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Everything posted by Imtrippin

  1. Was not fully sure if this is the proper place for this request but I wanted to properly ask for this account to be owned by McSchitter so that he can PvP on this account in his videos without it breaking the PvP rule regarding using alt accounts to PvP that are owned. If not can this be moved to the rightful location.
  2. What is your in-game name? ImTrippin How old are you and where are you from? I'm 18 and from Sweden. What aspect of the game do you like the most? (PvP, bosses, hunting etc.) Pvp only. What do you want to achieve in PRO (except having fun)? I want to pvp until I get bored of the bad mmo meta once again. If I care enough to build a fun team that's viable I'll just try to get ladder if I reach a high enough win streak. I'm applying now but I don't plan on playing until 3 weeks. Looking forward to another dissapointment, I hope you'll have me :) How did you find out about Scarlet? I don't even remember, probably saw this thread on the forums and reqruited your officer for you. What is your discord ID (makes it easier for us to contact you)? Drawniel#4984 Provide a screenshot of your trainer card! I don't even have time to log in and I don't think I got pro installed, you can just inspect me with the reborn bot anyway.
  3. 1. First of all since the staff will probably be the ones choosing the members do not exclude good pvpers because of peraonal bias against them. Even a player with a history of infractions can do better for the game than others, I hope you can agree on that. Now when that is out of the way you should reqruit players that have hit ladder at least twice with a decent win ratio which wouls be around 75-80%. A preferable choice would be someone with competetive experience outside of this game since laddering in different metas gives you a better understanding of how a healthy meta game looks like (especially since there are ladders with better players on average than in this game out there which therefore are harder to reach the top ladder in). Anyone who is not too inactve or does not start harrassing other council members (basically be able to have a civil discussion) should be able to stay for as long as they like and of course they should be able to pvp while being in the council. Having a must 50-50 split between gold and silver is dumb. However there should be at least 2 people representing each server. Going for an equal representation will lead to reqruitment for "fairness" instead of competence. 2. The council will have a discussion and if the majority agrees if a mon should be removed from the game then they will make a thread about a suspect test at the beginning of a pvp season. Everyone can try to be a part of it, however only votes with proof of the player reaching around 400 rating with an 80% win ratio should be able to participate (council members automatically get to vote for already being capable of being worthy to balanc the meta). Let there be a season of testing and give the participants 1 week afterwards to vote and show screen shots of their stats in the season. 3. Staff should be able to have an opinion before the council issues a suspect test and also suggest a ban topic. They should not be able to have any power over the decision making. Of course if there is capable staff then they are welcome to join the council as well. But they should never be able to interfere in a decision making process. The council has a role for a reason and worse players in terms of pvp do not have a valuable opinion. Pretty much just like you don't want an elementary kid solve an advanced math problem instead of a high educated mathematician.
  4. If people run bulky offense teams that protect their wallbreaker (Conkeldurr) then you outpace them really easily by running something more agressive. Conk is a mon that requires prediction to make it useful as it is very slow and is useless if the opponent can out predict you while using faster mons. Due to it's terrible base 45 speed it is far from broken no matter how hard it hits and how there are so many soft checks in the game it's pretty ridiculous to have this discussion at all. If people still "abuse" it like they used to when I still played then as I said earlier in this response, run offense and Conk will never be an issue unless you're just bad. If you're bad then you can make a similar thread about anything honestly because you just don't know how to play against it. Obviously some pokemon will be good against certain archetypes like unaware pokemon for example are great against hyper offense or how Conkeldurr is an excellent wall breaker, meaning it kills off stall nicely. I agree on that Conkeldurr will be in a much worse spot if gen 7 pokemon ever get added (or megas, or z moves or just the missing essential legendary/mystical pokemon. Seriously developers, what are you even doing). If anything should be considered getting banned there are other pokemon than Conkeldurr but those are different discussions. Conclusion: If there are any capable players left, make a pvp council already that can have reasonable discussions instead of a bunch of crying on the forums for no reason by people who just don't like a certain pokemon or just involve people who don't know anything. What I'm trying to say with that is I'm by no means a great pvper myself, I consider myself decent although much better than the majority of the playerbase (call me arrogant all you want, you've all seen the stupid stuff people say both in discord and in game in this community). My opinion is that Conkeldurr is overrated and should not be ran as much as it is (just like other pokemon who for some reason are in the 25 most used). Unlike threads regarding Chansey bans I don't think this thread is about noobs whining about something they don't understand at all. I can still see why you would think Conkeldurr is "op" despite what I said earlier. Good luck with the thread, I just don't agree with it at all.
  5. Sure, I might try in summer when I try out this game again unless I get bored as usual. I have nothing to prove as a player but I'll make sure to hit you up if the meta is fun enough to play in so I can try laddering once. And no, don't ever run scarf Mamoswine, it's just bad. There are reasons to why you are at 200 rating and that might be one of them.
  6. HAHA No. If you don't have a single * clue about anything pvp related then you should not partake in decisions regarding what's best for the pvp in a game. Unless you either have laddered on showdown or in PRO then your opinion is completely worthless no matter how you twist it. That goes for any pvp discussion in any pokemon game. Why would anyone care about an opinion of someone who literally can't get ladder in a game where there are only a handful of players who know what they're doing. That's why if you don't enjoy the boring meta and competetive spirit of this game you can prove yourself worthy to make decisions based on showdown laddering experiance. Also, below 300 would be considered low ladder imo, maybe even below 350. Literally anyone can get ladder in this game no matter how bad they are in this game which is the sad truth. There was one terrible guy for example who managed to get a spot after wasting his life on playing 1.8k games in a month which proves my point about not even every ladder player knows what they're doing and just click click click. If you haven't proved your ability to pvp then you can obviously speak your mind but it has no place in the actual discussion between those who actually want to improve the game and know how to do so. But that is another discussion in a thread called PVP Council. Also, you made several responses about how rain is unfair. "Im stating that the main problem is with rain not with Manaphy. " "Exactly in fact I mean both of what youve stated. Manaphy is annoying with rain however the core problem here is " Rain " " Rain in all its glory has no contest because: -many abusers (Swift Swim, Rain Dish, Dry Skin, Hydration) -most abusers are water type, so they get an extra x1.5 to their already STAB water attacks, -so Swift Swimmers essentially have a +1 to water attacks and +2 to speed in rain -no miss Thunder and Hurricane -fire attacks' base power reduced by 50%, making steel, especially 4x fire-weak steels like Ferrothorn and Scizor, excellent teammates " XDDDDDDDD Oh and "I didnt get your comment regarding mamos speed? and Scarfed Mamo is for ada nt jolly inorder to hit Max attack. " just no. Do not do that unless you are bad and want to lose / give free rating to others. If you want to reply trying to show what an actual problem is and why, give legitimate reasons to why and not obvious cons about it that a baby can see and make replace false statements with true. "Chansey is the only counter maybe to Rain team, but yea it can be dealt with yet even electric typing cant directly deal with them. even if he started with pelipper there is no way he wont switch in for another pokemon if he was facing an electric pokemon. " So first you say Chansey is the only counter to rain which is false. There's ferrothorn, tangrowth, rotom-wash, weather changes, gastrodon, amoonguss, breloom. But then you also contradict yourself. Last but not least, pokemon is not necessarily balanced all the time. Wether it is balanced right now in this game can be discussed. That's what this thread is for. But just look at different showdown tiers and how they always ban things depending on the meta with zygarde in OU as one of the most recent bans. A meta in pokemon needs to be balanced after bans and it has always needed that. In this game this was sadly never the case and which is why monsters like Bisharp without team preview, Talonflame, Dugtrio(arena trap), Gothitelle (shadow tag), Blaziken (speed boost) and now Manaphy. Luckily they have dealt with all these mons in some way, but some of the changes took way too long time. My point is, do not be ignorant and think that pokemon always is balanced.
  7. Imtrippin

    PVP Council

  8. K, so first of all... "and out-speeding it with Mamo earthquake" Scarf Mamoswine next scarf togekiss, great invention by the PRO community which is just as good :DDDDDDDDDD. And to all of you who think the problem is in rain; rain sucks, get over it. I would never use rain unless if it was to examine how many people would be trash enough to actually lose to it without getting haxed to death (or just hyper offense users with lacking ways to deal with rain). Now as I probably said before, the problem with manaphy is that it forces you to centralize your team building around it and once people start abusing it. Even if it is rare now you just get 1v6 swept by it unless you predict your opponent with your faster soft checks like latios (if your team isn't prepared for it that is). Obviously every team has some weaknesses but all it takes is for a good player to use it while laddering and the low ladder goons will follow and it'll end in a boring meta full of stall/semi stall (people who want to stall it out with pp and weaken it with hazards), semi stall and a bunch of rain users who just want to click click click and get rating with manaphy. The few players who don't follow the norm will just have to take the L more often just because of how the meta sucks for their favourite archeotypes. This is the worst case scenario. I'm not stupid enough to think that every noob will start spamming Manaphy rain or stall just to win but it will definately get a lot more common and I can see another idiot make a thread called "Ban chansey, it counters my entire manaphy rain team and is not balanced". So the conclusion is that Manaphy is the issue and not rain. If you're that scared of rain and want to run offense you can always run chansey offense even if it's really lame. It's been a thing on the showdown ladder for a while. Balanced teams can also just run a few walls to cover rain abusers so there aren't really any well built teams that lose to it except hyper offense which also can be somewhat adapted to face rain with. Ever since team preview has been a thing and the weather bug got fixed (I think?) we have all the tools needed to beat rain. Also, even if you do think rain is the problem, is your solution to ban an entire playstyle? No, and problems like these have been fixed time and time again in different games, battle simulators. From what I've seen rain has never been a problem. Sadly there will always be people who cry for no reason because they simply don't know how to deal with an archeotype :( Edit: Leave things be for a while and if people do start using Manaphy more frequently then it should be up for discussion on wether it deserves a ban or not among the ladder players (as even in the top 25 on both servers there are bad players, low ladder should not partake in decisions regarding bans. Omw to bump the pvp council thread).
  9. Rain is not near broken. It's just a noob sweeper that beats unskilled opponents quick. If you're up against an actual good player I'd say rain might even be bad. And @iceflake, learn the difference between a soft check and an actual counter. Like "As For breloom it doesnt even need Sash to beat Manaphy. All it needs is 80 ev's in spedf to live any move Manaphy wants to throw at it". HAHA. So let's picture the scenario real quick. The opponent switches in manaphy against your Gliscor. You need the discord to not get swept by another mon in the back, Manaphy either attacks or sets up while you switch to Breloom and you lose no matter which one the opponent chooses. If it has set up then you can't even revenge kill it. I'm genuinely wondering what your thought process was while writing your post if you even had one. Serperior and Manaphy are not similar. If you believe that something needs to be sacked every time Manaphy is brought it you're contradicting yourself since a meta where something needs to be sacked because of 1 mon that doesn't have a switch in is not healthy. Either that or you don't know how to build/steal good teams. "Im not saying you need to build a team around countering one mon". Except if you can literally get 1v6ed by a certain pokemon then maybe there is a problem with your team, especially since I can imagine the very few players with some IQ in this game who still pvp would abuse it if they cared. Basically being unstoppable because nobody is improving or using good teams except them which is uncompetetive. "The best way to see what can take out manaphy is playing with it." Yes dude, make those casuals use manaphy, stay in on Ferrothorn power whips without setting up and just ice beaming twice and think "oh Ferrothorn is an excellent counter!" ?XD
  10. 1. You missed 3 archeotypes; bulky offense, semi stall, and weather offense. Or rather, bulky offense is probably what you meant by "offense". 2. "- You can Choose any from the following team above. I am Choosing Hyper Offensive Team in This Post. - Hyper Offensive team - In these type of teams you need 1 poke to remove rocks and that poke must be Tanky and other 5 offensive poke. You can use 2 good Attackers and 3 Special Attackers. " Not true, hyper offense is exactly what the name says it is. You do not run tanks and hazard removal is not mandatory at all. 3. First of all there are other good defoggers than Rotom-wash and Skarmory so if I were to make a guide on team building then I wouldn't limit the readers to those 2 pokemon. However, you do that multiple times so I will just mention this once. Banded dragonite is a wallbreaker and not a sweeper. Offensive mew is terrible and I would not advise new players to waste money because of later regret that they chose an offensive nature on it. Every Goodra set is terrible and that mon's whack. Choice scarf Togekiss is terrible and serves no purpose other than relying on RNG to beat better opponents if you get lucky. It is weak and not reliable at all. You both show bad sets or just no other options/good options on every single pokemon that you show in the team. (Also skarmory never runs relaxed, it's either bold or impish.) 5. The strategy of hyper offense/HO is, and I quote from Idkups good pvp guide; " Hyper Offense (HO): Hyper Offense teams are the most aggressive Pokemon teams. They are exemplified by their utter ambivalence towards their opponents’ gameplan. Typically, they will run soft checks at best for multiple possible opposing sweepers, as their counter is winning first. This creates a dynamic where the opposing player will typically play to stifle the Hyper Offense team’s gameplan instead of pursuing their own, as if they can stabilize, HO will quickly run out of steam. Hyper Offense teams will also typically rely on the momentum generated by a suicide lead to play 5+Stealth Rock+Momentum vs 6. Losing Pokemon is unimportant when playing Hyper Offense - the goal is to batter down the opponents’ checks to one of your sweepers at any cost. Hyper Offense is always built around an offensive core." As for the tips they are actually somewhat useful to a new player I think. I don't know, I haven't been new to pokemon for some years now. Either way, if you really want to help the community with a guide on how to build a team then I suggest you just delete everything and put in a link to Idkups guilde on how to build pvp teams good and Jorogumos pvp compendium.
  11. I've laddered in both OU and UU a few times since you were wondering. Regarding the unaware clef, it gets worn down by the hazards and will just end up being a free switch for other offensive threats such as zone, bisharp etc. Why I quit the game was mostly because I am busy irl and I only played this boring game because I was addicted. But it is also true that pvp is trash in this game as it's basically a bunch of uu or lower tier mons with a few ou powerhouses that are being used. We don't have the option to get all the trio legends either which doesn't help. Sadly the playerbase is really dumb in general as well and even when I played against "good" ladder players there were only a handful of decent/good players so it is definitely a problem when you got a competetive ladder that isn't competetive. I'll return in the summer to hope both the game and the playerbase has improved by then and also because I'll have a lot of free time.
  12. 1. AV tangrowth does not stop it from setting up if it's at max health and it tail glows on your switch. 2. If you're playing against a manaphy in a rain team that uses rest then it's just really easy to abuse how slow it sets up and the lack of moves. 3. AV goodra is utter garbage and does not counter anything, especially since it has no recovery so go ahead if you want to rely on something like a wish alomomola to make it playable. Unaware clef is not a reliable check either as it easily gets worn down by hazards and toxic (even if they're supposed to run heal bell). Spdef ferro also gets worn down, especially if burned on a scald switch. If you want to run chlorofyll Venusaur it means you have to run a sun team so don't even bother if you want to beat anything else other than Manaphy as sun is trash. Anyway I agree that it ruins pro meta even if I haven't played the game for a long time. It needs to get banned and not even just because of how strong it is, but I can imagine people are just spamming hyper offense with a bunch of voltturn cores in a game where u-turn and volt switch don't even work properly or complete/semi stall. Not a very enjoyable meta since most people are just too dumb to outplay the manaphy. You seem like you can be good for the community in the future though since you can become experianced in pvp and you don't seem toxic like me. Please hurry up and become staff so you can influence them into not making terrible decisions. I'm rooting for you since I'll be back in summer. Have a good 1 :)
  13. See ya in discord once I'm back. Good luck man.
  14. +1, I don't like the christmas sprite at all.
  15. +1. I think another way of solving this could be adding a permanent block button in game (with the option to unblock and having a block list available for view) so you wouldn't have a bunch of annoying people spam pming you in game like I used to have when I played. But yeah a rule that can get those beggars chat restricted for a while would be nice, this goes for asking for money and other things in help chat/all chat as well in my opinion. Help chat is there to give and recieve advice, not to ask strangers for free currency.
  16. Did you read what he wrote at all? Do you have any knowledge about the game at all? It's really easy to get your hands on MS through trade chat and if you're lucky (unless they changed the MS boss rewards) you can get it for free after beating a boss. They're not expensive either. I don't agree with this idea anyway but lmfao
  17. Goodbye
  18. Imtrippin

    PVP Council

  19. Yo, some of you already know I quit and won't return for a long time. Anyway, I'm giving this account to a friend who will use it as an alt so ... if you see me in game, it won't be me. That's all I wanted to say. Have a good one :^)
  20. 2nd best guild out there
  21. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Jorogumo Friendliest: Xrhstos1 Funniest: J3nn3ll3 Coolest: Buzzn Comeback Player of the Year: Prehax Most Talkative: Icatchferalcats Most Trustworthy: Mcschitter Most Helpful: Shinycelebi Most Missed: Juviaaa Most Influential: Prehax Most Intriguing: Zephixis Most Experienced Player: Idkup Best/Funniest Username: Other than mine, Blackninjajesus Most Professional Guide Maker: Prehax Most Professional Discord Moderator: xFallenn STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Zekray (I assume he's dusky) Best Artist: Best Community Coordinator: Fluffles Best Moderator: Best Trade Moderator: Logan Best Game Master: Astrea Best Admin: Queight Best Staff Username: Most Professional Staff: Logan Most Dedicated Staff: Logan Funniest Staff: Logan Friendliest Staff: Logan Most Honorable Former Staff: Rekkuza Most Missed Former Staff: Rekkuza
  22. How about you just learn the basics of pvp before you start complaining? Pretty impressive how you haven't learned anything in 3 years though LOL Good luck ^^
  23. Slythewin still plays I think. Nor quit months ago. Welcome back, I hope you find the game more enjoyable than I do.
  24. Woah, you just opened my mind :DDD Thank you for this wonderful idea! Also I'd love to see it happen. I'm sure this would help the competetive scene a lot in this game. I'm not sure why not a single competetive pokemon has done this before :D
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