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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/22 in all areas

  1. 13 points
  2. Starf Bid: 20m Min raise: 500k Insta: 30m Auction end will 72 hr afther the first bid accepted payment: Pokedollars, rr iv [700k], nature rr [350k], CC [380k]. Discord - Motzuyaki#7392 In Game - Motzuyaki Good luck
    3 points
  3. No more ink to scribble people's face T-T
    2 points
  4. ((1/300) * (74/12000))^-1 = 48,648 encounters. Statisically, after 48,648 you have a 63.2% chance to have at least 1 form Alowak. Pretty much a coin flip after 3 weeks of full-time job hunting. Pretty ridiculous to expect people to do that. Even if you just want a decent regular Alowak, this spot is useless. No encounter rate should ever fall below 1% and sadly, with the surge of "3 rares in 1 map", this is exactly what's happening. Horrible concept and spawn design philosophy.
    2 points
  5. [Auction] Bunnelby Start : 500k Min Raise : 50k Insta : No End : 48h after first bid >>only accept pokedollar<< Sold : 3.5m by jrthegreat
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. +1. At the very least, please change Cerulean Cave a bit...... Also, Johto already has its own Cerulean Cave - it's the Dragon Shrine map where boss Lance is, but its spawns don't differ much from Cerulean Cave, type-wise, so in the end there's not much reason to spend the extra mile going to Johto's Dragon Shrine when you can just go to Kanto's Cerulean Cave. So a high level area in Johto with completely different types for the spawns would be really great, particularly for training different Pokemon that isn't very comfortable to train in Cerulean Cave, which also means an incentive to walk the extra mile (or spend money for the train ticket) to go there instead of staying in Cerulean Cave.
    1 point
  8. Trying to find a very rare form chance on top of an already very rare spawn chance, under a limited time, is something only bots could do, not players. If people play less and less, then I'm sure this is one of the reasons, they are tired of seeing the game not really rewarding their grind, because the chance for a reward is too tiny to begin with, so instead, there's a very high chance that all the time and effort spent for the grind ends up worthless. I'm still on my belief that if the Pokemon is rarer, then the form chance should also be much higher, to compensate for the rarity of the spawn. I think that's what we truly can call "Balance". (This naturally doesn't and shouldn't apply to Pinks and shinies, which are obtainable anytime, not restricted to an event.) As an example of what kind of good balance I'd like to see: Anything that's Rare should have between 1/100 to 1/50 event form chance, depending on the spawn rate. If it's Repel Trick-able, then it should be between 1/70 to 1/50, basically to also compensate for the amount of money spent on repels. Anything that's Uncommon should have between 1/500 to 1/250 event form chance, depending on the spawn rate. Anything that's Common should have between 1/1000 to 1/800 event form chance, depending on the spawn rate. For the upcoming Halloween event, I think we should at the very least get back that 1/50 Halloween chance for all starter Pokemon, without any change to the starters' spawn rate. That is really balanced, starter spawn is already rare to begin with, but the event form chance is good. Heck, there was one time where the Halloween form chance for all starter Pokemon is 1/20, but okay, even I think that's way too high. I'd be happy with 1/50. Similarly, Christmas event, it's celebrating what very possibly is the biggest holiday in the world, it should be fun. The form chance, again, should be 1/1000 or higher, up to 1/50 for the rarest spawn.
    1 point
  9. Hello everyone, I just wanted to share my thoughts on the Alolan Marowak special event. First of all I want to say great skin design and thanks to the person who submitted this skin to the form contest. I am really looking forward to the following events and the new forms coming But now to the rather negative, the rates, 1/300 chance of a Pokémon spawning at a rate of about 0.6-0.7%, and then the whole thing for 7 days. Has anyone actually thought about what that means? I farmed 7 days, 12000 encounters, that's about 40 hours of hunting, that's like a full-time job. During that time I encountered 74 Alolan Marowak. It is simply impossible to earn anything without luck. (And that's becoming more and more the case in recent events.) 74, that's not even a quarter of the 300 where you're still far from a good chance of having an Alolan Marowak with event skin. Just as a counterexample, the Star Wars Pawniard was on Route 1 at a rate of 1/100 back then. A few thoughts on the events in general: I just can't understand why the rates have to keep getting worse. "if the forms are rarer, then they are more valuable" - such comments are then heard. But then you look at the trade, empty – no event forms. And if forms are in there, then they are commons that are traded for 20-30k. Just a note, I've searched Vulcan Plaza for so long and Rattata #5849 came up with an event form, that was on the 7th! Day. 7 days for an event form, which is then worth 20k. The only effect is that you look for an event pokemon for days or weeks, it then has bad stats and you are so frustrated or have no more time in the event, that you don’t start looking for a second one again. Rates have been significantly better in the past, 1/50, oh, good old times, you also searched for days, but if you found the event form after a few days, then you still had motivation if you found a bad one. Nowadays you put hundreds of hours into the game and usually end up with nothing. I don't understand for whom the events are then organized. I used to have the feeling that it should be fun and the game makers celebrate the events together with the players. Even though I know that such texts are probably read by very few and certainly not by the people who could change something about them, I still had to express my growing disappointment. Apologies for any spelling mistakes it may contain Greetings Marksman1303 of MewtusRache P.S. Thanks to my dear guildies who accompany me on what feels like endless hunts so we can still have a good time somehow P.P.S. the new dungeon is nice and fun
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 250k for rat who like a lizard
    1 point
  12. Greeting @Heroyla31, Do not comment on others trades and even less for saying wrong information. Community terms and not defined in our Trade Rules nor is your role to do it in this topic. Interact and post here only for trade purposes, if you want to offer and participate in this auction. Your comment has been deleted and reproducing such behaviour will lead to harsher punishments. If you really think there is an infraction on a topic then you are free to use the "Report" button available under each forum message. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Good luck for your auctions. - Monteria.
    1 point
  13. why this rat look like a lizard :0 start
    1 point
  14. @Namizake01 @Kookoobanana @Redferrari @Corinlee Thank you for applying to the guild! I have send you an invite. check your messages! Welcome! @Dungsidietbuom @Momot We saw that you are in another guild so therefore we cannot invite you. Have a nice day!
    1 point
  15. +1 There are plenty of "endgame" areas in each region for the main games that are currently totally unused for pokemon spawns like the cave of origin in hoenn or the bell tower in johto so adding high level mons could be nice in my opinion it could also serve the purpose to introduce some gen 7 spawns in rare or giving a spawn to alolan forms as well aside from summer event but that's another point I also believe that it could be interesting to change the cerulean cave spawns and up the levels (so that cerulean cave which is locked behind a quest remain the highest level zone) and make those zones the replacement for the current level spawn of cerulean cave Hope it was understandable sorry if it was scuffed
    1 point
  16. Pm me on Discord if on @DarkMagela03#0700 Mad props to this guy for reaching out so quick and being very easy going and talk to definitely recommend his service very quick and time efficient
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. You've been playing for a month and you make a post about servers dying. Silver has more players and more active pvp, ofcourse they have a more active economy. Also, I think I'm correct when I say 1 server cant support the amount of players who play PRO. What should be done however is allow server transfers, but not for gold. Just allow some people from silver to transfer if they'd like to. To balance out the amount of players per server.
    1 point
  19. 0 points
  20. 0 points
  21. Player name:Akilles Server; gold Timezone: gmt+3 Rank on ladder: 3
    0 points
  22. Player name: Sakayanagi Server: Silver Timezone: GMT +7 Rank on ladder: 4
    0 points
  23. Hi ,if you mean text speed, you can increase its speed in options. If that doesn't work, try to make sure your device has memory space, sometimes it tends to slow down applications if the memory is too full.
    0 points
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