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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/23 in all areas

  1. s.o 300k Last 72 hours Min Bid 300k No Insta Buy
    3 points
  2. This is a bundle - 1 hour auction Accept only: Leppa or Oran berries Start: 1 Min: 1 End: 21:52 (GMT+7) Have fun bidding
    3 points
  3. S.o 15m Minimum raise 250k CC 400k RR ticket 550k 3 days from starting bid Gl!
    2 points
  4. SCIZOR S.O : 100K - C.O : 315K METAGROSS S.O : 100K - C.O : 315K GALLADE S.O : 50K - C.O : 125K ELECTIVIRE S.O : 50K - C.O : 100K UMBREON S.O : 1K - C.O : 1K ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- MIN RAISE : 10K END OF AUCTION AFTER FIRST BID : SCIZOR & META 72hrs - the rest 48hrs ------------------------------------------ ACCEPTED PAYMENT METHODS : - Coin Capsule = 340K PokeDollars ------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------- NOT IN AUCTION CAUSE HE WAS STILL ASLEEP FOR THE CHECK-IN ----------------------------------------- RANGERS !!! I COMMAND YOU TO HELP YOUR FUTURE WIELDERS !!! ----------------------------------------- POWER RANGERS, IT'S MORPHIN TIME !!! ----------------------------------------- !!! MEGAZORD !!!! ----------------------------------------- MY BELDUM SHOP - STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/218509-renji333-shop-beldums-updated-23072023-under-construction-again/ YOU SHOULD BUY BEFORE THEY GO INTO AUCTION ------------------------------------------ PAST AND CLOSED AUCTIONS WITH DIFFERENT THEMES AVENGERS : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/207359-auction-ended-avengers-assemble SONIC : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/207259-can-be-closed-auction-ended ATTACK ON TITAN : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/217768-auction-closed-metagross-attack-on-titans-last-hero DBZ, NARUTO, ONE PIECE : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/217562-auction-closed-metagross-302531-spd-hero-of-dbz-naruto/ ------------------------------------------ Special thanks to @Kamilfou1, @Rapha8466, @Huntedcrow
    2 points
  5. 1 Pokemon - (4 days) Auction End Time: 96h after first bid S.O: 15m C.O: 16m by: Yuzuna Min bid: 500k No Insta Plus Pokedollars, accept Payments as: Coin Capsule = 350k IVs rr Ticket = 500k Rules to highlight: I don't accept any other form of payment - Please be serious about offers - This auction takes place on the Silver Server, I take the responsibility for transferring - If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. If you have any question just ask me here or ingame: White507
    2 points
  6. S.O 2M Min raise: 200k duration 24h after first bid No insta
    2 points
  7. Hey. According to your rules, you can't say die to other players, but there is this problem i feel offended by the dialogue from battle boss where it say "Welcome to die" - so to hold a good standard, maybe change dialogue? Greetings a concerned person.
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. no everything fine, itsronin made his last bid when mine still had 2 minutes left. since i didnt continue bidding the auction is won by itzronin
    2 points
  10. Garchomp - Mild - Sand Veil - 25+ Dragonite - Adamant - Multiscale - 30+Atk, 25+ speed, 20+ rest Azumarill - Adamant - Huge Power - 31 atk, 25+ speed, 20+ rest Pinsir - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - 31 Speed, 25+ Atk, 20+ rest Clefable - Calm - Unaware - 25+ Lopunny - Adamant - Any - 30+ Atk, 31 speed, 20+ rest Rotom-Wash - Timid - Levitate - 30+Speed, 20+ Altaria - Modest - Natural Cure - 25+
    1 point
  11. S.O. 400k Min bid 50k Insta None Time 72hrs after first bid
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. start beldum 31 spd
    1 point
  14. U can come ingame ? Now
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. from mine since ur bid is lower as mine didnt see its 190 leppa nvm from urs
    1 point
  17. Is it 15 mins from Harutaa or me (i have a post above those guys)?
    1 point
  18. You don't have to trouble yourself 211 Oran + 111 Leppa
    1 point
  19. Just ignore them ez, i got 8-9 page ignore list, use it when its still free
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Be careful, you wrote "Acution" instead of "Auction" (Unless you really wanted to start an Acution and it's a différent process than auction)
    1 point
  23. 15 minute rule applies - Forum: If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Must be accurate to the minute that the auction is set to end. › e.g. If the auction ends at 15:00, it will end at 15:00:00. If a late bid is received in the final 15 minutes, at 14:46, the auction will end at 15:01. If another user bids at 15:00, the auction will be extended again, and will end at 15:15, this will be repeated until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes.
    1 point
  24. Changelog 01.08.2023: Reworked the Exp code. We use the official gen7 formulas now. Coded Exp. Share à la gen2. Coded Party Exp. Share. Disabled for now. Coded Lucky Egg. Coded Exp. Candies. Catching Pokemon gives EXP now. Reworked almost the entire API the client uses to interact with the scripts. While it might sound small, it was actually quite significant and took up most of the time, aside from the EXP rework. Added global rare encounter announcements. Players can anonymize their rare encounters and choose to show or hide the messages in the client options. By default, the messages are displayed, and rare encounters are anonymized. Only forms and shinies of Pokemon that are uncommon or rare will be displayed. Players are move locked while fishing now. Added battle delay and cd reset for a slightly better fishing mechanic. Slightly changed the form/shiny sprite display in the Pokedex. Left-clicking shows the next form, right-clicking shows the previous form, and middle-clicking resets to the base sprite. Fixed Z-Move not being selectable if Transform enabled them. The client no longer displays the mega button for Rayquaza if it holds a Z-Crystal. Corrected misspellings such as Never-Melt Ice and King's Shield. Reworked Final Gambit. Reworked Seismic Toss. The server kicks users that exceed 190s in PvP battles now. Lightning Rod now properly checks temporary types when protecting against paralysis. Fixed Hydration message. Fixed Entraintment message. Pokemon with Natural Cure will no longer be cured on switch-out if they lost their ability. If a Pokemon dies due to Leech Seed damage, the opposing Pokemon recovers the HP equal to the damage taken. Previously, it always recoverd 1/8th of the max HP of the seeded Pokemon. Coded a server-sided speed hack detection. Few small reworks, clean-ups and optimizations.
    1 point
  25. Pharaoh Ball (To compliment the new Lucario Form) Glitch Ball (inspired by Halloween Gengar form) Sky Ball Tyranitar Ball Venusaur Ball Shine Ball - Different variant of Pharoah Ball - Ralts Ball - Prison Realm Ball - Thorn Ball - Nippon Ball - Shiny Umbreon Ball - Egyptian Ball -
    1 point
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