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GUILD ISLAND - I finally did it


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+1 as a member of a top 3 guild I see first hand that the guild island is barely even used so there might as well be some kind of way for people who actually want to use it get in. I also agree with the point of just giving top 3 a special area because there is already alot of areas only being used by less than 10% of all the top 3 guilds anyways

Edited by Kboww
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Piggybacking off this post: I believe a way to handle guild island would be to allow guilds to obtain their own, customizable islands at a cost.


However, to avoid adding more work for staff, the customization part could be entirely a guild's responsibility, coming at a sizable pokedollar/cc price (which also serves to address inflation and increase guild loyalty, as well as help the game's finances).


One way that involves little staff work would be to make guilds design and submit their own islands, under specified constraints (dimensions, amount of objects, etc). This will add an interesting activity for all guilds in the form of map editing, where guilds can participate in their own map design contest and generally have fun playing around with map editor to have their own unique islands. Having something that is unique to your guild certainly helps people identify with their guild more, and make it a more active scene than it is now. This also could introduce more players to map editor and nurture future PRO map editor staff candidates, or people to help out with new event/region designs.


These custom maps, and any changes associated with them, can be uploaded with major patches every month or two, meaning its low maintenance. All that needs to be done would be to upload/change map files that the guild submits under specified constraints. Additionally, the map size, amount of zones/areas, number of buildings, and usage of specific decoration/furnitures/ornaments can be scaled to both the amount of guild donation (either CC/Pokedollars or both) AND rank. That way, PvP guilds still get the prestige, while PvE or casual guilds can also enjoy it in their own terms. Meanwhile the CC/Pokedoller cost will also help reduce inflation overall.


If guild islands are individual as such, they can also have common areas where people from other guilds/non guild people can enter to have a look around, which will allow guilds to have another way of showing off their prestige and incentivize improvements to their respective guild islands.


Just a rough idea, but i think having a special map accessible from major ports, (maybe call it guild terminal), with stalls representing each guilds with islands that directly takes you to their guild island, would be a great way to initiate this. And the respective guild islands will have the main common area where everyone has access to, and side zones that are private to the guild (where the other guild businesses, move tutors, etc are taken care of).

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Happy to see you finally pushed yourself to express your disagreement -


The thread covered my biggest issues with the island; it's pretty unfair to small and PvE focused guilds. I don't see why this feature can't let PvE and PvP co-exist in an MMO where there's a big player base for both types of content. As voiced in the other thread, there are more realistic options that would profit us both. Bosses are always welcomed and a nice addition to the game. It's a problem when it's the only major and permanent update for PvE content. It can get stale and it feels like we're getting tossed aside recently

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Yea I completely agree to this, seeing as the whole aspect of the game isn't pvp, there should be certain rewards and requirements for pve guilds so that they can earn their way towards guild island. Yet I do disagree with the fact about the top 3 guilds getting it uncontested, I don't really know how much goes on gold, yet on silver from ladder monitoring last season (guild stuff) I noticed some tight competition between the top few guilds on silver all ending very close


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