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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/22 in all areas

    8 points
  2. Start Offer : 15m Min raise: 500k No Insta Auction 1 Days Start after First bid Payment : Pokedollars
    4 points
  3. Start Offer : 12m Min raise: 500k No Insta Auction 1 Days Start after First bid Payment : Pokedollars
    3 points
  4. Hi! During these months I have been participating in dungeon runs quite often and, after a while, I realised there is a big problem: finding orbs!!!!! at the moment, you can only get orbs in 2 ways: -finishing crater town quest (2 orbs only obtainable once) - fighting Medusa & Eldir and Lance boss (which is very few given the cooldown time of about 12 days for each). Consider a team of 5 players who work together, if they all drop 2 orbs from bosses, there's a maximum of 10 dungeon entries during a 2 week cooldown wait, which is less than one entry per day. (also hoping that both bosses drop another orb, which they may not) Considering how difficult dropping orbs by bosses is (since they have never dropped it to me) the dungeon entries are really low and become lower with each passing day. Not all players take part in dungeons, a lot of guilds/players don't even consider it except to take victini. My suggestion is to make the orb tradable or, even better, give more ways to find them, such as excavations/digspots/bug catching competition/solaceon quest... you name it. I hope you'll consider my suggestion! ^_^
    2 points
  5. Hello , i am selling this beautiful hp fire Serperior at a good price if you are interested you can contact me here or on my discord gato666#4374 Price : sold Discord : gato666#4374 Ign : gato666
    2 points
  6. -s.o by Kibitz 9.5m -Min Raise 500k -Insta 15m auction 3days auction Auction is done kibitz win
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Mr.Mime needs a Halloween form as it doesn’t even have one event form. Mr. Mime makes a perfect candidate for a scary clown, and what better Halloween form than Penny Wise from “IT” the film series. It is a strong Pokemon with great stats in special attack, special defense, and a nice speed stat. I believe that a Halloween form can make this Pokemon more used on the battlefield. Mr. Mime can be represented with white clown makeup holding a balloon with the pennywise attire. I have attached an artwork I’ve worked on for possibly the coolest Mr.Mime Halloween form. Mr. Mime is also my favorite Pokemon! Hopefully it can be implemented in PRO *Fingers crossed*
    2 points
  9. Content Warning: Rated Mature for Violence, Gore and Language, May contain mention of abuse Said pages with such content will not be displayed on this forum. Gameplay Completed Comic: Ongoing Rules - If a Pokémon Faints it must be placed in the last box and cannot be withdrawn. - You only have one chance per trainer battle to capture the Shadow Pokémon. If it faints, you cannot try to capture it again from the same Trainer. - All Pokémon must be nicknamed after purification, Umbreon, Espeon and Plusle must be nicknamed as soon as the Name Rater can be reached. Other Places to Read Deviantart Comic Fury Tumblr Prologue Chapter 1
    1 point
  10. Welcome to Major's Legendary quest service Hello Friends; I am a player from gold server.I sell Lending service for pokemons.But now I am doing Legendary Quest service and mega stone service at a cheap rate for yall. I am a trusted player . I will not say too much ,Now i will display my prices . ENJOY Prices : Easy quest : 150k (Like mew , celebi) Normal : 250k(Like kyurem , Diancie,Heatran,Hoenn forces ) Hard:350k(Zapdos,volcanion,jirachi,lake trio,latios,latias) Easy :125k ( scizor /abomasite/banitte/audino) Normal : 200k (Gyaradosite/slowbronite/manectrite) Bit hard : 250k(mega starters) Hard : 350k (Latios / latias) XMAS QUEST Santa quest -250k(reward -christmas cracker,Santa suit ,etc) Xmas dungeon -1.2m (light stone /lucarionite) Xmas dungeon (Iv locked rr)-1.7m Weekly boss run -250k per week Requirements : You need to have all the required things. Mega bracelet Note: 50% will be given to be before service an 50% after service. I will arrange pokes , required items like pickaxe , tree axe etc. The reward you will get will stay on the account. Contact: Pm me in forum Discord id : MajorPriyangshu#2914 Ingame:MajorPriyangshu (If online) Profile: I Accept : CC = 380k RR = 675k Nature rr = 325k Cash PvP pokes Thank You
    1 point
  11. Shop rules: All trade rules must be followed, fake offering will be reported. Payment Methods: Pokedollars CC = 350K IV Reroll Ticket = 650K Contact: INGAME: Uxxelmon Discord: Fck Off I´m SALTY#3063 <250k >250k
    1 point
  12. s.o=100k min bid = 25k no insta End in 48hr after first bid s.o= 50k min bid = 10k no insta end in 48hr after first bid Payment also accept as cc=350k rr=650k
    1 point
  13. S.O : 5K Min Bid :5k Insta : 300k Payment methods: Pokedollar RC:7k The auction ends 2 days after first bid
    1 point
  14. Here is a little cutie that definitely need a new trainer ! Current offer : 2M1 by @Phanikumar Min bid : 100K There is no insta. Accepted Payment: Cash RR ticket : 680k Nature RR: 340k Coin Capsule: 380k AUCTION WILL END 48H After the first bid.
    1 point
  15. The price is added.
    1 point
  16. Hello @Mingrenpro, I want to remind you that overbumping is not allowed. Since you acknowledged the offers that are made buy reacting to it that counts as a bump. I have removed the other bump. Goodluck with your auction. Svend
    1 point
  17. Hi, Iam selling ***Dungeon Service for Victiny*** Price = 1.5m ***Dungeon Service for Time Flute*** Price = 1.8m ***Both 2.5m*** Notes : Accepted Payment ; cc 380k/ ivrr 680k My Ign : lyn1311 / Dc Lyn1311#6556 My other service shop
    1 point
  18. Hi, @Xzane I have first contacted the corresponding staff team to look into your issue. In the meantime, please be patients. I'll let you know as soon as I receive an answer. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
    1 point
  19. I think this is the craziest rule, how can we know the seconds in the forum, whereas here it only says the time is minutes without seconds unlike in games there are hours, minutes and seconds. And what irritates me the most is when receiving offers under 1 minute in games and forums. INGAME : when we receive an offer under 1 minute, we must immediately post it to the forum before the time expires so that it can be said to be a valid offer, but what if someone has a connection problem and is a few minutes late when the offer time in the game should be valid and fixed continued, but because we had a problem when we wanted to post it to the forum and it was too late to post it finally we were accused of poorly handling the auction and if we didn't post the bidder's bid at that time, maybe he would object and report me and get accused again of not honoring all bids. Forum : When you receive an offer under 1 minute how can you determine if it's over or not while on the forum it's not written hours minute and seconds, if you continue an offer that should not be valid because the end time is not known for sure minutes and seconds you will be penalized and vice versa Also, if you don't accept the offer because you doubt the end of the auction, you will be penalized too. I just want you to rework the rules better than that or delete the rules, and if you still want to keep those rules then i suggest you should add hours, minutes and seconds of posting on the forums,because it will really help the auctioneer in determining whether it should continue or end. That is all from me and I hope this can be seen Thank you...
    1 point
  20. I've shared my feedback with Keita on the changes separately - so I won't cover that, but I thought I would pitch in here to address some concerns I've seen some people post about, since I was the one to write the previous rules when Hawluchaa and I reworked them. The reason for inconsistency between the two is that they are two very different environments. Ingame, staff cannot see DMs, it's a very fast paced environment in comparison to forums, and there is a lack of evidence control (players have to make screenshots, and they don't always include timestamps - it also may not be immediately clear which timezone that player is from, especially to other players). In addition to this, the forum clock only shows HH:MM and ingame shows HH:MM:SS. To take your example of the rule about Instas, Min Raises and Accepted Payments - you cannot edit an ingame message like you can with a forum post, so if your auction begins immediately, the auctioneer will have immediately screwed themselves if they missed those details off, since they can't add them after. There's some other reasons too, but hopefully this is enough information to share with you why this would be this way. This rule exists because of the sheer amount of auctions that ended, where the winning bidder wasn't available to make the trade. In those situations a TMOD will attempt to force the trade - that being said a TMOD can't be expected to magically know that you had the money on an alt on another server and to go and remove that from your account without speaking to you. All that is asked is that you make sure the money is available, so if the trade does need to be forced, a TMOD is able to do so without delay (in addition to clearing you of potential false bidding, that's a whole other rabbit hole), and if it's not on that account, which account they need to look at. You stating the name of an alt account is also giving TMODs permission to take that money from another account too. In relation to your suggestion - do you really think it's fair to make an auctioneer wait an extra 24hrs because it was inconvenient to you to make sure you had the means to pay? If this is happening, you need to report it, otherwise staff won't be aware and there's not a lot they can do. In addition to this, staff won't announce each time they force a trade - it happens by default on the forum just because staff need to communicate to both players what's going on, but for ingame stuff it just won't happen, it'll all happen in the report center. This is why keeping evidence is really key, especially for ingame transactions/agreements - again, staff don't have access to PMs so they are hugely reliant on players coming forward with those cases. Actually it does. It's innately unfair to change any aspect of an auction after it has started. As a general rule of thumb, auctions cannot be changed in any form once started unless explicitly stated by a TMOD. Happy to write an entire wall on why this is if you feel you need to know more, but as a whole keeping a flat simple ruling that auctions cannot be changed after they start makes auctions much simpler to handle, both as staff and as a player. This topic was discussed at length and this is how General Trade Rule 1 came about. Realistically, trying to define community terms like "godly" "epic" etc is really difficult, who are staff to say what those things mean, let alone enforce based on them. Those are opinion-based words, and have nothing to do with anything quantifiable. What we put in place instead was a quantifiable system instead, there's no grey areas, no opinions - it either meets the criteria or it doesn't. In regards to advertisements like "best in server", these aren't permitted and those advertisements should be amended. That's straight up false advertising unless you have a recent screenshot from Walross saying it is legitimately the best in the server. In regards to your note on what Salem said, I responded to him above if you want to have a read. Also +1 on the trade rules ingame. I think there's a character limit that might make it difficult but if it's possible, all for this.
    1 point
  21. -Halloween Tangela/Tangrowth I think Tangrowth deserves a form and thought of the Greek mythological creature Medusa and realized it looks great with it. -Halloween Zorua/Zoroark Zoroark looks like Tikbalang which is a creature in the Philippine folklore. -Halloween Gligar/Gliscor Gliscor deserves a form knowing that it's one of the most used pokemon in PRO. I immediately thought of Gargoyles which ideally fits for Gliscor. I have more ideas in mind but I guess I'll just stick with these 3 first. Thanks
    1 point
  22. First service done Zekrom quest from dragon spiral tower part
    0 points
  23. Hello @Myuuuki, I locked your topic. You are only allowed to auction a Pokemon at one location. Since your first post was in Cross server ill leave that one there and lock this one. Please be careful and read the trade rules so that no mistakes happen in the future. Kind regards, Svend
    0 points
  24. There is one rule that I really hate. It is about having all the cash in one acc being the one offering from, and being from the aimed server.... This makes us waste money transferring between servers and gathering money from accs in one acc just to make a "valid" offer. My suggestion is to remove this rule and give 24 hours after the auction is over to have the FULL needed amount of money in the server and acc offered from (giving 24 hours because some auctions may be over when it is mid of night for us, so that we have enough to gather money from accs), and this is for people to "gather money from accs and server" and not to "take loans or sell pokes". Regards.
    0 points
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