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Everything posted by Bhimoso

  1. The 2.147 is related to a programming issue where the limit money is 2.147 billion. This happens in Sacred, Lineage 2, and other games.
  2. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/871-url/?do=findComment&comment=856287 Post it here so Whitebaron can help you out :)
  3. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/871-url/?do=findComment&comment=856287 Can you post your Sinnoh issue here so that Whitebaron can fix it for you? I think it's a bug happening to everyone, but that's the thread for the quest bug (Alakazam NPC bug and the NPC disappearing). Regarding the other issue, I cannot help in any way. You need a Staff member to create you a forum account, as far as I know. Good luck!
  4. Mega Evolutions I guess are being bugfixed. I hope they're released soon :)
  5. Added prices and bump :)
  6. I guess lol
  7. I mean, idk if it's possible but I wouldn't complain if I was given the money to test it (and then run away with it while Tmods chase me like in an action movie lol).
  8. Welcome back to the game!
  9. +1 to splitting both buttons so I don't accidentally close the chat nonstop. One at each corner, please!
  10. You have to post in the link indicated in the guide :)
  11. Suggested already probably but +1. I'm too fat to go to the PC and release them manually. My legs hurt.
  12. Good luck Waleed! It seems I will have to continue the Guide making alone without any buddies :( I hope this is just a temporary leave and you eventually come back. You've done a LOT for the game, you've always helped out in the wiki and in discord for hours with almost no end, you've been one of the biggest supports by far in the Discord, also doing guides for forums. Good luck on your future endeavors!
  13. It was suggested in the past and it will obviously divide the playerbase in PvP even more, devs will have to organise all pokemon into usage % and establish PvP rules, using time and resources they could use just putting out Megas and gen 7 pokemon for the game to keep it alive and introducing new pokemon for PvP, which is stagnating at best. Ranked PvP could only have the alternative of Unranked right now, where you can try everything you want, because investing resources when the current playerbase in PvP is low won't bring any good to the table, it will just kill PvP activity further.
  14. Eyyy nice guides are always good to see :D
  15. There are two or three issues with asking for a big streamer to come and advertise the game: 1.- There might be too much of an influx of people also joining in and the servers probably will explode a bit. They're normally at almost half of their capacity. Now imagine a streamer with steady 20k viewers + uploading highlights afterwards to Youtube. If the max population per server is 1825 and we're in the 600s, you can kinda see where the problem is. 2.- Now imagine 50% or more of these players DON'T read the rules. Would it happen? Yes, of course. Imagine the amount of extra workload the Staff team would have if they had to suddenly handle thousands of extra reports a day. Look up the number of Moderators and you'll understand how releasing an influx of people can affect the servers. 3.- Excessive attention to PRO is never completely a good idea. Bringing attention to the game does not correlate to having that new playerbase surely stay. 10k viewers suddenly making accounts and joining might not make them stay, they may just leave the next day for another game. PRO should be advertised ear to ear, everyone to their friends, and there could be rewards if they reached something like the Kanto Elite 4, to motivate them to keep playing, in my opinion. It would also be a reward for current players. The argument that PRO is dying (somehow) is stupid. Yes, the activity might go down a few times, but it always manages to go back up with new big updates. Otherwise, what purpose would serve bringing new updates to the game if the playerbase didn't increase and just kept leaving? I just hope PRO will be around for some years so I can make more guides for the playerbase.
  16. I still need Dex Service REEEE
  17. LA MANO ARRIBA I don't remember the rest of the song, bump xd
  18. The tutor for Rock Climb is just to the west of the Mt Coronet entrance. You don't go there from Oreburgh as you would potentially be able to skip the second gym entirely. Once you beat Oreburgh Gym, you go back to Jubilife and head north. Defeat the Galactic Grunts, defeat them again in Valley Windworks after reaching Floaroma Town (follow the forum walkthrough to avoid getting lost), go to the north through Eterna Forest and reach Eterna City. Clear the big building in the north, find all lost pokemon, beat the Eterna gym. Now, head south to the bike route in Sinnoh, and when you reach Route 207 (after the bike route), you'll finally be able to go east to Mt Coronet. The Rock Climb tutor is also there, it costs 15k to teach Rock Climb to a pokemon for every usage. Even if you have already completed story before, the steps are the same, just without doing anything related to story. I hope this helped! :) ^in case you ever get lost, this is the forum guide for the region :)
  19. Guide has been updated. An entire section was added. Current Boss Guide in progress is at 9.7k words, 56k+ characters. Guide is currently 2 times as big as this semester's final project for university.
  20. It's a known bug, I guess Staff are working on it :)
  21. Once you beat Hoenn E4, you can just take the boat in Lilycove City to go back. :)
  22. +1 to this.
  23. +1 again, I want to stop being bald (and in real life too)
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