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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/22 in all areas

  1. S.o : 10m insta : 50m min rise bid : 1m time : 48 hours
    2 points
  2. riolu for sell : Starting offer : 350k minimum bid :50k auction time :48hours auction start with the first bid . enjoy
    1 point
  3. Start offert: 3m No insta. Min bid: 500k 48 hours after the first offer. Payment methods: Capsule Coins 400k, Rerrol ticket 650k
    1 point
  4. Eyo im selling this rat 2days auction so 1m insta 2.5m min bid 200k accept: cc= 390k rr= 700k
    1 point
  5. closed nobody showing interest.
    1 point
  6. Okay I am at work right now. I’ll reach home in an hour or so.
    1 point
  7. I’ll buy mimikyu+ avalug for 400k ? Does that work ?
    1 point
  8. User has requested for us to blur out his name for personal reasons
    1 point
  9. very fast and friendliness, credibility + 1 respect
    1 point
  10. @Manell Hello! I updated the post. You can also use nature rr for 350k, IV rr for 700k, and coin capsule for 400k.
    1 point
  11. @smokincatcher You've been temporarily restricted from posting for the deplorable behaviour and harassment showcased lately. Continued will only escalate the punishment further, that can culminate in a permanent posting restriction. Enough is enough - act respectfully towards others. @Eetaachee Apologies for the inconvenience. Please do not reply to such posts and stick to just reporting. It's easier for everybody that way. The related posts have been deleted. Good luck in your purchase.
    1 point
  12. @hitokage147 post the trade sis
    1 point
  13. volca still available? if yes ill start
    1 point
  14. sorry guys for late posting this this is my first time in forum as selling poke and phantompirate won the auction and also thank you to dudzx and matea07 for telling me this
    1 point
  15. accidentally released my slowpoke (the wrong one) i was gonna use as slowking in silver server i noticed after i went to find it to train it t.t IGN:Thundr101 Server:Silver Pokemon ID:71607187
    0 points
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