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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/22 in all areas

  1. wts shiny whiscash 5m insta (open to nego) accept cc 400k rr 680k can come to silver for an extra cc Also trade with rare shinys
    6 points
  2. ((1/300) * (74/12000))^-1 = 48,648 encounters. Statisically, after 48,648 you have a 63.2% chance to have at least 1 form Alowak. Pretty much a coin flip after 3 weeks of full-time job hunting. Pretty ridiculous to expect people to do that. Even if you just want a decent regular Alowak, this spot is useless. No encounter rate should ever fall below 1% and sadly, with the surge of "3 rares in 1 map", this is exactly what's happening. Horrible concept and spawn design philosophy.
    2 points
  3. I sell this poke please offer me.
    2 points
  4. Rules: Training Info Pokemon I will not train: If you are unable to join the Discord server, you can simply post your Pokemon here in this thread, with your Discord tag and in-game name, and I will message you on Discord, in-game, or forum DMs. This is the preferred way. Join the server: https://discord.gg/dRpu7NYMUV I can deny a request anytime if needed to.
    1 point
  5. Hello everyone, I just wanted to share my thoughts on the Alolan Marowak special event. First of all I want to say great skin design and thanks to the person who submitted this skin to the form contest. I am really looking forward to the following events and the new forms coming But now to the rather negative, the rates, 1/300 chance of a Pokémon spawning at a rate of about 0.6-0.7%, and then the whole thing for 7 days. Has anyone actually thought about what that means? I farmed 7 days, 12000 encounters, that's about 40 hours of hunting, that's like a full-time job. During that time I encountered 74 Alolan Marowak. It is simply impossible to earn anything without luck. (And that's becoming more and more the case in recent events.) 74, that's not even a quarter of the 300 where you're still far from a good chance of having an Alolan Marowak with event skin. Just as a counterexample, the Star Wars Pawniard was on Route 1 at a rate of 1/100 back then. A few thoughts on the events in general: I just can't understand why the rates have to keep getting worse. "if the forms are rarer, then they are more valuable" - such comments are then heard. But then you look at the trade, empty – no event forms. And if forms are in there, then they are commons that are traded for 20-30k. Just a note, I've searched Vulcan Plaza for so long and Rattata #5849 came up with an event form, that was on the 7th! Day. 7 days for an event form, which is then worth 20k. The only effect is that you look for an event pokemon for days or weeks, it then has bad stats and you are so frustrated or have no more time in the event, that you don’t start looking for a second one again. Rates have been significantly better in the past, 1/50, oh, good old times, you also searched for days, but if you found the event form after a few days, then you still had motivation if you found a bad one. Nowadays you put hundreds of hours into the game and usually end up with nothing. I don't understand for whom the events are then organized. I used to have the feeling that it should be fun and the game makers celebrate the events together with the players. Even though I know that such texts are probably read by very few and certainly not by the people who could change something about them, I still had to express my growing disappointment. Apologies for any spelling mistakes it may contain Greetings Marksman1303 of MewtusRache P.S. Thanks to my dear guildies who accompany me on what feels like endless hunts so we can still have a good time somehow P.P.S. the new dungeon is nice and fun
    1 point
  6. s.o 300k min. bid 50k insta 750k Ends in 30hrs after first bid. INSTA 1M BY HEROYLA31
    1 point
  7. Had Lassij26 do dungeon service for me. They were very honest upfront while doing the dungeon if there was any issues. I am very pleased with the service. Thank you again @Lassij26 . I have caught my victini!
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Sold service to @Zetzumi! Thank you for choosing and trusting us!
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Victini Quest Complete Guide Part 3 (since its missing in original post) https://youtu.be/uyC0lOqMQIg PS: Feel free to delete my comment if/when original post is updated
    1 point
  13. Hi! Please do We'll gladly help you out
    1 point
  14. I need a minigame service of fishing minigame I am from gold will pay You 100k from my silver account . Will contact You guys on discord
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Hello. :3 Might you consider to shorten the Headbutt Tree waiting time of the normal area from 24h to, let's say, 20h? With 24h, it will get later and later to be able to headbutt them. For example: Because I am only able to get online late the day already, I sooner or later won't be able to headbutt my trees in time before I need to sleep. If I headbutt them at 23:00, then earliest I could do again the next day is 23:01, logically. And as how it is rightnow, it will continue to get later and later. I hope you realize I'm not interested in a shorter waiting time, as I think once a day is alright. Just asking for some bumper time here. So it's possible to get to use them even when we won't be able to get online as late as the day before. You understand what I mean? My 1st language is not english, so I'm not completely sure to get all the words right. Thanks in advance! :) Monika
    1 point
  17. I honestly agree with this reasoning. Maybe, more than reduce de cooldown, it would be more useful to have a fixed time in which every day, every 24 hours, all the trees cooldown gets resetted. I mean, for example, everyday the trees are resetted on 8pm, so you know you are able, every day, to go and make you "headbutt tour" every day after 8pm, regardless the time you spend in headbutting, because everything will always be resetted at 8pm, even if you do headbutt on a tree at 7pm.
    1 point
  18. 0 points
  19. All of your pokemon have the same screenshot but not the salamance. So which salamance sell you?
    0 points
  20. Which salamance you sold? Intimitade jolly or hasty moxie?
    0 points
  21. 1.-what is your in game name? Diluguu 2.-Why do you want to join us? I need active guild to enjoy the game 3.- Have you been in any other guilds? I have 4.- What's your favorite part about PRO? I love pokemon 5.- Are you experienced in Pokemon? I am, I already play many pokemon games 6.-what is your playtime in pro? 1170 hours, 23 minutes 7.-what is your age? 26
    0 points
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