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Everything posted by Idkup

  1. Smeargle is lower than conventional suicide leads due to its extreme weakness to Taunt and inability to do anything besides set hazards. The highest ranked suicide leads, such as Excadrill, Garchomp, and Mamoswine, are all threatening Pokemon after setting their hazards and can continue to provide value later into the game. Aggron gets no recovery and folds quickly to special attacks. Its low speed and plethora of weaknesses make it a poor choice compared to Pokemon like Scizor offensively and Ferrothorn defensively.
  2. I can only see two ways this ends... Council full of sycophants who agree with each other to the detriment of all other points of view, who work towards their idea of an optimal metagame (and probably personally benefit in the process) Council that can't agree on anything and serves as a boiling pot for drama For everyone's sake, I hope I'm wrong.
  3. The unofficial PRO Tournaments Discord is hosting another UU Circuit! Prizing is currently only available on Gold, but will open to Silver if we can find a method of distribution. Funding secured, now available on both servers! Join here: discord.gg/Z5U4pdc Rules and Information: - UU is defined as all Pokemon with less than 3.41% usage on this usage list, last updated November 6th, 2019: https://pastebin.com/tXc1aHUq - While the tournament will be held on Pokemon Showdown, it is not to be played in the Showdown UU tier, but rather this UU tier based around PRO usage statistics. - All standard PRO clauses apply, and usage of non-coded moves such as Substitute is forbidden. - However, Volt Switch, U-Turn, and Baton Pass are allowed despite being appreciably weaker on PRO. - The following Pokemon are banned despite low usage: - In addition, the following ability is banned: - Besides UU and general PRO PvP rules, there are no further restrictions on teambuilding or gameplay. - Registration starts now, and will last until 22:00 November 14th, 2019 EDT unless stated otherwise. The tournament will begin on 00:00 November 15th, 2019 EDT. - There is an entry fee of 25k to ensure that players actually participate. This fee is payable to any Admin or Moderator of the PRO Usage Discord. This fee is waived for players who have contributed substantially to the usage project. - Rounds will last one week, or until all matches are completed. - All matches will be best-of-3. - The tournament will be double elimination. - All replays are to be saved for both verification and statistical purposes. - Should any matches fail to be completed before the deadline, I reserve the right to decide it (generally speaking, by activity). - Disconnects are to be treated as a game forfeit, unless the disconnected player's opponent agrees to a new game. - Excessive toxicity will not be tolerated and will be reported to PRO staff. - I will resolve any dispute that arises which is not explicitly within the scope of these rules. Prize Pool: To join, post in in #tournament-registration of our Discord server (discord.gg/Z5U4pdc). A Moderator will collect your entry fee and assign you the Participant role.
  4. Changelog (10/24/19) (Big thanks to Jorogumo and sgt bianco for their input) changes A+ --- Azumarill: Adamant Excadrill: Jolly / Careful / Adamant Ferrothorn: Sassy / Relaxed Garchomp: Jolly Togekiss: Timid / Bold Volcarona: Timid / Bold A --- Gliscor: Jolly / Careful Heatran: TO A+ Timid / Calm Weavile: TO A+ A- --- Amoonguss: Bold / Calm / Sassy Breloom: TO B+ Jolly Conkeldurr: TO B+ Adamant Heracross: TO B+ Jolly Kingdra: TO B+ Modest Lucario: Adamant / Jolly / Timid Mamoswine: Jolly / Naive / Adamant Latias: Timid / Bold / Calm Pelipper: TO B+ Modest / Bold / Timid Scizor: Adamant / Impish / Careful / Jolly Skarmory: Impish / Careful Tentacruel: Timid / Calm / Bold B+ --- Aerodactyl: TO B Jolly / Hasty / Naive Gyarados: TO B Hawlucha: TO B- Hydreigon: TO A- Jirachi: Jolly / Careful / Timid / Calm Kabutops: TO B- Jolly Mew: Timid / Careful / Calm Suicune: TO A- B --- Alomomola: TO B+ Impish / Bold / Calm Cloyster: Naive / Jolly Diggersby: Jolly / Adamant Milotic: TO B- Nidoking: TO B+ Timid Salamence: TO B+ Naive / Jolly Slowbro: TO B- B- --- Celebi: TO B Timid / Bold Darmanitan: Jolly / Adamant Goodra: TO C- Modest / Calm Klefki: Calm / Bold / Careful / Impish ADD Mandibuzz ADD Mantine Medicham: TO C+ Metagross: TO C+ Jolly Ninetales-Alolan: TO C+ Porygon-Z: TO C+ Snorlax: TO D Adamant / Careful Reuniclus: TO B Bold / Quiet Roserade: TO C- Tyrantrum: TO C+ Venusaur: TO C+ Modest / Rash C+ --- Chandelure: TO B Timid Cofagrigus: TO C Bold / Quiet Dragalge: TO C Modest / Calm Empoleon: Calm / Bold Gastrodon: Sassy / Calm Haxorus: Jolly / Adamant Honchkrow: TO D Krookodile: TO B- Ludicolo: Modest Marowak-Alolan: Adamant / Brave ADD Muk-Alolan Omastar: Modest Porygon2: TO B- ADD Quagsire Shaymin: TO D Slowking: TO D Swampert: TO C- Sylveon: Modest / Timid / Calm / Bold Vaporeon: TO C- Whimsicott: TO C Bold / Modest C --- Articuno: Calm / Bold Crobat: Jolly / Timid Espeon: TO C- Flygon: TO C- Mesprit: TO C- ADD Mienshao Miltank: TO D Nidoqueen: TO C+ Bold / Modest Ninetales: TO D ADD Smeargle Talonflame: Jolly / Careful Torkoal: TO C- Venomoth: TO C+ Victreebel: TO D Rash / Modest / Adamant Xatu: TO C+ C- --- ADD Avalugg Chesnaught: TO C+ Donphan: TO D Doublade: TO C Adamant / Brave / Impish Feraligatr: TO C+ ADD Golem-Alolan Sableye: TO D ADD Scrafty Umbreon: Careful / Calm D --- Blastoise: TO AMBIPOM Bronzong: TO C- ADD Emboar ADD Exeggutor-Alolan Gligar: TO C+ Magneton: TO C ADD Qwilfish AMBIPOM --- ADD Eelektross ADD Jynx General Trends: Rain: Dropped Sun: Dropped Slow Pokemon without reliable recovery: Dropped Pokemon with specific niches or strong against specific archetypes: Raised Pokemon generally outclassed by another: Dropped
  5. Idkup


    if offensive --- convert the free momentum they're giving you lol unaware pokemon make virtually no attempt to contest it, turn free turns into chip damage and pressure and eventually just break them if defensive --- click toxic lol
  6. The turn timer is fine as it is. Calculating lines can take a while, and there is no reason to hand players who do not bother thinking an advantage over those that do. Frankly, 90 seconds isn't enough to play optimally on occasion, such as when you're stuck in a difficult spot because of previous lack of thought and your opponent has an array of options while you have to find the play that most consistently wins for you.
  7. my main was at 432 but i didn't want to get banned :^)
  8. Moody does not work.
  9. Changelog (7/17/19): zapdos a -> a+ It's become clear that Zapdos is one of the strongest Pokemon in the current metagame. It has the ability to reliably Defog against common hazard setters like Excadrill, Ferrothorn, and Garchomp, while presenting a strong offensive threat with Electric / Fire / Ice coverage, all while customizing its EV spreads to handle specific Pokemon for its team. Zapdos is not a flashy Pokemon - it does not sweep entire teams or wall six Pokemon to oblivion, but it will always find a way to contribute, whether as a soft check to half the metagame on (semi)stall, a reliable pivot on offensive teams, or both, depending on the matchup, for balance. Zapdos @ Leftovers Bold Nature Ability: Pressure EVs: 248 HP / 240 Def / 20 Spe - Discharge - Heat Wave - Defog / Hidden Power Ice - Roost Zapdos @ Life Orb Timid Nature Ability: Static EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe - Thunderbolt / Volt Switch - Heat Wave - Hidden Power Ice - Roost / Volt Switch
  10. Username: idkup Server: Gold Your streamlink: https://twitch.tv/idkuptwo What type of content do you stream: 50% serious PvP, 50% worst teams I can think of and bring myself to play PvP
  11. Changelog (7/13/19): zapdos unr -> a moltres unr -> b- articuno unr -> c hawlucha nature jolly -> adamant Hawlucha's rank is unchanged. I had severely overestimated its damage output previously, and upon running the relevant calcs, I'm fairly confident in my assessment that Hawlucha will not be taking the metagame by storm.
  12. Changelog (7/2/2019): rotom-w a -> s ferrothorn a -> a+ skarmory a+ -> a- tyranitar a+ -> a togekiss a -> a+ heatran a+ -> a mew a -> b+ gengar a -> a+ staraptor a -> b+ infernape a -> a- suicune a -> b+ alakazam a- -> b crawdaunt a- -> b magnezone a- -> a serperior a- -> a starmie a- -> b+ darmanitan b+ -> b- milotic b+ -> b reuniclus b+ -> b- roserade b+ -> b- scizor b+ -> a- scolipede b+ -> a celebi b -> b- conkeldurr b -> a- metagross b -> b- aerodactyl b- -> b+ alomomola b- -> b haxorus b- -> c+ honchkrow b- -> c+ espeon b- -> c toxicroak b- -> b torkoal c- -> c xatu c- -> c marowak-alolan unr -> c+ ninetales-alolan unr -> b- sandslash-alolan unr -> d shaymin unr -> c+ manaphy unr -> a+
  13. The compendium has Corsola listed as Defensive Stealth Rock and Donphan listed as Rapid Spin. The goal is not to list everything viable, but rather everything that could reasonably see play. That aside, Manaphy rain is a different archetype entirely from conventional rain. It suffers against offensive teams able to punish wallbreakers, which is exactly what Manaphy is. You trade percentage points against offense for percentage points against balance and semistall by playing Manaphy. Pretty simple. ... on the other hand, there are other archetypes where Manaphy makes a incredible difference. Until people start complaining about those, I dismiss claims about Manaphy being broken as sheer idiocy.
  14. "stagnant for years" Manaphy released December 26th, 2018 non sequitur
  15. Registration closed, round 1 started. Brackets: https://challonge.com/aszac6i6
  16. ... meanwhile, Rain continues to have a 5% / 95% matchup into prepared stall... a 25% / 75% matchup into Baton Pass... a 35% / 65% matchup into prepared balance... just because you see something all the time doesn't make it good
  17. The unofficial PRO Tournaments Discord is hosting another UU Circuit! Join here: discord.gg/Z5U4pdc This time, we're hosting on Pokemon Showdown in order to give players from both servers a chance to compete with each other after the vastly different metagames seen in the twin UU tournaments held in February! Rules and Information: - UU is defined as all Pokemon with less than 3.41% usage on this usage list, last updated May 1st, 2019: https://pastebin.com/SsLvTT4n - While the tournament will be held on Pokemon Showdown, it is not to be played in the Showdown UU tier, but rather this UU tier based around PRO usage statistics. - All standard PRO clauses apply, and usage of non-coded moves such as Substitute is forbidden. - However, Volt Switch, U-Turn, and Baton Pass are allowed despite being appreciably weaker on PRO. - The following Pokemon are banned despite low usage: - In addition, the following ability is banned: - Besides UU and general PRO PvP rules, there are no further restrictions on teambuilding or gameplay. - Registration starts now, and will last until 22:00 May 14th, 2019 EST unless stated otherwise. The tournament will begin on 00:00 May 15th, 2019 EST. - Rounds will last one week, or until all matches are completed. - All matches will be best-of-3. - All replays are to be saved for both verification and statistical purposes. - Should any matches fail to be completed before the deadline, I reserve the right to decide it (generally speaking, by activity). - Disconnects are to be treated as a game forfeit, unless the disconnected player's opponent agrees to a new game. - Excessive toxicity will not be tolerated and will be reported to PRO staff. - I will resolve any dispute that arises which is not explicitly within the scope of these rules. Prize Pool: To join, simply post in on this thread, along with your discord tag on the PRO Tournaments discord, which will serve as the hub for communication between both participants and tournament organizers. (discord.gg/Z5U4pdc)
  18. TG 3 Attacks requires heavy support to be as effective against stall as this thread would suggest, due to the existence of Toxic Chansey, which when played well shuts down standard Manaphy and (obviously) possesses much more staying power than the Manaphy. If you take the rain into account, Choice Specs Kingdra is more threatening to offense than Manaphy ever is, owing precisely to the lack of ability to revenge kill without priority. While Manaphy is fast, it doesn't outspeed almost every scarfer along with frail fastmons which anchor offense (eg. Gengar, Latios as you point out). Mantine is not viable on stall (though this is a different argument), and neither is dodging a couple of Air Slash flinches going to save stall from Stallbreaker Togekiss - it carries Heal Bell and Roost. Correctly EV'd, weaker variants of Togekiss is far from a liability against offense, though owing more to its defensive utility than offensive power (like Manaphy). The thing about the versatility of Tail Glow Manaphy is that you still have to choose in the teambuilder, well before Team Preview, what you want to do better against. There is no difference between 'a few changes in EVs' and 'replacing the Pokemon entirely' - what is important is the impact on matchups. For example, the choice between HP Fire, Ice Beam, and Energy Ball makes an incredibly large difference in what you are able to hit. Individuals get ridiculous results with astonishing regularity. That is no grounds for banning a Pokemon entirely: they're either getting lucky in the queue or genuinely skilled. For reference, I am at an 80% winrate in tournaments with a team running 4 dragons, and at an 100% winrate in tournaments with a team unironically running Corsola.
  19. Manaphy is outright bad against offense unless it has support in the form of Sticky Web or Baton Passed Speed. It doesn't hit particularly hard without the Tail Glow, and offensive pressure can often prevent it from accomplishing much of anything. Full Stall is not instant-lose into Manaphy any more than it is instant-lose into stallbreaker Togekiss or Gliscor. In fact, Toxic Chansey has a reasonable chance against Manaphy (outside of the rain), while your best response to Heal Bell Togekiss is, quite literally, disconnecting. Seeing as a stallbreaker is more or less mandatory on stall anyways (in order to not get flat 6-0'd by the aforementioned threats), the unique challenge that Manaphy presents is mostly due to its speed tier (ignoring Rain Dance Hydration Rest sets, which functionally are dealt with in similar manner to CroCune). I can see the argument for Manaphy being unhealthy. TG 3 Attacks is excellent, quite possibly the best Pokemon in the game, to have when queueing into slow balance or semistall lacking Toxic Chansey; Rain Dance sets annihilate unprepared stall. Manaphy wins some matchups it has no business winning (eg. Ferrothorn sans Power Whip), and whenever it's seen in Team Preview your Pokemon slower than Manaphy can quickly become liabilities. But, the argument presented that you have to run Calm Mind Unaware Clefable to reliably answer it is simply untrue, and should not be used as a basis for any action against Manaphy, considering the similar resume of other setup stallbreakers, especially Nasty Plot Heal Bell Togekiss. However, considering that slow balance is still the archetype of choice for many players, and that significant amounts of those same players achieve decent ladder results, Manaphy is not yet causing the polarization which would warrant a ban in my eyes. The metagame being forced to adapt is not a bad thing.
  20. ... everyone here is overlooking the fact that you don't have to run slow balance or bulky offense, other archetypes exist and perform considerably better against Manaphy. No one is forcing you to play slow teams. e: also the argument that you would run Unaware Clefable, one of the most versatile Pokemon in the game, solely to beat Manaphy is a bit disingenuous lmao
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