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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/21 in all areas

  1. start 500k insta 2m last 24h 100k steps accept cash, cc(400k), iv rr(700k)
    2 points
  2. Selling 29+ bulk Hp Ice Venusaur Accept : Pokedollar CC : 420K Price: 1.1mil
    1 point
  3. hey guys. lets talk about xmas/ what sprites this years we wana/ we hope we get or gona be/ what we gona hunt/ and what legends. i gona hunt xmas eevee cute poke. i hope we get some new sprites and cutest one to. like xmas scyther/ staryu/ abra/skorupi/ croagunk/ its would be fair to have some poke xmas sprites who dont have any i dont talk about shiny/pink. i hope we can get this years archeus legend. have a nice day peace!
    1 point
  4. Due to the Cross server trade rules: 3. When a trade agreement is made concerning players from different servers, the responsibility of transferring lies with the thread poster. For the reasons stated above I am closing this thread. you may start a new one in the appropriate sub forum.
    1 point
  5. I guess you are looking for a 30 IVs in Speed, not 31.
    1 point
  6. Hi hi, I'm Fuwa! I had played on PRO a while back many years ago and come back around every now and then. Decided to see how things are! I'm playing on Gold and starting from scratch again~ I'm a freelance anime artist and a vtuber/twitch streamer as well! I've been SRing for shiny starters in BDSP so this might be a good break from that to go hunt other amazing pokemon~ Nice to meet you!
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. hi, i want to join my ing is fetxize and my tag discord is Vale#1134
    1 point
  9. It's the cutest! Greatly appreciated for being so friendly and helpful even when I had problems with getting it into forums Keep up the great work
    1 point
  10. Me too. But I do sincerely hope they'll give us a chance to register it as "caught" in the pokedex by beating it this time, like with the minibosses (mewtwo, Lugia etc). Also wouldn't mind if it was set up like a miniboss (i.e like Lugia), by just having to beat it without being it a part of a boss's lineup.
    1 point
  11. Yes, i hope we can get Xmas Arceus this year
    1 point
  12. true i like eeevee and evolves so cutes
    1 point
  13. I want to hunt for some Christmas-themed Eevees too tbh. Mainly looking to get my hands on a Christmas Sylveon this year, its the most adorable thing on this earth.
    1 point
  14. Would the term "like" suffice here instead of "love"? I mean, I love someone and I don't think she would appriciate it if I suddenly started loving an entire Pokemon Community XD Anyway, I like you all too Hope that works, it better be, hopefully... maybe - Don't make me regret saying it Baka ~
    1 point
  15. Well, after staring at my own forum profile for a few hours, I came to a conclusion that it might actually be Sylveon. Though, idk why I would want one, as I already have a adorable plushie, but I guess the real deal wouldn't be a bad choice either. Well there are some merits, like; Its cute, it stops fights, it calms hostile behavior, it can read your mind if you touch their feelers and that it is a brave little adorable fluffy thing that basically charges any Dragon Pokemon on sight no matter their size... And their shiny form is adorable as well.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. You have to beat the horon boss north of necropolis in the dark valley. There should be an option to respawn Darkrai. You have to defeat that boss without one of your pokemon fainting to respawn the Darkrai.
    1 point
  18. Hi everyone, I'm glad to be a new player of PRO ! To talk a little bit about me, I'm 26 and I'm from France (French Baguettes ! :D) I've played on Pokemon Bleu when I was 6 and never stop since that ! So, I want to thank the staff team for the awesome works they make ! See you IG or here !
    1 point
  19. Welcome to the game
    1 point
  20. Hi, Welcome to PRO. Hope you will have a good time with PRO community. Have fun and good luck with the interesting quests.
    1 point
  21. Welcome to PRO and the Community. Feel free to join PRO's official discord as well if you ever want to hang out with the Community, have questions or simply want to keep yourself updated with the latest news.
    1 point
  22. So I'm a bit of a refugee from another Pokemon MMO. I won't name it. And I won't go into specific details. What I wanna know is about the staff and the devs and how responsive/friendly they are. I already feel burned by the last game seeming to be a shell of what it once was: a zombie corpse kept aloft by its own laurels and horde of players who will pump cash into the game and never complain. I don't wanna invest any time or money into a dead or dying game. I wanna feel like there's always something cool coming down the pike, because that's part of the draw of MMOs. The other game had loads of content already, but...it's hard to shake that feeling when a game feels abandoned. Even though it was still getting minor updates for this or that, the whole thing felt stagnant. I would still be playing if that were the only problem, but... I hope this game feels alive and loved by its developers, and that the community feels cared for and listened to. That's really all I want. And I can overlook the static pokemon sprites and lack of client customization that might could fix that on the user's end. (Little bit sad about that, but I'll get over it ) Also what happens when you go to a new region? Do you reset or is everything levelled to accommodate four regions? And as far as membership goes, is there a comprehensive list of Pokemon that are available ONLY to members? I've found lists that show me spawns that only appear for members, but it seems they'd rather I cross-reference wiki entries to find out if one is truly exclusive to members or not. That being said, my income is actually pretty good and will probably do a membership at some point. I'm just feeling it out until I feel that I'm willing to invest that time and money again. It does look like a good game, and that the devs put a massive amount of their own hard work into it. I'm honestly impressed (even though I did encounter a bug right at the beginning of the game where Oak gave me an error message when I tried to talk to him--the game went fine after I chose my starter, though). Anyway, assuming I stick around (and it looks to be a high possibility): Hi! My name is Anne. I love dark and creepy crawly pokemon. Bugs, ghosts, bats, rats, lizards, snakes, poisonous critters, creepy psychics and all manner of deep sea monstrosities, cryptids, and anything that would suit a swamp witch/hag/goblin such as myself. Naturally, I chose Bulbasaur for my first pokemon. Although I do also hold a place in my heart for some majestic fire Pokemon. It was hard not to just pick Charmander again, seeing as it was my first Pokemon way back when Red and Blue were new--yes, I 'm that old. But I suppose I can always catch one. I hope to be best witchy trainer I can be. *cackles* I'd love to hear people's positive experiences about the game and the community. I hope it works out.
    1 point
  23. Hi Anne, hope you are and will keep enjoying PRO. ~ From personal experience with the content-side of the staff, they are very invested and motivated in creating new cool content for the game, I'm personally looking forward to some more of the projects that are currently in the works, like the new Region. The devs are very dedicated to the work they do as well. So in that regard I can say the Staff is very much invested in keeping the game as enjoyable as possible for everyone.
    1 point
  24. The small and tight-knit community of PRO is the thing that always keeps me coming back. Over time everyone starts to get to know eachother bit by bit. In addition, the staff can take some time to respond to things, but they have always listened to what I have had to say whenever I've made suggestions. Many of my suggestions have been implemented and I commend pro staff for always listening to player concerns and giving well thought out responses with good reasoning as to why or why not they will make a change. Thanks PRO staff for always being awesome! And thanks for always reading my rage-filled walls of text of that I will occasionally spew out. I'm never complaining into the void. My concerns are heard!
    1 point
  25. There is a quest for the bike in vermi , you will need to catch a ditto and pay 40k poke dollars for the bike.
    1 point
  26. Hey there @Zanuka. Sincerest apologies for the delay. Upon further examination and tests done by multiple staff members none of us were able to replicate the presented issue. The NPC is working correctly in that case and it cannot in any ways teach Strength to a pokemon. The move was probably already taught to your Machamp because it is a move that it can learn through its evolution. Be wary that if you refuse to teach the move, the money will still be deducted as mentioned and the system chat would show as well. The servers were having some connection issues near the time were you posted so that could also be a probable cause of the problem experienced, a rollback for example. Taking in consideration the circumstances it's unfortunately impossible for us to issue a refund, even if that was not the response you'd hope for. Whether you refused the move or it was lag, there are insufficient proofs that the NPC is bugged. Furthermore refunding in your case would be unfair to other players who might have experienced lag or refused the move and were not refunded for it.
    0 points
  27. hi i accidently release my lv10 sassy rotom cause a bit lag pls help me ID Del1998 Sever Gold
    0 points
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