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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/23 in Posts

  1. Seasonal events are fine as is.. I would only want outbreaks for pokes that cannot be caught otherwise to be more frequent. And also make them available for everyone again just like before.. WQ is fine as well since we cant have people getting too much of the tickets because it is something to look forwards to..
    3 points
  2. Overall I personally think that the formula is an improvement from the old one which was confusing and unnecessary for the most part. Some touch-ups might be needed especially for the end-game in my opinion but that's something doable. Anyways, just wanted to share my opinion some points mentioned here : Personally I think the prices are too high right now but having a very fast or faster exp spot that needs money is a decent money sink option. That's already the case. Your options for end-game before were Cerulean or Pinkan Island (Or Dragon den perhaps), both which are specific spots in one specific region. Most of the towers are close enough to a PC for it to not be too annoying. I do agree that the towers make Cerulean cave obsolete for end-game which shouldn't really be considering the steep requirements for unlocking it Most of explained through the NPC on the left, unsure what was confusing from that part. Can't disagree more than this, especially for the level part. 5-10 mins to level 100 would kill the level up service and removes a grind part from an MMO. Grinding is part of MMO's, whether you like it or not. Leveling was never a chore overall. EV's are even easier to do now with EXP and it's quite fast with the safari so I don't agree with it either Move updates, dungeons, events, etc are still updates. Just because something doesn't interest you or you dislike it doesn't make it a "false" update. Updates aren't just regions or buffs. Needless to say I still agree with the overall thinking of the post. The best changes in my opinion should be to the towers regarding a price reduction (it gets expensive fast) or better exp yields, and buffs to cerulean, pinkan, etc exp wise. This is just from trying it a couple of times so my opinion might change over the week
    3 points
  3. HELLO PROS! After a long break from PRO, because of studies in University for my degree and working. At last i’m back Here’s a introduction about myself: My name is Kyuuta, I'm 22 years old from Malaysia . I played PRO since i was 15 years old (2016). I used to be an artist for my art sign shop, named KyuuShop. I believe there’s still have leftover of my KyuuShop topic, you can find it by search KyuuShop at the search bar. I was in a guild before, it called Chronos and Reborn (Red Server). I guess it didn't last long, I wish I can still see my old friends here. I miss them so much The reason why I left PRO because I continued my study in Graphic Design course. Now I have been working as a Senior Graphic Designer at printing Company. My contribution on PRO are basically in Art For your information, I'm the one who design this Pokemon Revolution Online Logo The one they used for discord animated icon. I'm just glad they used it And here some of my sign artwork for my previous clients in PRO Although, I'm happy to be here again! Wish can make new friends! I’m thinking about create a new art shop in PRO, what you guys think?
    2 points
  4. Alomomola: s.o 1m min bid 50k 72hr auction after 1st bid Insta price: 3m Clefairy: s.o 350k min bid: 50k 24 hour auction after 1st bid No insta. Accepted payment methods: Pokedollars Note: I can transfer in between servers to make the trade.
    2 points
  5. Hi... I just finished the 3rd run of the day but now all of my items are gone... please help. Username: White507 Server: Silver * Cleared Houndoom's room, defeated mini-gardes, garde boss and shadow garde * It was a team run, I was with (ochovolteado, exoden, anfy and jaggerwich) When we started doing the dungeon runs, we noticed it was a bit laggy, but the problem only appeared at the last run, after run#1, i checked and i had my items, run#2, the same, but on run#3, i noticed I didn't have heal items and MT and I immediately took screenshots etc * I caught a rotom, got the 4 rewards, went to the exit of reward room and clicked exit *I didn't do anything after the dungeon, once I left the rewards area, checked my inventory, had nothing, waited for a few minutes, nothing, tried to relog and still nothing
    2 points
  6. Hello, Start Point: 29/7 3:04AM Gmt+0 End Point: 1/8 3:04AM Gmt+0 Then, the last valid bid has to be made at most at 1/8 3:03AM Gmt+0 Please read carefully the rules, and what I have posted above! I will lock this thread as resolved. If you have any complain, require any further explanation, you are free to make an appeal. Kind Regards, * Zoruami *
    2 points
  7. The shell ball! Well a decorative ball as same ratio of a superball or pokeball but if was putting a addition i guess can be better when is used to a pokemon who having shell
    2 points
  8. I was fighting bosses when i lost in first i thought i made wrong swap and i lost it i said ok after 10 minutes i lost next and then 3 more . I saw when i was returning skarmory to next poke skarmory was comming back and then skarmory was going to fight so i lost many rewards because of this . Because is crazy i got some videos to prove that. Was 3 times of bosses and i lost my chances. I cant post them here because it doesn't let me plz add me in discord to show you my name is Aggelos79 or Aggelos79#4073
    1 point
  9. Hello, Since I've had multiple attempts to discuss PRO events with Staff members and other players, I decided to make this unofficial poll, that doens't really have any immense impact to how the things look like currently. I wanted to gather other opinions how ppl feel about event frequency in PRO, in general. Here is the list of current events in game: Valentines day event Star wars event Easter event Summer event Halloween event Christmas event Also, there are some minor events, we can't forget about and this is the list of them: Monthly World Quest Outbreaks Weekly Fishing and Bug catching contest At the end of this summary I'll put my opinion on those, but here i'd like to stick to the facts and actual goal of this topic/goal, which is gathering answers for a question: Do you fell it is enough to keep you attached to the game, to keep the game fresh and community busy. After gathering opinions by myself, in game, or on discord, I have an impression that most of the player base craves more temporal content, that pops off from time to time (events, to be precise), while Staff members are more like "there is enough of that". I don't want to start a hateful discussion or try to convince anyone that he's wrong about this topic, I just want to know if I'm in minority, or the majority of players that think the same. So I run into 1 argument before, that I want to answer right now: Players obviously always wants more I want to say that it's not always true. There is alot of cases when players have enough if we speak about frequency, but not enough when we speak about quality. This topic is about frequency, not really about quality of the events. However, you can treat quality as a side topic here. Speaking about quality, I'll post here a short input I have about it: I think World Quest would be a decent event if it was hosted weekly. I don't think it's good enough to be the only event in June and July. I have no opinion about Outbreaks, because I can't participate in them. This event is limited for 300 players (max), that are in top PvP guilds and can access guild island. I think fishing contest is broken. The bucket of rare mons, without day time diversity ruins this contest. For me, it was usualy 0 submitions for the constest, coz I failed to find submittable rare mon within 1 hour. Eventualy I stop participating into it. Poll is gonna end in 1 week, to not prolong it too much, I hope we can get some votes to reflect our feeling about events in PRO Thanks for reading!
    1 point
  10. Welcome to AuraMasters! A place where everyone is special! This thread isn't finished, so please ignore this! Thank you for browsing in, we appreciate your time and attention. If you're interested in finding new people to play with or want to stick in a nice environment, AuraMasters might be something for you! We are active on both GOLD and SILVER! BIG NEWS! You can contribute to the SILVER guild and be a part of the guild from the very beginning! We need help with some roles About the guild What differs us from other guilds? Role System Benefits How to apply and contact? Roles Requirements Thank you for reading this post all along! We hope to see you soon! With kind regards, Avanox2 & Silver Knight.
    1 point
  11. Hello, I have forced this trade due to y'all not being able to meet up in-game. @Lazyse You will find 500k added to your account with the Metagross removed from your PC. @Legend69420 You will find 500k removed from your account and the Metagross in the last spot of your PC. Best Regards, MBK
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Oh, I won? Lmfaoo, ping me in discord whenever you're available. I don't really check forums all that much.
    1 point
  15. yes i am also facing it too much annoying!
    1 point
  16. @Varun9696 Just wanted to let you know,there is one same picture in your post
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. to be fair XD001 was good little update but the events are also old i wish they would at least add one of the og legendaries to each reoccuring events for the ppl who alrdy finished all quests... like xd001 it was a great idea why not more like this, instead theyre always reworking functions that work well or at least 90 % well thats why i think this posts title fits well ( the lastest EXP rework is just one of them, digspots, bosses, spawns, repeltricks, dailytasks, boss limit, rarity tiers, boss banns, pvp banns, untradeable reroll rework etc just to name a few) how much time was invested and wasted in this and how many players did our great game lost to those completely senseless endless reworks... is mewtwo catch not important to anyone anymore? or u want to tell me a pokémon game rather needs a skovet or kelbeo years before groudon ho-oh etc ? why do they infinitely handicap us in kanto instead of finally moving on to astrella and unova or a decent pvp rework that either allows everything or gives us more opportunities to battle other trainers and make use of our hunts than just 1 OU queue
    1 point
  19. +1 it shouldve been made easier not harder to level it disappoints me, after all these years they are still spending their time infinitely reworking and patching down stuff that worked just fine. last real update was in 2017....
    1 point
  20. U know when next 15min start? I am surely win this auction, if owner continue this I will call mod for force trade , Check there when I put I win that time, the auction time over
    1 point
  21. Hello, just here to clarify a few things. -Currently, Shinohara is single-handedly processing all the 2FA related problems, which are now several hundred at this point. He is incredibly busy trying to be as fast and efficient as he can with everyone's requests. He will get to your thread when he is able to. All we ask is that you wait. -You will not lose your account. It will still be there even if you do not change the email quickly. This ties back into the first point of being patient. -The report button is for notifying Staff of rule-breaking behavior, to force a trade(Tmods only), or to draw our attention to a thread that is locked(player cannot reply to it anymore). By no means is it a way to get a quicker reply from us. Hope that clears things up. If there are any more questions you have, feel free to ask them.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Nazar Ball Protects you from bad eyes and jealousy HIgher catch rate: Psychic + Ghost Type Version 1 Version 2
    1 point
  24. Copy Ball Oshawott Ball Citrus Ball Apple Ball Takoyaki Ball Rice Ball | | | | Totoro Ball Minty Ball Starry Ball Yarn Ball Fairy Ball Rainbow Ball Cremie Ball
    1 point
  25. Here's my participation, hope you'll like it Edit : Add fishing ball & Volcan Ball
    1 point
  26. Theres another one The Beld-ball what the Beld-ball does makes pokemons difficult to capture like beldum or similar have a higher capture rate but if it becomes an easy pokemon to capture it would be the same as the normal pokeball
    1 point
  27. Bubble Ball Orb Ball Slimy Ball Frozen Ball Old egyptian Ball Poison Ball Star Ball Death Star
    1 point
  28. I present the shiny ball. Have you ever encountered a shiny Graveler that can Explode and it has you sweating? No worries with the Shiny Ball. It has a higher catch rate than an Ultra Ball but only for shiny pokemon! I present the shadow ball. Modeled after the gen 3 animation for the move. This ball will have a slightly higher catch rate than an Ultra Ball for only Ghost Types. I present the big nugget ball. The most expensive pokeball to hit the market. This ball is carved from a big nugget and the button is topped off with star piece fragments. This pokeball is only produced for the rich and obviously so because it has the same catch rate as a normal pokeball. I present the toxic ball. This ball is modeled after the toxic orb. This ball will have a slightly higher catch rate than an Ultra Ball for only Poison Types.
    1 point
  29. Hello, This is my first time participating in contests of this style. But I always wanted to give it a try So, here it is, this is the Spooky Ball, Intended to capture and contain ghost-type Pokémon, but it's a prototype, so some ectoplasm may leak out I wanted to make another design so here it is, it is called the Millennium Ball, found in some ancient ruins, they are made of a mysterious crystal and emit a very dim light. So... I couldn't get this idea out of my head, so here it is, the "Dragon Ball" supposedly you can find them with a radar. Honestly, I'm going to keep doing desings until I have no more ideas :3 This is the "Droid Ball", I made it a bit inspired by a steampunk theme. This pokeball is actually a small robot that targets pokemon and flies towards them making it easier to catch them. Today i have a couple ideas to pokeballs, this is one of those. The UFO ball, was a little hard to make it look like a pokeball and like a ufo at the same time. The second one today is the Princess Ball, it's a little bit different that a regular ball but i like to keep things fresh and out of the standard. Yet another one, i called this one the Flask Ball. I guess it should really be called potion ball, but I like the word "flask". A few observations, the first is that I think that of all the pokeballs I've made, this is the one I have the least faith that it will be selected, because one of the designs exceeds the size of the original png of a pokeball, But I hope it won't really be a problem. The other thing I wanted to comment, is that recently I realized that most of the pokeballs I make are glassy and shiny xdd that correlation was not intentional So, I'm surprised no one has made a pokeball with this theme, not much more to say, it's an egg, the Egg ball. Slightly inspired by a Yoshi egg, and considering that there are Yoshi mounts in the game, it seems fitting. Today i bring to you the Bomb Ball. With this i was aiming yo make a dark tone base pokeball. I want to try to cover diversity of color palettes with my designs. About the ball, well, probably not the most efficient pokeball, but maybe a worth risk
    1 point
  30. Cosmo Ball More effective at catching Psychic type Pokémon. Scale Ball More effective at catching Dragon type Pokémon. Chrome Ball More effective at catching Steel type Pokémon. Pal Ball A Pokéball modelled after Pachirisu. Catch rate is identical to that of a standard Pokéball. Refresh Ball For every 10 refresh balls thrown in battle, 1 will reappear in your inventory. Catch rate is identical to that of a standard Pokéball. Artifact Ball More effective at catching Rock and Ground type, as well as fossil Pokémon.
    1 point
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