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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/23 in all areas

  1. inactive. can be closed
    4 points
  2. Hello @Pokemonking44 It's not against the rules but it is good practice to verbally reject offers that do not meet your expectations. That being said, to anyone concerned, this is not an auction, Pokemonking44 is well within his rights to reject any offer put forward. Take care, Manbat.
    2 points
  3. 1 point
  4. S.o 1k ea Min Bid 10k No insta 72h after first bid Accepted Payments- PokeDollars and CC=370k
    1 point
  5. C.o. 400k by fercholarga insta: 2m Min bid : 50k Ends 5 march at 22 pm gmt+1
    1 point
  6. sure better for me ^^ have fun at work mate see you tomorrow
    1 point
  7. I will go off to sleep. We can do it tomorrow then. It's 1:39am for me here. Gotta go to work tomorrow. XD
    1 point
  8. It won't be possible to move the auction now since it has already started. Take care, Manbat.
    1 point
  9. Hello @Q25 You can only have one sale at a time per player with a maximum of one Pokemon as stated in the Cross-Server rule below: The auction will be allowed to continue but please be aware of this rule in the future, take care. Manbat.
    1 point
  10. Winner of the auction Daiski c.o 6.1
    1 point
  11. Hello @Suncity Your auction was mishandled, you sold the Ralts to the wrong winner, the rightful winner was @Qods with a bid of 5.25m. Please read the Auction Rules as you did not honour the end point of your Ralts auction. For a smooth cross server auction, you can only have one sale at a time per player with a maximum of one Pokemon as stated in the Cross-Server rule below: You are free to complete the trade with @Qods as the trade has been reversed. The auctions will be allowed to continue as planned but do not add any more Pokemon to your auction. Please read the Auction Rules. Take care, Manbat.
    1 point
  12. sorry my bad i got confused traded back and done it right
    1 point
  13. Hello, @Gatso Did not change the ending of this auction. He was correct in the winners being @Lordleo100 for the Pikachu and @Arnabh123 for the Growlithe. I have attached images to help ease your mind @Mistermyers. Here is before it started: Here is the date March 4th: As you can see here was when it got started: Best Regards, MBK
    1 point
  14. The auction was forced. @Rinoc 525k was added to your account. @Saruron you now have the Pokemon and 525k has been removed from your account. Take care, Manbat.
    1 point
  15. 300k Good luck auctioning!
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Hello @Colossous You did not state that rare candy were a payment option in your auction, therefore it was not a valid bid. As stated in the Auction Rules: @Gio was the winner of the auction with the 550k bid, the following 600k bid by Mrdragon895 was submitted 3 minutes too late which means any bid made after the 550k bid will not be counted. Take care, Manbat.
    1 point
  18. trade completed , enjoy ur baboy mate ^^
    1 point
  19. Hello @Clubstep You are violating auction rules by not taking evidence of all bids you receive. Your offers have been reviewed, since you did not provide evidence of the 200k s.o, the starting offer has been assumed by Pablo1231zh. Each 200k incriment has been changed to reflect on what you do have evidence for: 400k > 200k start 600k > 400k offer 800k > 600k offer You also cannot offer alternative forms of payment after the auction has already began, which is from the creation of your thread. The c.o of your auction is 600k by Pablo1231z, you have been warned, read the Auction Rules. Take care, Manbat.
    1 point
  20. ● MilesD ● 23 ● Very, Discord is my HQ ● Midwest United States ● 491Hr 36Min ● Currently: Finishing my pokedex (working on 1/3rd thru Hoenn mons and full Sinnoh dex still); Overall: I'm not sure. I love collecting, so events are awesome. I love interacting with other players, and I'm a capitalist, so the trade market it really fun. I guess my overall goal is just to be a known/respected merchant of the community. ● I enjoy the actual grind of hunting and training Pokemon. That feeling I get when I find the Pokemon I've spent hours looking for, and then post it in chat for all to envy, just makes me never want to stop. ● I had taken a break for almost a year, and when I came back the guild I was apart of seems to be inactive. They were never really that active to begin with, and I think that's why I started to lose steam before my break. I want exactly what you describe, a family of players who empower each other while sharing game knowledge. I feel like I do pretty well by myself, but there is a lot that I simply do not know, so if I had a group of people who could help me, I would make sure I could help them in some way as well. ● Delibird. I relate to all 3 of it's possible abilities (Vital Spirit, Hustle, and Insomnia). Most people look at delibird as a delivery pokemon, and being someone who has done delivery both as a job, and as a way to make someone else happy (via surprise), I relate to that. However in my own personal RP, delibird is definitely a capitalist that saves money by doing all deliveries themselves, which is also something I would do. Gotta cut costs to make profit!
    1 point
  21. Nice shop untill now w8 for the final resorts
    1 point
  22. No when I find perfect deal I trade it.
    1 point
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