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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/24 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone. I would like to suggest this new WQ system. Why? This isn't just because Bidoof's WQ Failure. Sometimes WQ happen in a local time that benefits just part of the players, because sometimes takes 5h to complete if WQ has repel for example (Like starts a WQ at 3 a.m. local time for me, and i just came online like 10 a.m.) So my suggestion is this: (will use bidoof's wq) Pokemon: Bidoof Total Individual Values: 1,800,000 Single Individual Values: 9,000 Average submissions: 97 Lowest Tier: Common Reward: Mysterious Ticket Duration: 24 hours, or until submission goal We remove the submission goal as duration of WQ. Let the players use all the 24h to hunt and submit the pokés, and when the 24h time is over, the players who get the 0,5% or 3% will get the rewards. Yes, i know this can make more players doing 3% because it'll take full 24h. But also will let others players have the chance to get 0,5% just because they might have only 2h or 3h to play in a day. With this we solve the disappointment of doing a WQ to get 2 shards that just will be used when another wq fail (can take years), and i think will be an incentive to more players do the WQ.
    4 points
  2. Today both Silver and Gold Servers failed Bidoof World Quest. Therefore I'm suggesting a Bidoof Part 2. I know Summer Event is supposed to come some time soon (No ETA) so suggested time could be direct after Summer Event ends. Similar to how we got Valentine's Part 2 after Easter Event. Reasoning: • Total Amount to be collected was 300k more than it was supposed to. • It was done at a working day instead of a Weekend, which leads to people not being able to balance with real life. • Significant amount of players were unable to join on Silver Silver until a bug was fixed. Please understand players frustration and request. Thanks in advance.
    3 points
  3. Several elements have led to this unfortunate (but, as Marouflard said, not very surprising) failure of the world quest today. - The main issue was that players were given 24 hours, on a working (for most people) day, to hunt 5 forms. There were no indications about the possibility to hunt these at any other moment, and the expected number of forms needed to get all 5 is 5^5/5! which is 26. So, basically, there is a big incentive to hunt these forms, considering 24 hours might very well not be enough to get them all. - Secondly, as stated before by other people, the world quest happening on a means, for most people, much less time to spend on the game. It also means that it is more difficult to commit on something : you might very well spend 2 hours playing, but if you don't know in advance that you will be able to spend 2 hours on the world quest, you're not going to catch any non-form Bidoof, because of the strong incentive to focus on forms. - Thirdly, there is a structural flaw of the world quest in itself, it is that there are only 2 thresholds : 0.5% and 3%. That means that there is no incentive at all to go the extra mile and reach, for example, 1.5% unless we want to push to 3%. One way to solve it would be for example to give small rewards every .1%, like a few rare candies or whatever. It wouldn't really destroy the economy. The lack of incentive to push for more than 0.5% had this logical consequence : people were submitting just enough to get 0.5% and then went back to farming. Those 3 elements made people not care enough about completing the world quest until the end was very close, and it was of course too late. Here are my suggestions : - It doesn't really matter if it is exactly July 1st when the world quest is launched, we literally had Valentine's in June, so it would make more sense to me to make it happen on a weekend - As Hulfrite said, it would be a much bigger incentive to make the forms a reward for completing the world quests : if people were less in a hurry to get some Bidoof forms (if they were available for one week, for example), they would of course be much more interested in the world quest in itself. Also, adding small rewards for people who go the extra mile after reaching .5% would have almost guaranteed the world quest to be completed. Thanks for reading, I hope you'll like my suggestions.
    3 points
  4. The individual % are already counted for the rewards, event if the world quest fail, and the global goal is not reached, you still have mysterious shards as a rewards, that you can exchange for mysterious tickets. I think a good suggestion for this kind of world quests would be to separate the world quest and the forms hunting, or let the forms hunting after the world quest, cause right now, with 5 differents forms, a lot of people, including myself, were farming the forms, and not catching any bidoof after the 0.5% reached. Forms available only if the global goal is reached could be a great motivation for everyone.
    2 points
  5. Hello and welcome to my new Shop where you can find a lot of variety Pokèmon Those are 3 important rules: -No fake offer (once you made the offer here or in game you can't back out) -Prices are all negotiable (but i have all the right to decline your offer ^^ ) -Pokèmon will be listed by alphabetical order Method of Payments: - POKEDOLLARS - COIN CAPSULE (400K) - NATURE REROLL (250K) - REROLL IV (500K) HOW TO CONTACT ME: -: QASAR -: QASAR A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z More Pokèmon will be added in the future so stay tuned!
    1 point
  6. HOW TO TOUCH GRASS: What is grass? Poaceae (/poʊˈeɪsiaɪ, -siːiː/) or Gramineae (/ɡrəˈmɪniaɪ/) is a large and nearly ubiquitous family of monocotyledonous flowering plants commonly known as grasses. It includes the cereal grasses, bamboos, the grasses of natural grassland and species cultivated in lawns and pasture. The latter are commonly referred to collectively as grass. (From Wikipedia) Advantages of touching grass; "Studies have shown that spending time in nature, including touching grass or walking barefoot on it, can lower cortisol levels, the stress hormone, and improve mood. Touching grass can also stimulate our senses, allowing us to feel the texture, temperature, and vitality of the natural world." (From Quora) How do I touch some dang grass already? 1. Go outside 2. Look for grass. Grass is common, avoid dead grass however. Look for lush, green growth. 3. Get low! You will gain more happiness by touching undisturbed, unprovoked grass! 4. Make contact! There are many different techniques so I will leave it up to you to find what works best. That's it! I hope you enjoyed my first guide! Please leave feedback for me!
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. You're very welcome! I'm glad that information helped you out. As that is the case I will go ahead and lock this thread. If you do have any more questions or concerns in the future, please feel free to create a new thread. Again, have a wonderful day! - Codexed
    1 point
  9. Auction closed. Marshtomp sold to Victor100. @Victor100, pm me when you'r online please.
    1 point
  10. Hello there! I'd be more than happy to give you some information on this. You can make a donation In-Game using the Coin Shop! In exchange for a donation, you will receive coins for the Coin Shop that you can spend on cosmetics, mounts, and coin capsules. For more information on coins and the Coin Shop in general, you can refer to this official PRO Wiki page on the subject: Coin Shop. I hope this information was helpful to you. If you have any more questions or concerns regarding this, please feel free to reach out. Have a great day! - Codexed
    1 point
  11. +1 It makes too much sense
    1 point
  12. +1 i think it would be benefical to the playerbase to give each server a re-attempt at completion, there was so many issues with so many people across both servers with not being able to logon, i think both parties would still fail, but many people were left for multipe hours 1/4 day not being able hunt the forms, which in turn was its main reason for people to participate and hunt
    1 point
  13. +1 this world quest bidoof was at a bad time Schedule world quest during August when a lot of players take summer vacation, not playing a monday for a Mysterious Ticket after a hard day of work ngl.
    1 point
  14. Wtb 26 HP prinplup, hopefully we'll manage to be online at the same time. Xd
    1 point
  15. It seems there is a bug on the silver, so a lot of people have nothing right now, should be fixed soon i guess? But here's the supposed rewards
    1 point
  16. Players just chased the Fools forms without catching and submitting normal Bidoof. So this failure comes as no surprise !
    1 point
  17. Agree +1 1.8m during summers/monday....Crazy quest
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. been about 2 years since the last safari weekend (4/30/2022 was the latest one I could find) and around 10 months since last outbreak (05/05/2023). pls have more
    1 point
  21. Goddamn I cant believe i missed this one
    1 point
  22. Trainer Tower Guide Welcome to the basic guide on how to make the most out of the Trainer Tower! The Trainer Tower is a new feature added to PRO after the Experience Rework. The Tower solves the current issues with experience training. Wild Battles are no longer really good for lategame players to level up their pokemon as the experience is low compared to fighting Trainer Battles. Gym Rematches, Copycats and Trainer Battles can help you level up 1 to 2 pokemon at a time. However, the Trainer Tower helps you level up an entire party at once! You can find the Trainer Tower in Route 13 in Kanto. Regardless of whether your pokemon participated in the fight or not, they will all gain experience as long as they’re not fainted! Since the rework, you can now evolve pokemon without penalisations. Pokemon now level up according to the original games’ experience curve. The Trainer Tower is filled with trainers, a Nurse Joy and a PC so you can train any pokemon in the game! The more pokemon you carry in your party, the less experience you will receive but it will be easier to climb the tower. The less pokemon, the more experience but riskier it will be! You can surrender against any of the trainers without a penalisation, being teleported or losing money. You only pay a small fee for entering the tower. You do not pay additional fees for climbing up floors in the tower! Just pay once and climb up several floors in a single journey! Prices go from 1.500 (from the first floor) to 9.000 (from entering from the 80+ level floor). To begin with, the Trainer Tower has multiple floors. Each floor’s trainer pokemon will have a maximum range of 10 levels. For example, floor 2 will have pokemon from level 20 to 29. Floor 5 will have pokemon from 50 to 59. This applies to all floors. All floors except floor 9 have 10 trainers in them. Floor 9 has 5 trainers whose pokemon range from 90 to 100. Each trainer will have more pokemon as you go up. For example, in floor 2 you might only find trainers with 2 pokemon that are not evolved. In floor 4, you might find trainers with 3 or 4 pokemon that might be evolved but can still evolve. In floor 6 and above, you should find trainers with 5 to 6 pokemon that are almost fully evolved. In floor 8 and above, trainers will have 6 pokemon that are fully evolved except very weird and rare occasions (such as finding Zweilous and Hydreigon in the same trainer). Each trainer will have a common theme: all of their pokemon will share one type. This leads to good and bad results: each trainer will for example have 6 ice types, but these might also have dual types (ice-flying, ice-grass, for example). Each trainer’s sprite also represents them. For example: The young girl is always the normal type trainer. The fire clown is always a fire type trainer. The sailor is always a water type trainer. The cute woman is always a grass type trainer. The trainer with orange clothes is always an electric type trainer, flying type trainer or normal type trainer. The woman with a ponytail and a backpack is always the rock type trainer. The skier is always an ice type trainer. The hiker is always a ground type trainer in higher floors (30+) or a steel type trainer in lower floors. (10-29) The scientist npc is either a steel type trainer or an electric type trainer. The kimono girl is always a fairy type trainer. The ace trainer is always a dragon type trainer. The rocket grunt is always a dark type trainer. The biker is always a poison type trainer. The male medium is always a psychic type trainer. The female medium is always a ghost type trainer. The karate trainer is always the fighting type trainer. The bug catcher is always the bug type trainer. To enter the tower, there are multiple floors a single pokemon is allowed to access specific floors directly. A level 1-9 pokemon can access floor 10-19. A level 10-19 pokemon can access floors 10-19, 20-29. A level 20-29 pokemon can access floors 10-19, 20-29, 30-39. A level 30-39 pokemon can access floors 20-29, 30-39, 40-49. A level 40-49 pokemon can access floors 30-39, 40-49, 50-59. A level 50-59 pokemon can access floors 40-49, 50-59, 60-69. A level 60-69 pokemon can access floors 50-59, 60-69, 70-79. A level 70-79 pokemon can access floors 60-69, 70-79, 80-89. A level 80-89 and above pokemon can access 70-79, 80-89, 90-100. A level 90-100 pokemon can access 80-89, 90-100. To enter the tower as a pokemon party, there are more restrictions. If your pokemon party has 10 to 19 levels of difference, these are the restrictions. A level 1-19 pokemon party can access floor 10-19. A level 10-29 pokemon party can access floors 10-19, 20-29. A level 20-39 pokemon party can access floors 20-29, 30-39. A level 30-49 pokemon party can access floors 30-39, 40-49. A level 40-59 pokemon party can access floors 40-49, 50-59. A level 50-69 pokemon party can access floors 50-59, 60-69. A level 60-79 pokemon party can access floors 60-69, 70-79. A level 70-89 pokemon party can access floors 70-79, 80-89. A level 80-100 pokemon party can access 80-89, 90-100 If your pokemon party has 10 to 29 levels of difference, these are the restrictions. A level 1-29 pokemon party can access floor 10-19. A level 10-39 pokemon party can access floor 20-29. A level 20-49 pokemon party can access floor 30-39. A level 30-59 pokemon party can access floor 40-49. A level 40-69 pokemon party can access floor 50-59. A level 50-79 pokemon party can access floor 60-69. A level 70-89 pokemon party can access floor 70-79. A level 80-100 and above pokemon party can access floors 80-89, 90-100 It is not possible to enter the tower with a higher level difference party than 29 levels. If the difference between levels in your party becomes higher than what I indicated above, you will NOT be able to climb more floors and you will have to leave the tower challenge, rearrange a new party that fulfills the conditions and reenter. For example, if I start the tower challenge with a 1-29 party but the pokemon at level 29 levels up to 30 and my lowest level pokemon is below 10, I will not be able to access floor 20-29. If I start the tower challenge with a 40-59 party but the level 59 pokemon goes up to 60, I will not be able to access floor 60-69. Check your level differences with what I wrote above. When you have paid the fee, you can choose which floor you want to access through the elevator. For example: I enter the tower with a level 60 pokemon and go directly to floor 60-69. I then talk to the elevator and go down to the 50-59 floor to fight a few trainers, then I take the elevator to go up to the 70-79 floor and then I go back to the 60-69 floor. If your pokemon is within the level range of any of the specified floors above, and you fulfill the conditions of these levels, you CAN switch freely between floors. If I enter the tower’s floor 60-69 with a level 69 pokemon and level up to 70 BEFORE I want to visit floor 50-59 for a bit extra experience before I continue climbing, I will NOT be able to do so anymore. The option in the elevator will disappear. The elevator calculates the levels of your party WHEN YOU TALK TO IT INSIDE THE TOWER. Thus, it takes your levels into account IN REAL TIME! When you level up inside of the tower, even if you get over the maximum level difference, you will NOT be kicked out! ^note: this might need some testing General Advice. Use the Nurse Joy NPC to heal often, 1 to 2 times per floor if needed. It only costs 1.5k and fully heals your party! Carry a LOT of Leppa Berry and Sitrus Berry. These items are insane in the tower: being able to heal 10 PP and 25% of your maximum HP is incredible inside. Carry a LOT of healing items THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THE ITEM RECYCLER NPC IN JOHTO. Do a lot of Dig Spots periodically, recycle the gems and items you find in them. Revives, Revival Herbs, Ethers, Max Ethers, Elixirs and Max Elixirs are often never used and just sit in your PC. DON’T BE AFRAID TO USE HEALING ITEMS! It is worth it. Defeat ALL THE TRAINERS IN THE FLOOR BEFORE MOVING ON! If the difference of levels in your party is too large, you might not be able to continue climbing up and might need to rearrange an entire party. Have 1 to 2 maximum pokemon that can oneshot almost everything in the tower. Remember that the LESS pokemon you carry, the MORE experience is gained. The experience that the extra pokemon would gain goes into your pokemon! Use OFFENSIVE pokemon to get through the tower trainers. DON’T use tanks. It is simply too time consuming and not worth it. Trainer’s pokemon are COMPLETELY RANDOMISED and just follow a specific type pattern per trainer. A trainer can have multiple of the same pokemon at different levels. Trainer’s pokemon have no items AND their moves are the last 4 moves they learn by level up. OPEN UP YOUR POKEDEX AND CHECK THEIR LAST 4 MOVES! For example, a level 40 Bulbasaur will have Seed Bomb, Synthesis, Worry Seed and Double-Edge. Check the sprite of each trainer before you fight them. THEY LITERALLY TELL YOU WHAT TYPE OF POKEMON THEY WILL USE! Use very strong offensive pokemon for it. These pokemon MUST HAVE GOOD MOVESETS. DO NOT USE STRONG OFFENSIVE POKEMON WITH BAD MOVESETS. For example, Moxie Gyarados is better than Sheer Force Kingler because Moxie gets access to Earthquake (beats Electric, Rock, Fire), Iron Head (beats Ice, Rock, Fairy), Waterfall (beats Fire, Ground, Rock), Crunch (beats Psychic, Ghost), but Kingler barely learns reliable moves aside from Earthquake and Water Type moves. If you insist however, just use pokemon with really high ATK or SPATK stats. Abuse your pokemon’s abilities: Some enemies have Sturdy, Cursed Body and other BS abilities that are really annoying. Pokemon with Moxie, Adaptability, Mold Breaker are amazing sweepers for the tower (Gyarados, Crawdaunt, Pinsir). If possible, the offensive pokemon you use should be EV trained, have a good nature and IVs and moveset. It should also be fast. If the pokemon you intend to use is NOT level 100, You can choose to use the LEND function from a separate account and lend yourself the pokemon. Once you have finished training your party, you can send back the sweeper to its original level and reuse it in the future. Using setup moves is risky but worth it. However, you will be constantly taking hits all the time and have to heal up additional times. Teach good moves to the pokemon you are leveling up via T M moves or level up moves AND equip them with good items! They can use Choice items to help you against specific trainers in the tower you might have difficulties against. Pokemon I personally recommend after 25 to 30 hours of testing Adamant Gyarados equipped with Gyaradosite, Moxie ability. You can use an Expert Belt if you don’t have the Megastone. < by far the best. Iron Head, Earthquake, Crunch, Waterfall. Adamant Beedrill equipped with Beedrillite, which will become Adaptability < very easy pokemon to hunt as a newbie and very easy megastone to obtain as a newbie. Poison Jab, X-Scissor, Drill Run, Throat Chop. Adamant Haxorus equipped with Expert Belt, Mold Breaker ability < a more expensive option. Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Poison Jab, Throat Chop. Other Mold Breaker, Adaptability and Moxie users such as Pinsir, Crawdaunt or Salamance are viable too. Credits to Leeluckya and other players for coming up with the Gyarados + Lend trade strat! Credits to myself for the rest lmao
    1 point
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