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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/22 in all areas

  1. Sold to Zzkhanhzz in 5.555m
    14 points
  2. 4 points
  3. Yo. I'm auctionning this epic umbreon. Umbreon Start offer : 900k Insta: 3m Min. Raise: 100k Accepted Payment(s): Pokedollars, Cc for 360k, rr ticket for 670k Ends 8th september 7:13pm GMT+2
    2 points
  4. Wellcome to Masaki's Shop Contact: INGAME: masakiyoshikuni Discord: https://discord.gg/wumZ4Mkpdt ACCEPTED PAYMENT METHODs Pokedollars Reroll Ticket - 650k Nature Reroll - 320k Coin Capsule - 350k Masterball - 40k Rare Candy - 6k I could reduce your price 5% with 500k or more, and If you buy more than 1M pokepollar I can give you an additional 5% discount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRAINED POKEMON ------------------------- 100-300K ---------------- 300K-1M ---------------- 5m5 Shiny and event ------------------------- 100-300K ------------------------- ------------------------- >300k ------------------------- ------------------------- SOLD ------------------------- SOLD
    1 point
  5. @Masejin what cle? @Gato666 ok, total 50k, meet in vermi now?
    1 point
  6. I buy Clefairy and poliwag
    1 point
  7. thnx man was a close fight see you around
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 150k Flabebe Edit: oops ignore it we both entered same time ig
    1 point
  17. Hello everyone To clear the doubts, the winner of the 2nd Breloom should be @Donator with his starting offer here. Making all other offers invalid as they were after the 24 hours. also for the Togekiss,the legit buyer should be @Donator with his request to buy it here: I have forced these 2 trades. For the Armaldo, I can see it was saved by the players before any mess take place, thanks for that @Lenox06 You will be punished for breaking multiple Auction Rules, if there is any running auctions, please report it so TMODs can force them. ~Haruyukio
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. You won pm when you are online
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. PRO Game Rules apply to all aspects of the PRO environment, inclusive of Discord, Forums, Ingame, etc. GENERAL FORUM RULES Deplorable behavior such as foul language, profanity, harassment, and excessive toxicity is not allowed. Spam is not tolerated here under any form and circumstance. This includes, but is not limited to, offering services (charged and free), trading of things outside of PRO, recruiting members for your own projects (moderators, designers, professional MOD work, etc.). Do not message members of staff in following cases; Appealing for a ban, Looking for support, Applying for a team, offering various services and so on. Those messages will be trashed and won't be replied to. If you need help with something use the Resolution Center sub-forum. Mini-Modding is prohibited. We encourage to bring any rule violation to the attention of the Staff Team via the report button or through the proper forum. Do not respond to such topics yourself. Members are asked to respect the copyright of other users, sites, media and so on. They have the right to report you for you plagiarizing their own work. Do not link illegal material such as torrent content sites. Advertising in any form and way is against the rules. In case you want to advertise something you deem of a good nature, contact developers or administrators when you have the requirements to do so. In appeals, complaints and trade posts you are allowed a bump every 24 hours. RULES FOR AVATARS AND SIGNATURES Content in signatures and avatars should be PG as per the game/forum rules, not profane and also consistent with normal writing and abide by the general forum rules. You may not include hidden text or links. Those will be deleted instantly. Respect the given size limits. Do not try to bypass it by having more images or links. You can have more links and images but size must not exceed of a signature or avatar. If the account you use is suspended due to breaking any of the rules above you have a right to appeal. During the appeal process we will take into consideration the rule broken, your behaviour during your time as an appealer, and your behaviour before you were suspended.
    1 point
  22. I took note of your orders @Pimpcio @Inbaa @Subhammaster. As for @Lavkush, Inbaa was faster to ask for it. @Nakoda i will need you to be more specific on which one you want. @Notnoble Do i have to take you post with a screen as an order or a fail ? As i'm not available today, i'll make sure to complete every order this Thursday (Tomorrow). Feel free to message me your availability, and sorry for the inconvenience.
    0 points
  23. 0 points
  24. @Pamanbaru Please only bump once every 24 hours. You are not allowed to bump more often even if it's near the end of your auction. I have removed your unnecessary bump. Refer to the forum rules here:
    0 points
  25. What is the role of a Moderation Staff member? PRO's Moderation Team is a group of staff who provide support for players and ensure that PRO is kept in order. The Moderation Team make sure that users follow PRO's Rules and support players on the forum and in-game. Moderator [RECRUITMENT IS OPEN] A Moderator's primary focus is in PvP, and Chat violations. They maintain order in-game and make sure that users are following the rules. Moderators handle Reports, Appeals, and the PvP subforums. A good candidate for Moderator is someone who's an experienced member of PRO and has good knowledge in the PvP and Chat rules. Moderator is the most recruited role in PRO, it's important that Moderators would be able to put aside at least one hour per day for their duties. Trade Moderator [RECRUITMENT IS OPEN] TMods are supposed to do three main activities: dealing with reports in the Report Center, making sure the Trade subforums are all in order and that every topic is following the Trade Rules, and moderating chat channels in-game. TMods are the principal forces responsible for watching over Trade Chat in-game, but they also moderate everywhere there could be an infraction. TMods will step in if a player needs help with a general, non-role-specific issue that any staff member could address effectively. A good candidate for a Trade Moderator is someone who's an experienced member of PRO and has good knowledge in the Trade, PvP and Chat rules. Requirements Even if you don't meet the requirements, small exceptions may be made if the rest of your application is promising. (Mandatory) requirements must be met in order to apply. At least 200 hours in-game playtime. Able to dedicate yourself to staff work and deliver efficiently. 18 or older is preferred, applications from younger applicants will be considered if exceptional Can understand English at an advanced level. (Mandatory) You can still be accepted if you are from an area that isn't listed. These are just our priorities based on our highest userbase countries. What we look for in applicants. Strong communication. Open-mindedness. A positive attitude. Good organisation skills. Able to work in a team. Can work under pressure. Application The application form is below. Please fill it in and submit it as a new topic Here. We are aware that the questions might looks hard or "too serious" for a voluntary/not-paid position, however it's important to know who we have in front of us when we read their applications. This because the quality of staff is reflected on the community and the greater the staff is and the better the results will be. The previous questions were telling us almost nothing and this would lead to a lot of time potentially wasted from both sides. Your application and results must remain confidential. We ask all applicants to keep the fact they have applied secret. Sharing your application status will result in the rejection of your application. Please be aware that all staff work is voluntary! This is not a career. When applications are open, there will be an announcement on our Discord Server and this post will be featured on the front page of the forum.
    0 points
  26. What ìs the role of an Artist? Pokemon Revolution Online Artists are in charge of the graphic aspect of the game. This is done through the use of pixel-art to create to things like outfits, mounts, special event Pokémon forms, environment tiles, etc. Requirements At least 30 days since Account Creation. 18 years or older Be able to speak English at an understandable level. (Mandatory) Understanding Pixelart/ Digital art at a decent level. Portfolio containing Pixel Art / Digital art work. What if I've never done pixelart before or don't have any pixel art in my Portfolio? I can't properly distinguish your level without any sort of work to measure by. Which makes it harder for me to figure out what kind of training you may need to be viably recruited. I'll gladly train up people of any skill level. My general lookout point is for people who are dedicated and willing to learn. Do not apply to this position with content that isn't your own. It will be discovered. And may affect your possibility of admission to staff in the future. Where to start when you've never done Pixelart before Interested but uncertain where to start? We got a big tread of tutorials with basics: Click Here to Open it! We got some blank sprite sets as well for people who want to train making pixelart costumes. Click Here to Open it! Application form Contact To apply, please make a thread here Pixel-Art Application SubForum
    0 points
  27. PRO RULES By registering to PRO, you agree to follow all of PRO's rules. Breaking any of PRO's rules will result in disciplinary action on your account. Appropriate punishments are issued per infraction. You can read the Punishment Policy for an idea of what punishment may follow for each infraction. Click to read: Forum Rules Chat Rules Trade Rules PvP Rules If your account is ever sanctioned due to breaking any of PRO's rules, you have the right to appeal. During the appeal process, we take careful consideration of the rule breaking, your behaviour whilst appealing, your honesty and your punishment record. Overall Game Rules 1. By registering to PRO (Pokemon Revolution Online), you agree and acknowledge the Terms and Conditions and these Game Rules. 2. Each person is allowed a maximum of four owned accounts. This includes, but is not limited to: Any account created counts towards your 4 total, not just active ones. 0 hours, 0 badges, never played on? They count. Received accounts, count towards your total. Given away accounts, do not count towards your total anymore. Received/Given away only count if you changed the password/email of said account otherwise it still belongs to the original creator Exploiting more than 4 allowed accounts in order to gain mass profit or frequently gaining large amounts of income. If someone has quit PRO and gave their account to you, take anything you want at once and stop using it only if you already own 4 accounts. Be aware doing this may trigger a ban in which you will need to appeal and provide proper evidence of the account being given to you. (Example: Having the password of more than 4 accounts you received by people who are inactive in order to fight bosses, doing PvE quests to receive rewards, or progressing during a Special Event in order to receive one time rewards such as Reroll Tickets, etc...) 3. Account sharing isn't recommended but allowed none the less. The account owner will be held accountable for any infraction committed on the account. Accounts shared with you do not count as one of your 4 accounts unless you are given full ownership of said account. We do not offer support in proxy cases where you are banned due to connections to another user. Your IP and device are your responsibility. 4. Real Money/ World Trading is strictly prohibited and all accounts involved will receive a permanent ban if done. This includes, but is not limited to: Buying or selling anything in PRO for money or goods in real life. Exchanging anything in PRO for items, money, etc on another game. Buying or selling an account on PRO for money or goods in-game. (Example: Coin Capsule, etc.) Buying or selling an account on PRO for money or goods in real life. Buying or selling an account on PRO for CC. 5. Using any kind of unauthorised software, hacking or editing the PRO game/ client is prohibited. Unauthorised software includes: Any kind of automated software. (Bots, Macro). Software which injects into PRO's files to give unfair advantages. (Speed hacking). External software that gives unfair advantages, which is not endorsed by PRO. 6. Abusing glitches, and not reporting them as soon as possible, will result in sanctions. Accounts which abuse bugs will not be unbanned unless all illegitimate gains can be removed from the account. 7. Not reporting incriminating evidence, helping a user evade a ban, and hiding illegally gained belongings are all strictly forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to: Not reporting a user who you know has cheated or abused bugs. Sharing accounts with a user who is permanently banned. Trading stolen, botted or illegitimately gained Pokemon, items, money, etc whilst knowing of their origin. Not reporting a Staff Member who abuses position, leaks Staff-only information to users or leaks unpublished PRO content. 8. Exploiting Bosses to excessively gain income is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: Selling or buying Boss Service. Fight Bosses on more than 4 accounts, regardless of ownership. Fight Bosses on both servers with the same account. If you transferred, you will have to wait for the cooldown on the other server to end in order to rechallenge. 9. The Trade Rules must be followed at all times. Rules may differ depending on which platform the user is trading on (Forums, In-game, Discord Chat). Scamming another user when trading will result in an immediate permanent ban. 10. By playing PRO's Ranked PvP, you agree to the PvP Rules. The PvP rules do not apply to the unranked/ friendly battles. 11. By engaging in the in-game chats, you agree and acknowledge the Chat Rules. Private channel owners/ Guild leaders have the right to moderate their channels. Insults and harassment are never acceptable, even when done in private channels. PRO Staff will only moderate private messages if they are reported via the Report Center. 12. Deplorable behaviour, profanity, spamming and posting inappropriate/ adult content are all against the rules. PRO Staff will report you to the appropriate authorities if your offence is considered illegal. 13. Posting malicious links, such as phishing links, adult content, or anything inappropriate for children is prohibited. 14. Impersonating a member of PRO staff is strictly prohibited and will result in harsh sanctioning if attempted. If username based, the infringing account will be permanently suspended without question. 15. When registering an account, you must not take a username that is inappropriate for children. You may be questioned or permanently banned if your name is deemed inappropriate. 16. Gaining unauthorised access to another user's account is strictly prohibited and will be met with severe consequences. 17. PVE Ladder related rules (currently active only during specific event but rule is valid in any PVE ladder will be released from now on) : Any form of boosting is prohibited. (Example, having someone else play for you in order to enter ladder regardless if free or paid) You are allowed to have only one single account in a server PVE ladder. Disclaimers PRO's Rules apply to all official PRO Scope. This includes the forum, game, Discord servers as well as any officially owned platform. Infractions done against a member of staff may receive additional or harsher punishments depending on the nature of the infraction. Member's of PRO's staff team and anyone representing PRO (Discord moderation, acknowledged contributors, etc) are not exempt from the rules and will be punished significantly harder if they break them.
    0 points
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