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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/22 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. Priorities- 1) Shiny Roggenrola or evo 2) Shiny Tepig or evo 3) Shiny Rockruff or Lycanroc Midnight 4) Shiny Umbreon(any defensive/sp defensive nature) 5) Shiny Pawniard or evo(atk/speed+ nature with Defiant ability) 6) Shiny H.a. Ditto 7) Shiny H.a. Careful Gligar or evo Pm me here or in discord (Eetaachee#6113) even if you have any other rare blue shinies.
    1 point
  3. Auction started at 5.54 pm GMT +7 by wilimakerni
    1 point
  4. No need train, just sell it by auction before halloween end, price still high right now specially for usable one. Price always changing sometime up or down, when absol hw out it worth 3- 4m trash now only 1m+. Contrary for hw ralts which getting higher.
    1 point
  5. Muchas gracias por la bienvenida!! Thank you for the welcome!! @Saruron thats your cat??? its too pretty!!
    1 point
  6. The auction ended ..waiting the winner ignaciojltn
    0 points
  7. Im playing Gold server, a guy was talk to me about evolve our scythers, but im not interested yet to evolved mine, so i decide to help him with that evolve, but when i take hes pokemon, thats locked on my computer, i was getting helped sometimes and i try to help that guy. Here is the screnshot, the guy was worry about scam,please help him, thats not fair https://prnt.sc/t8MejYr2gcMJ My user id is Naurus, and the guy affected by that is Ak3
    0 points
  8. I'd like to begin by saying that there have been various issues with the Summer Tournament on either the Staff or Player side, so with this text I'm not attempting to blame anyone in particular, but rather to communicate the solution that will be implemented beginning with the next one. First and foremost, let us address the issues: Amount of time Players can invest in the Tournament This, in my opinion, is one of the most serious issues encountered so far, as it is the reason why a significant number of matches are coinflipped. Of course, a coinflip is performed only when both the user actually try to schedule an equal, or really similar, amount of time but both are unable to find each other. If you only have a few hours a week available (for example, 30 minutes a day or 1 hour a day and available only 3 days a week, as many people do), I believe you should not even register for the tournament, being completely honest. As the host, I am unable to verify the amount of time available to each user before they register (they could just lie to me), however, I will be far more strict with these players in the future. Not understanding how Scheduling works It's not a correct schedule if X writes "Ehi @Y, Let's play tomorrow at 15:30 AM" without even asking Y if they are available and having an agreement. Even less, I cannot give X the victory and use as reason "Y was not present to play". Sounds simple and should not even need to be explained, yet many people believe it works that way and become angry when they are told they are wrong and why. Rewards Distrubution, Surrendering & Manipulation attempts from player sides This is probably the aspect that surprised me the most because one of the most common complaints from PVP players is the difficulty in obtaining a "pvp viable" legendary, so you'd think they'd be delighted when you offered them a perfect shiny legendary 4x31 2x30 IV. As it appears that this was a wrong belief on my part, we will eliminate the "first and second reward" category from the next tournament and instead let the first place to chose whether to get the shiny legendary or the rerolls, preventing in this way any sort of surrendering to manipulate the results and that would damage the nature of the tournament (being a competition players-vs-players through a pvp battle). Violation of the Game Rules & Manipulation of Facts The game has rules, and you agree to them when you register to it So far, I've been really relaxed, and I don't believe we've penalized anyone for breaking them in the Summer Tournament environment/discord, but this will change. Everyone is, obviously, permitted to have their own opinion and express it in a calm and respectful way. However, if you are unable to do so and start insulting others and distorting facts, ending up manipulating and creating lies, you will be punished. We are in the year 2022, and mutual respect should be the base for every social interaction. Punishments will be extended even outside of the Summer Tournament if considered necessary, only to offer participants another reason not to breach them. Everything will begin with a warning, unless the situation is so severe that a tougher approach is required, followed by a ban from the tournament (regardless of your place in the tournament) or a game punishment if necessary. Round Extension Contrary to what someone says, round extensions are extremely uncommon, lasting only one or two days, and are offered to players in order to avoid a coinflip. For example, if two participants can only battle one day after the deadline, it's best to allow them to play (given the tournament's competitive nature) than coinflipping, which would be extremely sad. Needless to say, if the round ends at 5 a.m. and I go to bed at 3 a.m. and wake up at 9 a.m. , that is not an "extension" because I am not a robot and will not sacrifice my health for that. If anything related to rewards will be changed, it will obviously be announced before the next tournament start.
    0 points
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