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Pokemap – Interactive Map for Pokemon Revolution Online Pokemap is a fan-made, interactive map for Pokemon Revolution Online (PRO). The tool allows players to view all in-game regions and locate key landmarks—especially boss characters—on one comprehensive map. Accessible directly through a web browser. Features: 1. Interactive World Map Region Navigation: Users can pan around the map and zoom in/out to explore various regions such as Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, etc. The map marks important locations along with the positions of in-game bosses. 2. Boss Tracking and Management Boss Location and Cooldown Tracking: Boss icons are marked on the map, and players can click on them to view details. The system allows marking a boss as defeated, while automatically keeping track of its cooldown (time until it can be challenged again). It also monitors the weekly limit of up to 20 defeated bosses, notifying the user when they approach this threshold. 3. Custom Route Planning Route Creation and Management: Players can design their own routes by selecting bosses in a preferred order. Routes can be saved, named, and later loaded for repeated use. Additionally, the system supports exporting routes to a JSON file or importing previously saved routes, facilitating sharing and backup. 4. Multi-Profile System Profile Management: The application supports the creation of multiple user profiles. Each profile can have its own set of saved routes, boss statuses, pokestop statuses, excavitions statuses, map settings (such as camera position), and weekly boss counters. This feature is especially useful for users managing multiple accounts or sharing the tool on a single device. 5. Search and Filtering Efficient Navigation: An integrated search function allows users to quickly find a specific location, pokemon or item by entering its name. Upon selection, the map centers on the chosen location, making navigation easier. Filters: Users can filter displayed information, such as showing only bosses / pokestops / excavitions from a selected region or hiding all boss icons / pokestops icons / excavitions icons for a cleaner view of the map area. 6. Easy Access and No Login Requirement Instant Use: Since the application runs entirely in the browser ( hosted via GitHub Pages), no registration or login is required. All data—like saved routes and boss status—is stored locally in the browser, making it easy to start using immediately. Some images: Credits: https://wiki.pokemonrevolution.net/index.php - many usefull data and images https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/112424-hoenn-excavation-sites-guide/ - knowledge about excavition https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/227666-boss-pathing-website/ - An idea to create a similar page / marking of bosses2 points
"Your wish is my command!" - Shenlong PvP Chests: Battle, Win, and Earn Exclusive Rewards! - Announcements - Pokemon Revolution Online Auction Details: Start Price: 9m End Point: 48 hours (after start price is met) Insta Price: 25m Minimum Raise: 250k Accepted Payments: Pokedollars, Coin Capsules (x1 Coin Capsule = 500k), IV Reroll Tickets (x1 IV Reroll Ticket = 550k) Important Reminders: This is a Gold Server auction. However, you may bid from any server, and I will transfer to your preferred server upon winning. If you intend to purchase with an alt account, specify the account alongside your bid. If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Happy Bidding!2 points
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Hoopa Dungeon Service To capture Hoopa, you must successfully complete his dungeon: the Scattered Realm Dungeon. Be aware that competing the dungeon will be enough to capture Hoopa, but to get his HLW form you must first beat the Elder Dragon at Phantasm Island, and to unlock the Unbound form you will have to get 6 Rings of Desire (currency of this dungeon) + Earth Plate + Splash Plate +Flame Plate. This service will only be to capture Hoopa, not the HLW form of it! Note: This service will require for me to login in your account, so only take it, if you allow it! I will not use any of your items, nor pokedollars or pokemons. Simply put, all you must do is have the requirements and quests done, so I acess the dungeon, beat it, and im out! Also, I have got the clearance from our Game Master (Yellow) to do it, AS LONG, I dont get ladder with any of the runs, to ensure it, every run will get 0.00 points. Accepted Payments: IV Reroll Ticket 600k Nature Reroll Ticket 300k Coin Capsule 500k Black Medallion 275k REQUIREMENTS / PRICING / INFORMATION To access the Scattered Realm Dungeon, you must first gain acess to Arche Valley, for that you must have the entire Gen6 Dex seen (650-715 dex ID's). You can acess Arche Valley by talking to the Sailor located at Cherrygrove City in Johto. Once you reach the Valley, you will have to complete a small quest. I will leave a video here from my good friend @Jadeash explaining how to do it. (please sub to him while you at it ) COMPLETE GUIDE PART 2 If you don't want to do it, I will do it for 200k. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HOOPA (NORMAL FORM) To be able to catch Hoopa, you will have to beat the dungeon 1 time. For that I will login in your account and beat the dungeon unlocking the legendary to be caught. Pricing: 750k __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HOOPA (HLW FORM) To be able to get the HLW Form of Hoopa you must first have defeated the Elder Dragin at Phantasm Island. Once again I will leave a guide for you guys to be able to do it. COMPLETE GUIDE HLW PART1 I WILL NOT DO THIS PART __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HOOPA-UNBOUND To unlock the Unbound form of Hoopa, you will have to get 6 Rings Desires, and 1 of each plate: Earth, Flame and Splash. When you defeat the dungeon sucessfully, you will always be granted 1 Ring of Desires, so in theory you will have to beat the dungeon 6 times to unlock the form, HOWEVER, I did find some of them in the first rooms, so I had 2 runs where I got 2 in that same run! (although I'm not aware if this is RNG based, or what conditions to get them inside the dungeon). With that said, if you wish to get the form, I will have to beat the Dungeon 6 times to unlock the Prison Bottle: NOTE: I will not provide the Plates, just the unlocking of the Prison Bottle! PRICING TABLE Prices Hoopa + 1x Ring 750K 1x Ring of Desire 700K 2x Ring of Desire 1.3M 3x Ring of Desire 1.8M 4x Ring of Desire 2.2M 5x Ring of Desire 2.5m __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Also as additional requirements: I will need authorization to login in your account & While i'm on it, YOU MUST NOT, login at any cost. I will let you know when you can go in Gyarados Mega Stone - If you don't own I will provide this service for free (if you take the Unbound Deal) NOT MANDATORY: You might need some Z-Ring & Z-moves to this quest (although not mandatory, they are valuable to have, since they make it faster and safer to beat the dungeon with success) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Z-Moves Service Z Ring - 300k Z Crystals - 450k each Crystal (only from Monotour Tournament, I do not do the specific pokemon Z moves) Feel free to ask any questions! (except my strategy ofc ) Contact Info: IGN = Envymeister Discord = eNvyle100 Time zone = GMT+0 SILVER SHOP1 point
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Doing auction for a friend , Good luck guys Auction Details: Start Price: 100k End Point: 48 hours (after start price is met) Insta Price: 10m Minimum Raise: 100k Accepted Payments: Pokedollars, Coin Capsules (x1 Coin Capsule = 500k), IV Reroll Tickets (x1 IV Reroll Ticket = 550k) Important Reminders: This is a Cross Server auction. You may bid from any server, and I will transfer to your preferred server upon winning. If you intend to purchase with an alt account, specify the account alongside your bid. If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Happy Bidding!1 point
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@Shellter - I’m sorry but that Scyther is no longer available, forgot to update it’s status.1 point
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Welcome back! @Byreallive I hope you enjoy your return to PRO! Houndstone1 point
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Wtb Excadrill 1m hasty mold breaker Serperior 850k timid contrary Pinsir 550k adamant hyper cutter Meet olivine or aphrodia island please, ty1 point
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Fast and Efficient Boss Run Route All credit for this post goes to Revolutionation, who made the original post linked here. I am just updating it as they seem to be inactive. Good day and welcome to the Fast and Efficient Boss Run Route! This guide will give you a Fast and Efficient route to do Boss Run! Additionally, this is tailored for non transit pass holders to maximize time and reduce spending on travel. Disclaimer: This is not a boss guide, but I will give suggestions as to what I use. Required Pokemon ➺ Your Boss Team ➺ Pikachu ➺ 1 x Fire type ➺ 1 x Ghost type ➺ 2 x Steel type ➺ Iron Defense Note: Boss requirements may change over time. Suggested Team This suggested team will satisfy all the requirements previously mentioned with additional purposes. Reserves Klefki ➺ Steel + Switcheroo || Empoleon ➺ Steel + Stealth Rock + Feather Dance + Iron Defense || Ampharos ➺ Eerie Impulse Gengar ➺ Ghost + Destiny Bond || Gyarados ➺ Sweeper || Haxorus ➺ Sweeper Pikachu ➺ Everyone loves Pikachu || Delphox ➺ Fire type + Skill Swap + Switcheroo Kanto Route Start: Cinnabar Island ➺ End: Vermilion City Johto Route Start: Olivine City ➺ End: Ilex Forest Hoenn Route Start: Lilycove City ➺ End: Valley of Steel Sinnoh Route Start: Canalave City ➺ End: Cave of Justice Total Spending1 point