, Guild: Last Online, Guild: User Rating, Guild: Input field and invite button, so you can invite cross map without having to use the command, Guild Creating in Social/Player Window, /foreveralone Check Box, Time Ladder, PMs Enabled/Disabled Option instead of using the online status as indicator. Slider to change how many users you can see on the same map //To unburden old hardware without the need to use foreveralone. Options to see friends- and/or guildies-only as well. Z-Moves //Guess pretty much everyone knows how Z-Moves work. Pulverizing Pancake opop. Reconnect //That's not only for PvP but in general so users that disconnect unplanned reconnect without even realizing it in the background. Lending Trade //You know, implementing the feature we failed to implemented without bugs twice another time.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Ahh, Thank you for moving it and helping me. I have gotten 5 badges now and my 2 main pokemon Growlithe and Bulbasaur are both level 80 I have saved my money and I am doing the Jenny Bounties. I will start doing the Dig spots. Thank you so much. I have enjoyed the experience so much that I have donated to receive 200 credits (Edit: make that 350). I love this community and game. -Thanks Tomalle.
    1 point
  24. You can try to make a team geared towards "rain" or "sun". For example: Rain Team: Swampert, Kingdra, Azumarill, Ferrothorn or Bronzong (as support), Rotom-Wash, Pelipper (rain setter) Sun Team: Mega-Y Charizard (Sun Setter), Venusaur (Chlorophyll), Torkoal (as support), Volcarona, Volcanion (LEGENDARY), Heliolisk
    1 point
  25. Just an idea I whipped up. I think that the sparkle effect when shinies appear are sweet, so it made me think what could you do when a specific form appears? Here's my effect concept for a Halloween effect when a form appears. https://youtu.be/lEDsXm5eHrY
    1 point
  26. Here's a free emote for your twitch and discord. I made it a while ago and have no use for it so feel free to use as you wish.
    1 point
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