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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/24 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. Hello, PRO community, Leo here . I am writing this post to request the release of Hoopa as a catchable pokemon. While its indeed true his unbound counterpart was suspect tested and banned from ORAS OU (and unbanned in SM OU), normal hoopa was always a regular pokemon with a modest usage and a low impact on the meta. In fact, he wasnt even OU, he was an RU mon towards the end of gen6! Due to its stats, its usage is mainly limited to trick room teams and to sticky webs hyper offense as a strong spataker, both archetypes being popular at the moment in PRO's PVP. Him being released would give players more teambuilding options and increase the meta's diversity, without changing the overall balance of the game or forcing the opponents to carry counters. That said, I believe Hoopa's release, in due time, would be a reasonable request and a good addition to the game. The ultimate decision lies with the staff, since they would need to create a quest or even a dungeon to obtain it, I respect any decision of theirs anyway. Thank you for reading, Leo.
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Hi everyone. I would like to suggest this new WQ system. Why? This isn't just because Bidoof's WQ Failure. Sometimes WQ happen in a local time that benefits just part of the players, because sometimes takes 5h to complete if WQ has repel for example (Like starts a WQ at 3 a.m. local time for me, and i just came online like 10 a.m.) So my suggestion is this: (will use bidoof's wq) Pokemon: Bidoof Total Individual Values: 1,800,000 Single Individual Values: 9,000 Average submissions: 97 Lowest Tier: Common Reward: Mysterious Ticket Duration: 24 hours, or until submission goal We remove the submission goal as duration of WQ. Let the players use all the 24h to hunt and submit the pokés, and when the 24h time is over, the players who get the 0,5% or 3% will get the rewards. Yes, i know this can make more players doing 3% because it'll take full 24h. But also will let others players have the chance to get 0,5% just because they might have only 2h or 3h to play in a day. With this we solve the disappointment of doing a WQ to get 2 shards that just will be used when another wq fail (can take years), and i think will be an incentive to more players do the WQ.
    1 point
  5. reached my end time. thanks for the sales + enjoy the mons.
    1 point
  6. Start Offer: 500k. Min Bid: 100k. Insta: 8m. Duration: 48 hours after the first bid. Accepted payments: Reroll Ticket: 500k each. Nature Reroll: 250k each. Coin Capsule: 400k each. Pokedollars. Contact: IG: Fafouney Discord: fafouney (224141264130408448)
    1 point
  7. 1. On Gold server cause i don't know about Silver there is usually 350 more or less players online on average, sometimes 200+, sometimes 400+ or even 500+ Bad thing is when you try to play normal pvp you sometimes encounter same players over and over again even tho there is an option to "avoid last opponent". I have thought about that and there should be added option to play 1 player 2 times or max 3 a day (24 hours, can be counted like Bug Catching Contest), cause at the end of the day it's not fair when at the end of the season someone farmed points and pvp coins on weaker players or players with weaker team than them cause some people use only 1 team. And others don't have time to play and can't do things like that. So adding this option would balance PvP more like in real time sports (for example football), when you have to play everyone not someone couple of times. 2. I'm sorry but Unaware Clefable is broken: - they have evs in def and hp making this poke bulky - only steel and poison can hit them suppereffectively - leftovers regeneration usually with protect can recover them to 100% and all players are spamming that with wish - with calm mind they can kill many pokes with Moonblast and effect is Clefable with boosted Defense and Hit Points + Special Attack and Special Defense, cause Speed and Attack on this poke doesn't matter - also Clefable has Flamethrower for Scizor or other steel types so... Problem is many players are exploiting this and in PvP they spam Wish+Protect even 10 or more turns in a row to be safe regenerating hp to 100%. Everyone can do that, even the worst players, and as a result PvP is boring and more rng than skill based. I think Unaware Clefable would be ok but not with Calm Mind come on. It's too much. I know there are banned Pokemons like Aegislash, Greninja, Blaziken, Mega Lucario - but how is Clefable with Unaware not even discussed tbh? I think Meta would be more healthy with some changes. Also full gen 7 introduced would help and i know Terrakion, Virizion, Coballion were added but no one really are using them, Cause people prefer that Unaware Clefable Pokemon. It's really disgusting.
    1 point
  8. Auction Rules Starting Price: 50k (no insta) Minimum Bid (after starting price is met): 1k Accepted Payments: Pokedollars, CC = 400k, IV Reroll = 500k Duration: 48 Hours after Starting Price is met (+15min PRO extension rule) This is a single auction for the entire lot, winner takes all of the TMs:
    1 point
  9. 620k from gold server
    1 point
  10. @Grabarz23 Just got on for the day, I do still have all the desired pokes. Feel free to try adding/dm'ing me in game (I'll be off and on around for the next 12 hours) or replying here again when you're free to find a time to trade.
    1 point
  11. I heard you're poor and need the money so I'll start your auction
    1 point
  12. start will come to silver if win
    1 point
  13. 1.1m I will transfer if needed.
    1 point
  14. Timer has ended. Congrats @Manav861 you won. I am free now / lmk when you are available to trade
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Hello @Fan00 Auction's winner is @Donator with a 22m bid. The offer has been placed before End Point. Thus, it is valid. Please make sure to meet up in-game to trade. Kind regards
    1 point
  17. cyanirl you posted my old team i don't ladder with it anymore, i'm sure i have beaten you with my new but you didn't post it also yeah, i agree with you all but you all have to say that many great counters to Clefable are banned. Gunk Shot Greninja or Flash Cannon Aegislash would be massive help. Without Pokes like this people think Clefable is god mon when in the reality it's not.
    1 point
  18. Just a little update. I actively work on the new AI. Currently, I work on a visual representation to make testing and reporting easier for the testers. This is only a debugging tool, but I thought it would be interesting to keep you updated.
    1 point
  19. Hello! As noted on forum and In-game PVP Rules: Endless Battle Clause: Any moveset that is capable of intentionally cause an endless battle is banned. More specifically: Recycle + Leppa Berry. Harvest + Leppa Berry. Trace + Leppa Berry. Role Play + Leppa Berry. This means that the use of Sitrus Berry + Harvest Ability is allowed. For a full list of the PVP rules you can access this Forum page: Ranked PvP Rules or, of course, In-game as well under the PVP tab. I hope this information was helpful to you. If you have any more questions or concerns regarding this, please feel free to reach out! - Codexed
    1 point
  20. you can just try it right?
    1 point
  21. and we should also discuss Mega Sableye - you can't kill it. Can spam Will-o-wisp and just recover, also protect, knock off. Unbanned for 3 or 4 seasons now. So why only Hyper Offensive Pokemons are banned? Not Even 1 stall? It's not fair.
    1 point
  22. not use without calm mind? i don't agree, still can wish + protect bro and flamethrower, stealth rock whatever. you all want calm mind to have more easier battles & wins...
    1 point
  23. start will come to silver if win
    0 points
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