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KELDEO QUEST Hello guys I was doing legendary keldeo quest and so thought to share the quest guide with you . I know there is older post available on forums but that was of only Christmas event but later the quest became permanent and few changes were made. SO HERE IS NEW 2021 LATEST KELDEO GUIDE . So let’s begin MATSUKI ISLAND 1. Our first step is to go to the event island “MATSUKI”. TO get to the event island, you need to talk to the npc named "Aero Airlines" which is located south of verm gym, near the staircase in olivine, under the pokemart in lilycove and left of the pokemon center in canalave . First of all go to resort area ( in sinoh region) → then go right → there interact with NPC name “Aero Airlines” and he will take you to Matsuki island for a fee of $5000 game money (5k) ( KEEP IN MIND THAT YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY 5K EVEN YOU ARE HOLDING THE TRANSIT PASS) ★QUEST BEGINS★ 1.)To start the quest,interact with the lady npc in the middle of the town named Paya. After that,go straight up from paya towards the narrow pathway. keep heading forward to get to the NPC Advisor Khota. After you finish interacting with him , talk to the Npc Maz Koshia and choose option 3. Then you will be told to go to the Wasteland. WASTELANDS To enter the wastelands,head towards the path bottom right of where you talked to the lady npc. After that , you will have to find KELDEO. He can found at the bottom of map running around squares. Once you get to keldeo , you will have to calm down the following pokes in wastelands through battle. Last one will not battle. :- a) TYRANITAR ( you will see him starting at wasteland) b) GARCHOMP ( you can easily find it no need of images for this) c) ABSOL d) TYPHLOSION ( go north) e) METAGROSS f) FLYGON g) ZANGOOS h) NOCTOWL *For some of the pokes you will need to surf through water both left and right direction. Screenshot of some difficult spawns. After combatting the pokemons , go to the sailor below – he will ask you to find the hidden pokemons behind icy rocks. For me they were located as follows you can find them easily like this they will be easily visible behind rocks and glaciars. For example this :- Then go back to sailor and he will give you free GRENINJA CLOTHES and then go towards north . Wear those clothes and use dive. Then find all the wishiwashi hidden behind black rocks. Interect with all the rocks and then you will be teleported to a new cave and will battle with a high speed LVL 100 giant wishiwashi . Rocks look like this Once assembled all of them you can enter the cave.( Now prepare a strong Pokemon team to defeat LVL 100mons without any headache) There you will have to defeat extremely high speed LVL 100 wishiwashi. Afte defeating him , go to the cave at back and collect gem by clicking on the rock situated at the centre of cave. When back from ship, go to the right of the map untill you get to the Mountain Area Dungeon. There you will have to defeat many LVL 100 pokemons. You also have to place pokemons on white buttons. For that you will have to place accurate weight pokemons. First one :- 100-199kg (Venasaur / Hexauraus / Goodra etc..), Second one :- 200-299kg(Tyranitar / Gyarados etc..) , Third one :- 300+kg. (Golem / Snorlax etc..) → better check pokedex of pro to find which owned poke is convenient for you – pro dex also shows height & weight Once done , follow the map around untill you get to the ladder. THE MAZE ITS A BIT CONFUSING PART OF QUEST BECAUSE ITS A MAZE. You will get Arcanine clothes to wear and then continue the quest wearing them. Once you go down the ladder you will need a Pokemon with Flash or item Flashlight. When in the cave , there is a maze where you will need to find 4 graveler before continuing. Then be ready to battle 6 strong LVL 100 Pokemon – CHARIZARD X , GRENINJA , GARCHOMP , TOGEKISS , BISHARP & CONKELDURR. FOREST DUNGEON Now go back to wastelands and go north till Forest Dungeon Entrance. FOREST DUNGEON Speak to old lady and she will ask you for your help. She will need – 1) 15 leaf stones which you can buy from celedon city (cost 52.5k all). 2) 10 Revival Herb can be found in celedon city store ( cost : 28k all). Now go back and give both of them one by one to her. Then she becomes more greedy and will ask you for MOSS , COTTON & THE PIGMENT. They can be found here :- After giving her those items she will give you BRELOOM CLOTHES and then continue to next area… FOREST MAZE NOTE :- This part can be different for everyone. In the area you will need to interact with different items untill any item makes sound (items can be like pile of leaves , Mushrooms on tree stump , Old tree , Pumpkin,skull and graval stone. For me it was graval stone but as said above *stuffs are random* .) After interecting to a correct item you will be teleported to the BOSS ROOM. Now ready to face his strong team :- MEGA VENASAUR – SUICUNE – CHANSEY – CLEFABLE - AGISHLASH & TOGEKISS. If you lost from the boss then the next time you go for him - the item you needed to interact will be different now so better try winning in 1st chance. After defeating him go back to Matsuki town and then follow the steps :- Go to the top left of the map where two guards are stood. They should now move out of your way Now go into the building - avoid the guards as they will want to battle you. Keep going up until you find Noctowl. He will tell you to continue further. You will now see people gathered. You will have to battle Lord. (he has 5 pokemon.) Once you beat him, you go to another area where you will then have to beat his mega tyranitar .(prefer using greninja or water pokemons , erthquake also works fine but water types 4x effective ) Once he is beaten, you go back to main city and speak to Maz Koshia (the first guy) who will say thanks to you. • And finally the time has come to catch your legendary Pokemon KELDEO Now go to pc and get your Timid (or whatever you prefer) sync pokemon ready to catch Keldeo. Go back into the Guard building and make your way north again but, this time you need to take the stairs at the right. You will now be back in the same area you defeated Lord. Now go up to the cave. Follow the cave around, you will see Keldeo at the end and you can now catch it after speaking with NPC. GOOD LUCK FROM MY SIDE HOPE ITS EPIC IVS ALL USEFUL 25+ AND ITS SYNCED WELL OF YOUR CHOICE , MY WELL WISHES ARE WITH YOU !!GOOD LUCK!! THE END NOTE :- IF you still have any query left or you are stuck somewhere in quest you can direct message me or I will prefer → replying here in this post . And if you want me to create any other guide for that also you can DM(direct message) me. BY @Risingking341 point
I'm considering adding a PvE Coin Shop countperart to the shiny legendary prestige mounts in the PvP Coin Shop. For this, I'd like to brainstorm some ideas with the community and hear your thoughts on the ideas I've come up with so far. 1. Shadow Mounts with an exclusive particle effect: I don't necessarily suggest to add this particle effect, it's just an example on how it could look like. 2. Mecha Mounts with an exclusive particle effect. No example as we do not have any Mecha Mounts yet. 3. Change regular Pokemon to Mecha themed forms. Example forms: Naturally, any prestige item or form that is implemented would require a significant amount of PvE Coins, which can only be obtained by beating in-game content. You're encouraged to share your thoughts on the ideas presented or propose new ones. Please avoid repeating ideas that have already been mentioned by others. Instead of making simple posts like "I like this" or "support this", you can show your approval by reacting positively to the posts.1 point
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hey Uxxel i think the price for Lop is somewhat reasonable but since i do have 2 pvpable forms already and only missing the hlw one 7m is too pricey for me personally. My budget for a pvpable hlw Lopunny would be 3-5m. Really appreciate the reply to my thread tho, see you ingame! ♡ Beste Grüße Saruron1 point
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