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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/23 in all areas

  1. td { vertical-align: bottom; } .keitatext { font-size: 16px; } .ipsHr { size: 90%; } Ho ho ho! Or should we say... Zo Zo Zo... rua? As we embark on this magical Christmas season, we wanted to share some news that we hope will make you happy! Starting December 24th 12 AM GMT+0, every player will be granted a gift: 3-day access to the event-exclusive map, Evergreen Island Village Cave, where you will be able to hunt Zorua. You will also be able to transform a Zorua of your choosing, that you have caught during the event, into its Christmas-themed version! To join Evergreen Island Village Cave, you must speak with Elf Rudy in Evergreen Island Village, which can be accessed from all port cities: Vermilion, Olivine, Lilycove and Canalave. You may catch as many Zorua as you can during the event, but you can transform only one Zorua, and it must meet the following requirements: Must have your OT; Must be caught in Evergreen Island Village Cave; Must be caught after the event start, 24th December 12AM GMT +0; You can transform your Zorua by speaking to Elf Rudy. IMPORTANT INFO: The zorua will become UNTRADEABLE once transformed. Zorua is Shiny-locked on Evergreen Island Village Cave, which means you cannot find a Shiny Zorua. A Shiny version of Xmas Zorua does not exists. The Evergreen Island Village Cave and the ability to transform a Zorua will accessible until January 7th 11:59 PM GMT+0. Players can activate their 3-Day Access at any point during this event, however, it cannot be paused once activated. Be aware that if you activate your access within the final 3 days, any extra time will be lost. To avoid missing out on any time, we recommend that you activate your access prior to January 4th 11:59 PM GMT+0.
    29 points
  2. Greetings, We need a buff or a bug fix because if I throw out Magnezone magnet pull a ferrothorn should not be able to hard switch same time I throw mine out. That defeats the purpose of magnet pull. I'd say the same thing for uturn mega Scizor it doesn't get countered if it can jus uturn out. Mega scizor should either be slower or it shouldn't be ale to pull out. That's not how it works that doesn't make sense if my ability is MAGNET PULL!
    8 points
  3. Start: 6m Duration: 24 hours (from first bid) Min bid: 200k Payment: Pokedollars, Coin Capsules (400k) Gold Server
    4 points
  4. guys give me this one @@ 25m money in gold
    4 points
  5. Hello @Finnderboss, @Phuongismylife Carnivine and Pokemon Rarity adjustement: The game is evolving and some things need to be corrected and changed. The choice of Carnivine as a rare pokemon is rather "debatable",the pokemon was initially placed as a rare pokemon without any real reason behind it and the only reason why Carnivine was at one point one of the "rarest pokemon in the game" is the lack of spawn and accessibility to its spawns without any real reason. So the fact that carnivine was one of the "rarest pokemon in the game" is only because of his accessibility and its lacking spawns without any real reason + the fact that the vast majority of pokemon players don't care about carnivine in general and won't farm it because the pokemon isn't popular at all and has practically no use / interest for it. Hence the explanation as why the pokemon is one of the "rarest ingame pokemons" and the explanation of why the pokemon had nothing to do as rare pokemon and needed to be readjusted. its not the case only of carnivine others are in the same case, some 5/6g pokemon also requires a tier readjustment and its a change necessary to ensure a certain logic in the spawns of the pokemon and their rarity. All pokemon cannot and should not be rare especially without any reason behind that and this is why some change need to be made. I agree that the ideal would have been that the pokemon was not a rare pokemon since the beginning to avoid this loss of rarity that the pokemon undergoes but unfortunately there is no good time to make this kind of change that are necessarty and must be done. (we already got in the past Starly and wingull as exemple as Rare pokemon wich are now common) comparing carnivine with zorua and beldum makes no sense at all. beldum and zorua are pokemon that are very usefull or appreciated and very popular by the pokemon fan base or was also rare in the Original Game, thats absolutely the opposite for carnivine, which is largely ignored by the general public. "take away the exclusiveness of certain pokes". There is a huge difference between a pokemon volontary exclusive and involontary exclusive, some pokemon were for a long time involontary exclusive on pro like carnivine only due to a involontary lack of spawn which naturally fixes with time and the addition of new spawn. Wich is not the same case for exclusive Pokemons which are voluntary Exclusive pokemon like Rotom / Zorua / Porygon etc... which are the basic pokemon that are much rarer with much more interest and excitement around them or even much more usefulness. About solosis : 4 total spawns including 2 exclusively during event periods and 2 MS exclusif spawn we're a long way from a pokemon that can be found absolutely everywhere. For Bouffalant: Unfortunately I think you must have confused Africa with America or maybe confused with another animal because the "bouffalant" animal species lives in Europe and North America in forest / plain / mountainous environments that can be snowed in at certain times of the year, so I don't see any problem and seems totaly fine and logic to finding some bouffalant here. Even in pokemon go Bouffalant spawn is Based arround NewYork wich is in North America About Eevee Forms: @Phuongismylife There are maps dedicated to the different form of Eevee wich are announced in the Pro Discord announcement So if you only want the 2023 Eevee Form you need to hunt Eevee in Cryofrost Path spawn and if you want the 2018 Eevee form you need to hunt in Frost valley spawn. All others Spawn are "RNG" and the rate is 50/50 between both Eevee form Thanks to both of you for taking the time to make suggestions and give feedback that could improve spawns. Wishing you a good day and kind regards, CloseCombat.
    3 points
  6. Can you ban kommo z move in pvp? it's very unfair , he Alone can defeat an entire team
    2 points
  7. 15 minute rule applies If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Must be accurate to the minute that the auction is set to end. › e.g. If the auction ends at 15:00, it will end at 15:00:00. If a late bid is received in the final 15 minutes, at 14:46, the auction will end at 15:01. If another user bids at 15:00, the auction will be extended again, and will end at 15:15, this will be repeated until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes.
    2 points
  8. Congratulations! @Christoff you won dusclops with 1m5 and @Ikakashiyou won roserade with 900k . when u guys ready to trade message me.
    2 points
  9. Blue is for winter -trust me bro
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. The angelic BFGO here to deliver presents!
    2 points
  12. Auction starts and ends 3 days after first bid S.O 15m Min bid 200k No Insta Accept cc 400k I can transfer servers if the buyer is from Gold Server, but an additional fee of 'one cc' will be added so I can transfer back. Discord : _seghir (Seghir#5200) Good Luck Everyone
    1 point
  13. I give money away to random people until Astrella comes out. @Lordleo100
    1 point
  14. It is sad mine acc banned.So i can't handle my shop for now.Sorry.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Greetings @Lolop1 I have moved your thread to the proper sub-forum. Please check General Trade Rules for a better understanding of how trade related sub-forums are supposed to be used. Your End Point is a bit too vague. Please edit your post to specify if your auction ends in "24 hours after s.o. is met" or "24 hours after thread's creation". Also, for alternative payments you must attribute a value in pokedollars for each one of them (rare candy and coin capsule in your specific case). I kindly advise you to read Auction Rules as well to ensure that your auctions are in accordance with our rules. Kind regards
    1 point
  17. Hello @Ultrom I have merge all your threads into one, as you are allowed to noly have 1 single active thread per subzone. Kind Regards, * Zoruami *
    1 point
  18. Not a Tingle time can you blink.
    1 point
  19. 350k spoink 400k cacnea 300k dratini 201k wailmer
    1 point
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