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Everything posted by Bhimoso

  1. IMO it would be a money sink for the game, but I don't think it would be fair that the multi millionaires would just purchase 50+ rerolls and keep spamming it until they got absurdly high IVs. They could do the same without this suggestion, but the chances wouldn't be nowhere as high as if this got implemented. I'm not sure this is very balanced for a MMO, although I understand the frustration of rerolling a legendary nonstop and not getting anything. -1 from me for now. (Also I wanted to delay this post because this is my post number 1000 in the forums but I feel too lazy to wait so here you go)
  2. owobump
  3. It's a really known bug for some time now, I guess devs and scripters are working on fixing it :)
  4. I'm interested in Omanyte and Togepi. Do I dm you in discord to negotiate?
  5. This only happens if the server crashed before its data was stored in the database or if you accidentally released it. For the first one there's no way to recover it, but they might be able to recover it if you released it. Good luck!
  6. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/151751-url And if you didn't understand the info above, you can read the guide I made on the topic. Same rules still apply, you just trade items instead of pokemon.
  7. Discord bot says it can have the item in Mt Moon, so you're a bit unlucky. RNG is not kind to you :/
  8. If it didn't have an ID, it's physically impossible for Staff members to recover it, since it means it never got stored in the database. Only thing you can do is try to find it in your PC and hope a Staff member can somehow recover it. Good luck! :)
  9. RIP, these things happen. A few players have lost high tier shinies due to crashes too :/
  10. Bump owo
  11. bumpito wey :v
  12. +1 :v
  13. Yes, it is related. Talk to Buck to have your items back :) (if you still can't get your items, wait for a staff answer)
  14. Welcome back to the game! Happy to know you got everything back :)
  15. +1, just overall improve the rewards in dig spots everywhere lol. It's too much of a RNG fiesta and almost always you end up making big trips to just get burn heals that you could buy in any shop. Just remove purchasable items from shops from dig spots... make it worth the trip.
  16. Was trying to watch it but I just can't get through it. The filler is garbage, and it's supposed to be canon. The manga is very good, still has the same writing issues as Naruto, but atleast it's bearable.
  17. +1 if we can wear a Squirtle shell as Wings and a Squirtle shell armor. YES.
  18. GIT GUD (Now seriously, get better level 100 pokemon. A single Haxorus with Dragon Dance and Mold Breajer steamrolls through him)
  19. I would love a gigantic Caterpie or Metapod just following you around.
  20. Welcome back! Your frustration is understandable :)
  21. Start and insta and min bid decreased!
  22. Bump uwu
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