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Everything posted by Saintebaguette

  1. In case u didnt noticed im adding the idea i liked using jorogumo post, not just the original, no need to attack my post just cause u disliked it .-. thats why i said about WQ and agreed with being untradable or too overpriced on purpose. Text interpretation my dude.
  2. +1 for the initial idea would be incredible +2 for Jorogumo idea, can i add something else? Use WQ for it too, give a small chance of drop, will increase the amount of players doing WQ even after all legendary caught and will avoid the spd 31 and all rest iv 02
  3. Hello dear staff and players, i would like to suggest an improvement to Canalave to make it more like vermillion, clearly just changing appearance wont bring more players there, but i believe that putting npcs as vermillion will make the population rise. Its an end-game area and i believe most of older players will enjoy staying in a place without the beggars since they usually stop in johto and hoenn. Canalave have a nice area, boat,a library on the top where can be used to multiple npcs including tutors. Because of the centralizated vermillion, multiple players don't bother doing sinnoh and the rest of the game ends up a bit empty. Thanks for your time, best regards
  4. But you just insulted and complained about people giving different opinions.
  5. Wasnt you asking in another thread to lower the ammount of bosses for 3 per week ? -1 Since it's a bad idea, also to add in your [denied] suggestions collection.
  6. +1 Because @Bhimoso will be happy
  7. -1 Top 20 already get more coins, making that rank permanent means anyone who try to reach it will be blocked for it? Because you cant put 2 ppl with same points on same lvl, cant exist top 20 if all players can share the same rank. like will be 5x rank 20? I think pve should be more rewardable not only pvp since pvp gets new content everytime.
  8. So i suggest making more "clear" cause i believe most of ppl cant read minds, but like u said above, it hasn't been decently updated in 5 years so the less work we ask them the quicker
  9. -1 Just to annoy bhimoso since he took 8hours to do it +1 cause guide is good af !
  10. +1 and bhimoso buy me paella
  11. +1 for the idea but too much personal complaint and too little technical. The attitude was awful as well and most players ask questions because they cant find it. I for example dont check forum usually and im a 3,5k hours player so dont expect everyone to do the same as you do, have you thought that your attitude is the reason why players dont come here ? Anyway, the idea is good but i recommed to next time put it less personal.
  12. 1+ Can I add something? Since 180k iv are too much and 90-110k too little (since most ppl go for 3% and ruins for everyone else), why dont do like Outbreak? Put a timer on that timer is how much time players can get the pokemons. What happens is not everyone lives at the same GMT so, sometimes the WQ happens in a rush hour for some players where it will be finished in like 3 hours while others will not even know it happened. I love WQ, but hunting useless mons or mons t9 that only appear at night is awful, and sometimes almost no one does besides you, so you waste hours for nothing wich makes players less motivated to even try.
  13. Because pro team is voluntary, wich means they dont get paid fordo anything. Why would you focus your whole time in something you won't get paid for? they have real life, their jobs and shit.
  14. -1 Would be better to just add a marking on mons and doa mass delete.
  15. -1 That is just lazyness not even worth it imo
  16. -1 50/50 is not one sync one not,also 51% makes no difference at all
  17. +1 I would totally love that, its annoying af that unnecessary dialog every time
  18. +1
  19. Maybe a countdown of how much iv left in overall instead of individual countdown
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