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Everything posted by Comrader

  1. Or make the duration 48h and increase the ivs needed
  2. -1 big no to fakemons
  3. I'm not that much into doing repetitive things, so i pretty much don't log on till there's an interesting new thing to complete. The quality of quests has skyrocketed since the first iteration of the breezy island where we got LC, it was so innovative and new that i loved it. The same year we got the dark realm, and oh man was that a blast. You could compare it to a mini region, i spent 8h completing it, it had side quests along the main quest that was to defeat darkrai in his lair. Only thing i really find satisfaction in the game anymore is new quests, i'm not a PvPer or a repetitive PvEer like doing bosses or hunting. Events usually offer something unique and that's what i love the most
  4. bump
  5. Noone has died waiting for 4 turns, and you won't die either. Life isn't a walk in the park so better get used to it
  6. equip it with black sludge
  7. the bans weren't voted by the council, stop putting the blame on them when it clearly wasn't any of their doing
  8. worked first time, nice guide
  9. Hiya, i've been lazy on doing this thread, but basically i did the easter event the two last years in a row (so i got a fur coat as an extra reward last year) and my fur coat disappeared one day last year. It was a bugged cosmetic in the start so it was in the wrong slot, when it got fixed it was still in the same slot but i guess another cosmetic of mine overrode it i would guess, because it had just disappeared without going into my inventory. So if i could get it restored that would be nice
  10. +1 regardless of the disable the spawns should get reworked to make it new again
  11. It'd be a nice idea to add that information somewhere in the game, currently it's just hidden information. I don't know if the login message would be the best place to implement it but yeah, something could be added.
  12. Translating UI is fine, but translating NPCs is not worth the work. There is easily thousands of NPCs in the game each with tons of text, to translate it all with the workforce that there is currently would take years, and if they stopped making content for years the game would die
  13. Honestly +1, making it possible to get shiny legendarys but through hard work and have it be like a prestigious thing is super nice, games like overwatch has the golden guns as prestige to show you grinded for something. It won't get old because there is always that battle who will be the first one with them all. About the staff mons, they worked alot for them, cool, you pvped alot to get one? cool aswell
  14. -1
  15. -1 too powerful
  16. I like the idea of having 5 coin items because of some items currently leaving you with an irregular amount of coins, the medkit that would heal your entire party sounds nice, the usage amount would need to be tweaked because it is only 5 coins afterall
  17. kami trio and keldeo aren't in nikola because they are both released after a new kind of system was implemented for legends, if you fail to catch it, it will still be in the area if you go back
  18. Go on, show me where i have abused. I'll wait.
  19. No game ever operated by hoarding cosmetics for a year while waiting for a stable patch. Same for events. If nothing was added for a long period of time people will complain about having nothing new and leave. Do you believe you could play like this? I don't think so. If it was as easy to make as you make it sound it be surely it would have been made already. The code is spaghetti from before 2017 and adding something with the snap of a finger is not reality. Comparing shane age pro and current age pro is like comparing a car from 1900 and a modern sportscar, so many missing features, bugs and what not. I played back in 2016 and there was definitely crashes. And another thing worse than crashes was the constant queues.
  20. Even to add to this in 2017 before they became devs the game was in a state where megas could never be introduced, but they still managed to fix that and add them. They have done gods work.
  21. Saying that added cosmetics or events cause crashes is a really common missconception. Events are made by CS and mappers who have no business in DEV side things. Cosmetics are made by Artists and these do not cause mass crashes either. How could either of them cause frequent crashes? Updates are always tested prior release in a test server, but because of the user difference between a test and the live server is tremendous there are bound to be issues that only appear after the release. This particular update was really big: . It even had a public testing period where alot of stuff was found and fixed but still there are things that pass through always. They have also opened a bounty to find the crash issues: There is no benefit to keep rambling about fix servers fix servers, it does not bring anything anywhere. PRO is not made by a triple A company, it is ran by volunteers and you should remember that.
  22. Events made by cs, artists and mappers have next to no correlation to crashes, unless in a rare case a npc in the event is causing the crashes, but that would be found in testing. Dev oriented things are related to crashes. People just stitch the concept that a new map with new npcs is the cause of crashes and that is totally wrong.
  23. Staff has the ability to change leadership if the leader isn't able to but wants to change it
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