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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/22 in all areas

  1. Hey can i start at 7m ?
    2 points
  2. hey guys, i price checked it with solid shiny collectors. they told me around 5-7m, so i thank you for your offers but i will have to pass.
    2 points
  3. co 1.5m min bid 250k auction 7 days from now insta : 12m accepted payment : cc 400k rr 700k rc 7k
    1 point
  4. Discord: Dwee#0253 IGN: Dwee I am in nabs discord server
    1 point
  5. ah well, if i cant sell it for a decent price i dont mind keeping it at all. maybe yours was not serene grace x bold or halloween? squad told me around 5-7m, iceflake said that it was around 3-4m if i remember correct. and its not like i am in need of money that bad that i would sell it for a mil, real hunters know how hard it is to find a toge like this. thank you for your reply and experience anyway.
    1 point
  6. ty for volca dude and next time dont ingore ppl beacuse take free goddly pokes gl & hf
    1 point
  7. Hello, that's something we'll probably never do because it'd completely change our current economy where Reroll Tickets are a solid part of our daily trades. It's not exactly what you asked for but it'll be possible to keep one IV and reroll the rest via PvP Tokens once the PvP rewards get reworked in near future. It's not set in stone yet but it will be like this or something similar to it:
    1 point
  8. I wish you good luck on your future mega quest. I'll now be closing the thread. Have a nice day.
    1 point
  9. around 2hrs left gal- c.o 2m by voidwarrior glalie- c.o 1.5m by voidwarrior weavile- c.o 1.6m by mouaci bump
    1 point
  10. carmlives 29 new to PRO joined to pvp, been a showdown junkie for a couple months. enjoying pvp so far. looking for a guild to help me understand meta/teambuilding in this game better.
    1 point
  11. i got some godly poke if you are intrested in swap
    1 point
  12. The New Xmas Event in 2022: A welcoming change with glaring limitations. To begin with, I must give a big thumb up to the content creators who design and make this event quest happen. This, to my knowledge, is the first quest in PRO that incorporates the “party” element into it, something that many players much desire from playing various MMO games before/alongside PRO. As much as being a good cause to celebrate, the new Xmas quest is not without glaring shortcomings. This post is made to provide constructive feedback that hopefully will be of use to the people in charge of future quests. Now, the big question arrives: “Is it worth doing the quest?” All of my friends and people I know of have answered with a resounding NO. Why? Because this quest has horrible balance between Effort and Reward. Without referencing to any guide (shameless plug: My Youtube has the 1st completed quest guide if u wanna check it out), a team consists of all new players will take at least 1.5-2 hours to hopefully complete the quest. Any subsequent run will take at least 40 minutes to complete with the newly gained experience. And what are the rewards? Lucarionite mega stone, which takes at least 2 runs to get, Light Stone, which has a horrible spawn rate, and random xmas coins/nugget, big pearl etc., which costs as much as 30-40k Pokedollar. The additional bonus quest is even worse, fighting like 10 enemies and items to earn 30-50 Xmas Coins? It’s hilarious at best compared to all other activities we could have done in PRO to earn 10x the money in the same spent time. And no, after doing it at least twice, I doubt anyone would be able to say that the fun is worth it. The main rewards are a banned right from the get-go Mega Stone, and a Light Stone that no one knows what to do with it yet. And don’t even get me started on Light Stone. Its spawn rate is absolutely horrible. One of my guildies has run the quest more than 10 times and he still has not gotten it. It’s such a demotivating part of the quest, and no one would want to be in his position. Why could you not guarantee giving away the stone after you have completed the dungeon 3 times, for example, similar to the 3 Legendary Dog quest? When you spent 10 hours in the game and still not have gotten a main, basic reward of the quest, then something is horribly wrong here. I don’t even know why you would want to bait us with the bonus quest of fighting 10 enemies and items just to earn a few measly Xmas Coins. Is the inflation in the economy that bad, that you could not give out a reward that would not considered a joke? All of my friends literally ROFL when they found out the reward from one of the streams in my guild. No one would want to do the quest again if not for helping friends who have not gotten their main rewards yet. I have not even started on the design of the quest. It’s not really newbie-friendly, and it’s not quite user-friendly. To complete the quest, you should have a party of at least 4, which leaves quite a hurdle for new players or those who only play within a very small circle. If the quest is more feas­ible to complete with 2 or 3 players, it would very much ease up the difficulties in completing the quest toward those. In addition, there has been runs where my party completed the quest within an hour just to get 0 point, presumably because one person got disconnected in a fight and the whole team got penalized for that. And god knows how many times PRO loses connection a day. Eliminating such unwanted penalty in future quests would be a very worthwhile improvement. To sum it up, the new Party Quest is an amazing addition to the game that would freshen any relevant future contents in PRO, but the current execution still leaves much to be desired. Improving the future rewards to match it up with the effort spent should be one of the biggest concerns for future released quests.
    1 point
  13. Hello, some of your points weren't intended from the start: - Destiny Bond winning order. It was simply a bug where the wrong player won. That did not only affect bosses but PvP matches as well. - Suspicious Bot rewards. We had quite a few "abusers" that made them on all their and their friends accounts. They earned more than 200 Reroll Tickets with it within two months. - Four accounts limit. We didn't think about it when introducing server transfers. Without them it wouldn't have been a problem but with them you were able to do bosses and other time restricted content on eight accounts which hugely affected the economy. We should have acted earlier, that was on us. But the overall restriction was really needed. - Solaceon Reporter Quest. This quest gave out Reroll Tickets without having to invest any time after you collected the Pokemons once. - 20 bosses per week were added cause we weren't able to add new bosses anymore. Every boss would have been a huge impact for the economy. We had to either limit them or not add any new bosses anymore. I prefer the first option personally. - Species Clause. I don't have much to say about this. This was a decision we made so people won't go against bosses with 6 Sharpedos with Destiny Bond. - Nugget price reduction. I wanted to do this for quite a while but wasn't able to cause it was the only money input for new players in the story. Since the trainer and gym leader rework playes got way more money on the way which made it possible for me to adjust the price. It was announced a month or two ahead of time and I'd do it again. I am not sure if that's helpful but at least you know the reasoning about this now. If you have any suggestions what to add or change to balance it better please make a suggestion.
    1 point
  14. Hello, I will START.
    0 points
  15. 0 points
  16. @Eaty Still waiting on the pvp rewards update that was supposed to be max on January 2022 ...
    0 points
  17. Hey, yo. You can pm me (mrstarhead#1342) or MadKingRagnas#9939 on discord. We can add you to the guild ^^
    0 points
  18. This is something similar that was denied in the past https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/158141-x1-5-battle-animation-speed-text-speed-experience-bar-in-options/
    0 points
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