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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/22 in all areas

  1. Hello, the latest Unity update made a lot of our (mainly the horrible legacy) code less performant than it already was. We decided to revert the Unity update for now but that'll be live with the next client update. The next client update will be once the artists are done with the new Valentine forms. Please be patient it should be very soon.
    2 points
  2. Hey, I would like to suggest to introduce a process which automates or assures the start of a world quest at a certain previously given time. I know its not easy to give estimated times and we dont get any most of the time which is totally fine. However if we do get an estimated time for a world quest for example which is a must for an important and time-limited event like the world quest, it is extremly frustrating for the community if the event does not start at the given time. The world quest is an extremly important event for the players considering its the only way to obtain a mysterious ticket, which enables you to catch certain legendaries, grants your guild access to guild island, unlocks the double reroll service etc. Needlessly to mention some players want to plan ahead so they are able to participate in the world quest. They stay up late, wake up early, even may take a day off work or similiar stuff, you get the point. Yes it is their own decision and their own risk but considering some people struggle to find time to do the world quest and its an extremly limited event since its only once a month that should be understandable to a certain extend. The player should be able to plan ahead of time to make sure to have some freetime during the world quest. I fully understand that there may be technical issues or personal issues, which may delay the start of a world quest, so I would suggest to improve the communication about that part as well. A small message on the #announcements channel on the PRO discord would be enough: >> 'Hey for some XXX reason/s the world quest will/might be delayed [...]'. << Leaving the community in the dark about a very important event which had a set time to start can be frustrating for some parts of the playerbase. I still want to mention that the communication on previous delays has gotten better a lot over the last few months but can still be improved. Lastly I want to mention that this post does not come from personal frustration or 'hate' but rather from the motivation to improve the player-staff-relationship, the world quest and therefor the game itself.
    1 point
  3. Hello Can i join? IGN: APokeFan Play Time: 950 hours Discord ID: APokemonFan#9850 I have defeated every region
    1 point
  4. Winner of the auction is @Q25 Congratzz! ~
    1 point
  5. Congratulations you have won the auction. I will be online in 5 hours to deliver., otherwise just pm me
    1 point
  6. Thanks for your feedback. I've rechecked position #3 many times and there isn't one. Luckily I just saw it at number 3. Thank you to the enthusiastic and kind support team for adding Lustrous Orb to me. PRO team can close this topic.
    1 point
  7. Technically it's not epic because you have 14 ivs on hp Jk good luck with your auction and nice meta.
    1 point
  8. Hi, i think there are 3 spot for lustrous orb. 1 spot on cave under bridge and 2 spot on northen cave. not really sure tho, did this quest couple month ago
    1 point
  9. +1 There are a lot of keybinds that I personally wish were added, and these two being a few of them.
    1 point
  10. Hello, you can flip your phone by 180° to get all needed buttons on the other phone side.
    1 point
  11. Hello trainers! There are several major projects for content in doing that I feel you should know about. I will note some of them down before someone leaks it the wrong way. - New Region New region is a custom approach. We call it a mini-region. But it's actually very huge. It is called Astrella, and it's done mapping wise. Region will feature a variety of spawns (gen 7 area), new content, quests, events, trade city and much more. It will be ready once script-work is done for it and once gen 7+ is fully operational, will not release it before that. Reason for a custom area is a simple one. We are unable to map anything past Unova graphic wise without having it improvised 99% and waste much time into art. The MMO setting commands a new region, so it's being delivered. With it, we will have whole game spawned with old and new Pokemon, closer to being complete. The region is currently in hands of scripters. Once they are done, I will spawn it, so you can catch some of the new Pokemon when we receive a full gen 7 update. - Unova Unova is planned and is slowly being mapped. Once it is done and ready, the whole game will be respawned from scratch due to distribution of the Pokemon around PRO world. We are also looking for mapping manpower to complete the task so that mapping side is done and ready for people to script on. - Orange Islands The Orange Islands are also being mapped and planned. Not much to say about this one. ** Note that plans may change any time. But what I said above is a current plan and it's being worked on. I want to have all mapping done before the schedule so that people can start working on the maps script wise etc. Thank you
    1 point
  12. Hi. I need your service for sinnnoh and hoeen. Y 3 mega quest m: charizard(timid), scizor and swampert
    0 points
  13. Service Done! 6 Mega Quest, 1.9m, completion time 3 day. Thnx Much, Glhf!
    0 points
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