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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/24 in all areas

  1. S.o: 10m. C.o: 34m by Pokemonking44 Min raise: 1m. No insta Ends 3d after first bid. Countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/counters/fullscreen.html?mode=a&year=2024&month=2&day=13&hour=16&min=55&sec=0&p0=58&msg=Charizard
    3 points
  2. Hey @Dextrax Sorry to hear that happened to you... Sadly since you acknowledged and pressed yes to the overwrite of the IV change we cannot bring back your 31 31 Zapdos since that would be unfair to the other player. I know it is not what you were hoping to hear but in the future please be sure to carefully read the warnings (the game let's you know that it will only keep the last 3 IV changes). Here's where you can see that it only saves the last 3 IV changes. please be more careful in the future. I hope that answers all your questions, once again I am sorry that we weren't able to accept your request. Kind regards, Sadporo
    2 points
  3. Be one of an elite PRO guild which consists of members with high dedication to be the best. We are composed of two guilds one mainly for PvP ( Genesis ) We hope to build a family, something more than just a game community. General Requirement: ● Be at least 18 years old ● Be able to use Discord ● Follow PRO ToS and Guild Rules ● Don't be rude or offensive, but the banter is welcomed Discord Requirement: 1) Very Active in Discord, we give emphasis on interactions within Discord. 2) Be active in the game PVP and PVE side. 3) At least 400 hours of playtime ● What's your in-game name? ● How old are you? ● Are you active in Discord? ● Where are you from? ● What's your total playtime? ● What's your goal in PRO? ● What do you enjoy while playing the game? ● Why do you want to be part of the guild? ● What's your favourite Pokemon and why? We know that many of you have lost the motivation to play PRO. We hope these services will help you guys a bit to gain motivation throughout playing the game. Dex Service Kanto: completed Johto: completed Hoenn: completed Sinnoh: completed Story & PvP Pokemon Lend We lend Pokemons to rush through the story or to enjoy PvP Failure to follow the rules will result in an immediate exclusion from the guild
    1 point
  4. C.O. 450k by 007iqbal Min Bid 50k Ends in 24hours from start End Point - 2:06am 13/2/24 IST GMT +5.30 Accepted Payments - Coin Capsule (400k), IV Reroll (500k) and Pokedollars
    1 point
    1 point
  6. S.o = 10m Min bid = 500k auction end 72h after 1st bid accept cc =350k
    1 point
  7. s.o. 100k min bid 50k cc= 400k The auction end 12 hrs after the 1st bid 15min rule
    1 point
  8. Start Offer: 800 K Min. Bid : 100 k No insta Accept Cc: 400 K Rerroll Ivs : 500 K Time: 24 Hrs after first bid.
    1 point
  9. okay verm meet now IGN Trinity0801
    1 point
  10. hello, im having connection issues due to storm and i got disconected by lag like 24 hours ago. Problem is that i cant login to gold server as it says im already logged in but i can log in into silver where im not playing, how can i solve this? tx
    1 point
  11. Hiya @Flamingxexu I am sorry to hear about your situation. I had contacted our Developers and they have fixed the issue for you right now and you should be able to freely login. Will you please confirm if all is in order? Looking forward to your response. Wish you a lovely Sunday, Fusionflair
    1 point
  12. 100k Commnon shiny Sandslash 300k Adamant max atk and decent def, hp and speed Scyther Johto 5k pokes Some are trashes some are decents... Assorted pokes
    1 point
  13. I give money away to random people until Astrella comes out. @Ibeastly
    1 point
  14. Yeah that the long grind I will now close this topic since it has been solved. Please do not hesitate to reach out again in the future if you have anymore questions or concerns! Have a good one, Sadporo.
    1 point
  15. That's understandable. Thankyou for the response. Guess I'll stock up on some rerolls from now
    1 point
  16. Hello @Ortegajd In the future please read the Trade rules when it comes to posting Variant-themed pokemon in the Selling Pokemon sub-forum: I have moved your thread to the proper Shiny and Special sub-forum. You may proceed as normal. Innerfocus
    1 point
  17. Started by 19rubenz, 24 hrs from now.
    1 point
  18. Hey there @Ibluayasaki, Sorry for the inconvenience, We have forwarded your request to our Developers. It might take sometime for it to be processed as to which you’ll need to wait patiently for this as I hope to get back soon with you on this. Have a great day. Kind regards, Duraludon
    1 point
  19. Hi ! I play on Gold server and my name is Secteurja, I traded yesterday my machoke (from Sinnoh) to someone on Vulcan Island so it could evolve and the person would give it back to me, but the person is still in the Kanto region and can't take the poke out of the pc to give it to me. I really need this poke as I'm doing sinnoh with only 2 poke and this one was the main one. Here is the screen of the poke locked in the pc of Niiick0, who is the person I traded it.
    1 point
  20. Not completely sure but this might be Viridian Forest Maze. Horsea is one of the Pokemon the player can get after completing the maze which is in the forest. The entrance of the maze is also a big tree. Hope this helps. Any chance you could help with mine? I'm stuck on: Love is like a rock thrown, You can't see it coming but the feeling, Unswerving like Marowak's love for Cubone.
    1 point
  21. @Trinity0801 No problem. Is Vermillion a good place to trade possibly? Let me know
    0 points
  22. In-game name: St34lth Server: Gold Timezone: GMT+6 Discord Tag (Optional): ST34LTH#5561 I need help evolving my Haunter into a Gengar. I'm available from 8am till 10 PM GMT+6. Thanks! EDIT: NVM i got a friend to trade with me. disregard.
    0 points
  23. REQUIREMENTS: Hoenn Champion and 250 hours of playtime The Quest starts in Vermilion City. You have to speak to Officer Jenny. She will ask you for help to find two Rocket Members that ran away, by asking people around for help. Talk to the girl in front of the Pokecenter. She will tell you that two people went to Route 6. Go north to Saffron. Once you are in Saffron talk to this guy. The biker will tell you that two people almost ran him over and talked about stealing some stuff. Go to the Celadon Department Store next and talk to the owner. Go to Route 7 and fight Cassidy and Butch Team (All Pokemon lvl 120) Ratticate, Hitmontop, Mightyena, Tentacruel, Hypno, Charizard After the fight go back to Vermilion City to report to Officer Jenny. She will tell you to talk to the sailor at the harbor. Once in Pinkan City Jenny will explain the situation and ask you to meet her south in the forest. You bump into a Rocket Trainer once you enter the forest that you need to beat. Team Raticate - Hypno - Weavile You then need to find 3 Rocket members that disappear once you come close to them, they hide somewhere close. Once you find them you need to battle them. First one: Team Rapidash, Electrode, Yanmega Second one: Team Nidoqueen, Golbat, Crobat, Nidoking Third one (Needs rock smash): Team Gengar, Misdreavus, Spiritbomb After beating all 3 the Pinkan Island Cliff is now free to enter. Trainers on the island: Left side Trainer Team Houndoom, Donphan, Ariados (Talk to the Vileplume to get a miracle seed) Right side Trainer Team Venomoth, Beedrill, Ariados (Talk to the Parasect to get a Big Mushroom) You have to save a Pink Rhyhorn (which doesn't actually show as pink though) from Team Rocket. Enjoy their fun dialogue. Butch and Cassidy (120) Nidoking, Shuckle, Aggron, Cloyster, Primeape I won't spoiler the story here, because it's really funny in my opinion. But then you have to beat Giovanni. Beat Giovanni. Team (120): Persian, Tyranitar, Excadrill, Rhyperior, Nidoking, Mega Kangaskhan After you beat Giovanni Officer Jenny will bring you back to Pinkan City. You now need a level 90 Electrabuzz and Scyther with full happiness to be able to go farm Pink Pokemon. Officer Jenny Boss Info given by 6Head, thank you! :Heart: Team Arcanine, Ariados, Luxray, Manectric, Swoobat and Clawitzer Rewards 10-15k $ Dawnstone Thunderstone Waterstone Leafstone Moonstone Metal Coat Electrizer 5 Rare Candy - still unknown please help me complete this =) - Please don't quote this post, because it overloads the forum with all the images. Thank you. :Angel:
    0 points
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