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Everything posted by Soggyteabag

  1. +1 I have terrible luck, getting usable legends to pvp with is a pain I've found it quite strange that you pay reasonable monies to buy a regular pvp mon with good ivs, but you can spend millions on legendaries and not get anything out of it except for premature hair loss and ulcers
  2. bump ^-^
  3. Good idea! I do want two separate queues though.
  4. There are 13 pages of useless back and forth. Bottom line is: Ash-Greninja is broken. Either we ban it, or everyone starts abusing it on the ladder, causing mayhem. Easy-to-understand example: As soon as you start using UNVIABLE mons that would otherwise be useless to wall a powerful poke, you know it is busted. Exhibition A: DISCLAIMER I AM NOT TAKING AN STANCE ON THE SMOGON TIERING SYSTEM AND IF IT SHOULD BE FOLLOWED, IT IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE One huge reason why dracovish was banned from gen8ou is cause it made unviable pokemon and sets like Seismitoad (Water absorb and Stormdrain) good, simply cause it walled it. IMO If you have to dedicate an entire unviable pokemon to specifically beating a broken mon that has little counterplay, then it is broken. tl;dr As soon as people say, "Oh Ash Gren isn't good cause calm azu walls it" you know that these sets are hot garbage, and the only reason that you would even consider running it is to have a check dedicated to beating Ash gren. If ash gren never existed, you would have no friken reason to run these sets. (Or pokemon) ALSO, WHAT DO THE MODS THINK? I'd like to have some input by some competent mods who understand the importance of a balanced pvp meta. O YEAH, +1 to everything that aggs said, he beat me to it. Sincerely, -Teabag
  5. +1 ban it
  6. bump ^-^
  7. +1 another suggestion, you could actively change the pokeball that the pokemon is caught in. As though it was holding an item, but its the pokeball. That way you can have cute pokes in cute balls. ^-^
  8. +1 ban the entire pokemon. life orb mixed attecker is just as bad as any kings shield set.
  9. Ooo, I do like the idea of using the Mysterious Tickets for guild island, considering that many people don't do World quest anymore since they have all the legendary pokes that they need/want and its not exactly worth for them to invest time and money into participating in the WQs; which in turn makes it harder for other people to reach to server iv goal. However, I think basing it solely of off the mysterious tickets is a bit too hunting-centric. Some people are just bad at hunting, and the pvp guilds who don't focus on hunting pokemon as much might not enjoy this solution. Rather I propose a slightly different solution. Have the WQ quest master give 2 different rewards (you chose one of the following), 1 being the mysterious ticket as usual, and the other- a brand new "guild ticket" that could be used to access the guild island. This brand new guild ticket can be obtained 2 ways -bought with pvp coins (I don't know what price) -WQ Just food for thought -Soggyteabag
  10. Ay, ty for the help
  11. I was trying to make my client smaller so I could watch youtube/other media while hunting. I lowered the resolution and this happened. :/
  12. 3 T8 Shines, all same IVs, and similar neutral natures. Very cool
  13. Username: Soggyteabag Server: Gold Country/Timezone: United States/ GMT-4
  14. Is the Reveal Glass tradable?
  15. +1 nakofum +1 mcschitter You missed milotic btw Milotic walls the raindance manaphy set and then hazes in return. Also, I don't think that the full capabilities of baton pass have been explored yet. Passing to lapras is a good start, but I really haven't seen people try to pass to lesser used pokes. For example, Kingler is a fantastic breaker with stab liquidation + sheer force + sd. Its below average speed can be mitigated by baton passing. Overall baton pass just introduces so much variety in a otherwise standard meta with no innovation or creativity right now. To address other issues: IT STRAIGHT UP LOOSES TO HYPER OFFENCE yeah that's right. Virtually any faster paced team shuts down bp. For one, most hyper offence teams carry at least 2-3 prio users to beat down any attempt to set up and sweep (for the record, manaphy only resists 2 prios: bullet punch and aqua jet, togekiss resists 1 prio: mach punch) . And second, most every pokemon is offensively oriented even if the opponent baton passes out, you should be able to predict whatever pokemon the are gonna pass to and deal significant amounts of damage. Ex: Lucario against Scolipede Oh, they have a manaphy which resists bullet punch, so I can close combat into espeed here and knock it out. or Oh, they have a togekiss which resists close combat, so I can meteor mash here into espeed and knock it out. Point made Its unpredictability: Only in 2 ways, 1: teambuilding 2: switching/passing 1: Ok sure, you get some powerful wall breaker like crawdaunt or medicham and you pass speed to it. Great! . . . no one does that lol. In the hundreds of games that I've played, I have yet to see someone exploit baton pass in such a manner. Literally everyone uses the same 3-4 mons (manaphy lucario/conk togekiss) to abuse baton pass. People don't use other pokes cause quite simply, they just aren't that good. Surprise Surprise 2: You have abusers that can switch into a move which they resist and then proceed to set up Solution: Predict. Its really not that hard to predict. Just try to think what poke they are going to bpass to then attack with a supereffective move, a move that hits them neutrally, or switch to a counter/something that walls it. ITS THAT EASY A weak argument in general. Also, manaphy was uber in gen5 cause of endless weather. It was ou in subsequent gens. The powercreep is why baton pass was banned in later gens. Pokemon just got more and more powerful. (gen6 megas, gen7 zmoves) Of course baton pass will be banned here. I can't imagine anyone allowing someone passing speed to a mega-medicham and thinking that's fair and balenced. PSYCHIC TERRAIN Imagine a baton pass team thats immune to priority. Point and Case. These techs aren't here yet so its still a-ok to run baton pass. Overall: Ty for reading this. Sorry for my bad english If you are losing to baton pass run HO I doubt everyone who is trying to ban baton pass has actually run it (not kups/glog's standard one) for an extendend period of time. (400 battles +) If you are really afraid of baton pass you probably haven't played around with it and used various pokes to abuse it. Its ridiculously hard making a new baton pass from scratch and using lesser used pokes like porygon-z or moltres which may seem good on paper, but don't perform as well in game. Don't quote me, I'm tired of this thread already.
  16. Will the cooldown for the boss be reset? @Nezuko Ty, Teabag
  17. I battled Nikola to try and regain a chance to get Cresselia. I was using a Skarmory to Whirlwind the boss's pokemon with hazards up. At the end, when all the boss's pokemon were defeated, the battle interface still didn't end. A video of it happening. Ty for you time
  18. i recently got mutebanned, can i see the reason why this is so?
  19. Im looking for a shiny ducklett. Don't overprice lol, its a t6 for goodness's sake.
  20. I support this idea be cause 1: right now unranked is pretty dead and 2: it gives an incentive to use banned pokes like genesect, shaymin, darkrai, and actually gives meaning to these otherwise useless pokes. It also promotes the release of new legendaries that would otherwise be banned in regular play.
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  22. I did the 1st one, it was fun, you should do it. -teabag
  23. bump
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