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Everything posted by Bhimoso

  1. If your riolu has max happiness and you're fighting wild pokemon at the right poketime and still does not evolve (even after relogging), I'd suggest you ask for a delevel in the delevel post or wait for a staff answer here: You can request evolution and deleveling assistance by making a post in the Evolution & Deleveling Request Megathread. https://tinyurl.com/PROEvolutionAndDeleveling
  2. I've continued working on the guide and stuff but the EDIT button is broken so I can't fix some stuff. I'll continue today :) making this for the newbies!
  3. Because Blaziken is practically broken with that ability and hits like a truck. I guess pvp experts can answer you better.
  4. You can always ask a trustable player in the official discord, having previously taken a screenshot of your pokemon and from the trade just in case the person steals it and you have to report it (rarely happens though): https://discord.gg/98pMNxq You can also ask a staff member here: https://tinyurl.com/PROEvolutionAndDeleveling and eventually they will help you. Or a staff member can see this post and he will help you out :)
  5. ¿Has comprobado que al ir a por la bici en cerulean te la den correctamente? ¿Y has mirado que tengas almenos 40 k (si le das el ditto) o 60 k de dinero por si acaso? Si cumples todos esos requisitos o ya lo has hecho, espera una respuesta de alguien de staff :)
  6. It's a known issue afaik in android, a lot of players have experienced it and devs are probably on it. I'd wait for a staff answer though
  7. Metagross is already in the game. I'd LOVE the Colosseum bike SO MUCH though. And the scooter from XD too.
  8. -1, if an user is permabanned it's for a really big reason. Keep their stuff banned.
  9. Afaik you gotta be staff to get them, so they might not be obtainable :/
  10. Translation: Well, you honest people are making a case, my friend and me were testing landorus with ha and he was totally fair in the game, if he gets to defeat certain pokemon, but he suffers like others against rotom wash, blissey, gliscor, ferrothorn or other landorus, independently of his hidden power. To be sincere, that'ssomething you don't easily see, only a few have hp ice and that's relianton luck, Although some want it as uber, *I don't understand a bit here* some want it in the game. Adding a pokemon that is extremely quick, would mean that a lot of people would be using it and if it was too unfair and too strong, with time it would be banned. (Just came in to try and translate it, my portuguese is a bit oof and I'm reading the comments. I never played PVP enough so I can't really comment on it. Also the conversation was interesting lol. If a portuguese fella can correct my mistakes I'll appreciate it xd)
  11. I was too tired and fell asleep yesterday before I was able to bump it lol. So bump!
  12. You can post here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/65778-url Post the ID of the pokemon there, Coordinators will be able to restore it :) (Or any other staff member who sees this post or that one)
  13. As Euripides said, all caught pokemon's ID is 0 until the database updates and saves its info. You can make it save your pokemon by logging out just after you caught it.
  14. Bhimoso


    I don't mind waiting until June to get a fully released big event, although I understand that while in lockdown it would be nice to have a new event right now. Just be patient! :D
  15. If you have been banned, you only have to bump your appeal post in the appealing section in the forums every 24 hours so that Staff can see your post, don't worry, they will eventually answer :)
  16. Daily bump with the discord invite link! I can't do it today in the 24 hour exact mark since I'm doing some work xD https://discord.gg/hmGQGsR (If a staff finds this annoying or against the rules, they can warn me, I'll stop it)
  17. It's not dead, devs and staff are working on updates :)
  18. Daily bump! 30 out of 32 spots in our tournament are now filled :)
  19. Bumping to say: We have now reached 24 out of 32 minimum participants, if 8 more join we can start already.
  20. +1, since leech life got buffed, now it's cool to leech wild pokemons' life in the new generations! yes I'm fully aware that sounds very dark
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