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  1. +1
  2. First I would like to thank you for your response its been a few hours since I made my first donation under the new system its just not the same I will admit that its minor in the grand scheme of things that you guys are handling right now but I would say that it does make me feel uneasy to have to save my info to Gpay or try a form of payment through systems I haven't ever heard of let alone pronounce. I think the answer would be to the question of what I would suggest I would say if you can setup a system for American pay that would be awesome IE apple pay or Zelle for chase or whatever establish American online banking systems their are as an option alongside some of the other ones you have also chosen that would be awesome. I'm sure some of the suggestions I have made may be hard to find a way to do but It would go a long way establishing trust especially amongst the people who use these forms of payments as way to go because most of us already have brand trust within PayPal and also might not have the greatest trust in Gpay such as myself. @Shaolan Again thank you for your time.
  3. Just thought I would reach out to try and help man hope this gets resolved for you best wishes
  4. Hey man just going to say that the same thing happened to me in the past and when i posted it in the donation issues section it got responded to a lot faster idk if this is going to help or not but i did the same thing with a abesial ropes lol and they responded within a day that way
  5. So your telling me we are not going to be able to make payments through PayPal anymore what service are you going to use to protect my payment info and how are we supposed to make payments from places outside the E U? What kind of nonsense is this really PayPal has to be offering one of the best rates for services of card or account transactions alongside the best security for users. You don't want to pay the service fee associated with using PayPal so now your going to use a third rate service that can store our info and leave users vulnerable to exploitation of their cards? This is totally unacceptable from a standpoint of someone who donates hundreds to the game every month I would love a better explanation on what happened or at least a better one then we had a problem we aren't using PayPal anymore. I would like a thorough explanation of what your going to do to protect users card info and how its better than PayPal and what measures are going to be taken to ensure that any and all problems stemming from the switch will be handled fast and swiftly because its been many days now and we still can not make purchases within the game.
  6. anyone else experiencing this problem
  7. So your saying staff thinks its a good idea to punish someone for being so good that they are capable of laddering in two different game modes because their are prizes associated... brilliant. I'm really glad we have such devoted staff to fixing these injustices its just not fair that someone is going to get two sets of prizes for being good.
  8. I think what Belz is saying is hitting the nail on the head on what my main concerns are about staff relations in pro. She just discussed her bans in a live forums and will not get punished because staff unconsciously has a bias. I think the main thing that staff can do in pro better is accommodate the fact that they are human and that sometimes players don't like the service that they are given in a situation and not to take that personally but instead be more servicing to options for the player. A good example is that not only should staff not require that the person who banned you have to handle your request because you may have a history with a said moderator and to avoid bias players should be allowed for the ability to both request a different moderator to look at their appeal/bans even if they were in the past and discuss with a moderator of their choosing from a list of active moderators ways to either reform their behavior to then get their accounts unbanned or reduce their sentences so that they can continue playing because the goal should be how do we get players playing the game again while behaving correctly not punishing the wrong doers like batman in the night. Alongside that the staff needs to shift from the mentality that staff gets the right to be a place where the burden of proof is on the players to prove their innocence. Their should also be a council of players if the player so chooses that hold public meditations of bans so that the player may have a trial among their peers if the player feels like they aren't getting fair treatment in private bans. Its actually disgusting how some staff who I will leave names off the post but we know who they are specifically notorious for being incredibly malicious and using private forums and wait time between their responses to trap players who have a lot of money and time invested into the game into making false admissions of guilt or otherwise just bullying them into a corner till they confess about something that may not directly involved them or they did and the staff feels like they have proof but don't have the full story of. Like this idea of private bans is supposed to benefit the player but actually locks the player in a room with a moderator who has practically unlimited power and control of their life here, and whats worse is most players are not literate enough or don't have enough say here to actually stick up for themselves and so its just a vicious cycle of the game being able to take advantage of players over and over again, while some players who have more pull and following are allowed to just get off free with a wrist slap even when they are notorious cheaters or rules abusers (see above for example). I have a huge amount of respect for the staff I know its not easy I don't want this to come off as just negative stuff so I will also include some good things that they do that I think can be improved as well. First I think staff relations posts like this being held by the one and only @Shinohara are definitely a good start and a serious honest effort towards trying to make relations that have been devolving between staff and players better. I think the solution is more difficult that this because in reality this feels more like a public relations stunt than tactfully trying to affect real change. If the staff truly wanted to affect change they would spring for a council of players made of a select group of guild leaders or former staff to bring meaningful change to the staff with things as small as being able to vote on changes that matter the most TO THE PLAYERS being brought to the front of dev list, and as large as being able to overturn bans that are felt to be unjust or outright wrong and punish staff the way the staff punishes players (aka lock them in a private forums with the council and have the council treat them as they have treated others). If the goal is just to make a post to make it look like you care about these things than you have definitely succeeded, if the goal is to bring meaningful change about the way staff and players relations is devolving then a more permanent change will be required. As they say words are meaningless while actions mean everything. Players just want the ability to play the game and not have staff inhibit their experience at this point which is both sad that the bar is so low and sad that the bar just gets lower and lower with every year that goes by. This game is a grind and its about forming communities that you can play Pokemon with and enjoy the game together with. Yet at the very core of the game the people who run the game feel entitled to out the people who pay to keep the game running instead of create real solutions to how to handle the games players and staff it feels like the games staff has lost its way. I personally feel like when a lot of the older staff members leave like example of Thor, Nik, Logan, and particularly Shane the values these staff brought get lost and I think the values that these staff members had were right on. I didn't always see eye to eye with a lot of them as I will be the first to admit I am no saint and have faults, but I could tell after having conversations with these people that they loved the game and weren't entitled to the idea that they deserved special treatment even though they worked their butts off constantly to make the game a better place much like Keita has. I have found that they are a lot of shining lights in the staff such as Tinnvinn/Zesk who I have gotten the privilege to exchange a few words with that show great promise as well its just a shame that the bad apples spoil a lot of the hard work these staff have put in when it comes to relations. I think that the solutions I have provided would be a good first step in the road towards maintaining better happier player relations and I am looking forward to the responses I receive here.
  9. Ta7esh is right the solution to the problem is not to work harder but smarter implementing a reconnect system is at the very least a good band aid to the problem. The motivation to play on silver is very much dwindling for most of the players and is very sad. I will admit that the games cosmetics and money mean little to nothing towards the actual problem as the problem is that their isn't very great infrastructure in place for players to reconnect after a crash it just kicks you out of the game and you lose elo or worse an elusive Pokemon you have been hunting for hours or days just to have it crash in the vital moment you are trying to catch it in. The real problem is that whatever "fix" you find is not a permanent solution to the problem as more crashes are inevitable because of the games lack of server infrastructure. I one thing is to be done it is to find a way to overcome this problem not just cover it up. If funds are what the game needs say it so we all can pitch in to make it happen, but its not enough to just say we are working on it at this point transparency of the problem is only fair to the loyal player-base that is sticking by the game in this time.
  10. @Noxious thank you for your response so to clarify anyone who is in the guild on the 23rd up until 1159pm will count? but what time gmt-0?
  11. Hey i was cleaning out the guild roster and accidentally removed my Fr0styjoe by accident just want to make sure that since I added it back the rating will count for my guild please reach out here or in discord!!!
  12. Weren't we supposed to be able to collect mysterious tickets for the world quest for guild island? my guild all got together and got ready for that and it didn't get fixed @Eaty players should be rewarded for their grinds and efforts farming isn't fun nor easy and its time spawns and such things that hold the market and players back from obtaining necessary pokes to PVP with get evaluated. Since you changed the way to enter guild island you should also have more frequent different outbreaks to correlate with that. The idea should never be to make it more inaccessible to get necessary things like it has been in the past make it possible to more valuable Mons easier and more consistently as a long standing reason why people are always leaving is they get bored of the monotonous grinding that game requires constantly if their were always new things and more outbreaks their would be more players which would make you guys more money and also allow you to increase amount of staffers you have by the same virtue as players eventually become staff. Maybe consider getting some more pokes to add to the game other than Megas like Blacephalon, Keldio, Kartana, Celesteela as well to shape a meta that you guys see to be less stale than the current one.
  13. start on shellder Also do u take coins or no
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