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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/23 in all areas

  1. - SHOP RULES - I'm willing to negociate when you buy in bulk. Any fake offer will be reported. Be careful ! You can't cancel your offer. Buyers from Gold are welcome but they must transfer to Silver. No auctions here, only insta prices. Items displayed are not included. 10% discount for Holydoof members. - ACCEPTED CURRENCIES - Pokedollars Reroll Ticket - 500k Nature Reroll - 250k Coin Capsule - 400k Master Ball - 60k - Contact - IG : Fafouney Discord : fafouney (ID: 224141264130408448) GMT : +2 I strongly recommend you to pm me on Discord, it's faster and easier. Pokémon list: All 200k each! Ty for shopping in Faf's Industries !
    2 points
  2. start 4m min raise 100k Instant 9m End time - 48 hours from first bid . Accept cc 360k and RR 500k
    2 points
  3. if the artist team didnt change it after me submitting it, it means it gets a pass The point of this competition was to get the whole community together tomake something and if we just let the PRO artists do the work, there would be no fun would there? IT would just be a bunch of non-special sprites without an interesting backstory The sprite doesnt have outlines and particles because its supposed to be as close as it is to an actual pokemon game sprite. I dont know any of them in the main-stream games with particles and outlines You cant just add particles and outlines to something and make it instantly better, thats unoriginal, youre missing the bigger picture. The actual idea of the sprite The shadows on the valentines one and the summer one are the same, they use the same shading idea as the original pokemon sprite but just filled with a different colour. Im sorry you had to go thru to catching it and whatever but if you didnt like it, why did you catch it or choose to hunt it in the first place? See Shiny looking with cutesy stuff around it = very cool and le proffesional
    2 points
  4. I think the summer form is classy and aesthetic. Only goldfish are attracted to shiny stuff exclusively
    2 points
  5. I honestly already like the sprite a lot and don't think it needs any changes.
    2 points
  6. Before anything is said, I take this post as disrespectful to me like.... "Intern" REALLY?? wow okay Hello! The artist behind the summer Lapras here, I hear you and I have to agree the sprite isnt the best but then again i did have around 2 weeks of spriting experience and did the sprite in around 3 hours, I agree i can do much better and I plan on fixing it today and improving it but heres the thing, I submitted it to the devs and they said that if they see the need to fix it or something the Artist Team especially will tweak the sprite till they think its good so im not at fault at here they thought it was good (The outline on the cone was definetly tweaked and made worse imo but still) Dont take any of this to heart but heres a bit of me letting out the flame because why not What is your thought process? You see a sprite with a softer outline and a full colour outline and some particles and thats what makes a sprite good? Think a bit harder next time Also what do you mean "water particles" do you soak your icecream in water before eating it? Makes no sense There are shadows but i guess its easier to complain then to examine a bit. Ill end on this question. Where is your sprite in the game? Dont like it dont hunt it, you want something better then make it yourself
    2 points
  7. Status Open Queue Empty Contact IGN: Caennethi or Caenneth (Alt) Discord: caenneth Timezone: CET Accepted Payments Pokedollars Coin Capsule: 400k IV Reroll: 500k Nature Reroll: 250k Terms Prices LVL-Service Number of Pokemons < 5 ==> 90k each Number of Pokemons ≥ 5 ==> 80k each If a Pokemon is above lvl 70 i will only take half the price EV-Service Number of Pokemons < 5 ==> 45k each Number of Pokemons ≥ 5 ==> 40k each If a Pokemon is under lvl 40 and u don't want level service aswell i will take 10k more than usual per mon During Party EXP Share Event Number of Pokemons > 3 that need same EVs ==> 15k each Otherwise 40k each 70k for EV and Level for New Leaf Guild Members Only
    1 point
  8. START BID : 1 M MIN. RAISE : 100 K INSTA : 12 M Only MONEY Auction ends 24H after FIRST BID Good luck !
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 80k all (each)
    1 point
  11. start pawniard and litwick +20k zorua
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Hoo sorry for that 300k for magnemite
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Starting Point: 800k Current Offer: 13m500k by saruron Min Raise: 100k No insta Auction end 48h after start (September 15th 18:18)
    1 point
  16. 500k on both glalie / kazam
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. look man i don't know much about the game and all but isn't the entire point of the game is that everybody gets a chance, not only is leaving the sprites to "veteran artists" incredibly demotivating, but the sprite is fine in it's own right of course some sprites are gonna be better than others that's how art works, and if you don't like that then just make it yourself cuh tldr: there isn't anything wrong with the sprite, you're just expecting 10/10 works from a COMMUNITY FOCUSED GAME
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Hi bro , i have a Lot of pokes to level, My discord is renaciente
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Still available? if it is, i'll buy it.
    1 point
  26. Hi got 3 pokes I want to lvl Discord Radovid10 Ev train I would have Chimchar 252 atk 252 SPD 6 hp Pawn atk SPD 252 both hp 6
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. How hyped are you for Halloween? Not much tbh, I liked the Darkrai quest a lot but the only thing I look forward to is the Mega Gengar Chess minigame. I wish it could be farmable somehow. Which Halloween forms do you like the most? Which forms are you looking forward to hunt during Halloween? Diglett. sus I would only ever hunt Diglett because of its 100% spawnrate. I find the rates too low to consider hunting for something aside from the Larvesta + Noibat spawn because those 2 skins are insanely good. Do you think it's good that there are so many new forms this year? Yes. But it doesn't change much if the rates are so high. I think the game would benefit a lot if event forms were easier to find (except for Star Wars, that's perfectly fine). Even if events last for weeks (or a month and a half) sometimes you barely find 2-3 forms in the entire event. You should be able to find forms way more often. Though the amount of new forms is really helping the game IMO. It leaves you a lot of options to hunt for more uncommon forms like Pineco for players who PvE more than PvP and hunt outside of event maps. More uncommon pokemon or less used pokemon getting skins is really nice. Should we add less next time? If so, how many forms per event do you think would be reasonable? No, I think the amount you introduced during Summer is fine. I just wouldn't give so many skins to the always favourites (Gardevoir/Gallade) and would spread more across other pokemon that don't get so much love. Which Pokémon do you think deserves a form, and for which event would you prefer it to be introduced? I have many ideas on this honestly, so I'll drop a few: Easter REALLY needs more skins. It barely has any, so Easter Buneary and evos or Easter Alolan-Exeggutor for example. I honestly have so many ideas for Summer and Halloween forms but almost none for Easter, it barely gets any love. For example, Halloween Pawniard/evo, Houndour/evo, Hoothoot/evo, Zubat/evo (how has this line never gotten a skin yet LOL), Misdreavus/evo and so on. Many dark/ghost/psychic/related pokemon could get fun skins for Halloween. I think Easter needs to have more Fairy/Grass/Bug pokemon or cute pokemon getting related skins, carrying egg baskets or something I guess. Which mounts, in your opinion, need a rework? I only ride Yoshi all the time so I can't really give my opinion on this.
    1 point
  29. Huge congrats! and looking forward to be given away
    1 point
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