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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/23 in all areas

  1. Grenade Ball. Higher chance on Pokemon that know self destructing moves
    3 points
  2. C.O. 800k by Pokemonking44 Min raise 50k Insta 1m Auction ends in 24hrs from start. End time- 12:40am 1/8/23 IST Accept pokedollars and coin capsule (350k).
    2 points
  3. Nah wasn't trying it tbh , I just went for some errand got 2 seconds late ig
    2 points
  4. Aurora Ball A special pokeball that appears to glow with the colors of the rainbow in the night sky
    2 points
  5. Changelog 01.08.2023: Reworked the Exp code. We use the official gen7 formulas now. Coded Exp. Share à la gen2. Coded Party Exp. Share. Disabled for now. Coded Lucky Egg. Coded Exp. Candies. Catching Pokemon gives EXP now. Reworked almost the entire API the client uses to interact with the scripts. While it might sound small, it was actually quite significant and took up most of the time, aside from the EXP rework. Added global rare encounter announcements. Players can anonymize their rare encounters and choose to show or hide the messages in the client options. By default, the messages are displayed, and rare encounters are anonymized. Only forms and shinies of Pokemon that are uncommon or rare will be displayed. Players are move locked while fishing now. Added battle delay and cd reset for a slightly better fishing mechanic. Slightly changed the form/shiny sprite display in the Pokedex. Left-clicking shows the next form, right-clicking shows the previous form, and middle-clicking resets to the base sprite. Fixed Z-Move not being selectable if Transform enabled them. The client no longer displays the mega button for Rayquaza if it holds a Z-Crystal. Corrected misspellings such as Never-Melt Ice and King's Shield. Reworked Final Gambit. Reworked Seismic Toss. The server kicks users that exceed 190s in PvP battles now. Lightning Rod now properly checks temporary types when protecting against paralysis. Fixed Hydration message. Fixed Entraintment message. Pokemon with Natural Cure will no longer be cured on switch-out if they lost their ability. If a Pokemon dies due to Leech Seed damage, the opposing Pokemon recovers the HP equal to the damage taken. Previously, it always recoverd 1/8th of the max HP of the seeded Pokemon. Coded a server-sided speed hack detection. Few small reworks, clean-ups and optimizations.
    2 points
  6. Start Price: Rotom 500k, Larvitar 300k End Point: 72h after first bid Min. Raise: 100k each Insta: No Insta Winner: @Hermusdxd Rotom 5.5m, @Malltesers Larvitar 700k
    1 point
  7. S.o 1.5m Min bid 50k Insta 5m Auction ends 48 hrs after s.o is met cc = 350k iv rr = 500k
    1 point
  8. Auction Ends 24 hrs after 1st bid Accept: CC - 360k RR - 550k. Starting Bid: 100k Min bid: 50k C.O: 350K ign: TjDj SOLD TO NOKTA FOR 350K
    1 point
  9. Thanks for your work, i got the oshawott in my box now.
    1 point
  10. Greetings, Using GMT+0 onwards: Auction Time: 48hrs after 1st bid of each mon. Start Point: 29/7 2:48PM End Point: 31/7 2:48PM Winner: @Ac7 with a 2cc + 510k bid made at 31/7 1:52PM @Miyh 1m3 bid was made at 31/7 2:48PM (INVALID) Bids are valid only until 31/7 2:47PM. Kind Regards, * Zoruami *
    1 point
  11. Greetings, First of all, enough with the random comments! Too much information to digest here! Second of all, @Chizune i dont know why you still running this auction when I clearly stated the winners in my post. If you refuse to trade with the winners, I will force them myself, but you will get a harsh punishment in result. The duration of your sales were 3days or 72 hours, since you didn't say if it was after start, it's assumed to be after the thread was created. Therefore, I have stated: 72 hours after the thread was created! As such, the winners are as I have stated! Please make sure to contact the winners, and finish the deals. The moment you set an auction, and someone's bid on it, the right on the pokemon is no longer yours. You set up the auction, but forgot to mention you wished to start once someone bidded on them. The rules are clear. Also, I didnt end any auction, they had a time set, that time ran down, and as such I simply stated the rightful winner of the pokemons! // I will delete everyone's comments, and will leave only the post that belong in this thread. DO NOT COMMENT FURTHER IN HERE. @Chizune I will leave this thread open only for you to post the evidence of every single trade! I expect you to do as such. To every winner, in case the seller, doesnt reach out to you, or straight up refuses to honor the deal, DO NOT COMMENT HERE, simply press the report button. Again, I wish this to go smooth, Chizune, you might reach out to me if you wish to, I will happily explain the situation. Can be either via PMs or General Complains. Kind Regards, * Zoruami *
    1 point
  12. all ok for me ... the action can therefore continue, I would like to apologize flatly for my lack of knowledge of the rules with the players. And I would like to thank Zoruami for having reminded me of them. good luck again
    1 point
  13. Greetings, @Elyasumene You have been punished for Poorly Handling this auction. You cannot dictate the rules, if you decide to create a forum auction, you will have to follow Forum Rules. Please consider reading Auction Rules to avoid further mistakes. As stated below, you have the 15min rule: With that said, I have reverted the trade. Please both players confirm the outcomes. This auction will continue for another 24 hours. The end point will be on the 1/07 4:19PM GMT+0. @Leeluckya currently has the best offer of 800k. Kind Regards, * Zoruami *
    1 point
  14. Starting Offer: 10k ; Current Offer: 100k Min Bid: 2k Ends: 1 hour after 1st bid. https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/4335637/solosis
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. buy shiny pikachu add my ingame when online newplayer77 pls
    1 point
  19. Approx 15 minutes remaining
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. u win the auction add my discord Refandra#6877
    1 point
  22. Ok i give up Hf with ur pokes haha
    1 point
  23. 3 here comes another..... Tbh I didn't even checked the poke first
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. I think Beerus got the dub... Congratulations buddy Next time then laco
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. 181,181 What if I bid at 14 min 59th second every time?
    1 point
  29. What time will the auction get over ?
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. May I ask what were the complaints regarding? If we make a comparison, reducing happiness may prove more effective and useful than not having that effect. The main reason I ask for the happiness reduction effect to be resumed is because of the max happiness bug. When a pokemon reaches max happiness, it sometimes needs to be knocked out and healed and its happiness raised again to evolve. This is particularly hard and annoying to do if the pokemon is a very high level such as 98-99.
    1 point
  32. All the seven dragonballs! Please use it for an event to transform Rayquaza into Shenlong form, I beg you! Brazilball: Germanball: MURICAball: Indiaball: Greeceball: Italyball: Franceball: Portugalball: Spainball: Canadaball: Vietnamball:
    1 point
  33. Hello, This is my first time participating in contests of this style. But I always wanted to give it a try So, here it is, this is the Spooky Ball, Intended to capture and contain ghost-type Pokémon, but it's a prototype, so some ectoplasm may leak out I wanted to make another design so here it is, it is called the Millennium Ball, found in some ancient ruins, they are made of a mysterious crystal and emit a very dim light. So... I couldn't get this idea out of my head, so here it is, the "Dragon Ball" supposedly you can find them with a radar. Honestly, I'm going to keep doing desings until I have no more ideas :3 This is the "Droid Ball", I made it a bit inspired by a steampunk theme. This pokeball is actually a small robot that targets pokemon and flies towards them making it easier to catch them. Today i have a couple ideas to pokeballs, this is one of those. The UFO ball, was a little hard to make it look like a pokeball and like a ufo at the same time. The second one today is the Princess Ball, it's a little bit different that a regular ball but i like to keep things fresh and out of the standard. Yet another one, i called this one the Flask Ball. I guess it should really be called potion ball, but I like the word "flask". A few observations, the first is that I think that of all the pokeballs I've made, this is the one I have the least faith that it will be selected, because one of the designs exceeds the size of the original png of a pokeball, But I hope it won't really be a problem. The other thing I wanted to comment, is that recently I realized that most of the pokeballs I make are glassy and shiny xdd that correlation was not intentional So, I'm surprised no one has made a pokeball with this theme, not much more to say, it's an egg, the Egg ball. Slightly inspired by a Yoshi egg, and considering that there are Yoshi mounts in the game, it seems fitting. Today i bring to you the Bomb Ball. With this i was aiming yo make a dark tone base pokeball. I want to try to cover diversity of color palettes with my designs. About the ball, well, probably not the most efficient pokeball, but maybe a worth risk
    1 point
  34. Cosmo Ball More effective at catching Psychic type Pokémon. Scale Ball More effective at catching Dragon type Pokémon. Chrome Ball More effective at catching Steel type Pokémon. Pal Ball A Pokéball modelled after Pachirisu. Catch rate is identical to that of a standard Pokéball. Refresh Ball For every 10 refresh balls thrown in battle, 1 will reappear in your inventory. Catch rate is identical to that of a standard Pokéball. Artifact Ball More effective at catching Rock and Ground type, as well as fossil Pokémon.
    1 point
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