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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/22 in all areas

  1. Hi my skarmory is onsale ivs are almost 30+ except spdef Start bid 200k end 3 days after first bid min 100k increase cc 400k e reroll 750k e
    2 points
  2. Greeting @NinoHime@Norex@KGF, This auction started the 27.01.2022 at 04:57 PM GMT +0. The duration of this auction was 48 hours, 2 days after the start, and should end the 29.01.2022 at 04:57 GMT +0. "KGF" did an offer,600k, the 28.01.2022 at 12:48 PM GMT +0. "Norex" did an offer,700k, the 29.01.2022 at 04:46 PM GMT +0. The offer made by "Norex" was done before the ending point, 11 minutes before to be precise. For this reason, he is the actual winner of this auction. Please complete the trade with the rightful winner as soon as possible and post evidences of the trade once it's done. Be careful with your ending point in the future before announcing a winner. Have a nice day - Monteria.
    2 points
  3. This new Christmas event introduces a way to catch the last two Legendaries in the Tao Trio. It was first added during the Christmas event of 2021, but wasn't introduced before Q1 of 2022. Full release: This Quest is no longer tied to the Christmas event Its now accessable at anytime from Eindoak Town (found at Eumi Island Town) Pre-full release (during the Christmas Event): It requires the player to have completed the other Christmas quest being the Missing Santa Quest. It also requires the player to complete the Battle Tournament and obtain the Dark Stone. This is one of the more challenging Christmas events introduced on PRO. Short link to this post: https://bit.ly/DragonspiralTower • (Mandatory) Completed the Missing Santa Quest • (Optional) *Light stone (A requirement to catch Reshiram) *You can obtain this from the co-op Dungeon Quest as reward To first trigger the quest, head to Evergreen Island Village. From there, speak with Mannes in front of the Tournament building found at the top right of the map towards Flake Path. After talking with Mannes, he will task you to locate Damon and get him back to the tournament. He can be found to the right looking out towards the broken bridge located in the Evergreen Island Crystal Cave. After finding Damon, you'll need to succeed in beating trainers with just a single Pokemon and win the tournament. If you lose to a trainer, you loose the points you staked, but winning yields you either a x1 or double if you selected x2 before the battle. How to start the Tournament: Go to the Pokecenter and empty your team except the Pokemon you want to use in the Tournament. Speak with Mannes again and register the Pokemon, remember that it will have to be the only Pokemon on your team. My suggestion for a great Pokemon to use: I suggest using something like a Mega Gyarados or a Pokemon that can easily fight a variety of Pokemon types, but ultimately the choice is up to you. How does the Tournament work? What is the goal? You have 5 different trainers you'll need to locate and battle, they're randomized, so interact with each one you pass as they'll either say you're too strong or battle you. Some will have x1, while others might have x2. And Damon will have a x4. So be sure to gather as many points as you can from each trainer. They are all scattered in all the adjacent maps to Evergreen Island Village, except for all the maps located to the East of Evergreen Island Village. The goal is to be the one with the most points after battling all 4 trainers, and this outcome seems randomized. The reward for winning the Tournament is the Dark Stone After obtaining the Dark Stone, we will now be allowed to enter the Dragonspiral Tower. This is located in Evergreen Island Village, found at the very top center of the map. Notice: Some items will be unavailable while inside the Dragonspiral Tower due to the strong Dragon Force surrounding the tower. A tip before beginning your adventure inside the tower: Make sure to bring with you lots of Repel, this will come in handy for some puzzles and a very annoying run on 3F. Dragonspiral Tower 1F: This room is mainly just wild Pokemon spawns, no objective is required in order to continue to the next room. Dragonspiral Tower 2F: Caution: All the Pokemon roaming around will battle you if you're within their line of sight! Objective: This room requires you to activate a semi-hidden crystal located on the left of the sole staircase in the room (location). Room tutorial: Dragonspiral Tower 3F: Caution: All the Pokemon roaming around will battle you if you're within their line of sight! Objective: This room has platforms you can jump across in a pattern. You'll need to find the right pathway and activate the 3 crystals on this floor to weaken the barrier. Room tutorial: Dragonspiral Tower 4F: Caution: Failing to follow the Pansage, if the player is hit by the swarm or touches a unstable tile, they will be automatically returned to the entrance of the Dragonspiral Tower 4F in the previous room. Objective: The floor is unstable, the only way to get through this safely is to follow the Pansage, they stop twice before reaching the secret lever. Useful tip: Once Pansage spots a unstable tile, they will alert you with the exclamation emote and a sound. Room tutorial: Dragonspiral Tower 5F: Caution: If the player is hit by the Electric beams, they will be sent back to the entrace in the same room, having to start over. Objective: Notice: Activating the crystal will NOT deactivate the Electric beams and you only have to activate it once. There are about 3 crystals in this room, but only one of them is the real one. Activating this will deactivate the barrier and allow you to enter the next room. Room tutorial: Dragonspiral Tower 6F: Tip: You can avoid the Pokemon in the beginning of the room by going around and behind them against the wall. Objective: Hit the right switches to turn off the electric beam and gain access to a new room in the small maze. Room tutorial: Dragonspiral Tower 7F (Top floor): Caution: The player will have to fight 3 Pokemon from Damon and then be prompted to battle with Zekrom right away. With no time in between each fight to heal or rearrange party. Objective: Battle against Damon's 3 Pokemon and then battle Zekrom right after and win. Room tutorial: There is no room tutorial for this as its straight forward. But a small hint... go towards the shiny circle in the middle. Battle Lineup: Damon has a half full party consisting of 3 Pokemon and he always starts with Gothitelle. All 3 of his Pokemon share the Ghost and Dark-type weakness. Lv 100 Gothitelle Held item: Leftovers Weakness: Dark, Bug, Ghost Lv 100 Reuniclus Held item: Life Orb Weakness: Dark, Bug, Ghost Lv 100 Sigilyph Held item: Life Orb Weakness: Dark, Ghost, Ice, Rock, Electric After defeating him, Zekrom will immidiately show up and prompting the trainer for a battle. Once they are defeated, you will get your items back that was taken away at the beginning. Tip for the battle with Zekrom: The best/fastest way to beat Zekrom is by using Toxic and stall it out. I suggest using a Klefki with Prankster if the setup poke is slower than Zekrom. Lv 100 Zekrom Held item: None Weakness: Fairy, Ice, Ground, Dragon Movepool: Bolt Strike and Outrage Once Zekrom is defeated, go back to the shiny circle, it will prompt you to either leave or not. If you decide to stay, you can battle and catch Zekrom and or Reshiram right away by interacting with them respectively. Notice: Reshiram will only show up if you have the corrosponding stone being the Light stone. Want to sync Zekrom/Reshiram? Simply interact with the shiny circle and then leave the tower. Upon returning to the Dragonspiral Tower, the guard will be inside instead and won't take your items like the last time. Head up the floors again. Remember that you will still have to redo floors 4F, 5F and 6F again. Notice: You will NOT have to activate the crystal on 5F, but you still need to avoid the electric beams! Best of luck with your capturing of Zekrom and or Reshiram! For myself... Well I literally got the worst possible IVs... So much work for nothing, time to farm Reroll tickets. Some of the most common questions the player may have that isn't found within the guide. Q. How will I know if I have all the requirements needed to start the quest? A. When interacting with Mannes in Evergreen Island Village and it shows this response, then you have not yet met all the requirements. Q. What happens if I lose to Damon or Zekrom? A. You will be sent back to the very beginning having to start over again. Prepare accordingly before going in again! Q. What happens if I faint one or both of them before capturing them? A. You will be able to recapture it like any other Legendary through beating Nikola boss (not tested, but is usually this) Q. I only see Zekrom there, why is that? A. Because you haven't completed the co-op Dungeon quest and obtained the Light stone for Reshiram. Q. Once I beat Damon and Zekrom and get my sync ready, do I have to redo all the puzzles and battles? A. All roaming Pokemon will be gone, but you will have to redo floor 4F, 5F and 6F puzzles/challanges again. With exceptions to floor 5F where you don't need to activate the crystal, but be aware the beams are still active!
    1 point
  4. Hey guys, it's Necro Most of you know me already but I'm one of the contributors and youtuber for this game and I decided to post this here to bring up my channel again I've been on and off of PRO but I'm planning on returning once again! (like my 6th time) My plan is uploading videos whenever I am off from work and maybe some other days if I record in advance. I also started streaming on YouTube as well. I don't really have a schedule for it yet but any updates will be posted here or in a video! Subscribe to my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC18u8LPH0I79s7reIfegL5A for mostly PvP or any guides I tend to make! Let's reach 2,000 subscribers
    1 point
  5. Looking mainly for one of these shinies: -Shiny gliscor 20+ ivs careful / jolly (none h.a) -Shiny excadrill 31 speed very nice ivs jolly (sand force) -Shiny ninetales alolan 31 speed great ivs timid (none h.a) -Shiny serperior timid hp fire 26+ speed and spatk (overgrow) -Shiny greninja timid or naive 31 speed with nice ivs (torrent) -Shiny amoonguss hp fire bold relaxed sassy calm nice ivs (none h.a) If you have any other great shinies (high tier) with ability fail then be sure to PM with price. All these pokes must be with wrong abilities as I am willing to reroll the ability myself ( still have mine from summer tournament) Feel free to PM at discord : SalemZeroo#1114 I am willing to pay well but also fair prices... Don't hesitate to Pm
    1 point
  6. Hello hello This is a CROSS SERVER AUCTION: As a seller, I'll be available to trade this pokemon in BOTH servers ; Silver and Gold. Players from both servers can bid without any fee. This pokemon is actually in the Gold Server but I'll transfer if needed ! Today an auction for this rare pokemon, a Shiny Porygon Bold (item not included in the auction). S.O. (Start Offer) : 10M (10000k) pokedollars Insta : None Minimum Raise: 500k Duration : 5 days after the start (120 hours) Available Payements : Pokedollars - Capsule Coins (380k) - Reroll Tickets (700k) B.O. (best offer): 50M by @NinoHime Ending Time: 31.01.2022 - 20h33 GMT +0 New Ending Time , Bid during last 15 minutes: 31.01.2022 - 21h08 GMT +0 Gl Hf
    1 point
  7. take a look if you find something pm bro https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/163718-gatso-shop-301/
    1 point
  8. I'm logging in, see u in vermilion
    1 point
  9. Noted, sorry for the late reply. Sundays are busy
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Can a moderator help us add a Gold Server tag within our title please? Thanks! @Headphones
    1 point
  12. did that dude take a look at these numbers "Sum total: 1877 mean / 1305 median reroll tickets needed for simply playable stats." and goes like, damn those numbers looks easy asf. idk about you, but 1+1 here does not euqal "whats their use if u get legendaries as easy as possible??" oh and this part " if u want nice legends why not just win summer tournament or ladder tournament are they made for just a showcase?" 1. we are still waiting on summer 2020 tour hehe xd. 2. believe it or not ladder tournament dosnt give you legendary pokemons. 3.reroll system is for every1. idk the excact number of pro playerbase but its atleast 1-2k active player if not much more, you think a bad system is fine because once every year the winner of summer tour gets a guarantied legen? Those things are not even in the same category lmao. 4. We dont ask for "nice" legend, we ask for a system that can RESONABLY produce USABLE legends. 5. are you seriously telling people that the solution is : git good, just win a tournament that happens once every year. Yeah im sure Bob here who just started pro 2 months ago will be like "sure, that sounds reasonable".
    1 point
  13. Type of request: Restoration Username: Chatcher555 Server: Gold ID or description of your Pokemon: im not sure of the id but it has to be one of these : 54472829 54440886 54441051 54460678 54461121 Other: I had taken a picture of it, i pinned it down below, I would really appreciate if your could restore it, thanks
    0 points
  14. 0 points
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