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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/22 in all areas

  1. Server silver Start offer 2m min bid 500k Instant purchase no Ends the 25/10/2022 GMT-3 11:00 pm (23:00)
    2 points
  2. I can be that friend of yours
    2 points
  3. My only reason to post this is because I want some of the cosmetics from the PvP Coin shop. The normal coin shop cosmetics are limited imo and there are already too many items which are exclusives or not tradable. If only event items became exclusive and we could trade the cosmetics,I feel players could dress their characters up with more freedom and option. Now I feel I have to do PvP (which I am not a big fan of) just to get 2-3 cosmetics. I want those cosmetics but I don't want to do PvP. I enjoy other aspects of this gem. But I feel I HAVE TO. My point is why should a player feel this way and do something they don't like to get something they want? Prestige Mounts are already tradable. Why can't be it done for the other cosmetics? As a non-PvP(and also PvE) player,I do not get why should I feel forced to do something when I don't want to in reality and cannot just buy it when I have money? I don't know if this was raised before or not but I kept this inside my chest for a long time and it kept disturbing me that I can't simply buy it. I understand the concept of exclusive items but here there are too many of it, so much so,it limits the options for others. Most of the good cosmetics are locked behind the PVP coin shop.
    1 point
  4. Hey As I mentioned in the title, I like how PRO is designed and how much effort the artist put into the game. Every time when it is nightime in PRO, I'm always flashed how beautiful the dynamic light is.
    1 point
  5. Closing thread
    1 point
  6. Ehi there @Technovortex We are happy to have you here with us and hope you will enjoy the continue of your adventure on PRO. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance with anything!
    1 point
  7. Hello, Since both players had issues contacting each other, I have forced this trade. @Saruron I have moved your Larvesta to @Jongdae account, and transfered 600k from Jongdae to you account. Please let me know if this isn't the case. Best Regards, Zoruami
    1 point
  8. 7.6m silver server
    1 point
  9. 1.6m for modest
    1 point
  10. Really good service from my man @Lyn1311 I appreciate your service Gl
    1 point
  11. Auction won by Iceskater with 25m bid. Thank you all for participating
    1 point
  12. The game itself doesnt leave pvp as it is and pro did the same till now. The idea isn't that bad but it's hard to make a totally fair change to improve the pvp without having side-effects. It's not about not being able to counterattack certain teams or pokes, i guess it's about making it more interesting by changing a little bit the meta every once in a while. Again it's +1 for me if the banned poke are 1-3 and they get a ban timer so they won't be banned every 2 months.
    1 point
  13. keep it normal, don't ban anything if u have problem using any pokemon then use your brain and prepare a team for a total counterattack that is what is pvp, u r just opposing the basic fundamentals of this game's pvp, i mean if u were to ban top used mons people would stop thinking about building a good team and it will eventually degrade everything and hence it will lead to PRO teamn loss so this was a paradox i hope u understand everything through it
    1 point
  14. Similar to the guide I already made on each Pokemon Description + nature + ability + brief explanation for newbies, I am currently working on making a tier list of all the Pokemon currently released in PRO for PvE content (NOT PVE). This will attempt to shine light onto pokemon such as Dustox or Minun which can actually be more useful than actual PvP pokemon in PvE with very specific builds. This is also a guide to let people run in PvE content with less used pokemon, often ignored that they think they'd normally throw away. This is just a project for fun! The tier list will range from: S (the best possible options in PvP), A (great options), B (good options), C (okay options, can be substituted easily), D (bad options, there's just better and don't have any unique niche) and F (absolute trash, literally unusable no matter how hard I try to find a set for this). After 7 years of playing the game and a few thousand hours I intend to continue making Newbie oriented content. This time I'd like to shine some light onto less common options. I will be using pictures and text to explain my choices. At the bottom you will have an extra Tier List for Legendaries and Forms you can use in PvE, in case you're interested. Note that this is a for fun guide, informative as much as I can, but opinions are always to be debated! ^this guide is currently in progress as I am currently eating a Kebab while I type this :^) Classifying criteria: -How difficult are they to use? -Do they require TMs/HMs/Tutors to function properly? -Do you need items to make them work? -Are they hard to obtain? -Are they hard to evolve? -Are they hard to level up? GOD TIER These pokemon are good in ALL situations (PvE, PvP, Bosses, Quests, etc). They're absolute gods in Story and PvE content which is what matters the most. They're incredibly powerful, easy to abuse, they don't require many TMs or HMs or tutors, they are easy to obtain (in most cases) and even with low IVs they can still be extremely useful. They're also very easy to level up and evolve in their Preevolution stages (mostly). There's pokemon that don't FULLY fit these requirements (like Chansey or Dragonite as they are a bit hard to hunt and train) but they are so absurdly overpowered that they are broken. They have massive stats, very good movesets and can function everywhere. EXTREMELY GOOD These pokemon are VERY good in almost all situations. Some of them might need some extra support with TMs or HMs or you might need some items to make them work. Sometimes you'll also need tutors. However, once you go through that effort, they will be permanently useful in your adventure in PRO. Some of them can be slightly outclassed by the God Tier section, however, they are still REALLY worth using and training through your Story and PvE adventure! Some of them are even useful for PvP too. GOOD These pokemon are generally good options for PvE and Story content. Some of these however need some help from TM, HM or Tutors to work properly and might need some extra support by buying items or evolution stones, also paying for their tutors. These options are still good! However, they'll sometimes be outclassed. But this is bound to happen anyway. These are always options to consider. OKAY TO USE These pokemon are okay. They have a lot of issues that prevent them from being good in PvP (which is why you might not see any of them ever used there) because they are completely outclassed. Some of them can be extremely overpowered in PvE at very specific things (Dodrio is a great example of an amazing PvE Flying type) but they require a lot of pokedollar investment, tutors and research to make them work properly. And even at that, there's just better options. These are options that I only recommend in story and sometimes in Bossing/PvE. BAD These are just bad options in PvE content. Unless you REALLY know what you are doing, do not use these. They are extremely lackluster or borderline useless. There's almost no way to make them work. UNOBTAINABLE/LEGENDARIES/MEGAEVOS/FORMS/UNEVOLVED FORMS Here's the unobtainable stuff and things you normally won't use in PvE until the lategame (like Megaevolutions and Legendary Pokemon). GENERATION 1 - KANTO GENERATION 2 - JOHTO GENERATION 3 - HOENN GENERATION 4 - SINNOH GENERATION 5 - UNOVA GENERATION 6 - KALOS GENERATION 7 - ALOLA GENERATION 8 - GALAR GENERATION 9 - PALDEA
    1 point
  15. It can sound like a good idea but to invest weeks of effort into farming for pvp mons and your money going nowhere as these pokemon are banned... 20 is a lot, 5 to 10 would be fine, rotational bans for usage could be interesting. Maybe it could be a problem though if a pokemon who is kept in check in the top winrates in pvp has all of its counters banned due to this rotation.
    1 point
  16. maybe it's cool to ban the top used pokemon for 1 month and it can't be banned for the next 3 months. just to shake things a little without doing dumb changes
    1 point
  17. Cool idea banning top used mon, but banning 20 mon is too much, maybe top 3 will be nice
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Wtb goodra and houndoom HP gground
    1 point
  20. Welcome to the game!
    1 point
  21. Can I buy the Halloween service? My discord is Zafkiel#3370
    0 points
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