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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/18 in all areas

  1. Lately, I have been working more and more, with both my first and second job. PRO was an amazing experience with amazing people together, not only was an amazing game, I have found amazing friends. I really do believe I wouldn't be able to find such good friends and with such wonderful people if I didn't have this experience. As time goes by, the time I have left is reduced to a minimum, sometimes I work 10 hours a day plus preparing myself for the next day, and to be honest I no longer have the mental strengh to endure being a staff member, not only that, I've started to notice my body having backlash from bad night sleep and such, being more often "under the weather". This decision was not taken easily, as I am aware and warn people that this would come sooner or later, unfortunatly. Now for people that will understand some parts, maybe things would go other way, maybe it would be better, but maybe it would be worse aswell. Anyways I am happy, I will probably start watching movies, series and playing other games again xD Not going to lie, I have tried multiple things, things that I wanted to do that never got through the sketch board or things you asked and I had to say no before, but unfortunatly, I couldn't manage, and I am trully sorry for not being able to do it, but sometimes, I just couldn't. I also know that I left some bad marks among some members, but welp, I did what I had to do, altho some of you might not agree and are even happy that this is my outcome, I standed in front of a multicrowded decision, but only my face and name was hurt, but then again, I think that was my job to do, and as long as justice was served and things were fair, I was happy, and the majority was aswell. I do not take grudges for my future with that, PRO was a learning lesson. Being the worse part of this text over, I am going to start talking about the great things, which was this freaking community, the game itself, everything, I literally don't thing I will be able to find this, besides league (which was my part-time once), I never had this much hours into a game, and I need to admit, I like to jump from game to game. I played it from my phone, while watching series, or just to talk with friends. And I met people here, that I will make what I can to bring them accross my life, the more I can. Well, and talking about gameplay, welp yeah, the game has its godam bosses crit hax flaws, but for god sake, beautiful art, 4 regions, and everything for free, what could I ask more for a freaking online game (#sellout #dabsonhaters #iactuallymeanwhatisaid). I might have enjoyed it more, as I got maybe more oportunities, but like a great man once said, this is the game I wouldn't stop playing until it dies (which should be far away in years). On top of all this I can also say that, it has been a wild ride, I joined basicly when there was a really short amoung of people, and at that time I just thought "I will help until the staff can carry on by itself again" but person after another, name after name, I was conected with several other interesting people I could not say bye anymore. Things kept happening, I never asked for a promotion and I was able to do so many things I dreamed PRO to have 2 years ago. We have created several medias (obv not just me there), got so tilted and so happy at the so many times for PRO stuff and thankfully, things worked well. Nowadays PRO has around x5 the amount of daily players as they used to have by this time last year, the prices in the market have gone down (#remember2mmsprices). Nonetheless, here is the list of things I've build together with my brothers and sisters in arms during my staffship: Duzens of apps recruited Discord and ingame moderation Several new guidelines for training Everything possible to do on forums Game editing Monthly events Social media launches Staff and game coordination Many more... Now welp, here goes, the dam submit botton which I've pressed several times, but this one is probably the hardest than clicking it for all the other times i've done it...and probably the happiest one for others :p THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING And a nice tune below :P
    5 points
  2. There are a lot of issues with Servers going down and parts of the webpage going down. This is of course inevitable since the game is still in development, but I worry you will lose player base if you are not clear in what is going on. For instance, if you are taking the servers down for maintenance let the player base know before hand, and give an estimate of how long it will be down (overshoot if needed, better than undershooting). If the servers are dropping due to unforeseen issues then add a section under server status where a mod can type an explanation (i.e. We are aware of the server status and are working on a solution, we will keep you notified) These notifications can be given on your webpage or through a Twitter/Facebook page. Its just really important for people to know that things are moving along, hence the loading bars and hourglass icons when things load. This is a great game, and I really love it, I just think some clarification/communication between staff and players involving maintenance and downtimes would be much appreciated by the player base. Keep up the great work, hope to play again soon. **I couldn't find a "search" option for these forums, that would be useful but I could just be missing it... below is a complaint I sent in to staff, and I'm posting here to see if there is a solution that I missed, or if more people would like this feature. *Edit (I found the Search function )
    2 points
  3. Hey guys! The servers are down and there is no ETA on when they will be up. All we have to dois just have patience and wait for them to be up. About the Clockspeed message, a moderator was testing someting, so we got the message. So we should not worry. In the words of Calahan:
    2 points
  4. Hello Shamac, I would like to recruit you as a mapper. Please contact me for further information. PS: I do not accept this, you'll have to come back!
    2 points
  5. Hello dear players; We are glad to announce that a new website, forums and a new domain has been implemented. As most of you already noticed the main website is completely redone and brand new. Meiji, Eaty (Walrosskastanie) and myself have been working recently on a new refreshing brand new PRO website which will hopefully give us more scalability and options. There will be more work on the website as the time goes. - Forums are now using Xenforo engine. I managed to import most of the stuff from our old phpBB forum. You will need to update your avatars, fix some of your threads since bbcodes were not imported due to a different system being used by xenforo. The reason we moved to xenforo was simply that we felt that phpBB no longer serves our and your needs and shares same values. Both have good and bad sides, hopefully new forum engine will give you lots to choose from and make you enjoy more around here. The forums were down due to user permissions upgrades, groups, style and other things. Please note that we are now using 1 account 1 email system. I've managed to isolate user accounts who had more than 1 account on the same email address (in-game emails were not changed). The emails were assigned an incrementing prefix. Simply log in to the forums and change your "new" email address to something that is yours and you use. If you forgot your password and wish to recover it then please message a member of staff on discord to fetch you a new changed email address. They can either change existing email or give you the one with the prefix so you can "recreate the email" and eventually change it to something you like. Please note that no sensitive email info was handed over to someone who already does not have access to your registered email addresses. A list of accounts who had their email changed can be found by clicking HERE. - We decided to change our primary domain to "pokemonrevolution.net" due to the opportunity we got and I believe it is more friendly and easier to type in, comparing it to the current one. Please note that all other domains that belong to us will be resolving to a new domain. The transition to a new domain should be smooth, swift and unnoticed for an end user. We apologize for forum downtime but it needed to be done and there was no other way to do it. Enjoy the game. Regards; - Team Revolution
    1 point
  6. Individual Values (IVs for short and the RED numbers on your pokemons stats) are key to determining your Pokémon's stats. IVs are randomly assigned when you encounter any wild Pokémon. You cannot change a Pokémon's IVs once caught and there is no way to know the exact IVs in-game. IVs consist of six numbers corresponding to HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed. Each range from 1-31 and the higher the number, the better your Pokémon's stat will be. Certain pokemon require certain stats, which means you can be more lenient with having lower IVs on certain stats! Here's an example, my friend Machamp So if we look at his Pokedex entry and hover over the little spider web looking thing like this: We can see that Machamp's highest base powers are in Attack (130) and HP (90). So we're looking for a Machop/Machoke/Machamp with IV's that are all above 15 or 20 but highest in Attack and HP Something like this!: So from this picture we can see that the machamp has 26 Attack and 23 HP, which is above 20 so it's acceptable! However you want to try to aim for 31 or as close as possible! :D Now you know all about IV's! Congratulations :3 So as Pokémon battle, in addition to gaining experience points they also obtain Effort Values (usually referred to as EVs), which are special hidden values in each stat (HP, Attack and so on). Each Pokémon you battle against gives off EVs in one or more stats. Generally, this relates to the Pokémon's strongest stat - for example that Machamp I showed you previously! We know Machamp needs high Attack and HP for his IV's and we'd apply the same with EV's for him too :D However EV's can go all the way up to a maximum of 252 per stat and the max total EVs a pokemon can have is 510! Which means you can have 2 stats at 252 with 6 EVs left over or you can spread them out ^^ Let's use our friend Machamp again: Now on this Machamp, I have EV'd Attack and mainly HP, I added a little bit of speed just to surprise people , just personal preference! :y: Every 4 EVs obtained in a particular stat equals one more point for that stat, by the time that Pokémon reaches level 100. At low levels you may not see all the points added straight away. If your Pokémon is at a high level you will see a lot of additional points going on to the appropriate stats at each level up. Now I know what you're asking! "But Tommyola2, how do I know what EVs certain pokemon give? D: " Well I got you on that buddy :D Here's a Fantastic website that'll help a lot! Rather than just being a personality, Natures actually affect the growth of a Pokémon. Each nature increases one of its stats by 10% and decreases one by 10% (by the time it reaches level 100). Five natures increase and decrease the same stat and therefore have no effect. In most cases it is preferable to have a nature that decreases either Attack or Special Attack for Pokémon whose strengths are the opposite type of attack. Machamp, for example, favors Physical moves, so it's best to use a nature that decreases its Special Attack since it won't be used. Here's a list of natures and how the affect a Pokémon. :) So now we all know the natures and what they do, we can then figure out which Pokémon needs which Nature. We'll use Machamp like the previous examples. So we look at the nature, this Machamp is Lonely but don't feel sorry for it! :P Looking back to our list of Natures, you'll see that Lonely means Machamp gets -Defense but +Attack! This is shown on the pokemon by the Red and Green stat names :] If you've been with me all the way so far, you'll know that because Machamp is lvl 100, his Nature will increase his Attack by 10% and Decrease his Defense by 10%! However Did you know that if Machamp as Adamant (-Special Attack, +Attack), he would be a lot better, because he's always going to be taking either Physical or Special Damage in battle, but he'll only be dealing Physical. Meaning Lonely will make him easier for other Physical Pokémon to hill him, which isn't something we want! So if Machamp was Adamant, he'd still have the same amount of Attack power but his Defense would be 10% better than it is now! Purely because he wouldn't be getting the -10% from lonely. Now, this will be different for every individual Pokémon. So remember, as I taught you before, check your Pokédex to see what your pokemons highest stats are, and then consider the Nature you need for it. Fantastic Tip! If you catch a Pokémon with the ability 'Synchronize' and you put it as your lead Pokémon, all Wild Pokémon will have a 50% chance of being the same Nature as the Synchronize ability Pokémon. This is a fantastic tool for hunting Pokémon because it lets you get the nature you want, 50% of the time! and I know, you're asking yourself "Okay that's great, but what Pokémon can have the ability Synchronize??" Don't worry about it, I'm here to help! Most players use Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Natu and Xatu for Synchronize because they're fairly common and easy to farm for the correct nature and Synchronize ability that you need. However there are more Pokémon that have Synchronize and if you want to find out who else has it -----> This link will help a lot! <----
    1 point
  7. Just log out and turn off client, when you start client again it will be fixed. For now avoid moving Pokémon to chat from box, because you only can do that to Pokémon that are in your party.
    1 point
  8. I want to suggest a monthly pro newsletter edition that covers a wide array of issues and topics in a mature manner. Content wise this gives the creator of the newsletter a plethora of angles to go about presenting information. You could also introduce interviews of Pro players, tackle different ingame issues, highlighting a pokemon of the month such as tangrowth (for example) and explain its usefulness. There is really many ways to utilize a pdf newsletter. I think it would be fun.
    1 point
  9. I return to playing PRO and about a week later one of the best staff members left.. (forums were in maintenance at the time) Shamac, have fun with whatever you're going to be doing next!
    1 point
  10. sad to see u go i hope u do come and play time to time and come back when ever u feel ready again
    1 point
  11. EDIT: SORRY I WAS ON SECOND PAGE To go to love island, you need to talk to the Love Sailor in Vermillon. It cost 5k I think. You'll need 120 Kanto caught-data entries and 38 evolved-data entries in your Pokedex to access Love Island.
    1 point
  12. Thanks for all your hard work. I wish you good fortune with whatevers next to come!
    1 point
  13. Thank you for all ;c, we will miss you..
    1 point
  14. How about less CAPS? And how about a friendlier tone?
    1 point
  15. The servers are currently down for some backups. There is no ETA on when they will be back. All we have to do is have patience as they are doing it for our benifit.
    1 point
  16. i got my account for 2 years now inactive time 1.7 years
    1 point
  17. now serverstatus for all is down <.< *offline was there something they said about updateing or maintaince or something ?
    1 point
  18. Good luck in your future projects... </3
    1 point
  19. I guess its time to start, Sorry rida got busy yd<3 Well i dont know how to start but... About 11 months ago I was being trained to be a Mod (ik that sux) and at the training point they offered me a change to CC but for some reason I did not accept and decided to continue being Mod. During all that I began to live more with the CC and Shamac became my role model even when he was still a CC. In the end I decided to leave the training because I had some personal problems and did not have time to continue, 1 month later I was still in contact with Shamac and some others who always told me that recruitment would be opened again and that they gave me the opportunity to enter days before because I already knew the basics, I accepted and a few weeks later I became Shary, only this time I decided to join as CC. During the training I had two of the best trainers, Shamac and Shaui, to whom I am grateful for everything they did for me. In this time we became very good friends and from that moment I knew that this was going to be a long and good friendship, Shamac became more than a role model for me, He became one of my best friends :). In the end my two trainers became Admins and they have done a great job and I am very happy with everything they have achieved. When Shamac became Admin he knew that many things were going to change, probably you did not notice them much if you were not in The Staff but everything began to improve little by little, In summary the staff its in the best point that has been in efficiency and Communication. Rider, I already told you what I thought of you as Shamdad few weeks ago by private message and I do not intend to write it here because otherwise the bible would be very long and you know im so lazy ❀◕‿◕❀. Thank you for everything <3 btw he loves being called Buddy!
    1 point
  20. GO confidently in the DIRECTION of your DREAMS! but Rider, am very Lucky to have a bestie like you & To have something that makes saying Goodbye so hard!!
    1 point
  21. What a symphatic guy. I like turtles and keep that post in mind :D Greetings
    1 point
  22. You can also try beating hannah with a bold clefable with cosmic power and calm mind (wich is how I did xD) or with a snorlax with amnesia. Seaking is not he only way xD
    1 point
  23. Hi there, To clear things up, those Sinnoh Quest NPCs cooldown have all been removed, so you can re-challenge them right away if you lose. Some of them have also been nerfed so they aren't as difficult as the first time Sinnoh was released. And as some people have said, you have plenty of things to do and explore before progressing to the next region, so you don't have to stress yourself by attempting to progress right away to the next region after finishing one. Just enjoy your time exploring the already unlocked regions and get prepared for the next one. You can hunt for some Pokemon, challenge bosses, do side quests, and many other things. Anyways, good luck and hope you have a great time
    1 point
  24. I wish you all the best ! goodluck :)
    1 point
  25. Aaaaand awesome. All the people I care the most will slowly leave, which is fine because life sucks and when you have opportunities you cannot let them go for any game, even the most beautiful one. I will miss you a lot, I hope you'll still lurk around somewhere, we've known for quite some time and beside a few arguments I would never trust someone or respect someone more than you. In my mind you are still that newbie slave who trained my rattata just to help an old nub out. You gave me this amazing experience and possibility and you gathered a team of AWESOME people. If i had to name the different PRO phases, I'd call this one "the golden age of King Shamac". Thanks from the bottom of my heart for everything you did for us, the game and the community, sorry if I made you become crazy sometimes, I'm just an idiot. Farewell senpai I have to admit a tear may drop Nos EDIT: you earned yourself not to be called buddy anymore
    1 point
  26. I don't really know you nor anyone from the staff, but you seem like a good guy, so thank you for making PRO a better game Everything in life is a lesson, i sincerly hope that what you learnt these years will be helpful in your future your casual player
    1 point
  27. life is short,so keep following your dreams and wish good luck to your another journey thank your for everything
    1 point
  28. basicly what it is, is that many like using big words... but many of the cases they do no actions afterwards. As long you know that you are doing it right, then thats all there matters, its not worth thinking to much about people trying to repport you for stuff you didnt do
    1 point
  29. Take care Rider, thanks for everything you've done for this game. Your presence on staff chat will surely be missed., (who do I make fun of being short now?)
    1 point
  30. Thank you for all the effort you have put into it..... U have really made the best mmo I've played until now... Wishing u all the best in ur future...
    1 point
  31. It's sad to see you leave. You will be missed by many I imagine and thank you for the time and effort you spent in pro. Farewell <3
    1 point
  32. Well I'm sure staff would like to put as much content as possible in the game, the problem is that the way regions are made is really different from I believe gen 5 and beyond with them being 3d. So it would be much much harder to make an appropriate 2d map based off of them, then there's also just how much time it would take. Sinnoh took probably about 2 years to come out and still is missing some things. I don't know if doing more regions would be impossible but if its something staff can pull off they will probably try regardless of suggestions honestly.
    1 point
  33. Take care Rider. Best of luck with everything!
    1 point
  34. Damn you Calahan I was going to post the same GIF T^T, now I have to use words instead. Man you got my eyes really wet, you were here before I even joined as a player, and I didn't expect you to leave at all PRO will never forget you. I hope this was the best decision for you and you'll be happier in your life. Farewell buddy Rider, and thanks for everything.
    1 point
  35. Thank you for the kind words. Now we have more time to play even, I still remember u being a great Black Absol Mount fan :P
    1 point
  36. So many things we have shared during staffship, so many emotions will be kept with me forever, thanks for being an amazing person and, as i will always see you like this, a trusted friend to talk with. Best of luck for your future, this time i guess the most cute thing i can do for you is to spare a wall of text, for once... Love you Lil Otter
    1 point
  37. Farewell Rider. Wishing you all the best.
    1 point
  38. Man, no words. You were my buddy from the start. Gave me the opportunity to come back and reached out your hand whenever I needed something. I know you hated the fact that I sent you PM's all the time, but I'm very glad you were there to give me the answer I needed in the end. I hope to still hear from you a lot my friend, don't be afraid to ask me to join you for League games whenever!
    1 point
  39. You've done so much for PRO, and for the staff, and for the people; Hope you'll enjoy more stuff and be less stressed without your staff responsibilities, and thank you for everything you've done since you were an App Thank you for our conversations in Last person to respond on this tread wins and the Meme Fight (even though I left PRO for a while not long after that one); Thank you for your hard work; Thank you for the memes; Thank you for being a role model to me, my trainer, the only one I've accepted the invitation to staff since Xhaj Thank you for being here, being awesome. You will be forever missed. (Yes, they are from your gifs archive)
    1 point
  40. It was fun working with you. Even though, we tend not to agree always. You are a good person and good staff. On behalf my wife and kid I thank you for making it easier for my shoulders to carry. The workload around here tends to be very heavy at times. More than once you made it possible for me to be with them with a clear mind. The burden we carry both in life and here is not an easy one. I apologize if I offended you or anything during the times we end up not agreeing. It was not my intent. Having said that, there is always a place for you in here. I do wish, however, that you invest more time in yourself and your family. You have many pluses. I don't usually say this for people but you are a very bright person. I will miss you for sure, hopefully, you will miss me too, well at least my crazy. Thank you for your work and time you put into the project and helped both staff and players alike.
    1 point
  41. Welcome to the game buddy. I know a few players from Brazil on yellow. About others servers, I don't know. Good luck!
    1 point
  42. Why do you want to join Eternity?: I really want a good guild where I can get advice and help from. I - IGN & Real Name?: awesomeaa / Ayush - Current Age: 21 - Country of Origin and Languages Spoken: U.S / English - Your PRO Goals: To become the very best! I also really want to finish the game, I am still in hoenn :(
    1 point
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