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Vote: Should be revert Gale Wings to gen6 till battle rework?

Should we revert GW to gen6?  

573 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we revert GW to gen6?

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I don't think it should be reverted.

Talonflame pvp meta died after gen 7 and should remain that way bringing it back doesn't make any sense at all. As others said there are many gen 7 changes that would have to be reverted as well. The pvp meta would just change to people endlessly spamming talonflame like it used to be and that's no fun at all. I think the game should just try as much as possible to keep up to date with the original pokemon's changes/updates.

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I really hope that a staff member will take the time to look into the IP addresses of the people who voted. Someone in this thread commented several times (seemingly on multiple accounts) and may have voted more than once. Polling should be done fairly, especially when the community is quite evenly divided on this matter.

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Iam seeing many saying all or nothing. yes, i desired all gen7 would be reverted to gen6. Because i never agreed with this transaction in tehe first place. As many of you say, its either all back like levitate gengar, roost mantine etc, or nothing. we could appply that in another way.

Back when we were in Gen6, if we apply the all or nothing, we shouldnt have moved to gen7 when half of the stuff wasnt coded. we would move to gen7 once EVERYTHING would be coded. If we lack many things from gen6. we will lack even more things from gen7. It will make Gen7 even more incomplete compared to gen6. Dont forget something this isnt showdown aswell, we cant do a ban list and done. We work with economy, banning a poke will mean destroy the economy of it.


Iam seeing many saying all or nothing. yes, i desired all gen7 would be reverted to gen6. Because i never agreed with this transaction in tehe first place. As many of you say, its either all back like levitate gengar, roost mantine etc, or nothing. we could appply that in another way.

Back when we were in Gen6, if we apply the all or nothing, we shouldnt have moved to gen7 when half of the stuff wasnt coded. we would move to gen7 once EVERYTHING would be coded. If we lack many things from gen6. we will lack even more things from gen7. It will make Gen7 even more incomplete compared to gen6. Dont forget something this isnt showdown aswell, we cant do a ban list and done. We work with economy, banning a poke will mean destroy the economy of it.

We can't expect the CS to be able to code an entire generation at once either as they're volunteers and that's a lot of work, they're doing what they can. There is only one way to move and that's forward even if it takes them time to code everything else from gen 7.

This revert would be beneficial to a handful of users for trading purposes as it would drastically increase the price of talonflame and in exchange it would ruin the pvp meta and make the game further away from the current pokemon updates. It's an overall losing situation.

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YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/xanthinarose

Why not revert all Gen 7 stat / ability changes while you are at it? That said, I do understand this specific change is one of the most impactful.


I voted I dont care because I feel like its an unnecessary change, but at the same time, how meta will Talonflame be in a world of Rotom-Wash and Heatrans that are already commonly used in PvP. Before it was nerfed, it literally *dictated* the meta. Now it will be strong? Im not very intelligent when it comes to PvP.


We can't expect the CS to be able to code an entire generation at once either as they're volunteers and that's a lot of work, they're doing what they can. There is only one way to move and that's forward even if it takes them time to code everything else from gen 7.

This revert would be beneficial to a handful of users for trading purposes as it would drastically increase the price of talonflame and in exchange it would ruin the pvp meta and make the game further away from the current pokemon updates. It's an overall losing situation.

First the ones that are making the Pvp Rework is Wally and Cames, not the cs. and yes they coding everything from scratch, thats why its taking so long. if u read my previous post, all ur arguments prove that we shouldnt have got the move to gen7 in the first place :D what about those that bought a talon before the nerf? not saying im doing this bc of it, again i wanted to revert everything to gen6. Because i believe we dont have enough tools, to support a new generation. Gen6 in PRO was incomplete, and moving forward to a new gengeration, made it even more incomplete.


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